50 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. A little light humor:
    Dear Ma and Pa,
    I am well. Hope you are. Tell Brother Walt and Brother Elmer
    the Marine Corps beats working for old man Minch by a mile. Tell them to join up quick before all of the places are filled.
    I was restless at first because you got to stay in bed till
    nearly 6am but I am getting so I like to sleep late. Tell Walt and Elmer all you do before breakfast is smooth your cot, and shine some things. No hogs to slop, feed to pitch, mash to mix, wood to split, fire to lay. Practically no thing. Men got to shave but it is not so bad, there’ warm water.
    Breakfast is strong on trimmings like fruit juice, cereal, eggs, bacon, etc., but kind of weak on chops, potatoes, ham, steak, fried eggplant, pie, and other regular food, but tell Walt and Elmer can always sit by the two city boys that live on coffee. Their food plus yours holds you until noon when you get fed again. It’s no wonder these city boys can’t walk much.
    We go on “route marches,” which the platoon sergeant says
    are long walks to harden us. If he thinks so, it’s not my place to tell
    him different. A “route march” is about as far as to our mailbox at
    home. Then the city guys get sore feet and we all ride back in trucks.
    The country is nice but awful flat. The sergeant is
    like a school teacher. He nags a lot. The Captain is like the school
    board. Majors and colonels just ride around and frown. They don’t bother you none.
    This next will kill Walt and Elmer with laughing. I keep
    getting medals for shooting. I don’t know why. The bulls-eye is near as big as a chipmunk head and don’t move, and it ain’t shooting at you like the Higgett boys at home. All you got to do is lie there all comfortable and hit it. You don’t even load your own cartridges. They come in boxes.
    Then we have what they call hand-to-hand combat training. You get to wrestle with them city boys. I have to be real careful though, they break real easy. It ain’t like fighting with that ole bull at home.
    I’m about the best they got in this except for that Tug Jordan from over in Silver Lake. I only beat him once. He joined up the same time as me, but I’m only 5’6″ and 130 pounds and he’s 6’8″ and near 300 pounds dry.
    Be sure to tell Walt and Elmer to hurry and join before
    other fellers get onto this setup and come stampeding in.
    Your loving daughter,

  2. What did the libranos do with Canada’s Gold?
    In 1965 reserves stood at 1023 tons
    In 1973 it was 683 tons
    In 1993 a drop to 121 tons
    In 1998 77 tons
    Currently 3.4 tons or .2% of reserves
    Not content with the biggest boondoggles in Canadian history
    it looks they’ve raided the treasury as well.

  3. Fixing the Fence at 24 Sussex
    Three contractors are bidding to fix a broken fence at 24 Sussex.
    One from Alberta, another from Newfoundland and the third, Quebec.
    They go with a government official to examine the fence.
    The Albertan contractor takes out a tape measure and does some
    Measuring,then works some figures with a pencil. “Well,” he says, “I
    Figure the job will run about $900: $400 for materials, $400 for my
    Crew, and $100
    Profit for me.”
    The Newfie contractor also does some measuring and figuring, then
    Says,”I can do this job for $700: $300 for materials, $300 for my crew,
    And $100 profit for me.”
    The Quebec contractor doesn’t measure or figure, but leans over to
    The official and whispers, “$2,700.” The government official,
    Incredulous, says, “You didn’t even measure like the other guys! How did
    You come up with such a high figure?”
    The Quebec contractor whispers back, “$1,000 for me, $1,000 for you,
    And we hire the Newfie to fix the fence.”
    “Done!” replies the government official.

  4. CTV | Report suggests B.C.’s safe-injection site a failure
    VANCOUVER – A new study suggests a safe-drug-injection site in Vancouver that has been hailed by scientists as a success is really a failure. (national newswatch)
    Liberal MayDion pushes for Free Drug Failure: Your tax dollars for drug dealers.
    Macleans.ca – Canada – National | Insite under fire
    The UN complains Vancouver’s safe injection site violates its drug treaty … Stéphane Dion has promised that a Liberal government would expand the programs …

  5. The big news today is that in the other theatre in the same war- the theatre most Canadians don’t support because they don’t understnd that if America surrenders Iraq to al Qaeda one can expect al Qaeda soldiers to come streaming back to Afstan- ISF and American forces have killed Abu al Baghdadi. If al Masri is dead, that means the leaders of the Islamic State of Iraq and Al Qaeda in Iraq have been killed in the same week.
    Results of this long hard slog are beginning to show. The tide is turning.
    This is what happens if you stay until you complete the mission. Anbar is well on its way to being pacified. Diyala is next. As in Anbar, Diyala tribes are organizing against al Qaeda and the insurgency.

  6. The Most Reverend Al Gore, Internet creator and climate scientist, presents a chart showing Adam & Eve as the first humans. His glowball warming co-religionists say “WTF?”

  7. There are a few things that make me doubt the veracity of the original globe and mail report put out on the 23rd. How did this reporter get access to 30 detainees when no one else can. That is not explained. Also,one of the “detainees” was allegedly strung upside-down for eight DAYS.That has to be a world record. I don’t think anyone could survive that long.Kind of like saying you were held underwater for 3 hours till you confessed.

  8. al Baghdadi update: initial reports may not be accurate. Damn the fog of war in the age of the internet.
    Mea culpa?

  9. Michel Cormier is a Quebecois. Michel Cormier is a Canadian citizen. The two concepts live in the same person; a modus vivendi has been reached.
    This is the concept upon which PM Harper is building his coalition. The two founding peoples of Canada can live together in the bosom of one nation: Canada.
    The enemies of this unity are such as Liberal Hezbollah Coderre and “dirty laundry” Landry. These two embody the fasicst-communist worldview which they would impose on the Quebecois and Canada.
    Coincidence, or not: Which Quebec politician carries the “dirty laundry” albatross around his neck? None other than Bernard “Dirty” Landry, ex-leader of the Parti Quebecois.
    Coderre-Landry are clones. IMO, Coderre is a mole-provocateur for the PQ in the Liberal Party.
    Now, the people of Quebec have a choice of leaders/parties. Hockey has been used by Coderre-Landry, et al, in an attempt to divide the people of Canada.
    The sports writers cited below are followers of the Coderre-Landry cabal: rabid, ultra nationalists; fascists. Dangerous to Quebec and Canada. The people of Quebec are dealing with them.
    This, too, shall pass.
    This “dirty laundry” has failed. Michel Cormier and Peter Doan won this battle for a united Canada.
    Help the people of Quebec to be Canadians and Quebecois. Support PM Harper. To you in the West, an appeal: Stay united with PM Harper.
    PM Harper, Quebec, and a united Canada: Canada is the winner. Canada wins the cup; the world stands in awe and applauds. Hail to the Chief.
    Linesman says he, Doan ‘cleaned dirty laundry’
    Captain doesn’t Curse: Teammates […]
    “Peace, goodwill and it would have likely ended there if not for Mr. Coderre’s decision to hitch his re-election wagon to the controversy and a propensity among some Quebec hockey writers to see anti-French bias around every corner.” […]
    Montreal has largely left behind the language tensions of decades past, but some sportswriters have had a harder time letting go. They assail Saku Koivu, the Canadiens’ captain from Finland, for not learning French and criticize general manager Bob Gainey for not having enough Quebecers on the roster.
    “Dismissing Mr. Doan’s denials, some in the French press labelled him a racist. Rejean Tremblay of La Presse declared that prejudice is unacceptable in the NHL against anyone but francophones. “You can vomit on Quebecers without meeting any opposition,” he wrote on Dec. 22, 2005.” …-

  10. Breaking news!
    Biggest chop shop ever?
    Looks like the size of a sub division by google maps.
    A layer or two of brand new cars the size of a football field or larger just north of Montreal and all of them stolen.
    You don*t suppose the police in North Montreal may have brothers in the Mafia or Hells Angels?
    Photo = AutoBlog.com
    **parts. Some of the cars were brand-new, with zero miles on the odometer, and others were stacked one on top of another. Needless to say, the 39 year-old owner of the shifty operation has been detained, and jail time looks like a foregone conclusion due to the overwhelming amount of evidence.
    The Canadian police deserve a ton of credit for uncovering this operation, but we wonder why it took “years” to discover and investigate a scrap yard with 700 new cars and luxury SUVs that looks as if it could have been found by playing with Google Earth. The bottom picture is an aerial photo of the crime scene. Amazing!
    =========== AutoBlog.com [photo]
    Montreal police deserve credit?? My ass!
    Too many reports…they likely had no choice.= TG

  11. Apropos maz2 post,
    yesterday I received this email that is circulating from an Albertan Oil Fild Worker.
    It may be an old piece but I hadn’t seen it before, so here it is.
    It reads:
    Common sense –Taxes & Urine Test —
    “Like a lot of folks in this country, I have a job.
    I work, they pay me.
    I pay my taxes and the government distributes my taxes as they see fit.
    In order to get that paycheck, as an oilfield worker, I am required to pass a random urine test, with which I have no problem.
    What I do have a problem with is the distribution of my taxes to people, who don’t have to pass a urine test.
    Shouldn’t one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check?
    Because I have to pass one to earn it for them.
    Please understand, I have no problem with helping people get back on their feet.
    I do, on the other hand, have a problem with helping someone sit on their butt, drink alcohol, take drugs and regularly get stoned out of their minds.
    Could you imagine how much money the province would save if people had to pass a urine test to get a public assistance check?”

  12. Joe Molnar:
    Good one. Very good.
    But could you imagine the whining about how a urine test is such a horrid violation of a welfare receipients Human Rights?
    (rolls eyes, shakes head…)

  13. I would like to see the whole team quit! Then what would these jerks in Ottawa do or say to fix the “problem”? Harper is between a rock and a hard place on this one. Maybe he should come home to the west and lead us out of this ridiculous country. I would welcome it.

  14. Protect Bigfoot as species at risk: MP
    News Services
    Published: Thursday, May 03, 2007
    OTTAWA — The sasquatch, the legendary hairy man-like beast said to roam the wilderness of B.C. and other parts of North America, should be protected as an endangered species, says MP Mike Lake.
    He wants the sasquatch — a.k.a. Bigfoot — to be protected under Canada’s Species at Risk Act.
    A petition to the House of Commons, signed by almost 500 of Lake’s constituents in Edmonton and due for debate next week, asks the government “to establish immediate, comprehensive legislation to effect immediate protection of Bigfoot.”
    A similar appeal has been made to the U.S. Congress.
    Bigfoot researcher Todd Standing, who was behind the petition, claims to have proof of the sasquatch’s existence and says he fears for its safety.
    Sasquatch, glowball warming: both imaginary thingies.

  15. One thing I have not been hearing much about lately is earth’s collapsing magnetic field. It is down by 10% over the last 100 years and in some spots it is down by close to 50%. Are we seeing the reversal of our magnetic sheild? A sheild that protects us from all sorts of high energy stuff from the sun?
    It seems that ozone is depleted when the sheild is weakened. Could this be why Ozone depletion occures?
    With more energy getting past our sheild is it causing the surface of the oceans to warm? Thus melting more sea ice? Especially beneath the south atlantic magnetic anomally. ( big hole in our sheild)

  16. sooo…. M. Arar has made the top 100 most influential people accorded by Time Magazine (Ottawa Citizen, Thurs). Influential, notorious, whatever – I guess $12M can’t do anything but help.

  17. Wow – the entire country in an uproar so that Denis Coderre can be appeased. Guess his lawsuit needs a boost. I questioned the CPC voting to have hockey representatives appear, then realized we are just waiting for a smackdown of gigantic proportions. I have no doubt in my mind that PMSH has something up his sleeve.

  18. Finnish Blogger Mikko Ellil Being Threatened under Hate Crimes Provisions!
    This is for speaking the TRUTH about Islam.
    The Gates of Vienna has details and info on how to protest!
    War on Truth!
    Details at The Gates of Vienna

  19. Trivia . . What is Montreal*s secondary industry?
    Stolen cars uncovered at auto-parts company
    Montreal Gazette
    Published: Monday, December 04, 2006
    The owner of a Laval used-auto-parts business is facing criminal charges after police discovered 70 stolen vehicles on his property.
    Claude Beaulieu, 47, was charged Friday with theft and possession of stolen goods after officers stumbled upon the cars while verifying whether his business permit was valid.
    Police find cache of stolen cars
    Chomedey garage. Raid leads to seizure of 15 luxury vehicles
    ANNE SUTHERLAND, The Gazette
    Published: Friday, March 16, 2007
    Jocelyne Sabourin drove her bronze Nissan Murano SUV home from her job as a waitress in Laval’s industrial park on Feb. 21. That night, the vehicle was stolen.
    Yesterday, Laval police raided a garage in a litter-strewn commercial mall on Bergman St. in the city’s Chomedey district and found 15 luxury sports utility vehicles. One of those is believed to be Sabourin’s.
    Stolen cars discovered in Laval lot
    Paul Cherry, The Gazette
    Published: Wednesday, May 02, 2007
    The Laval police expect to spend the next few days inspecting hundreds of vehicles as they continue to investigate an alleged stolen car parts ring they believe to be the biggest ever uncovered in Canada.
    The owner of the used car parts lot, Nasser Mahmoud Aoude, 39, of St. Eustache, appeared in Quebec court Wednesday afternoon. He faces five charges in all
    =================== Montreal Gazette
    Any car bargains in Montreal, St. Eustache, Laval Que? = TG

  20. Call me a racist, jumping to conclusions but. .
    ** The owner of the stolen used car parts lot, Nasser Mahmoud Aoude, . . [Canada*s biggest]
    A local hotel complex was closed down owing suppliers far and wide. The people who scooted with the profits had a similar ethnic name.
    One tends to wonder if the funds are headed mosqueward and then on to those fun guys who like to fly planes into buildings for kicks. = TG

  21. Wells devastates Elizabeth May on his blog, at first without really trying…then he tries harder. Must read.

  22. Watching the reports on the hearing re Doan. The cbc is saying a lineman swore on an affidavit, the word affidavit being repeated, obtained by Codere for his counter lawsuit, is supposed to be taken at face value doan is quilty. When have liberals been honest, and how many people have filed false affidavits. Funny codere hasn’t any stmts filed by some bigshot in the hezzie movement. QP should be interesting today and I wonder if the PM or O’Connor will ask Bill Graham or Paul Martin to answer questions re the detainnee problem. It appears this is another example of lib wrongdoing.

  23. To paraphrase Jeancula-Paul Jr., da Ad$cam Mens along with Brian:
    Da judges, our bought judges, is da proof$$$$$$$$$$$.
    Which parties were in power? The Red Tories-the LiberalLibrano$.
    Ergo, da law is my saviour. The profits follow.
    Yes, the wicked do prosper.
    GUELPH, Ont. — A University of Guelph study of judicial appointments appears to confirm what many critics have long argued — politics does have an influence.
    A study of 978 judicial appointments between 1988 and 2003 found at least 30 per cent of judges appointed during the Brian Mulroney and Jean Chretien years made donations to the political party in power. (national newswatch)

  24. First, I am told that certain members of parliament want to hold an inquiry in a non-existent slur that was not uttered by a hockey player.
    I am now being told that a certain MP is introducing a bill that would place a non-existent creature on the endangered species list.
    Is this what we pay our taxes for???

  25. See article at cbc ..CBC Defends it’s objectivity before Heritage Committee..in the Arts/entertainment section.

  26. Linked at Bourque with the headline: DR. FARHAN CHAK, I PRESUME?
    Bourque knows the story of Stanley-Livingstone meeting in Africa?
    Hows about Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness”?
    Mistah Chak – he dead. The horror.
    Professors Dion-STOPIGGY are burning their papers; smell the fumes.
    Farhan Chak’s doctorate degree in question
    Farhan Mujahid Chak has some problems on his hands. As the Liberal Party candidate for a riding in Alberta, he has been in the news dealing with the fallout of extreme-sounding writings of his, and serious firearms-related criminal charges that he seems to have not disclosed to the Liberal Party.
    I’m going to add a new one to this list. His doctorate from the University of Durham? No such thing….-

  27. It’s a promise; this is the last post on the bs about GW, CC, the weather. (Until the next)
    But, if you care, let moi indulgence you … read the conclusion: You are the culprit, youse humans and your cows. Feel guilty yet? Want more? OK. … Youse gonna die; CO2’s gonna get youse.
    Find the fear word: fear.
    Planet ’emergency’ 55 million years ago was global warming: study
    AFP ^ | 04/26/07
    Cataclysmic volcanic eruptions in Greenland and the British Isles brought on a destructive bout of global warming 55 million years ago, an international study revealed Thursday. The eruptions also separated Greenland from Europe by giving birth to the North Atlantic Ocean, said the study in the April 26 issue of Science. The findings are important 55 million years after the fact, because the volcanic activity released large amounts of methane and carbon dioxide and warmer temperatures followed — just as scientists warn is happening today. And the release of these so-called greenhouse gases had the effect scientists today fear, of…-

  28. US gas shock.. from $3 to $3.50 gallon?
    Still looks cheap to Canadians.
    **According to a study 40mpg released yesterday, those 72 percent think prices will get to $3.50 this summer, and 28 percent think it’ll reach $4 a gallon. What’s the reason for the increase? People think (well, 82 percent of survey respondents anyway) that there’s a lot of price gouging going on (I wonder why).**
    ======== AutoBlogGreen.com / 40MPG.org
    Let me speculate why..
    Thinking like Chevron or Exxon. .
    Who wants to in invest 8 to 10 Billion$ in a new refinery when the public is discovering gas miser hybrids and NO-Gas EVs?
    Majority shareholder Mr. Burns says to Bart Simpson..
    **What we do here Bart, is to get the sheeples to pay for our new refinery up front. No point dipping into our own supluses. We only have a two year window to pull it off.**
    Ahaa so. = TG

  29. US gas shock.. from $3 to $3.50 gallon?
    Still looks cheap to Canadians.
    **According to a study 40mpg released yesterday, those 72 percent think prices will get to $3.50 this summer, and 28 percent think it’ll reach $4 a gallon. What’s the reason for the increase? People think (well, 82 percent of survey respondents anyway) that there’s a lot of price gouging going on (I wonder why).**
    ======== AutoBlogGreen.com / 40MPG.org
    Let me speculate why..
    Thinking like Chevron or Exxon. .
    Who wants to in invest 8 to 10 Billion$ in a new refinery when the public is discovering gas miser hybrids and NO-Gas EVs?
    Majority shareholder Mr. Burns says to Bart Simpson..
    **What we do here Bart, is to get the sheeples to pay for our new refinery up front. No point dipping into our own surpluses. We only have a two year window to pull it off.**
    Ahaa so. = TG

  30. There is no shortage of oil in the ground, but there is a bottleneck at the Iranian straights of Hormuz and refinery capacity.
    So gas supply security IS dangling by a thread.
    Forgotten about the dry gas pumps in the 70s?
    Ready to sit in your car listening to the radio for a gas station that has fuel for sale?
    You have to love former auto exec Lee Iacocca. From his new book, here’s the Iacocca rave-out bouncing around the Web right now:
    **Am I the only guy in this country who’s fed up with what’s happening? Where the hell is our outrage? We should be screaming bloody murder.
    We’ve got a gang of clueless bozos steering our ship of state right over a cliff, we’ve got corporate gangsters stealing us blind, and we can*t even clean up after a hurricane much less build a hybrid car. But instead of getting mad, everyone sits around and nods their heads when the politicians say, *Stay the course.*
    Stay the course? You’ve got to be kidding. This is America, not the damned Titanic. I’ll give you a sound bite: Throw the bums out!** …
    ============ 40MPG.org
    So there*s Lee and me, what about you?= TG

  31. CBC defends its objectivity before heritage committee
    “I don’t believe CBC is more leftist than any other news organization,” Renaud Gilbert said.
    But he said that CBC journalists often have different attitudes toward their work than journalists at private news organizations.
    Since most media is leftist this means that the CBC being leftist is okay!
    Objective. I think not.

  32. Grim Milestone: 2,000 Terror Suspects in UK
    Grim. Ominous, even. The latest word from the UK’s MI5 intelligence is that at least 2,000 British Muslims are actively supporting Al Qaeda, with direct links to jihad groups and training camps in Pakistan. …-

  33. Geoff.”Freedom of the press is a cornerstone of our society ,(cbc journalistic standards and practices).This freedonm is more than just the freedom to print. It is also the freedom of a media organization to cover the topics it chooses with the people it chooses,commonly known as editorial freedom.” This comes from the cbc ombudsman.So when you turn on the tube and see a show on the enviroment and the cbc has suzuki,may and the sierra club sheeting on the conservatives,well that is commonly known as “editorial freedom”,cbc style.

  34. Commenters here and on other blogs continually ask this question:
    Polls show Liberal support bottoms at 30% and holds. Why is this when the Liberals are bottom-feeding scumbag thieves, vultures, socialists, etc?
    Enter Hayek:
    Friedrich Hayek argued that one of the most important effects of extensive government control was psychological: “an alteration of the character of the people”… more»
    (arts and letters daily)…-
    Hayek & the intellectuals
    “We are the creatures as well as the creators of the institutions we inhabit. “The important point,” he concluded, “is …” …-

  35. More on the poison from the poisoned brains of the Eggheads; think Dion, Ignatieff, et al.
    Stuck on Stupid is not an hypothesis. It is a mind warp.
    The moral? Speak out. Think for yourself. Ask questions; demand answers. Speak out. Speaking is a human trait; silence is the grave.
    Anti-anti Barbarism
    Bruce Kesler at the Democracy Project has a long essay on how academia has systematically failed to provide an ethical basis for life in a world where technology, mobility and free markets have allowed the individual to attain a greater measure of autonomy than ever before. At the precise moment when each person required an inner compass to guide him through his environment, his elders have pointed him in all directions.
    But rather than resulting in a world of reasoned discourse between different moral points of view, the systematic teaching of moral relativism in the classroom resulted in its precise opposite: a culture of uncritical conformity in the guise of political correctness whose members, unprepared to think for themselves became fair game to any cult leader or demagogue who card to take advantage of the milling flock of sheep. Quoting Maimon Schwarzchild, law professor at Catholic San Diego University, Kesler writes: …-

  36. Maz2,
    Exactly, Sheeples attending Al Goresky snake oil show.
    No independent thoughts or analysis. How gullable they seem. = TG

  37. As reported by Father Benedict Groeschel, Franciscans of the Renewal, NYC and Ph.D. Psychiatrist from Columbia University, as well as contributor to EWTN (Eternal Word Television Network), there have been more physical healings recorded through the sanctity of a humble priest in Detroit, Michigan than from the “WATERS OF LOURDES.
    The healings are attributed to a humble priest by the name of FATHER SOLANUS CASEY whose body is interred at St. Bonaventure Church, Detroit, Michigan. His body was exhumed from the gravesite nearby due to the inconvenience of visitors having to visit the gravesite in inclement, harsh winter weather conditions in Detroit. On exhumation, authorities found his body remained “incorrupt” after approx. thirty years. His light blue eyes were as fresh to appearance as when he was alive. The body is now interred in the church for easy access to visitors.
    His story is similar in humility to Brother Andre Bissonet’s of Montreal, Quebec. And reports of all kinds of healings, emotional, spiritual and physical are being recorded including one of a small blind child being healed who reported to his parents he could see traffic lights.
    I thought wide exposure at the SDA site would encourage and be of interest to many people.
    If you google his name, you’ll discover websites providing you his bio and history along with directions to the church in Detroit.
    Father Groeschel knew him personally as an young novitiate and has testified to witnessing Father Casey in a prayerful state of ecstacy, oblivious to his surroundings in the midnight hours of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.
    Father Groeschel was documented as being clinically dead for 27 minutes following a car accident, then was restored to life. He’s a gifted scholar, full of humour and has dedicated his life to the poor of NYC all his live. He was a personal friend of Mother Teresa of Calcutta.
    I thought many Christians and all believers in the renewal of human life might benefit from this report. I thank SDA for providing a forum where we can report to many thousands of readers. God Bless us as we respect the Venerable Father Solanus Casey, a proven treasure of Grace right here on our own continent.
