Y2Kyoto: What do they find when the ice sheets retreat, in the Alps?”

Q: Could you rank the things that have the most significant impact and where would you put carbon dioxide on the list?
A: Well let me give you one fact first. In the first 30 feet of the atmosphere, on the average, outward radiation from the Earth, which is what CO2 is supposed to affect, how much [of the reflected energy] is absorbed by water vapor? In the first 30 feet, 80 percent, okay?
Q: Eighty percent of the heat radiated back from the surface is absorbed in the first 30 feet by water vapor…
A: And how much is absorbed by carbon dioxide? Eight hundredths of one percent. One one-thousandth as important as water vapor. You can go outside and spit and have the same effect as doubling carbon dioxide.

Reid A. Bryson climate change denier and “Emeritus Professor and founding chairman of the University of Wisconsin Department of Meteorology—now the Department of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences… the first director of what’s now the UW’s Gaylord Nelson Institute of Environmental Studies … identified by the British Institute of Geographers as the most frequently cited climatologist in the world.

42 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: What do they find when the ice sheets retreat, in the Alps?””

  1. I am, and will remain, more interested in reducing my economic footprint than my environmental one.
    Now if you don’t mind, I have to go outside and spit.

  2. Really Zip, you want to get poorer?
    I want to increase my econo0mic footprint.

  3. Posted by: Wimpy Canadian “Really Zip, you want to get poorer?
    I want to increase my econo0mic footprint.”
    To me an economic footprint is the money I am forced to spend in order to satisfy the basic physiological, safety and social needs of me and my family.

  4. ohhhhh evil denier!!
    Stupid men like this are screwing up a good collective tantrum…it’s not the science stupid!!!…it’s the collective emotional outlet that’s needed by bored emotional urban moonbats!
    Liberals are emotional things that need a good bout of hysteria every so often…we haven’t had a good outlet until George Bush, the war and GW dropped right in our laps!..We have a good fear-mongering, irrational emotional political vortex going in which lib-dip feelers thrive…

  5. Could this Y2K BS simply be a quarrel between competing religions ? Calif motel, bible, AIT. in the drawer. Crazy. The science is settled. Y2K is a fraud. Hear that MSM ?

  6. Look for Reid A. Bryson to soon be personally smeared by the AGW stormtroopers. He’ll be exposed to be gay, a pedophile, a tax cheat, a conservative, and a Christian.

  7. Tom: “He’ll be exposed to be gay, a pedophile, a tax cheat, a conservative, and a Christian.”
    I thought being a gay or a gay pedophile was trendy in the moonbat cults?

  8. If Gorewarm energy and co2 debate were channeled into clean coal tech for India via foreign aid, a trend towards a cleaner atmosphere will have begun.
    Naw, borrring. Let*s have another Montreal style enviro-summit on padded govt. expense accounts in a city like Maui or Las Vegas where the night life is as good as Montreal*s.= TG

  9. ” identified by the British Institute of Geographers as the most frequently cited climatologist in the world.”
    B…b…but he’s not Al Gore!!

  10. Radical enviromentalists will scream bloody murder that there are too many people on the earth and we need to depopulate the earth then what we do is start with the eco-freaks start by having them all euthinised and we start with over populatinist wacko PAUL EHRLICH and others of thier wacky kind

  11. Your right smash’em,he’s not Al Gore.Now you know why they didnt impeach Clinton.

  12. Oh come on people! How can anyone take the word of one of the fathers climatology, especially over that of a fruit fly geneticist. Use your heads!

  13. I did, and I found out that I am smarter than fruitfly guy. Where we are dumb is to allow that sorry excuse of a scientist live off of the proceeds of his addiction, money. Donated willingly by dupes who belieeeeeeeve his evangelical message of doom. There should be a law against it.

  14. Careful Kate. You will the chicken littles campaigning to outlaw yet another substance vital to life on the planet. Wonder how they would spin getting rid of water?

  15. A Renaissance man is cited as a ‘climatological heretic’.
    Climate apostate questions the “Goracle”.
    Water vapour blows off steam, Extra Extra read all about it!
    So the conclusion then is, if we have an upper atmosphere nuclear explosion this would make a nice large hole in the upper protective canopy by making water vapour disappear and hence streams of cosmic radiation would descend to earth ‘gently warming the planet like a parboiled egg’.
    Hence upper atmosphere nuclear explosions are a more significant danger than CO2, and this will truly be the cause of anthropogenic global warming. It won’t have anything to do with CO2, but a lot to do with how nukes are managed or mismanaged.
    In which case you better have your 10 million SPF skin lotion handy and start praying.
    Now where is my Illudim PU-36 Explosive Space Modulator?
    Now that we have “SAVED THE PLANET” what do we do for and encore?
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht BGS, PDP, CFP
    Commander in Chief
    Frankenstein Battalion
    Knecht Rupprecht Division
    Hans Corps
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  16. And interesting thought from the minds of some stupid engineers.
    If water vapour is the main GHG what’s going to happen when we build a stink load more nuclear power plants because they don’t emit CO2? Nuclear power, as well as the other types of thermal power generation, produce a hell of a lot of steam. They are going to put ALOT of water vapour into the atmosphere.

  17. Reid:
    That means we can reverse the process of desertification in the Sahara. Date palms anyone?
    I think we should plant a few more cedars in Lebanon.
    Gee more water vapour means more drinking water for the thirsty. What a concept?

  18. More water vapor. More clouds. More clouds. Less sunlight. Less sunlight, less heating. Less heating, less water vapor. Less water vapor, fewer clouds. Fewer clouds, more heating. More heating, more water vapor….

  19. Al gore: A fat,beefeating,southern white male American politician.
    Why do the left worship this guy?? WTF??
    Someone explain it to me.

  20. Bob, they believe in Al Gore because he has presented a “cause” for the secular, and turned it into a religion, whether purposely, or by accident, result’s the same.
    But his best qualification is that he HATES, or is seen to HATE, George W. Bush, just like all the other left wing dupes, who can’t imagine that an enemy of the man they hate, is NOT their friend, and saviour.

  21. Brilliant, shaken, absolutely brilliant.
    But you must be wrong, because science has come to a consensus, and that consensus is that we can tinker with the atmosphere and control the weather!
    Therefore, I’m sad to say, you are incorrect in your sequence of events. It should read:
    “More water vapor. More clouds. More clouds. [Scientific consensus, celebrity endorsements]… everything is perfect.

  22. “Nuclear power, as well as the other types of thermal power generation, produce a hell of a lot of steam. They are going to put ALOT of water vapour into the atmosphere.”
    Reid I hope you’re joking but I bet you’re just a reflection of the state of science “education” these days.
    Steam power plants are closed cycles. The steam is condensed back to liquid water after going through the turbines and reused. They aren’t like old fashioned choo choo trains puffing along the tracks. The left over waste heat at the end of the cycle is dumped into cooling ponds or cooling towers which sometimes billow out a relatively small amount of water vapour.

  23. For all the Gores, Suzukis, Sterns, Prince Charles’ et al, who insist that actions of mankind can reverse the “apocalytic global warming” they claim is taking place, I would like to see their answer for what is to be done should they overachieve their goal and send the world in to catastrophic global cooling. In my mind that is a climate event that is far more likely to happen naturally, with far more serious consequences to the eaths population, without mankind’s help, than dangerous global warming.

  24. Cal. That post was sarcastic. However you are mistaken as to how “closed” thermal plants are. I can tell you from personal experience working at them that they all have “cooling ponds.” Do you sweat? The process of evapouration removes heat energy, hence the cooling effect. So the warmer water in the cooling ponds evapourates more water than ambient temperature water would.

  25. lets send this eco-maniac PAUL WATSON to the wilds of ALASKA and let the wolves get a crack at him

  26. This quote from the CBC story was particularly idiotic:
    “A reactor to generate steam is not the principal purpose of a nuclear reactor. It’s for electrical energy. It’s a very expensive source of steam.”
    What does he think generates the electricity?

  27. I’m surprised that no-one has commented on the human structures that are emerging from beneath the ice as European glaciars retreat. Here is ready made proof that global warming will not produce the doomsday scenario that Al Bore and Dr. Fruitfly are preaching. All of the AGW fanatics are going on about how glaciars have been stable until we came along with our SUV’s and now they’re retreating. Considering that we’re coming out of the little ice age, not at all surprising. I’m sure there has been nothing in the MSM about this and these findings need all the publicity they can get.

  28. loki, it never was going to. I mean, 55 million years ago we didn’t even have ice caps! (maybe a small part in the Antarctic but the Arctic was completely ice free with 20C water). I believe that the last mass extinction was 65 million years ago, not 55. Somehow everything managed to get by. During the Medieval Warm Period we had temperatures 1-4 degrees higher in the Northern Hemisphere and somehow the Polar Bears managed to survive…

  29. Ethanol requires 3 gallons of water to produce 1 gallon of fuel more GHG.
    All gore and suzy should ban black cars, clothes, highways, all all things black that absorb heat rather than reflect it

  30. Great analogy – go outside and spit!
    Better than Gorezuki who are pi$$ing against the wind.

  31. One of the most important things you can read are Mr. Bryson’s words to the effect that “In the first 30 feet of the atmosphere, on the average, outward radiation from the Earth, which is what CO2 is supposed to affect, how much [of the reflected energy] is absorbed by water vapor? In the first 30 feet, 80 percent, okay? And how much is absorbed by carbon dioxide? Eight hundredths of one percent. One one-thousandth as important as water vapor. You can go outside and spit and have the same effect as doubling carbon dioxide.”
    You can read more on why this is so at https://www.smalldeadanimals.com/archives/005944.html#c154173
    Man-made atmospheric CO2 vapor doesn’t matter. Other things may or may not.
    Meanwhile, so-called “carbon” trading schemes are nothing more than one of the single greatest frauds perpetrated in our life-times.

  32. Isn’t that interesting, especially considering the he points out in the article that Bryson co-authored with Wayne M. Wendland,
    “Atmospheric Dustiness, Man, and Climatic Change”
    Biological Conservation, Vol. 2, No. 2, January 1970–~ Elsevier Publishing Company Ltd, England
    that human emitted CO2 is a major contributor to global warming. Even in 1970 he points out that the problem of global warming would be much worse if it were not for fine particulate matter in the atmosphere, a phenomena today called global dimming.
    In the Wisconsin Energy Cooperative News article it states-
    “All this argument is the temperature going up or not, it’s absurd,” Bryson continues. “Of course it’s going up. It has gone up since the early 1800s, before the Industrial Revolution, because we’re coming out of the Little Ice Age, not because we’re putting more carbon dioxide into the air.”
    However Reid published that the warming from the Little Ice Age continued until 1947
    when the temperature began to reduce until the beginning of the 1970s.
    The only thing we can surmise is that the Wisconsin Energy Cooperative News May 2007 is cherry picking information from the interview with Reid.

  33. Keep AL GORE out of the alps or the ice and glacers will be ruined by gores HOT AIR

  34. Actually the steam in a thermal power plant is recycled in a closed circuit. The cooling ponds and cooling towers are to cool the water from condensers.
    On one side of the turbine the superheated steam is pushed through the turbine and on the other it is sucked away from the turbine due to the some serious cooling of the superheated steam in the condensers.
    Just thought you might want to know.

  35. Spitting.. HOW GROSS!!
    Now quaffing a couple of bears and, well… “watering” some handy plants, now THAT will improve the climate… change..er..whatever….
    uhhhh, no more form, I gotta drive.

  36. ..bears beers you get the picture…..sheesh that was simple enough, and I still screwed it up…

  37. From Vitruvius:
    “You can read more on why this is so at https://www.smalldeadanimals.com/archives/005944.html#c154173
    Man-made atmospheric CO2 vapor doesn’t matter. Other things may or may not.”
    With all due respect this ‘saturation’ business is not clear-cut science. If you say 20 ppm of CO2 causes 100% of its greenhouse effect, and adding more has no additional effect, then, how do you explain planet Venus? Its atmosphere is 97% CO2 and the greenhouse warming is more than 400 degrees.
    The debate about climate change has degenerated into a shouting match between ‘environmentalists’ on one side and cornucopians on the other. A pox on both sides. I have no respect for self-promoting hacks like Gore, alarmists like Suzuki, but the ‘skeptics’ are no better IMHO.
    I fail to see why so many scientists would fabricate a phony climate crisis. If it is to secure research funds, they’d be far better off being AGW deniers. Who has the deepest pockets, universities/research institutes, or the big oil companies? The IPCC scientists may be wrong in their conclusions, but to say they are dishonest is an unwarranted smear.
    With that said I am not convinced either side is right or wrong. We have only 100 years of reliable data.
    In any event the whole issue is a moot point. Even if AGW is real, its main source, fossil fuels, is finite. We’ll be done burning most of it this century.

  38. From Vitruvius:
    “Meanwhile, so-called “carbon” trading schemes are nothing more than one of the single greatest frauds perpetrated in our life-times.”
    What you said.
    What Kyoto supporters fail to see is that it will do NOTHING to reduce GWG emissions.
    China, which is exempt from Kyoto guidelines, is building/planning 600 coal-fired electricity generation plants. They commission them at a rate of one every 5 days. That’s carbon galore for you.
