13 Replies to “PORK”

  1. Surprised? We in the West have been taught a secular commandment, particularly in regard to other cultures: If we offend it is because we are being offensive. If we are offended, it is because we are ignorant and lack empathy.

  2. The Toronto Transit Commission was running a campaign recently to reduce littering in the subway.
    The campaign consisted of a series of ads where the litterer, wearing a pig’s head, offended other riders with his messy ways.
    Haven’t seen that campaign recently – maybe it ran its course – but it did cross my mind that there would probably be complaints about the use of a pig.

  3. It’s so typical, typical of the primitive boorishness of Islam, typical of the squeamish western lefties that now carry water for them.

  4. Jeez MM, that’s an insult to all pigs everywhere.
    Where’s PETA when you need them?

  5. One of the most effective tools in dealing with Islam is ridicule. And Islam is rich with things to ridicule. Visit wikiislam.com and you’ll see what I mean. It drives them crazy. But more importantly it forces examination of their ridiculous idealogy. As long as no apologies are offered.
    The second weapon is to ignore them. Given the media coverage of obviously staged Muslim outrage protests (rage boy, for example) – passive jihad, including media jihad is something they haven’t figured out yet.

  6. Well, somebody has to do it, so it may as well be me. According to http://www.acronymattic.com the acronym SIRA has the following associations:
    Salem Integrated Readiness Assessment
    Satellite Internet for Remote Areas
    Schedule Independent Register Allocation
    Scientific Instruments Research Association
    Scotland Island Residents Association
    Search and Information Resources Administration
    Security Industry Regulatory Authority
    Seed Import Release Agent
    Selective Imidazoline Receptor Agonists
    Sendai International Relations Association
    Sentral Informasi Referendum Aceh
    Shipping Industry Reform Authority
    Shuttle Imaging Radar
    Silkwood International Reiki Association
    Snipe International Racing Association
    Solar Imaging Radio Array
    Solomon Islands Rehabilitation Authority
    Southeast Idaho Recreation Alliance
    Southern Indiana Racing Association
    Southern Indiana Radiological Associates
    Southern Indiana Realtors Association
    Southern Intercollegiate Rowing Association
    Southwest Iowa Regional
    Springfield Independent Restaurant Association
    Stable Isotope Ratio Analyses
    Staten Island Recreation Association
    Statistical Inventory Reconciliation Analysis
    Storage and Interstate Release Agreement
    Strategic Information Resource Architects
    Strategic Intermodal Research Agenda
    Student Intern and Resident Affairs
    Student International Reading Association
    Susceptible Intermediate Resistant
    Swedish Interactive Research Association
    Swedish Investor Relations Association

  7. Jews don’t eat pork and good christians aren’t supposed to either. read your bible. Pork is concidered unclean not unhealthy. If you had nothing else to eat you would declare another food unclean. They had goats and sheep to eat. Mutton is high in fat. It’s all dogma and a crock as far I’m concerned.
