“The cancerous growth Israel will soon disappear.”

And other enchanting quotes of the past ten days.
More – Because the Palestinians love their children, too.

Palestinian children gathered for an exhibition that depicts Israel burning children in a crematorium. Young children are seen standing beside dolls being placed into a model of a cremation oven. According to the article in Al Ayyam (March 20, 2008), “The National Committee for defense of Children from the Holocaust opened its activities with a Holocaust exhibit. The Exhibit include a large oven and inside it small children are being burned, the picture speaks for itself.”


18 Replies to ““The cancerous growth Israel will soon disappear.””

  1. Wonder what would happen if nuclear energy met the Iranian desert? Seems only fair to many, I suggest.

  2. I’m wondering if those quotes were all from the event mentioned, or if they are from various public addresses.
    Original Source info would be helpful to determine reliability of alleged (perhaps accurate) statements.

  3. I wonder how this stuff goes un-noticed too.
    Fascists…er…liberals in the media, perhaps?

  4. No, no! It’s not the peace-loving, devout Iranian Mullahs who threaten world peace. It’s the Evil BusHitler who’s the menace to world peace!
    (And if you believe the above, there is a Tooth Fairy; and there is a Santa Claus; and Multi-Culturism is good; and Islam is a Religion of Peace; and Muhammed was inspired by God, he wasn’t just a 7th century desert brigand nutjob…)

  5. Soft racism — we hold non-western nations, peoples, and cultures to far lower standards of behaviour.
    At the same time, we hold ourselves to impossibly high standards.
    Muslims criticize the Pope for peacefully baptizing a Muslim convert — and the western media dutifully publishes the Muslim whining.
    Meanwhile, when Muslims shot and killed a nun a while back over the Danish photos, the West bent over backwards to downplay this wretched behaviour.

  6. There’s no Santa Claus?
    And I’ve been nice instead of naughty for how many years?
    That’s it, I’m toilet papering a house tonight.

  7. There is a quote from Alan Dershowitz’s book ‘The Case for Israel’ that is all too true.
    “Israel truly is ‘the Jew amongst nations’ – guilty of everything, defended from nothing, left to die alone.”
    IMHO, Israel WILL be “left to die alone”, which I’m sure people like those who have made these comments are relying on. After each outrageous statement, they are able to read the response of other nations: SILENCE.

  8. Unfortunately, the majority of people on the left believe it is all talk. For some reason they believe that their own thoughts are shared by most of the world, and things like the holocaust are confined to a history where people weren’t enlightened like they are now. Fools….

  9. This is the precursor to another World War because we have allowed it to fester.
    Somewhere, sometime one of these maniacs is going to trigger an awful act that will plunge us all into the reality that we do have deadly enemies and Israel’s enemies are ours as well.
    Did we not learn from the lethargy and shrugged disinterest prevalent before WW11?
    I suppose not because we seem to be repeating history. Surely we learned from that awful war that we cannot suffer tyrants.
    I hope Bush does something about Iran before he leaves office. God knows nobody else will, Democrat or Republican once he leaves office.

  10. How pathetic.
    And to think that there are countless liberal Jews in Canada, the US and even in Israel who are pacifist and buy into the Liberal left’s idea that these Muslim pigs can be negotiated with. That is not to mention the hordes of lefties that think we are the bad guys and the Muslims are rightfully aggrieved.

  11. I suspect Muhammad Ali Jafari, leader of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards – will “disappear” first.

  12. It has occured to me that in reality, Iran’s aggressive intent towards Israel is pretty much accepted. Universally, in day to day conversation, nobody I speak with refers to Iran’s belicose rhetoric as hot air. I submit that it is generally understood that Iran will eventually act.
    And there lies the problem. The consequences of Iran acting with intent of “wiping Israel off the map” are beyond contemplation for many. Hence the denial – the issue is ignored.
    In other words, it is not a question of truth, it is a question of the enormity of that truth.

  13. Pretty sad state of affairs, No? I just hope that when the time comes to stand up against those who live for the destruction of Israel, the spineless will stand out of the way and let those with guts do what has to be done.
    The Left has much derision for GWB’s words that say “you are either with us or against us” The truth of that will come to bear on all leftards.

  14. The more things change the more they stay the same.
    Same schtick, different century.
    All the same clap trap, until a mushroom cloud appears over a large city and then the political classes will discover:
    “Well good golly gee, I think we have a problem.”
    Now where did I put my 10 million SPF skin lotion?
    Oh the web page missed the all time favorite:
    “Like it or not, the Zionist regime is heading toward annihilation,” Ahmadinejad said. “The Zionist regime is a rotten, dried tree that will be eliminated by one storm,” he said.
    Maybe we can send CHRC Stormfront watchers for a few video clips in the Middle East. I’m sure the CHRC types will find the Ahmadinejad followers a tad more convincing than the bathroom posters found in Canada.
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht BGS, PDP, CFP
    Commander in Chief
    Frankenstein Battalion
    2nd Squadron: Ulanen-(Lancers) Regiment Großherzog Friedrich von Baden(Rheinisches) Nr.7(Saarbrucken)
    Knecht Rupprecht Division
    Hans Corps
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  15. Maybe the USA is waiting for Iran to attack Israel…..
    Then they could retaliate.
    And for real, not just pussy footing around. Carpet bomb the freaking place and let that stand as an example of what happens if you mess with them.
    Or they will screw it up and every other 2bit nation will continue to terrorize and make the world a WW3 waiting to happen.

  16. Sounds pretty serious to me! I’d get that Canadian guy, who hangs out in bathroom stalls, working on this one! BWWWAHAHAHAAA!!!!

  17. Islam is such a lovely peaceful religion, I’m sure those quotes are typos. Ha, haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, I tried but thinking like a liberal made me swoon with righteous indignation over the color of my dogs fur.
