18 Replies to “The Face Of Dean Steacy”

  1. Is it only me, or does the picture look like Richard (Lucy) Warman? Have they ever been seen together?????

  2. Seems I have been “banned” from that forum, interesting as I have never posted or to my knowledge visited there before…

  3. Very expressive as far as it goes, but would like to see his palms where the blood is coming out of the little holes.

  4. ‘I don’t know’ fits the best.
    ‘It’s not fair’ is Dion-ish.
    ‘It’s not easy!’ hints at attempt to do something, which is a fit not found at HRC.

  5. Anyone read the last couple of harry potter books?
    If so, anyone else see a resemblance between the character of Delores Umbridge and the various “Human Rights” brigade?

  6. Boys are warned that if they play with themselves, they will go blind. How did Steacy lose his vision?

  7. As much as I dislike Dean Steacy, I think it is tasteless to make fun of his blindness.

  8. you’re right Connie, tasteless and juvenile…so the Mr Magoo comment I was going to make probably wouldn’t go over well either 😉

  9. Connie,
    You are quite right – but poor Steacy has not been sympathetic to the handicapped either!
    In fact has mocked others otherwise afflicted so deserves little sympathy although it is normal if his blindness occurred as stated in 2004 – to still be going through the stages of Kubla
    Blindness is the greatest dibilitator so his empathy towards other forms of handicap is understandable.
    Regardless – a handicap does not in anyway explain nor excuse a total moral failure.

  10. Steacy has been blind since 2004. I still think he’s an arrogant jerk.
    The only reason I brought it up is because it looked to me like Hephaestion was trolling.

  11. Well Jim,
    I suspect “Stupid” he is not…naive, bitter perhaps and manipulated big time.
    Who creates an account, shares the password with many others, lets ‘Lucy’ waltz in and find documents…etc, etc?
    And now he is protecting them all…guess who will be the next exit from the CHRC? Not the Executive Director nor his supervisors.
    If you read the La Forest report into meltdown and disfunction of the CHRC a few years ago = lawlessness, cosy relations of CHRC and CHRT, huge staff turnover = warning sign.
    What has been done? Jennifer still does world jaunts and after that = 0.

  12. There should be a “joke of the year” blog award!!! The reason there isn’t is because Warren Kinsella’s blog would win it hands downs every year. For the longest time WK would not allow any “comments” to his blog site. Recently Warren has decided that he will allow comments. Try to post one – I dare you!! If your opinion differs from his in any substancial way, well – lets just say that it gets lost in cyberspace. Warren is the most transparent joke there is when it comes to the blog’sphere. Go ahead – give it a try. Let us know what your experience is.
