59 Replies to “It’s A Good Thing They Fought For Freedom”

  1. The picture seems surreal (I noticed the palm trees): like a dream or a few pictures superimposed. From what I know of Berkley, surreal would be a pretty good description, I think.

  2. The boxing programme of the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, China will be held at the Workers’ Indoor Arena.
    Look for a power outage if their golden boys are getting knocked around or even worse,
    unfair judges rulings a la South Korea and Roy Jones
    “Seoul, 1988: Bedlam broke out in Seoul when the host nation’s bantamweight Byun Jong-Il lost a disputed preliminary bout. The boxer’s coach and assistant, joined by a group of rabid fans, rushed into the ring and roughed up referee Keith Walker of New Zealand, who had penalized Byun two points for butting. When the chaos subsided, Byun stages a 67-minute sit-down protest, eclipsing the unofficial Olympic record set by countryman Choh Dong-Kih in 1964 (Choh had remained in the ring for 51 minutes after being disqualified from a bout in Tokyo). In the aftermath of Byun’s stunt, South Korean Olympic Committee President Kim Chong-Ha resigned, accepting full responsibility. Byun went on to fight professionally and in 1993 won the WBC bantamweight title.
    Seoul, 1988: The light middleweight gold-medal bout was dominated by American Roy Jones, who landed punches against South Korea’s Park Si-Hun almost at will. However, while Soviet and Hungarian judges gave Jones a lopsided victory, the three other judges awarded Park a slight edge, making him a 3-2 winner. Park reportedly congratulated Jones after the bout and admitted the decision was wrong. Jones, who went on to be a multi-class professional champion, took silver despite winning the Val Barker Cup, given to the outstanding boxer of the Olympic tournament.

  3. The boxing programme of the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, China will be held at the Workers’ Indoor Arena.
    Look for a power outage if their golden boys are getting knocked around or even worse,
    unfair judges rulings a la South Korea and Roy Jones
    “Seoul, 1988: Bedlam broke out in Seoul when the host nation’s bantamweight Byun Jong-Il lost a disputed preliminary bout. The boxer’s coach and assistant, joined by a group of rabid fans, rushed into the ring and roughed up referee Keith Walker of New Zealand, who had penalized Byun two points for butting. When the chaos subsided, Byun stages a 67-minute sit-down protest, eclipsing the unofficial Olympic record set by countryman Choh Dong-Kih in 1964 (Choh had remained in the ring for 51 minutes after being disqualified from a bout in Tokyo). In the aftermath of Byun’s stunt, South Korean Olympic Committee President Kim Chong-Ha resigned, accepting full responsibility. Byun went on to fight professionally and in 1993 won the WBC bantamweight title.
    Seoul, 1988: The light middleweight gold-medal bout was dominated by American Roy Jones, who landed punches against South Korea’s Park Si-Hun almost at will. However, while Soviet and Hungarian judges gave Jones a lopsided victory, the three other judges awarded Park a slight edge, making him a 3-2 winner. Park reportedly congratulated Jones after the bout and admitted the decision was wrong. Jones, who went on to be a multi-class professional champion, took silver despite winning the Val Barker Cup, given to the outstanding boxer of the Olympic tournament.

  4. “leftard thinking that gave Germany the Olympics in ’36 gave it to Russia in ’80 and China in ’08 ”
    oh, I see ural; all our n. american firms churning out bazillion dollars with their chinese mfg plants are . . . . . leftoids at heart.
    china made a slick presentation and won the games venue having corrected the mistakes in their previous attempt.
    and again, it WASNT ‘leftard thinking’ that gave nazi germany the 1936 games. it was the fact they were so prosperous they could build the facilities necessary and use it as a propaganda tool of their prowess on the world stage. if anything, naziism is the antithesis of ‘leftard thinking’. go forward a tad to the spanish civil war. nazis on the side of the ‘leftards’? nope.

  5. Normally there’d be two separate signs, a “no U turn” sign and a “no right turn” sign. Here’s a bit of creative signage, the combination of two signs, you’ll agree an economy of one sign ad perhaps even a post. Now that kind of thinking outside the box by city street sign makers is to be applauded. It’s easily enough grasped by the mind while driving, all at once causing the driver to process, “Oh! I must keep going straight, or if I chose to bust a move it’ll have to be a right turn.”
    As to the sign about Nazi Germany hosting the Olympics, man, that irony sure can be ironic!

  6. “if anything, naziism is the antithesis of ‘leftard thinking’. go forward a tad to the spanish civil war. nazis on the side of the ‘leftards’? nope.”
    Cartoon of Hitler and Stalin meeting over the dismembered body of Poland?
    Joshua Muravchik, “Heaven On Earth: The Rise and Fall of Socialism”:
    NSDAP Platform, 1920 (Anton Drexler and Hitler, authors): “ruthless confiscation of war gains”; “nationalization of all…trusts”; “profits from wholesale trade shall be shared out”; “confiscation without compensation of land for common purposes; abolition of interest on land loans, and prevention of all speculation in land”; “usurers, profiteers, etc., must be punished with death, whatever their creed or race” (Page 163)
    Goebbels, 1926: “We look towards Russia, because Russia is that country most likely to take the road to socialism with us: because Russia is an ally nature has given us against the devilish contamination and corruption of the West.” (Page 159)
    Hitler, 1934: “National Socialism derives from each of the two camps the pure idea that characterizes it, national resolution from the bourgeois tradition, [and] vital, creative socialism from from the teachings of Marxism.” (Page 158)
    Hitler, undated: “I have learned a great deal from Marxism as I do not hesitate to admit…. The difference between them and and myself is that I have really put into practice what these peddlers and pen-pushers have timidly begun. The whole of National Socialism is based on it…. National Socialism is what Marxism might have been if it could have broken its absurd and artificial ties with democratic order.” (Page 164)
    Oh, yes. Also: the socialist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine collaborating with Palestinian Islamic Jihad to launch attacks on Israel (within the “1948-1967 borders”).
    As for Franco vs. Stalin’s puppets, no war is more fierce than a fratricidal war.
    See also “Liberal Fascism: …, From Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning” by Jonah Goldberg.

  7. Icing on the cake: Juan Antonio Samaranch, a Spaniard with ties to Franco, happily awarded the games to Beijing as his last act as head of the IOC.
