26 Replies to “Frankly, My Dear”

  1. Oh, there’s no competition, Len, Kate has been the master of all facets of SDA Entertainment since the beginning (duh); the DJ Vitruvius SDA LNR gig is purely a guest position. Moreover, even though there were a couple of Bugs Bunny and Foghorn Leghorn cartoons in the dusty past of SDA LNR, now that Kate has sanctified this new Frankly, My Dear discussion, which has its own charter, we in the LNR studio aren’t going to go near it there. That would be rude.

  2. Uhhhh OK so this relatively silly cartoon was banned…I presume for the depictions (stereotypeing) of a couple of minorities…but what about the stereotyping od rural anglo culture as hicks??
    Frankly the fact a cartoon like this is banned when stuff like the family Guy play into reruns shows a stark dichotomy in value systems of media censors.

  3. My favourite part is the south Pacific dancing near the end. Makes me laugh out loud every time.

  4. My appreciation for classical music, opera and the like was nurtured by Warner Brothers, MGM and of course Looney Tunes. My fav has to be Bugs and the Barber of Seville.

  5. The Magical Maestro is absolutely brilliant. First Inky and the Mynah Bird, and now this. Thanks, Kate.
    ya know vitruvius, youtube is available through your internet service provider also. no need to thank kate. afterall, it’s not as though she actually created anything.
    i realize that alot of you are pretty lonely but for pity’s sake, couldn’t you find someone a little more worthy of your blind devotion? she’s not even hot.

  6. I remember these cartoons in black and white; no surprise, since I saw them on a black and white tv. But they look as though they may have been “colorized”. What say the experts?

  7. Poor Jeff , lonely as he is , takes a break from making DNA contributions to his gym sock in moms basement just long enough to come read SDA.

  8. Nothing like a bit of light cartoon entertainment on a Sunday morning to bring the misogynists out of the woodwork.

  9. Texas Canuck :
    Mine fav as well. Although I seem to remember not to well. One done to the Sugur plum fairy dance. It was above the usual norm as well.

  10. Jeff, Kate can shoot a 12 gauge and hunt deer, do engine repair, breed lovely animals, and create amazing art. I don’t know about you, but I find that pretty damn hot.

  11. LOL! I actually laughed out loud, ‘can’t remember just where.
    WHAT CHUTZPAH! ‘Loved Poochini and the Mad Magician: What a team, forerunner to Martin and Lewis.
    This cartoon is banned? PLEASE. ‘Just goes to show what a WEIRD WORLD we’re living in. Our kids can rot their brains on not only Family Guy but a plethora of nasty, pornographic, brain-twisting crap on the boob tube and they ban The Magical Maestro.
    What planet are we living on?

  12. Section 13, man, Section 13. Anyone who enjoyed this one is going straight to hell.
    Alert Kinsella.
    My fave part was where Poochini paused to pull the hair out of the projector. Classic.

  13. The pull the hair out of the projector was indeed classic. If you watch it again, notice the long setup. The hair is drawn moving around the frame for some time before being picked, and the effect is drawn so well, that by the time it is picked, the audience completely intuits. If the setup wasn’t so careful, the joke wouldn’t work so well, because the audience would be less willing to suspend their disbelief of the reality of the hair.

  14. Watler Lanz=tz created WOODY WOODPEKER AND chilly willy who was apenguin and his best frends included GOONIEBIRD a ALBATROSS
