40 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to SDA Late Nite Radio. Tonight we have a special show for those who are enjoying the Christmas in April weather in western Canada on this fine springtime Saturday evening. If you’re not enjoying it, my apologies. Here, for your delectation, is the inimitable Mr. Dean Martin singing Let it Snow, perfect for a Saturday night by the fireplace:

  2. Thanks, Vitruvius. I’m a fan of Dean’s.
    Looking out on the almost full moon, I’m hearing him sing, “When the Moon-a Hits-a Your-a Eye-a Like-a Big-a Pizza Pie-a, It’s Amor-ay, It’s Amoray.”
    Warm, velvet, sweetness.

  3. Have a gun, be happy
    “Why are gun owners so happy? One plausible reason is a sense of self-reliance, in terms of self-defense or even in terms of the ability to hunt their own dinner.
    Many studies over the years have shown that a belief in one’s control over the environment dramatically adds to happiness. Example: a famous study of elderly nursing home patients in the 1970s. It showed dramatic improvements in life satisfaction from elements of control as seemingly insignificant as being able to care for one’s plants.”
    via Marginal Revolution

  4. christians being killed and persecuted. nothing new there. the islamic and secular world does not wish to be remined of that three letter word sin.

  5. Please stop acknowledging trolls. Most of them are individuals who have been banned, and when you reply, it only makes my cleanup more time consuming.

  6. Tom Allard, In cyberspace they can’t hear you scream
    It’s been dubbed “cybergeddon”, the “digital mushroom cloud”.
    What would happen if well-organised hackers – criminal syndicates, agents of hostile nation-states or terrorists – disabled the computer networks that sustain the critical infrastructure of modern societies?

  7. Which came first? The emergence of totalitarianism or its acceptance?
    Consider the new role that the Ontario Human Rights Commission is taking for itself – without legislative agreement, without the input and acceptance of the people over whom this New OHRC will rule.
    According to the head of OHRC, the appointed and totally unaccountable Barbara Hall, speech and publication must be put through a ‘human rights filter’ before articulation. That effectively means that we citizens mustn’t say anything deemed, not by us as reasonable individuals, but instead, by her Commission to be ‘critical’.
    We must not think or write or say anything that, not we, but the OHRC, consider ‘might offend’ some group. That ends the use of our individual Right to Reason. That ends our fundamental right of Freedom of Speech.
    Under the Ontario Human Rights Commission, Ontarians have no right to Section 2 of the Charter. That’s finished.
    We can’t question, analyze, compare, evaluate – we can’t use any of our Reasoning capacities.
    How will it work? The New OHRC will act as an Orwellian, Kafka, Big Brother. It has taken on the role, by and for itself, of Overseer of Us, the People. It has set itself up as a elite Ruling Class, which alone has the right and the capacity to Think and Critique. We peasants don’t have such rights. The State, aka the OHRC, can never be wrong in its decisions. Remember, it alone has the capacity and right to Reason. What will this totalitarian Sect do?
    “the commission will be allowed to bring complaints on its own initiative to the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal, even without individual complainants.”
    So, this small set of unelected, unaccountable, self-defined Rulers, will continuously watch and listen to our speech, our writings, our thoughts. Then, this group will, on their own – without any one of us complaining about the content of this speech, this elitist Set will bring charges of ‘discrimination’ and ‘violation of human rights’ against us.
    This is setting up the domination, by government authority, with all the weight of the government power behind it, of a small unaccountable Sect, and I call it a Sect for good cause, over the citizens of Ontario. This is an unchallenged open rejection of one of our fundamental human rights – freedom of speech and thought. That’s the New OHRC.

  8. Sign of the times, Jackie Chan’s “The Forbidden Kingdom” opened BIG this weekend beating everything else. I saw it Friday night, and it transported me back to the ancient times when I used to watch Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan flicks at the old Golden Harvest on Spadina in Chinatown. Congenial company, a gut full of crispy chicken and Singapore chow mein, and a kung fu double bill. Ah, youth.
    Forbidden Kingdom is an EXCELLENT flick, first one I’ve seen in ages that I didn’t feel like I wasted my ten bucks. Go see it, it rocks.
    It also portends the end of postmodern Hollywoodism, for your increased edification. Quentin Tarantino and the rest of those sorry Hollyweird sons of beeatches will watch this and despair.

  9. Helen Thomas on bloggers. She points out the bias in the MSM, then calls MSM real journalists. What a twit.
    “Everybody with a laptop thinks they’re a journalist,” Thomas said. “And, real journalists know that we have standards, we have ethics. We understand we can ruin lives and reputations forever. There’s no recourse and so forth. So I’m really afraid of the blogs. They can say anything and throw anything into the wind and it will be picked up. I’m glad we have communication and I’m glad there’s more information out there. With no constraints of people putting anything out there – and people will leap in – I think it’s pretty dangerous.”

  10. This is the Anti-Thought Crime Enforcement Agency speaking. You are being monitored.
    Oberwatchbitch Barbara Hall speaking; This comment will be deleted by June 30, 2008.
    The Ontario Human Rights Commission’s mandate is to be radically altered as of June 30, when it will cease processing specific complaints and instead deal with broader, systemic human rights issues in a more activist fashion, including vastly expanded public education programs.
    Instead of passing through the commission for vetting as they do now, individual complaints of discrimination will now go directly to the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal, a change that is designed to alleviate a crippling backlog of cases. A separate Human Rights Legal Support Centre has also been established to guide complainants through the process.
    Freed of its gatekeeper role, the commission will be allowed to bring complaints on its own initiative to the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal, even without individual complainants. It can also intervene in specific complaints if they involves wider issues.”

  11. ET and maz2, don’t worry about the Barbara Hall Commissary Apartchik – you are still free to say whatever you want – as long as you get her approval beforehand.
    Welcome to Human Rights Land – where you are free to say what they think.
    I find it amazing that, after being slapped down pretty hard in court of public opinion, Hall and her ilk decide to up the ante. I guess that’s what happens when one is unaccountable and has a big taxpayer funded budget, where censorship is free speech. Just a bit Orwellian wouldn’t you say?

  12. shamrock – the situation is, that these bureaucrats don’t see ‘us’, the people, as equal to them. We are ‘the peasants’; they are the intellectuals, the people-who-have-Reason.
    This sharp divide that they have set up between We, the Government and You, the People, is, as I’ve said, a clear division of humanity into Those Who Know, and the rest of us, who ‘don’t know’.
    We have attacked the HRCs – yet their reaction has been to strengthen their powers. Why? Remember, they consider the general population to be ignorant, adversarial, tribal savages, constantly fighting with each other and requiring external top-down intervention. Therefore, when we irrational primitives attack the Colonial House, the reaction isn’t to hand power over to the primitives. The reaction is to strengthen the colonial rule.
    Barbara Hall and her HRC are an excellent example of a colonial mentality, which sees itself as superior in intellect and morality to the general population. As such, and with the weight of government authority, it justifies its overseeing of us, as we flutter around on our daily planatation work.
    The OHRC, as a colonial power, is totally and completely unaccountable to us, the enslaved. To whom are they accountable? No-one. That is why they ignore our criticism and attacks on them.
    They know what is good for us; they are a superior set of people. To them, different categories of people have different rights; they are the Rulers; we are the Ruled.
    The fact that they are guilty of the deepest dsicrimination against their fellow citizens, that they are operating as a totalitarian elite, that they are violating our basic fundamental charter rights – none of that is relevant to them.
    After all, they are Higher Beings and they know what is best for us.

  13. Danica Patric wins her first Indy race and becomes the first woman ever to win one.
    I love fast women!

  14. Wonderful winter weather where having here. A real mid winter white out. I had to leave work so I didn’t get stuck in our yard its falling so bad. Not the heavy stuff but the regular winter snow.
    Its -10 , so no melting, Plus winds are creating enormous drifts.
    I don’t think I need to sat it. We all know by now just how big a lie this Global warming is. I laugh . To me this is just God’s way of confounding the wise guy no it alls, or the presumption that humans are greater than they are. Man walks to proud on this Earth at times.
    Its day’s like this that remind us how capricious our hold on this world can be, as well as how Nature can turn on us at any time. I would love to see all these Kyoto nuts try to end global volcanism. I wonder if they can find a virgin to sacrifice anymore, particularly in their ranks . (O:}

  15. Just a sidebar here. India has had Jewish communities their from long before the first Century AD. Trade with Rome & Babylon of the Diaspora was common for silk, spices, drugs.
    Christianity was introduced to the sub continent the same century that Christ lived in. The Apostle Tomas is credited with starting the Indian Church. Christianity is as indigenous to India as Italy. Feel free to look it up.
    P.S. Sorry I posted the weather one. Got the link mixed up.

  16. By their own words, know them.
    “And according to testimony at Gomery, Mr. Corbeil once introduced a fundraiser by the name of Joe Morselli as “the boss – the real boss” to his successor at Liberal headquarters in Montreal.”

  17. The Medak Pocket Operation*:
    “A soldier must have confidence in his own, his section and platoon and higher ability to apply deadly force and protect itself. Only when they possess that high level of confidence born from skill at arms will they be able to apply that deadly force calmly and with absolute precision.
    Colonel James Calvin, 1998”
    “We were covering up crimes, a [Croat] soldier testifies
    Prior to the presentation of defense, the last piece of evidence was examined at the trial of generals Rahim Ademi and Mirko Norac. It was the statement given to the ICTY by a Croatian soldier. As protected witness he gave an account of how he was covering up the crimes committed during the Medak Pocket Operation. He was burying the mutilated bodies of the Serb civilians and prisoners of war. In his statement he said he thought the first accused Rahim Ademi was responsible, as the latter was in command of the Gospic Military District at the relevant time. The soldier added that it had been Ademi who conceived the operation, together with Brigadier Zvonko Brajkovic and 9th Brigade Commander Mirko Norac. The trial will resume on Wednesday, April 23, when Gen Ademi is going to present his case, which is contained in 80 pages, according to his attorney.”
    The PPCLI: “a formed manoeuvre force,”.
    “The Croatians learned the lesson that if they did not want the UN around, a few rounds at a white painted vehicle would send them running.
    When Canadian troops first moved into the Medak area to implement the cease fire, Croatian special police had not finished ethnically cleansing three Serb villages seized during the initial assault. If they were discovered, Croatia’s image as a victim of Serbian aggression would receive a crippling blow. Their solution was to engage the Canadians in hope that a few well placed rounds and a UN casualty or two would scare them off, just as it had the previous January.
    Unknown to the Croatians at Medak was that the new UN Force Commander, French Lieutenant-General Jean Cot planned to turn up the pressure on the warring parties to cease hostilities. His decision to insert the well armed Canadian battlegroup into the Medak Pocket as instead of stringing them out in isolated observation posts, was part of his overall policy of enforcing international agreements and restoring UN credibility.
    The Princess Patricia’s were the best choice for the job being fully mechanized in M-113 Armoured Personal Carriers and possessing a platoon of mobile armoured TOW anti-tank missile systems. In addition to being well trained and combat ready, the Patricia’s had already developed a reputation in Croatia for taking a tough line against cease fire violators. General Cot was sure that the Canadians would not back down in the face of any intimidation in the Medak Pocket. Events later proved him right.So it was that Canadian troops found themselves engaged in action with units of the Croatian Army and special police.
    Preparations for Deployment”

  18. Please explain why Saskatoon recieves little or no funding for TCUP (Centenial Auditorium), or Mendel compared to Regina’s two venues from the Prov. Government. Challenge Mr. wall to fix this. Did you Know that Saskatoon Boards of Education get less funding on a per student basis as compared to Regina schools. WTF, so we are then through our provincial taxes subsidizing Regina’s lower school taxes on a house of similar value. City councilors and School trustees have an obligation to inform the taxpayers about this and take actions to correct this apparent discrimination by the Province.

  19. “Awaiting China’s implosion
    “Beijing Olympics might well be the grand festival like once the 1936 Berlin Olympics was, and then there follows the even grander fireworks of China imploding when history finally catches up with its communist leaders.”
    “Over a half-century ago as his communist army was brutally devouring an independent Tibet, Mao Zedong, the Chinese leader, recorded a talk with some visitors.
    In the monologue Mao habitually delivered to admirers of the Chinese revolution — for propaganda purposes Mao was viewed as equal if not greater than Lenin by countless acolytes and supporters worldwide — he spoke about the United States dismissively. He called it an “imperial” power condemned by history to fade away because of opposing the winds of change bringing new nations into independence.
    Fifty years later Mao’s words ring with bitter irony. He said: “In appearance (the United States) is very powerful but in reality it is nothing to be afraid of, it is a paper tiger. Outwardly a tiger, it is made of paper, unable to withstand the wind and the rain. I believe the United States is nothing but a paper tiger.”
    In the years preceding the 1949 victory of Chinese communists over their nationalist opponents, the West regularly was informed by those who ventured into China — most famously, Edgar Snow, an American journalist, whose reporting in Red Star Over China became a huge best seller — of the immense awakening of an ancient civilization under the leadership of the Chinese communist party with Mao at its helm.
    We know today much more about Mao and his revolution. Jung Chang and Jon Halliday, Mao’s most recent biographers, have painfully documented how this one individual is responsible for more than 70 million killed through the years he led the Chinese communists. And the killings continue. ”
    (Salim Mansur)

  20. Canada Post receives 22 million a year, to compensate for the ‘free delivery’ of MP’s mail. That is, we taxpayers are paying Canada Post to deliver mail from our MPs. To us. OK.
    Canada Post now says that this 22 million is not enough; they want more, as the volume of mail has increased. However, they won’t provide us with any information about the exact volume of mail they deliver for our MPs. Why not?
    “Volume figures of our customers are proprietary information,” said John Caines. “Any discussions we have with our customers, including the government, would be confidential.”
    Now wait a minute. Your customers, Mr. Caines, are our MPs, who are our representatives. Therefore, WE are the Owners of Canada Post and the Government. Therefore, since WE are paying the bill, we have every right to that information. The information that will provide the grounds for your insistence that WE pay your mail carriers more money.

  21. Well, here’s members of the constantly outraged, ‘religion of peace’ taking it out on an endangered species – a giant sea turtle that unfortunately happened to come ashore on a Gaza beach. Of course, they employ their patented head chopping technique.
    Absolutely barbaric video:
    No rights, nor sympathy for these savages until they join the human race.

  22. 70% of Spanish prison inmates are Muslim:
    Muslims serving jail sentences in Spanish jails will now be allowed to say their prayers in congregation, provided at least ten of them expressed their wish to do so. The aim of the new ruling is to bring about equality of treatment between Muslim prisoners and Catholic interns in their religious rights.
    The largest Islamic organization in the country, the Islamic Committee of Spain, has welcomed this initiative, taking into account that 70 percent of those in Spanish jails are Muslims, who number around 54,000.
    Last Ramadhan a number of Spanish jails changed their meal times to conform to the Ramadhan meal times of their Muslim inmates, and provided them with prayer areas within the prisons. But in those prisoners where such arrangements were not made, there were protests.
    Spain with its 40-million population, which is 94 percent Catholic, has a Muslim community of around 600,000.
    What was that about the benefits of Muslim immigration?

  23. ET: you should start you own blog… u seem to have so many things to say…

  24. Socialist tyranny is a fact in Canada. Notice the words, “health authorities”; “stern warnings”; “avoid”; “stay indoors”.
    These are words of command. Command and control is basic to socialist tyranny.
    Spring sunshine brings first air quality health warning
    Globe and Mail – 19 Apr 2008
    As warm weather and sunshine beckoned to winter-weary Torontonians yesterday, health authorities rained on their parade with stern warnings to avoid strenuous activity or otherwise stay indoors.
    Ontario smog advisory lifted 680 News
    Smog advisory continues London Free Press

  25. Barbara Hall, and/or her warmanites may be reading this.
    The worse, the better?
    By Ezra Levant
    The worse, the better: that’s an old revolutionary maxim, the first use of which I can trace to an old Russian socialist named Nikolai Chernyshevsky, though I’m sure others have made the point before him. Maybe even Moses.
    The idea is pretty simple, though it’s awfully pessimistic and even cruel: for people to be motivated to embrace change, things have to get even worse than they are now.
    Which brings us to Barbara Hall, the awful new boss of the Ontario Human Rights Commission. She’s the one who issued the guilty verdict against Maclean’s magazine, without going through the trouble of having a trial of the matter. And, according to this interview with the National Post’s Joseph Brean, she’s just getting warmed up.
    I believe Czarina Hall means every word she says. I believe that many people will be hauled before her, including Ontario media, even those who regard themselves as quite liberal.
    I believe that things are going to get worse. She says so. Ordinary people who have never heard of the Ontario Human Rights Commission are going to hear about them, a lot. Czarina Hall will be a fixture in the media. She will become more famous than any other Ontario politician except perhaps the premier and mayor of Toronto. She will not govern herself, and so far no-one else has chosen to govern her.
    It will be an awful few years in Ontario. But, as Chernyshevsky promised, because of that, the revolution will come more quickly.
    It’s hard to believe right now, but Barbara Hall is a greater force for the reform of these abusive commissions than any of the commissions’ critics.

  26. How many caught the CNN excellent coverage of the Pope’s visit. But after He was leaving NYC, they had on other leaders who commented on the visit as a whole. Can you believe that there was some muslim leader telling the world the Pope should learn how to be a Pope. Guess he was upset that the Pope did not reach out to the religion of peace.
    Imagine the traffic jam after the Mass was over and over 50,000 people left. Also notice how many young people were in all the crowds following this man.

  27. Keith Boag, Chief Political Correspondant for the CBC, was not invited to the CPC’s meeting with the Press today about the Elections Canada Search Warrant served to them last week. Tonda McCharles and Mike Duffy were two members of the Canadian MSM who were invited.
    When asked by Carole MacNeil, on Sunday Night, if he had any idea why he had not been invited, Boag smiled a crocodile smile and said, coyly, that he really had no idea why he or other Canadian Press reporters were not invited to this meeting.
    Yeah, sure, Keith. The CBC’s had Prime Minister Stephen Harper and the CPC in their cross hairs for years.
    Why would anyone invite a fox into a chicken coop?
    ‘Sounds like anything the CBC reports on the CPC, Elections Canada, and the Search Warrant will be justified because, after all, the great Keith Boag of the Pre-eminent CBC was shut out.
    The moral of this story? When it comes to their treatment by the CBC, the CPC and PMSH are damned if they do and damned if they don’t. ‘Got the message, Keith?

  28. Metrication in Canada was initiated by the socialist-fascist PET in 1970. Now we know the entire scheme is based on fraud.
    Bury metrication in the PET Cemetery at the foot of PET’s multiculturalism, bilingualism, HRCs, Charter, and Kyoto.
    Down with PET’s socialist pyramid scheme.
    “The international kilogram conundrum[Weights have mysteriously fluctuated]”
    “The international kilogram conundrum
    International Bureau of Weights and Measures
    A copy of the international prototype kilogram under its protective casing. The real prototype, known as Le Grand K, is rarely removed from its temperature- and humidity-controlled vault to avoid damage.
    In the more than a century since ‘perfect’ platinum-iridium cylinders were first used as the world’s kilogram standards, their weights have mysteriously fluctuated. Scientists are rethinking what the measure means.”
    “In essence, no one really knows today what a kilogram is.”
    http://tinyurl.com/537owp (latimes)

  29. Since Vitruvius starts the thread by remarking on ‘Christmas in April’, I’m sending Kate a photo of my front yard in Nanaimo, taken on Saturday.
    Went to bed at midnight with a green lawn and woke up to 19 inches (yes,really. NINETEEN inches) of fluffy, dry white snow and no power. Could hardly get the Jeep out of the driveway.
    Haven’t had snow in April in 60 years (and just 1 inch then), so obviously it’s GOT to be global warming.

  30. Kate …thanks for the link to Voice of the Martyrs. We complain about the HRC’s here, but really we have nothing to fear from them , relative to what Christians experience abroad.
    In those areas Christianity is growing more than in North America.

  31. I’m surprised that CTV ended up getting invited to the press conference regarding the search warrant after their performance on this week’s Question Period.
    In their Cheers and Jeers segment, Maxime Bernier was up for Jeers and was roundly booed.
    For the Cheers part of it, Jane and Craig picked Tony Clement and the applause track was played but as the clapping was going on, they showed Clements picture with his head moving like a bobble head doll.
    I wondered if anyone else noticed this blatant vitriole displayed toward Mr. Clement and the CPC.
