The Junk And The Goons

Thousands of Chinese Americans protested outside CNN’s offices in Hollywood this morning, calling for the dismissal of commentator Jack Cafferty, whose recent remarks about Chinese goods and the Beijing government inflamed a community already angry about international condemnations directed at the host country of the upcoming Olympics.
The protesters lined Sunset Boulevard from Cahuenga Boulevard to Wilcox Avenue chanting “Fire Cafferty” and singing patriotic Chinese songs.
“We understand free speech,” said Lake Wang, 39, of Thousand Oaks. “But what if Cafferty said this about other racial groups? I think he would be fired. I think he’s jealous of China.”

Related: Bob Rae goes on the offence … “Exactly, everybody knows that Chinese leaders were much better then the Nazis.”

31 Replies to “The Junk And The Goons”

  1. they live in America because the can protest there, live freely, think freely, speak freely.
    Just pure irony they use their new freedom to protest for less democracy and liberty that they left behind.

  2. Cafferty’s loss would be no big deal, he used to have a brain between his ears, but when he discovered he could get more ‘face time’ on the tube by turning ‘left’, he gladly did so!

  3. This should be interesting, are the American Chinese American first or Chinese first. Some of my Chinese friends, and some very close in one case, after three generations still have extremely close ties with their mainland relations. He can’t even speak Chinese but defends China’s every move and is particularly proud of their growing Navy. The Chinese have never melted in the American melting pot. What does this little demonstration really say?

  4. “lake wang of thousand oaks”….
    reminds me of an old mickey rooney joke…con su permiso kate ?…okay tanks….here we go.
    mr rooney appeared confused after his wedding at thousand oaks today…told this reporter he wasn’t absolutely sure if it WAS his 6th wedding at thousand oaks or his thousandth at 6 oaks.
    you have to hate mr rooney as much as i do to appreciate the subtlety of this joke.

  5. Jack Cafferty said perhaps the very first true thing in his entire career as a CNN news reader. When the Chicoms set up a flash protest in LA to denounce you, that’s when you know you are on the right track.
    What’s alarming to me is that the Chicoms can pull together a crowd that big that fast in the USA. Tipped their hand there, eh?
    How do you say “spetsnaz” in Mandarin?

  6. Gotta love ol’ Bob Rae, commie apologist: “Exactly, everybody knows that Chinese leaders were much better then the Nazis.”
    Hell yeah Bob, the Nazis killed a measly 6 million. Mao and company managed 14 to 20 million in their first outing, and who the hell knows what’s going on over there for the Olympics right now.
    The effectiveness of a dictatorship is best measured by its body count. Hitler was a piker compared to the Chicoms.

  7. Thinking of an altogether possible scenario, considering eastern voters, Rae could unfortunately for this country become a Prime Minster.
    From his learned statement it would follow that Rae may possibly take to hart a direction from the Chinese communists on how to run things in this country, just so he would not offend them by not taking the advice.
    It is clear there is no lower life than a rich socialist. The rich socialists seem to live their lives to screw lives of everyone else, fully and seriously persuaded by their own self and a few yes people, that they know how everyone else should live, behave, work and so on.
    They are of course prepared to kill you, just to make you understand that they mean well.
    It is just wander that many working people fall for this kind of totalitarian control.

  8. Is this the same Boob Rae who emphatically stated that there are no Canadian soldiers in Iraq? Is this the same Foriegn Affairs critic? Yes, a commie apologist he surely is.
    As for Cafferty – he is one of the reasons that I quit watching CNN. The other reason was everybody else in that leftist outfit.
    Finally, I just wish people would learn when to use the words “then” and “than”. In this case the correct word to use is “than” as in “…than the Nazis”. Thank you.

  9. Chinese goods are junk. This is not a generalization in any way, it’s a fact.
    We have become the dumping ground for poorly made junk from China. We get junk, they get money. How stupid of us can that be?
    And of course the Chinese are only partly to blame. Companies like Walmart have nearly single-handedly created a market for disposable goods – buy that lawn sprinkler now, it breaks in six months, no matter, buy another one.
    In fact the expectation of the average consumer today is that most of what they buy will indeed break in no time at all.
    So in addition to the Chinese getting our money in return for their junk, we fill our landfills with their broken junk. Again, how stupid is that?
    Sorry for the rant, but as an engineer this is near and dear to my heart. I loath seeing the amount of poorly made, poorly engineered junk that is made today.
    I doubt there has ever been a case in history of a country enriching itself to the degree China has, while trading in such poor quality goods.
    We are the fools.

  10. When did Chinese people become a distinct race? I think it is time to call in the race cards that are being used all over and deal from a fresh deck. China is as much a race as Ireland and islam are a race.And who in their right mind goes around with a name like ‘Lake Wang’? Shit creek probably empties into Lake Wang.

  11. TJ:
    At this particular moment, your rant strikes a chord with me. Can anyone recommend an inkjet printer that (1) has less than a 50% likelihood of producing a paper jam every three pages, and (2) has printheads (not refills) that last more than 6 months? After several bad experiences, I am looking for something other than Hewlett-Packard.

  12. You know, my ancestors are French and English but if France or England were complete douchebag countries and CTV reported on it, I sure as $hit wouldn’t be protesting CTV. I might, however, protest outside the French or English embassy.

  13. most chinese immigrants/students don’t treasure our canadian values at all.
    I came from there.
    Sad fact is that we’re not changing them, instead they’re changing us.
    the sick people protesting in Ottawa, toronto, Calgary and everywhere else condemned western media, but they never protested the communist regime that bans all western media in china.
    I couldn’t stand those ungrateful people, so i moved here, but they are doing exactly the same thing in Canada.
    It’s frustrating.
    they don’t appreciate what Canada and Canadians offer to them.
    God bless Canada.

  14. Jack Cafferty is one of the few people on CNN that has an opinion that I can usually agree with. The rest are left leaning activists. For example, how do you spell protectionist…”d-o-b-b-s.

  15. The Olympics themselves are CRAP. It’s a gong show from start to finish. A corrupt process in picking the site. A Joke as far as what sports are allowed. No sport that requires a “judge” to tell you who won should be allowed. No French judges should be allowed. “Ballroom Dancing” a sport? I think not! Ballroom dancing is in, a “skill” sport like Billiards is out? ‘Guess they didn’t tip the right guys.. Olympics = 2 weeks of lousy TV. Write to the sponsors, tell them you won’t support them for 2 years after they sponsor this joke!

  16. Phantom:
    Mao has the world’s record for killing….70 million. At least 37 million alone slaughtered in the Great Leap Forward!
    Products made in China are crap. It is near impossible to buy anything now that is not made there.

  17. Kate… 1 small change I wish you could make to your comments section. It would be nice to have the name of the commenter at the start of the comment. Then I would not accidentally read any of the garbage they excrete and could immediately skip to the next comment.Just a thought,wouldn’t it be nice? heh

  18. The Phantom at April 20, 2008 10:22 AM
    6 million only covers the joos,us gypsies, the gays, polish, handi-capped, resistant germans, etc; counted for another possible 6 million

  19. Reid at April 20, 2008 4:38 PM
    I would feel foolish supporting the dutch comm…..erm socialists, even tho I was born there

  20. Gym, read it already. Point was Hitler managed 6 million in his Final Solution, Chairman Mao beat him by more than double in his first at-bat, the Great Leap Forward.
    Total body count, Hitler wasn’t even in the same ball park as the Chairman. Mao wiped the floor with him. Mao’s boys are still running the show, they could be killing a million a year and we wouldn’t know.
    Making Bob Rae the consummate d1ckslap that he is.

  21. it should be pretty easy to calculate the number of deaths of innocents in China , the one child policy and the differential in birthrates in male and female children should be a good indicator. multiply the result by say 20 years.
    Boob Rae wouldnt even consider that number.

  22. a generation is about 20 years, what is 9% of say ” a billion”. the normal ratio being 1.01and the chinese ratio being 1.10
    we have twisted ratio in the lower mainland around vancouver but no one wants to talk about that or Bountiful in the land of bilk and money.

  23. “Gotta love ol’ Bob Rae, commie apologist: “Exactly, everybody knows that Chinese leaders were much better then the Nazis.””
    Isn’t it a bit intellectually dishonest to position that quote as if those words came out of Bob Rae’s mouth? If you follow the link Kate provided and then the subsequent link on that page, it’s clear that that sentence came from someone commenting on Rae’s comments. I’m not saying he’s right but he hardly needs to be misquoted in order to make him look silly.

  24. Hey chinese CNN(Communists. News.Network)is owned by RED TED TURNER and he is a socialists scum

  25. This is interesting.
    China (the PRC) is now far from what it was during Mao’s day; the link with the current “communist” government and that of the Cultural Revolution is tenuous at best, despite lip service to the party, socialism and Mao’s portrait in Tiananmen Square.
    The one thing it does retain however, is the sense of being the Chinese “corporate state.” Many, many Chinese (including expats and the immigrant community), while eschewing the PRC government, still tend to respond patriotically and defensively when they perceive that the Middle Kingdom is being slighted.
    For the Tibet protesters, shaming the Chinese or attempting to discredit the Beijing Olympics can only be counterproductive. China is not like the West in this regard; it cannot be harassed and bullied like a Western democracy. There is considerable truth to the old Chinese stereotype about “losing face.” But losing face won’t make China back down; it will only get China’s back up. And ethnic Chinese (‘blood-is-thicker-than-water) will continue to side with Beijing. China’s response is likely to become even more intransigent.
    As for Chinese products – just try getting along without them. Check the country of manufacture of your office IT, your home electronics and even your furnishings. In many cases, there is no alternative anymore to China. There’s no factory out there in Mississauga ready to step in and pump out computer printers right away for us. And even if there were, do we want to pay that price?
    I do not write this to side with China by any means. I don’t. But it doesn’t hurt to accept some home truths on the issue.
    Something to consider for those who slap “Free Tibet” bumper stickers on their Volvos and Subarus to boost their own self-esteem. You are dealing with a powerful, centralized state that does not “care” or “dialogue” the way you do.
    On the other hand, maybe that’s the point: you get to show your “concern” and “solidarity” with Tibet without the risk of incurring the true consequences of your actions (unlike the actual Tibetan protesters themselves).
    It’s almost perfect as that other poseur cause: global warmening.

  26. This is interesting.
    China (the PRC) is now far from what it was during Mao’s day; the link with the current “communist” government and that of the Cultural Revolution is tenuous at best, despite lip service to the party, socialism and Mao’s portrait in Tiananmen Square.
    The one thing it does retain however, is the sense of being the Chinese “corporate state.” Many, many Chinese (including expats and the immigrant community), while eschewing the PRC government, still tend to respond patriotically and defensively when they perceive that the Middle Kingdom is being slighted.
    For the Tibet protesters, shaming the Chinese or attempting to discredit the Beijing Olympics can only be counterproductive. China is not like the West in this regard; it cannot be harassed and bullied like a Western democracy. There is considerable truth to the old Chinese stereotype about “losing face.” But losing face won’t make China back down; it will only get China’s back up. And ethnic Chinese (‘blood-is-thicker-than-water) will continue to side with Beijing. China’s response is likely to become even more intransigent.
    As for Chinese products – just try getting along without them. Check the country of manufacture of your office IT, your home electronics and even your furnishings. In many cases, there is no alternative anymore to China. There’s no factory out there in Mississauga ready to step in and pump out computer printers right away for us. And even if there were, do we want to pay that price?
    I do not write this to side with China by any means. I don’t. But it doesn’t hurt to accept some home truths on the issue.
    Something to consider for those who slap “Free Tibet” bumper stickers on their Volvos and Subarus to boost their own self-esteem. You are dealing with a powerful, centralized state that does not “care” or “dialogue” the way you do.
    On the other hand, maybe that’s the point: you get to show your “concern” and “solidarity” with Tibet without the risk of incurring the true consequences of your actions (unlike the actual Tibetan protesters themselves).
    It’s almost as perfect as that other poseur cause: global warmening.
