If Women Ran The World

Mankind would still be living in caves, albeit with really, really fancy curtains;

Women have surpassed men in most areas of education, but men continue to be more numerous in fields like math, physics, and engineering. For more than a decade, feminist groups have been lobbying Congress to address the problem of gender “injustice” in the laboratory. Their efforts are finally bearing fruit. Federal agencies are now poised to begin aggressive gender-equity reviews of math, science, and engineering programs. Groups like the National Organization for Women must be celebrating — but American scientists should brace themselves for the destructive tsunami headed their way.

It’s an epiphany I had some years ago, while pondering the engineering behind the luggage carousel at Minneapolis airport, as I waited for my bags. If women ran the world, we would not have the jet engine. It has nothing to do with intellect. It just isn’t in our nature to want one.

116 Replies to “If Women Ran The World”

  1. I’m not sure if women ran the world we wouldn’t have jet engines. I do wonder, though, if women ran the world, would the pickup truck have been invented?

  2. Lemme see if I understand this correctly: we should hire based on the shape of container rather than the contents?
    Yes that is exactly what feminists (and many leftists) want but isn’t it funny that is exactly how a lot of women ( not ALL women ) chose what they buy?
    They do not read the content/ingredient,
    they buy the product because it has a nice packaging/shape/color/smell that appeals to them.
    And if it appeals to them, then they do not care about the price, and that is why a lot of women stuff is overpriced!
    I pay $6.99 for 750 ml of first cold press pure olive oil – the best olive oil – in the big ugly square bottle.
    and most women I know go for the 4 times more expensive oils which are not even of first cold press quality but come in cute little bottles with either a shinny and romantic label or a fancy little ribbon!
    Content versus container!

  3. Someone mentioned their grand mother could make a dress just by looking at the photo in a catalog and then compared this to men building cupboards…
    Was the grand mother fascinated by the internal workings of the sewing machine?
    Could she have replaced a broken part herself inside the sewing machine or would she have called a man to do it?
    Who designs, builds and repairs sewing machines, men or women?

  4. “I could be trained to play music but I would still show no fondness for it so those careers are best left to people who have a passion for it.”
    Agreed, but passion comes through exposure. You will never know if you like playing the violin until you play it. Herein lies the difference. I contend that both boys and girls have to make that initial attempt. Granted boys are more likely to because they know they are expected to become breadwinners at some point, while girls may imitate their stay at home moms, but what it really boils down to is that willingness to make an initial effort. And that is laziness.
    There is a difference between you not becoming a musician because you dont like it, and you not becoming a musician because you were never bothered enough to try it. That latter failure can be attributed to only a few things, chief amongst them laziness. This is not to suggest that everyone should undergo musical training, but one must encourage youngsters to try whatever they wish to, rather than encourage apathy by pointedly telling them that as girls, they are not likely to succeed because they are wired differently.
    The point being that women are as capable of inventing jet engines as men.
    But dont hold your breath waiting for batb or Kate to achieve anything more worthwhile than make clean things. Apparently that is all women are wired to do.

  5. The point being that women are as capable of inventing jet engines as men.
    Capable? yes…
    Interested? NO.

  6. We would probibly end up with pink as our national colors and with a chicken as our national emblem and with AGE OF AQUARIUS as our national anthem

  7. “Capable? yes…
    Interested? NO.”
    Moot point. The same can apply to any number of men. Has nothing to do with being a woman.
    “We would probibly end up with pink as our national colors and with a chicken as our national emblem and with AGE OF AQUARIUS as our national anthem”
    I think you have mistaken women for hippies.

  8. “Blah, blah…blah, blah, blah.”
    More meaningless hypotheticals and generalizations. Ability doesn’t matter one whit if nothing gets accomplished. In the real grown-up world, you make your name based on what you do. Male, female, whatever (LGBT, pick your label) are all worthless if their abilities aren’t employed toward acheivement.
    Especially apparent in the western world where virtually every career field is open competition to both genders, the continued disparity in the workforce demonstrates that there is a fundamental difference between men and women. The nature of that difference has not yet been quantified to my satisfaction by any “research”, but it is empirically verifiable nonetheless. Perhaps conventional wisdom (gasp!) is once again the most correct.

  9. Let’s not forget “Equal pay for work of EQUAL VALUE”, now that one is a true gem….

  10. I actually have a post written up and post-dated for tonight on the very same subject. I’ve been reading Camille Paglia’s essay on “Homosexuality at the Fin de Siecle” and she argues that it is “aggressive male lust” which has built civilization. Women separated from men stagnate spiritually and intellectually. Feminists despise her, but Paglia is always an entertaining read. 🙂
    I’ll link this post up with mine tonight when I publish it.

  11. I’ll believe feminists are honest and objective when they demand that women comprise 50 percent of all roofers, long-haul truckers, electrical powerline installers, oil rig workers, welders, crane operators, miners, bomb technicians, hazmat divers, auto mechanics, ….well, you get the idea.
    Amazing how these same feminists demand that women comprise 50 percent of all the air-conditioned office jobs in various kinds of management.
    I’ve presented this picture of ‘full equality’ to several adament feminists who without exception looked perplexed. Odd how they could miss something so obvious.

  12. If ALEXANDRA Fleming had found that moldy orange on HER desk, we would never have had pennicillin, because she would have exclaimed, “EEEWWWWWW! ! !” and tossed the orange in the trash.

  13. The average woman would rather have beauty than brains, because the average man can see better than he can think.
    Can you imagine a world without men? No crime and lots of happy fat women.
    They call it PMS because Mad Cow Disease was already taken.

  14. “Although most women can understand how things work, they do not usually care.”
    Days late here but I couldn’t resist. The quote above here is precisily why women vote NDP and Liberal.
