Just What The Obama Campaign Needs

A big, fat reminder of where race politics eventually leads…

The rally at Sharpton’s office was followed by a 20-block march down Malcolm X Boulevard and then across 125th Street, Harlem’s main business thoroughfare, where some bystanders yelled out “Kill the police!”
Fifty of the marchers carried white placards bearing big black numbers for each of the police bullets fired at Bell and his friends.
Sharpton urged people to return for a meeting this coming week “to plan the day that we will close this city down” with the kind of “massive civil disobedience” once led by Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
“They never accused Sean Bell of doing anything. Then why is he dead?” Sharpton asked, his voice roaring with anger. Authorities “have shown now that they will not hold police accountable. Well, guess what? If you won’t, we will!”
“Shut it down! Shut it down!” the crowd chanted, standing up and applauding wildly.

The Clintons will be loving this.

23 Replies to “Just What The Obama Campaign Needs”

  1. Sharpton and the Media will have a field day.
    Where is Jesse? I’m going to watch the weather channel for a while instead
    of these old reruns.

  2. The Clintons will be loving this.
    Yes, they probably will, opportunistic whores that both of them are. The fact that they’ve at least tacitly encouraged this sort of behavior in the past won’t stop them from using it to tar Obama.

  3. This is the kind of thing you will see on a regular basis on the Washington Mall if Obama gets the White House. There will be demonstrations and marches till hell won’t have them for every little grievance. Sharpton will have his man in the WH and he won’t let Obama forget who got him there.
    I can’t stand the Clintons and I pray to God that McCain will win the day. I never thought I’d ever say this but if McCain does not win I hope he looses to Hillary.

  4. “Shut it down! Shut it down!” the crowd chanted”
    Please do. It should be quite entertaining.

  5. I don’t know the facts BUT I can’t help feeling queezy, twitchy, tourettes like whenever the Sharpton name is mentioned. I’m just saying…..

  6. Hey, whatever it take to keep the neophyte Negro communist out of the white house is fine with me.
    Interesting how many black people are in inadvertently tarring their baby.
    Let’s see now there’s the Reverend Wright and then there’s the reverend Sharpton, then there’s Michelle Obama.
    Looks like Barry Hussein would have done better with Imams than Reverends. And Michelle in a burka would have had 50% less to mouth off about being that a women in a burka is only worth half a person.
    I will take lying cheating Hillary Clinton over the lying cheating Barry Hussein any day.
    Happily, I believe the American people will look up from their burgers and fries long enough to realized that their best shot for sanity is with McCain.

  7. The Democrats would have a better chance if they ran a “House Plant” from the Clinton Oral Office. House Plants know all and don’t lie.
    Hillary: Mental breakdown (tears), Delusional (sniper), Slim Pickens riding that Nuke (Dr Strange love), only wins in the most corrupt States (flowing street money), less experience than Monica, the least liked lady in America.
    Obama : Hate America won’t buy shit, sorry dude but your color is not the problem. He can’t fix his problem.
    McCain: Somebody needs to keep that sucker alive, and Rice MUST be ready (VP) to step in.
    This is going to be a very bad year… Denver better get “Whites Only” signage ready.

  8. Are the Democrats having a clandestine racial race?
    Race keeps rearing it’s ugly head, they just can’t totally get past it.
    If experience is important, Hillary has it. Really can’t pin down exactly what Obama stands for aside from feel good, warm and fuzzy platitudes.
    They’re both so typically Liberal, all things to all people, promise the moon to get the reins of power
    It’s a real side show that would rival any circus.
    At least the Republicans are coming off as stable and will be returned to the White House.
    What would Slick Willie get up to roaming the White House without any responsibilities? Would he have his own non-Oval office?

  9. Liz: Slick Willy would not want in the Oval Office again…he would want to be in the Oval Orifice. Ewww…sorry.

  10. *
    “liz j says… If experience is important, Hillary has it.”
    experience at what? dodging snipers… or just lying about it?

  11. Are the Democrats having a clandestine racial race?
    Race keeps rearing it’s ugly head, they just can’t totally get past it.
    If experience is important, Hillary has it. Really can’t pin down exactly what Obama stands for aside from feel good, warm and fuzzy platitudes.
    They’re both so typically Liberal, all things to all people, promise the moon to get the reins of power
    It’s a real side show that would rival any circus.
    At least the Republicans are coming off as stable and will be returned to the White House.
    What would Slick Willie get up to roaming the White House without any responsibilities? Would he have his own non-Oval office?

  12. Never mind that two of the three officers acquitted were black, Sharpton can always be counted on to tap into the all too common knee jerk victimhood rage of the black community.

  13. Actually “orifice” was my word of choice but didn’t have the nerve to use it, being a lady and all that….
    Bill was definitely an orifice kinda guy while in office.

  14. King would have never have approved of what theor bloodthirsty savages were screaming he would have had them hanging their heads in shame

  15. Posted by: John V at April 27, 2008 12:33 AM
    “Happily, I believe the American people will look up from their burgers and fries long enough to realized that their best shot for sanity is with McCain.”
    Burgers and fries? Who can afford burgers and fries when there is ammo to buy.
    I’d flip you the finger if both my hands weren’t occupied clinging to a gun and a bible. :^}
    BTW, if Sharpton shuts down New York City us out in fly-over country won’t even notice. Besides, the black wing of the Dem party needs the practice for the upcoming late-summer events in Denver.

  16. Liz J – “If experience is important, Hillary has it”. Please “hallucinate” about that one for us. Experience at doing what? What popcicle stand has she run? And please, don’t give us this stuff about Hill sitting in on Cabinet meetings and the like. She is a two-term Senator and that is about it. I’m not saying that she is not capable of being President and she might (and I say “might”) even be a good one but she doesn’t have much more experience than Obama and hugely less than McCain.

  17. I’m not sure what this has to do with Obama, just because he happens to be black. I do know this – Sharpton is a raving racist who craves publicity like a drug addict needs heroin. He is a hypocrite of the highest order, an impotent American Mugabe (ie- the man is out of his mind).
    He is also a very dangerous man, who carefully words his call to arms, going right up to the limit of promoting violence (in public) while likely privately extolling that very thing.

  18. …”a different Bob”, she does have a bit more than Obama on the experience file but as you say, McCain has much more and I’m thinking he’s the most likely winner in the race that counts at this time.
    Of course we must figure in the Oprah factor in this show as well. Not sure if her influence has peaked.

  19. Two years ago I would never have considered the sound of “President McCain” to be appealing but in light of current circumstances…
