19 Replies to “Not Waiting For The Asteroid”

  1. This is hardly the first of it. The NYT has some more medicine to take. Just as the WSJ has been strengthened by ditching the old family that milked the biz too long, so too will the pug dog that runs it finally realize he can’t fight progress.
    I say the only person who could fix the NYT is Lord Black. Oh the irony of such a glorious comeback!

  2. Following a discussion with a student at the University of Oklahoma while discussing his “History of Journalism” course, and the professor’s left-wing agenda on Friday, Rush Limbaugh suggested the student ask his professor:
    “Now, Jason, when the time comes in this class and you get your chance to speak, I want you to stand up and just sort of innocently say, “Professor Slobodnik,” or whatever his name is, “We’ve heard how Rush Limbaugh lies and makes things up and is a racist. This is a journalism school. Could you teach us about Dan Rather? Dan Rather made up some stuff, I’m told, about a National Guard story; and Jayson Blair at the New York Times was literally making up stories. There have been Washington Post reporters, Newsweek reporters. Could you explain to me, professor…?” Jason, I want you to say this. “Could you explain to me, professor, why the New York Times is getting ready to let go hundreds of reporters and others? Why advertising revenue is declining at major American newspapers? Why there is restructuring? Why are there layoffs? Why is the circulation down at major newspapers; while at the same time, Professor Slobodnik, how come Limbaugh’s audience continues to grow? He’s reporting no revenue problems, and yet some of the biggest names in break journalism have been humiliated from Dan Rather on. Could you explain this, since this is a journalism class here?” and just see what he says.”
    Is it any wonder why the left-wing MSM is faltering? (Last week the Red Star announces 160 layoffs. http://www.thestar.com/article/415545)

  3. Following a discussion with a student at the University of Oklahoma while discussing his “History of Journalism” course, and the professor’s left-wing agenda on Friday, Rush Limbaugh suggested the student ask his professor:
    “Now, Jason, when the time comes in this class and you get your chance to speak, I want you to stand up and just sort of innocently say, “Professor Slobodnik,” or whatever his name is, “We’ve heard how Rush Limbaugh lies and makes things up and is a racist. This is a journalism school. Could you teach us about Dan Rather? Dan Rather made up some stuff, I’m told, about a National Guard story; and Jayson Blair at the New York Times was literally making up stories. There have been Washington Post reporters, Newsweek reporters. Could you explain to me, professor…?” Jason, I want you to say this. “Could you explain to me, professor, why the New York Times is getting ready to let go hundreds of reporters and others? Why advertising revenue is declining at major American newspapers? Why there is restructuring? Why are there layoffs? Why is the circulation down at major newspapers; while at the same time, Professor Slobodnik, how come Limbaugh’s audience continues to grow? He’s reporting no revenue problems, and yet some of the biggest names in break journalism have been humiliated from Dan Rather on. Could you explain this, since this is a journalism class here?” and just see what he says.”
    Is it any wonder why the left-wing MSM is faltering? (Last week the Red Star announced 160 layoffs. See a pattern? http://www.thestar.com/article/415545)

  4. Well said, tom!
    What do unfortunate leftist “journalists” do when laid off in a bear market for their style of “journalism”? And why didn’t The Times Co. board of directors make Mr. Sulzberger, the chief architect of the Times’ decline, the first one out the door?

  5. I’m surprised they’ve lasted this long after the Berlin Wall fell.
    Could the New York Times become New York History? Keep hope alive.
    Good blog Kate……regardless of what Islamic Rage Boy thinks of it.

  6. For about $300 per year, you can get all the left-wing news delivered to your door 7 days per week, courtesy of the Ottawa Citizen.
    I recently decided I would no longer do that, so I will miss all the negative trumped-up headlines about the Conservative government, the “gotcha” stories like left-wing activists coincidentally “finding” DND blueprints neatly placed on the top of garbage cans while strolling off to dinner, Susan Riley and her barely coherent rants, Dan Gardner, Andrew Cohen, Leonard Stern (who refused to print the “Mohammed cartoons” and who weakly debated Ezra Levant about his decision), etc.
    John Robson and David Warren have their own websites, so I can always get their opinions online for free.
    The US has many conservative radio talk shows where your subscription will cost you about a quarter of the cost of the Ottawa Citizen or other newspapers, all downloadable to your computer or your MP3 player so you can listen anytime at your convenience, complete with an abundance of daily links to research articles, op-eds, breaking news and even “funnies.”
    If a market were to develop in Canada for a syndicated political talk show, someone like Ezra Levant would be a great host!

  7. Well if you despise your own country and culture, I suppose there will be some consequence to that, someday.

  8. is it possible in canada to have the truth spoken in any msn format? never having read the post i have nothing to say about the paper. i used to like reading the news, the feel of it, the time spent looking at every article. this is no longer something i like to do. so much info and comment is available on line and much of it very good, one can only wonder when it too will fall prey to the liberal mindset.

  9. Fortunately, OWG, the internet cannot be prey to the Liberal mindset in the same way as MSM sources. The mechanism that has worked so effectively for them is to ignore or squelch any story that does not fit their template.
    They can continue to broadcast their leftist POV on the web, but they cannot prevent more balanced reporting from others. It levels the playing field so that readers can now see all sides of an issue, and make up their own minds.

  10. Good one, Tom. ~:D
    I expect the Great Powers at the NYSlimes can be trusted to use this opportunity to ax anybody who has incurred their displeasure in the last few years. Popularity is the key to survival in large organizations, not productivity.
    Meaning they will fire exactly the -wrong- people, thereby hastening their already immanent demise.

  11. If only the New Yuk Times would run some more panties-on-the-head Gitmo atrocity stories. 45 consecutive front page stores were hardly enough to show how evil America is. On the other hand perhaps readers have tired of the constant drumbeat of liberal bias at the Times.

    He also said the magazine’s Web audience has doubled in the past year to 7.4 million unique visitors a month.

    MSM is dead. Long live the blog!

  12. I’m surprised they’ve lasted this long after the Berlin Wall fell.
    The weeding-out has taken almost 20 years, still not done. The Evil USA’s invention of the internet has hastened the hunt.

  13. “During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country’s economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our educational system.”
    Al Gore, March 9, 1999
    While my cruisade against “global warming”, er…”climate change” has made me very rich, unfortunately my left-wing newspaper cheerleaders have become a bit poorer and a lot less popular.
    Overall, I’d say, a good result.

  14. Good one, Tom. No, more likely they will cling to their lattes and contempt for us.
    Culling the editorial staff first makes sense considering that their same old predictable lefty agenda permeates every section including Gardening. All of the worker ants at the Times know the correct metanarratives for their story context so you can enjoy their editorials on every damn page.
    They could cut the editorial dept. down to just Krugman(capitalism sinister), Dowd(Bush/Republicans evil) and Friedman(America misguided and/or selfish) screeds.
    Slimey George Soros would be the perfect buy-out savior for them. Or, maybe a foreign entity like one of Putin’s media cronies.

  15. How sweet.
    The NYT gets to perform a journalistic abortion. The rights of the grey lady always trump the rights of a non-person like a journalist.

  16. It’s good to know that all the right-wing media is surviving the cut backs. I mean, you can get the Western Standard delivered right to your door… oh wait. Guess it wasn’t waiting for the asteroid.

  17. If the NEW YORK SLIMES,WASHINGTON COMPOST,ATLANTA URINAL CONSTIPATION,BOSTON SLOB,L.A. SLIMES,SLIME MAGAZINE,NEWSREEK,USSR NOOSE AND WORLD DISTORTED and the rest of the news bunch fired their reporters who lied they would go out of buisness becuae there would be no one left
