40 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: If You Don’t Believe In Global Warming”

  1. Living on Vancouver Island, I have to agree that is a lot colder than it’s supposed to be. Maybe we’ll have to burn David Suzuki at the stake to get the temperature up – presumably he has a low ‘carbon footprint’ so he won’t emit any of that “deadly” CO2. Maybe Campbell will reconsider his ill-conceived carbon tax in the light of meteorological reality?

  2. Some were not only broken – they were smashed !!
    Even though many sites were probably skewed to the warm side with encroaching Urban Heat Island effect.

  3. Oh, and BTW, we will stop citing examples of Global Cooling when the Alarmists stop warm-mongering.
    On second thought, maybe not. Cooler is really something to worry about, as the last 1000 years of European history proved. Warm was good, cool was bad. (aka, Little Ice Age brutal. Medieval Warm Period Rocked)

  4. Come on Kate, you know the chicken littles will proclaim that this is either an effect of global warming or just a small aberration should they decide to not blame it on the goreffect.
    And we all know only they are allowed to use small aberrations.

  5. Today was the nicest day in the last two weeks, 12C. I was thinking that spring had arrived at last, until my neighbor informed me that we are supposed to get more of that white stuff next week. So much for the April showers. Heavy sigh…

  6. It isn’t called “Global Warming” any more, the new name is all encompassing, it is now called “climate change”, as the climate has never changed until recent years.
    You’re not denying that the climate changes, are you?
    I love listen to the left, from the vast right-wing conspiracy to the 911 inside job conspiracy to the scientific consensus and the big one, Global Warmi.. I mean CLIMATE CHANGE denier.

  7. I remember climate change was once taught in school as a part of Geography. That was way back when they also used to teach History. Now I believe students are taught “Social Studies?” is that the correct term?
    I also love it when people tell me that the snow was deeper when they were children. I also remember how big my parents house was when I was a child, a perceptive illusion that remains with me to this day. The reality is that the house was a lot smaller than my memories of it, and snow that would have been waist deep as a child, is now knee deep as an adult.
    The real climate change deniers (those who insist on a static, never changing climate model) have been caught manipulating the data more times than not. I believe a class action law suit is in order, but what judge would hear it? Governments will keep pumping billions into climate change policy and ignore real pollution, all to satisfy the kool aid crowd. Sad.

  8. It’s now called “Climate Change”, man is responsible for everything so the gov must step in and make new rules to control behavior, create new taxes to assist and generally shut down the economy to comply with enviro wack job demands.
    Any polititco that is on board with that should be taken out back…

  9. As if elevating weather to news status wasn’t enough.
    With temperatures once again ranging to 14 degrees by Tuesday, the far east will be enjoying weather previously more common to May.
    From the Land of the Rising Sun,

  10. By the way hugger, are the Japanese as polite a society as we have been led to believe? Do you plan on returning to North America or have you always lived there? 実際に愚かな愚か者のhugger である

  11. [quote]It’s now called “Climate Change”,[/quote]
    I think I would panic if the climate was static.
    Don’t let them change their terminology, its Global Warming, and they own it.

  12. ‘elevating weather to news status.’
    I quite agree. It was Weather when all those people in France died during that heat wave, also.

  13. are the Japanese as polite a society as we have been led to believe?
    Posted by: Greg G at April 27, 2008 1:19 AM
    Well I don’t see them bowing to the West and the wailing wall a whole lot. Does that help?

  14. ‘Well I don’t see them bowing to the West and the wailing wall a whole lot. ‘~ hugger
    Hmmm. Not sure if that makes you anti-US or anti-Mecca, seeing as Mecca is West of Japan… but that last bit sure sounds anti-semitic!


  16. The eco-warriors should be very proud of their global warm-mongering. See Steyn’s article:
    “When you divert 28 percent of U.S. grain into fuel production, and when you artificially make its value as fuel higher than its value as food, why be surprised that you’ve suddenly got less to eat? Or, to be more precise, it’s not ‘you’ who’s got less to eat but those starving peasants in distant lands you claim to care so much about.”
    “In order for you to put biofuel in your Prius and feel good about yourself for no reason, real actual people in faraway places have to starve to death.”
    Wow – not only are they “winning the war” on “climate change” (i.e. the weather), but the eco-warriors have also succeeded in solving over-population in developing countries.
    Sounds like “A Modest Proposal” moment in time.

  17. Don’t you know,,,,,,,global warming and climate changes are interchangeable. Just ask the suzukites. If the Island was warmer than normal, they would be talking about how it was all due to global warming…..since the island is cooler than normal, it is because of climate changes caused by global warming………they have all the bases covered, except common sense!

  18. Thanks, sjt. Steyn hits another one out of the park. Liberals: always wrong and never in doubt.

  19. Dear Ottie;
    None of the above. It was a brain teaser Ottie, you know kind of like a Rubik’s Cube. The more you ponder it, the more complicated it appears. My namesake, Greg G didn’t do well with the original comment either, so don’t feel bad.
    Sorry Ottie, more practice needed. You folks are just so literal in your thinking.
    By that I mean this, so you can understand;
    limited to the explicit meaning of a word or text; “a literal translation”
    I’m not sure I can help many with that.
    I live in Eastern Canada. Far Eastern, ok? The western wailing wall is not unlike this blog. A very small percentage of whiny wailing westerners who don’t understand the concept of Confederation, and only think about their own immediate needs. We have another province that does a lot of that too.
    I don’t mean to seem condescending Ottie, its just that I can smell a grifter better than anyone I know. Most of these so-called political blog sites are just a venue for grifters. They incessantly pump out bits and pieces of cherry picked material to appeal to the base instincts of small groups of humanity, and try to represent this as a significant representation of sentiment in the Country. You might want to take notice of how much of the material offered here comes from the US, and more specifically, the US far right.
    It’s all about mind control Ottie. It’s an off shoot of free speech that some work to refine, and others work to expose. It’s all about balance and intelligent interpretation of material offered. It’s all about critical thinking.
    Garth Turner doesn’t like me much either. My quest for truth has no political affiliation.
    Then there was Plato. Once upon a time he said;
    “It was a wise man that invented beer”.

  20. Maybe we can convince David Suzuki to build a third mansion to increase GHG emissions. That should help bring the temperature up in BC.

  21. We should remember that global warming is causing global cooling. Another mini ice age is on the way!!

  22. Kate, a sarcastic cartoon suggestion.
    A very well rounded Al Gore standing over a frail, starving Third World child with Suzuki and Mo Strong cheering in the back ground.
    Not funny – pathetic.

  23. If my last post generates a great deal of hits, again, then a business arrangement must be forthcoming. You see Kate, I understand the methodology and I understand what Madonna pioneered. You know some of what I know, and I know what you know. So, let’s make a deal. Everyone needs to make a buck.
    I will put up my credentials against yours, anytime.
    Remember, Graduate of the University of Life, Summa cum laude. Wikipedia says you are a commercial artist and an air brush painter. If this is accurate, I commend you for these skills.
    I learned some things, from them old people who went before us. i.e. My stepfather who did well financially and politically, and always respected a person for doing their best, regardless of whatever their means of income. As long as it was an honest dollar, they were every bit his equal in his eyes. I will always remember that, and I don’t care what you drive, or how big your house is, that doesn’t tell me anything about the person you are, and if you care about this Country.
    I remember the words of the Soldier who told me he didn’t fight Hitler because he thought it was patriotic, but because he had been without a job for so long that he no longer felt like he was doing what a man should do for his Ma, his Pa and his brothers and sisters. So he went to war. He returned to struggle with severe wounds and a government that didn’t give a rat’s ass for him or his family. Some things never change.
    He was my Dad. Gunner, 8th Battery RCA. Dead at 49 yrs.
    So Kate, let me say this. If you had been where I have been, seen what I have seen, done what I have done, maybe you could understand better that offering people information that is unbiased, and intended to help them think about the realities of politics and the motivations of politicians, then you would be performing a worthwhile service for our Country.
    Otherwise, you will get comments like “what a circus”, and you will feel justified in removing them.
    I’ve been watching Kate. It’s called a critique.
    BTW, I love a Woman with a mind. I truely do. I hope that doesn’t sound sexist, I don’t mean it to. But, if you are going to be dishonest in your representations, ignore the true facts of life and History, then we will quarrel.
    I am not Kinsella, nor Warman. I have experienced far more of life than they have, and I am not diverted from my greater wisdom by Warman, Garth Turner or Peter Van Loan, aka cheeky Pete.

  24. Why do you hold back my posts Kate? Are you afraid of thoughts that challenge your attempts to lead those who are so easily led?
    Are you afraid of Freedom of Speech?
    I didn’t even post a link that contradicted your chosen venue of propaganda. Are you afraid of the Truth Kate? As I once said to Garth Turner, I am every bit your equal.
    Side note; I didn’t even attend at University, let alone Oxford, Yale or Harvard. But I have figured out the game. Damn them Okie’s wot?

  25. Hugger ain’t worth the effort to rebut and should be treated as a troll, ie, ignored or banned. The Lying Bastard will likely vanish into the mists as the world continues to grow colder.

  26. On the subject of Garth Turner, I will defend with my life his right to speak his mind. Although we don’t see eye to eye on a lot of things, I respect him for having the courage to speak to the Citizens of this country and allow them to offer differing opinions. He is what he is, I am what I am, you are what you are. What I have taken from his blog offerings is this, he offers to us understanding that elected representatives are not God’s, but merely flesh and blood like the rest of us. Not necessarily smarter than you or I, but perhaps we can use his words to demand a higher standard amongst elected representatives.
    For that, I admire his Courage.
    I also believe that if we wish quality representation that we should realize that we have to pay for it. That means considerably higher salaries for MP’s. Anyone who is not worthy should be dispensed of, forthwith.
    A recent entry on garth’s blog was from a civil servant who spoke loudly about working 16 hour days and asked why do you think there is so much stress leave? Then offered how there was no consistency, differing orders from ever changing differing political philosophies.
    It is not encompassed in my experiences to be able to understand the plight of the claim of 16 hour days of civil servants. It is encompassed in my experiences the plight of non political entrepreneurs who drive this country to put in 16 hour days, only to be slaughtered by the ever changing rules, the never ending patronage, and the ugliness of politics as we know it.
    I digress.
    Call me a leftard if you like. I will call you a fool.

  27. Every bit Garth Turner’s equal – HARDEHARHAR – aim higher Hugger 😉
    Posted by: Weasel Farmer at April 27, 2008 2:31 PM
    Ok Weasel, who would you suggest, and why?
    BTW, I was a farmer too. And little by little, I have come to understand who is the enemy of farmers. Little by little, I have come to understand that once the farmers were beaten, government and corporate interests had control of everyone.
    Little by little, I have come to understand that all that is left to us, is to teach our Children how they did it.
    Little by little, I have come to understand that neither the Conservative party nor the liberal party care one iota for farmers. Farmers don’t represent a significant block of votes. So bend over.
    Kate raised the issue of cheap food policy. On that issue, I believe it is so. I also believe that it was intended for the betterment of corporate interests who lobby politicians and have the money to make it work.
    I believe that the current rice issues are more relevant to this, hording and like oil companies, controlling market prices, than it is to biofuels and other such contemporary mind control topics.
    I would ask you this;, do you trust what politicians say? Remember, big money is made with things people need everyday. Like Johnson and Johnson, just the everyday needs.
    There is this Mexican guy who currently is fleeting with being the worlds richest man, who made his money in real estate. Think about that. One of the most backward and depressed countries in the hemisphere, and one man can become one of the top three in the world. Speaks to me. Think about where the money went that is causing the banking / credit collapse. The money went somewhere. It didn’t just go poof, up someones ass.

  28. With temperatures once again ranging to 14 degrees by Tuesday, the far east will be enjoying weather previously more common to May.
    Err, call me when weather misses it’s usual mark by more than two days.

  29. Its dangerous and stupid to be a tree hugger during a thunderstorm and its even more dangerous to be a tree sitter during a thunderstorm proving that JULIA(BUTTERFLY)HILL and her buddies are out of their freakin green minds

  30. Hugger ain’t worth the effort to rebut and should be treated as a troll, ie, ignored or banned. The Lying Bastard will likely vanish into the mists as the world continues to grow colder.
    Posted by: otter at April 27, 2008 2:51 PM
    The only issues worth considering are whether you can provide an intelligent rebuttal and whether you truely believe in free speech. Apparently not.
    This is what I have come to expect from the 20 or so head bobbers who frequent this site.

  31. Used to be a strong supporter of Gordon Campbell, but now, not so much.
    First he quaffed the kool-aid and today, lectured us that we must all do our part by accepting higher gasoline prices. Needless to say, he didn’t mention the fact that his government’s coffers grow increasingly fatter with gas taxes every time the price rises.
    More money for more social programs = more votes.
    I’m getting to the ‘pox on all their houses’ stage.

  32. The Mexican billionaire is a telecom owner. Ever heard of cellphones?
    Kate, you are doing a few things very well: exposing the CHRC for being “above the law”, baiting and impersonating the so=-called evil they think we need to root out (or their supporters do), and absolutely destroying the PlanetGoring of the environmental issue.
    Some people don’t get that the brainwashing begins the minute they turn on the TV, or get behind the wheel.
    Just because the US gov’t has squandered the opportunity to bring pride back to Western society – that what has been built should be preserved – doesn’t mean we can’t hold that flame high also, and be proud of the achievements of our world.
    Guilt is such a debilitating emotion, and it has become an industry that excellent public speakers like Suzuki and Gore have cornered.
    My turning point came when carbon off-sets became an industry. I’ve never even ONCE considered this to be a good marriage of economic production with ecological concern. it is only one thing: an appeasement strategy the clever foist upon the fools.

  33. i’m in denial obviously….
    it’s beautiful this time of year what a day to be out on the river !

  34. i’m in denial obviously….
    it’s beautiful this time of year what a day to be out on the river !
