42 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to SDA Late Nite Radio. Tonight we have an old favourite of ours here in the studio, an anthem of sorts for the individualists among us, if you like, be we female, male, black, white, scientist, artist, teacher, soldier, &c; here for your delectation is Mr. Frank Sinatra performing My Way:
    For what is a man?
    What has he got?
    If not himself,
    then he has not.

  2. This is why free speech in this country is important. It is much better to know where and who your enemy is than to have them hiding in the shadows.
    TORONTO -Naeem Muhammad Khan wants everyone to “Support Our Troops,” but he’s not talking about the Canadian Forces in Kandahar.
    From his apartment in Toronto, Mr. Khan has been posting messages on the Internet calling Osama bin Laden a “hero” and “champion of Islam.”
    The 23-year-old fundamentalist’s online logo combines the black Taliban flag and the outline of an AK-47 above the “Support Our Troops” slogan.
    Between sips of iced coffee at Tim Hortons, Mr. Khan explained that he is a supporter of the Taliban, as well as other armed Islamic groups.
    ” ‘Support our Troops’ means supporting the mujahideen [Muslim soldiers of God] who are fighting for their freedom and rights against illegal occupation in many, many places over the world like Afghanistan, Iraq, Chechnya, Kashmir, Palestine and Somalia,” he said later in an e-mail

  3. The “climate numbers” spell tax f-r-a-ud.
    Our Climate Numbers Are a Big Old Mess
    “This prompts the ultimate question: Why is the news on global warming always bad? Perhaps because there’s little incentive to look at things the other way. If you do, you’re liable to be pilloried by your colleagues. If global warming isn’t such a threat, who needs all that funding? Who needs the army of policy wonks crawling around the world with bold plans to stop climate change?
    But as we face the threat of massive energy taxes – raised by perceptions of increasing rates of warming and the sudden loss of Greenland’s ice – we should be talking about reality.”
    http://tinyurl.com/6eugvv (wsj)

  4. By the way, stupid Dippers, it’s called a 100-year flood because you can expect one every freaking century. That’s also why we all called it Flood of the Century, and not Flood That’s Never Been Seen or Expected Before.

  5. “(6) Finally, since it would be utterly hypocritical to ask others to make sacrifices you’re not prepared to make yourself, when may we expect you to cut the size of your forest-eating, greenhouse-gas-emitting, planet-destroying Saturday editions in half?
    Seriously. You could stop a truck with one of those things.”
    “Feeling a little green, are we?
    Why the Globe and Star should be celebrating skyrocketing food and fuel prices
    Dear Globe and Mail and Toronto Star:
    For 15 months, I’ve been saving your respective front pages from the glorious weekend of January 27-28, 2007, when you simultaneously declared your mutual jihads against man-made global warming.
    I knew they’d come in handy some day and now, they have.
    Indeed, it seems like only yesterday I awoke to my Saturday, January 27, 2007 Globe to be greeted by the hysterical, front-page headline “Welcome to the new climate,” under a politically correct green masthead, declaring at the bottom: “We want action. We’re ready for sacrifices.”
    Not to be outdone, the Star a day later had its own World War III, front-page headline, “State of denial: Do the skeptics of global warming have a hidden agenda?” — in the finest traditions of “do you deny beating your wife?” journalism.
    And now, here we are, just 15 months later and isn’t it great you both have exactly what you wanted — skyrocketing gasoline prices and about-to-skyrocket food prices — since as we both know, hitting energy-hogging Canadians in their pocketbooks is the only way to make them reduce their evil greenhouse gas emissions hard and fast. ”
    http://tinyurl.com/6c4nw3 (goldstein)

    “”Oh, no, you SOBs, you are not going to hurt my Sinhalese people unfairly by portraying us as ruthless killers and persecutors, nor will you make me want to drop on the floor and roll over pretending that I am dead just because you threatened me over the telephone to kill me to shut me up for telling the Tamil FACTS”.”

  7. When I voted, there were 485 votes in, showing 85% no. That’s about 412 No votes to 73 Yes.
    Now, we’ve got 1481 votes total, showing 64% Yes to 36% No. Something VERY fishy there. That’s now 947 Yes votes to 534 No.
    So, in an hour, we’ve recorded a gain of 120-odd No, but a gain of 870-odd Yes.
    Me thinks a climate alarmist/new world order type is playing fast and loose with the cookies!

  8. When oil went up $3 a barrel, I like you, oh all knowing one, thought it was because turbans seated around a table decided it so.
    Seems a little high seas drama gives us a sudden price bump at the hands of one or two Iranian speed boats.
    ** WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A cargo ship hired by the U.S. military fired warning shots at approaching boats in the Gulf, the U.S. Navy said on Friday, underscoring tension in the region as the Pentagon sharpened its warnings to Iran.
    After the boats failed to respond to radio queries and a warning flare, the cargo ship’s security team fired *a few bursts* of machine gun and rifle warning shots, according to Cmdr. Lydia Robertson, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Navy’s Bahrain-based Fifth Fleet.
    The news helped push oil prices up more than $3 to $119.50 a barrel — within striking distance of the record $119.90 hit earlier this week — as traders worried escalating tensions in the region could eventually disrupt crude shipments. **
    = TG

  9. Sales of the alternative fuel vehicles increase every year and usually exceed high expectations. Last year, the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers predicted that 1 million hybrids, ethanol-capable and clean diesel cars would be sold.
    The total number ended up exceeding 1.4 million.
    Alternative fuel vehicles provide consumers with the opportunity to improve the environment, economy and national security.
    = TG

  10. Yodellers are cool and “wet, and getting wetter”. More bs from the warmites/MSM/TORedStar.
    “said research team leader Francis Zwiers, a world-recognized climate modeller.”
    “Arctic forecast: Wet, and getting wetter”
    “Paul Mosher, a Transport Canada helicopter pilot, conducts reconnaissance flight. Pilots look for ways through the ice – and for anything unusual.”

  11. Shariah finance in America. Just another form of jihad to establish shariah law for all:
    The Daily Record (Baltimore)
    By Brendan Kearney
    A Baltimore couple has filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the Islamic investment bank that owns the Church’s Chicken fast-food chain, alleging their franchise failed because the bank’s strict adherence to the religious code of Shari’ah prohibited the couple from selling pork.
    Marcus and Denise Beasley, who are black, claimed they were treated differently by the bank, now known as Atlanta-based Arcapita Inc., than non-black franchisees who were allowed to continue serving breakfast dishes containing pork after the chain was acquired by the bank in December 2004.

  12. Don’t miss this!
    … … …
    PBS launches a remarkable five-night series “Carrier,”.
    filmed aboard the USS Nimitz, offers an unprecedented look at the lives of the people on a mammoth aircraft carrier.
    On a bright May morning, more than 5,000 sailors and Marines bid farewell to their loved ones before the mammoth USS Nimitz pulls out of Coronado, California, and sets a course for Hawaii and beyond.
    Among the men and women who live and work on board are an airman who describes the ship as a small town;
    a pilot who considers the ship a powerful instrument of diplomacy;
    a sailor who questions “why we’re fighting to defend someone else’s freedom when we barely have our own”;
    a cook who dishes out 15,000 meals a day;
    and an airman who has just learned that his girlfriend is pregnant.
    Controlled Chaos – The men and women of the USS Nimitz live beneath the runway of a major airport.
    They sleep on the roof of a nuclear power plant. It’s a perilous environment.

    Their only bulwark against danger and chaos is to bond with their units on board the ship.
    The “Shooters,” who launch the jets, have a “Circle of Trust”;
    the Ordies (ordnance personnel) pride themselves on being a “mafia”;
    the F-18 squadrons – the Black Aces, the Hoboes and the Marine Red Devils -are tight fraternities.

    … … …
    Even though PBS does have a few shows made by a few leftist lunatics they also have excellent “fair and balanced” documentaries, I have a feeling this five part series will not be a dsappointment.
    The series starts this evening, check your local listings!
    Here a few facts from Wikipedia to open up your appetite,
    … … …
    USS Nimitz (CVN-68) is a supercarrier in the United States Navy,
    the lead ship of its class.
    She is one of the largest warships in the world.

    2 × Westinghouse A4W nuclear reactors
    4 × steam turbines
    4 × shafts
    260,000 shp (194 MW)
    30+ knots (56+ km/h)
    Essentially unlimited
    Ship’s company: 3,200
    Air wing:
    Aircraft carried:
    90 fixed wing and helicopters
    … … …

  13. The phrase, “Gene disorder”, means incest.
    “Gene Disorder Complicates Sect Custody Fight”
    “…, many of the children in the FLDS group suffer from fumarase deficiency, a genetic disease that causes acute retardation and physical deformation. The disease was spread through decades of inbreeding, according to John Dougherty, an investigative reporter who has written extensively about the polygamist sect.”
    http://tinyurl.com/5aoe3o (npr)

  14. Thank you Vitruvius. Gorgeous song sung so well by Sinatra. Lyrics and melody by Paul Anka, I believe.

  15. JJ Rousseau’s Ignoble Savage: Bolivia’s President Evo Morales.
    “The Environmentalists’ Real Agenda
    Ideologies: Once in a while the truth accidentally tumbles out on global warming activists’ real agenda. That’s exactly what happened at the U.N., when Bolivia’s leader called for ending capitalism to save the planet.”
    “Romanticization of nature to promote state control hasn’t had it this good since the days of Rousseau’s noble savage. The only problem for environmental radicals, of course, is that sometimes the designated “savages” accidentally reveal the truth.”
    http://tinyurl.com/63c4j4 (IBD)

  16. Read Solzhenitsyn’s works for an understanding of socialism.
    Note this is posted by The Guardian, the UK’s ultraleft rag.
    In this report, the Guardian editor(s) have amended/edited the quote, “The law turned the peasants into slaves” into :
    “The law [after the war] turned the peasants into slaves.'”
    This is a reference to WWII. However, the Bolsheviks under Lenin turned the peasants into slaves as early as 1918.
    Solzhenitsyn says himself that Soviet Russia consisted of only two classes: one class consisted of Lenin/Stalin; the other class was everyone else.
    It was the socialist pyramid.
    “Solzhenitsyn battles illness to complete final volumes
    Russia’s Nobel-winning novelist is now nearly 90, still hard at work – and still outspoken, his wife tells Luke Harding in a rare interview”
    http://tinyurl.com/5e6afe (guardian)

  17. the plot tickens – from the Globe and Mail:
    Internet hijacking ‘disturbing’ says Ottawa woman
    Canadian Press
    April 27, 2008 at 2:42 PM EDT
    TORONTO — A woman caught up in a mysterious Internet hijacking scandal that has sparked a federal privacy investigation into the Canadian Human Rights Commission says she was shocked, angry and confused at suddenly finding herself publicly associated with white supremacists.
    Speaking out for the first time, Nelly Hechme told The Canadian Press she was appalled to learn commission investigators might have hacked her Internet connection to post messages on supremacist websites.
    “It’s horrible,” Ms. Hechme said. “You never want something like that attached to your name.”
    Last month, an investigator with the Human Rights Commission told a hearing into a hate complaint that he made postings on websites under the password-protected pseudonym “Jadewarr.”
    In response to a subpoena, Bell Canada linked “Jadewarr” to Ms. Hechme’s personal Internet account, and provided her address and telephone number at the public hearing.
    The revelation quickly found its way into the media and became the Internet buzz among opponents of the rights commission.
    Ms. Hechme, 26, who lives close to the commission’s offices in Ottawa, said she was “completely shocked” when a reporter contacted her about the disclosure.
    “It was like the “Twilight Zone.” I didn’t know what the heck was going on,” said Ms. Hechme, an administrative assistant with Bell Canada.
    “I don’t like the fact that my information was just put out all over, including my age, where I live, pictures of where I live. It’s very disturbing.”
    So far, the commission has not explained why or how its investigators might have commandeered Ms. Hechme’s connection or offered any alternative explanation for how Ms. Hechme and “Jadewarr” became linked.
    Ian Fine, senior general counsel with the rights commission, said he was unable to comment on the specifics of the case in light of ongoing investigations but denied any wrongdoing.
    “We are quite confident that, at the end of the day, it will be established that the Canadian Human Rights Commission has done nothing untoward, nothing wrong, in this whole scenario,” Mr. Fine said.
    Ms. Hechme disputed an initial media report that her wireless Internet access was unsecured and therefore easily hacked. In fact, she said, it required an encryption key that could not have been guessed or casually cracked.
    When she forgot the key, even she couldn’t access the connection, she said.
    “It was so secure to the point I couldn’t get into it (so) I’m not sure how they got into it. It’s very bizarre.”
    Ms. Hechme said no one from the commission had contacted her. She has complained to the federal privacy office, which is formally investigating.
    “To say that I was surprised and shocked . . . is of course a huge understatement,” Ms. Hechme wrote to the privacy commissioner of Canada.
    “To find out that it was an agency of the federal government that was responsible brings the level of concern to a whole different level.”
    Mr. Fine said the rights commission would speak in June about its “investigative techniques” during closing submissions in the hate case involving Toronto website operator, Mark Lemire.
    Mr. Lemire has filed a criminal complaint against the commission, alleging theft of telecommunications and unlawful computer interference.
    Ms. Hechme, meanwhile, is pondering civil action, saying it’s not fair she’s been caught up in the murky web.
    She’s particularly distressed at finding her name associated with white supremacists and wonders whether that link — now firmly forged through the reach of the Internet — might come back to haunt her.
    “This is the part that bothers me the most. I don’t know if my name is going to be flagged if I want to cross the border, if I apply for a job,” she said.
    “I don’t even want anyone questioning my name. Ever.”

  18. Warm Breezes in the USA. . .
    CPS Energy is America’s leading supplier of wind power
    CPS Energy currently has the capacity of supplying 501 megawatts of wind power to its customers. [ CPS Energy is owned by the City of San Antonio.]
    Austin Energy earned the No. 2 spot nationally at 274 megawatts.
    MSR Power Agency of California ranked third with 200 megawatts.
    Seattle City Light ranked fourth at 175 megawatts
    and the Sacramento Municipal Utility District ranked fifth with 106 megawatts of power.
    ======================== News.Moneycentral.MSN.com
    = TG

  19. Here’s an article—it is to laugh—by the fine Margaret Wente of the not so fine Globe and Mail, April 22, 2008:
    HAVING IT BOTH WAYS The irresistible rise of eco-chic: Can you be both rich and green? Of course you can!
    MARGARET WENTE mwente@globeandmail.com I am so glad Earth Day is over. My newspapers were crammed with special Earth Day supplements, which featured ads from major corporations earnestly explaining their commitment to the planet. I am sure these supplements were printed on recycled paper, but they cluttered up the house. Now that they are tucked away in the recycling bin, I can clutter up the house with the Real Estate sections, which I much prefer. These days, they are stuffed with artistic renderings of soaring towers and attractive couples who have discovered the Condo Lifestyle ($1.5-million and up).
    Can you be both rich and green? Of course you can! The reassuring message of those who have embraced eco-chic is that you really don’t have to give up a thing. With a few minor alterations in your habits and purchasing decisions, you can become both virtuous and chic.
    In fact, green virtue is the new chic.
    “Gorgeous guilt-free decorating,” promises the cover of Canadian House & Home, which is my absolutely favourite magazine. It does decor-porn with patriotic flare. It always features at least one house that I would die to live in. This month, it found a house whose living room is held up by huge, reclaimed beams from some ancient barn. The living room is furnished with eco-conscious sofas, which are made from CFC-free foam and wood that’s bonded with soy-based resins. There are no artificial materials anywhere in sight. Everything is made from stone, wood and natural fibre. Nothing is too done up, manicured or landscaped.
    “Connecting to the environment was important on so many levels,” explained the designer, who, like the owner, wanted everything to be eco-friendly. The house, which is a 4,000-square-foot structure on a lake, is described as a “pared-down summer retreat” that provides an escape from the hustle-bustle of the city, where the owners presumably make a living that’s good enough to buy their way back to nature.
    It has five bedrooms and four bathrooms, as well as a chandelier made from recycled driftwood, and light fixtures made from recycled antler horns.
    “Wood salvaged from local barns cuts down on deforestation,” advise the magazine’s editors, and that is just one of their many handy tips for going green. Recycling antique furniture helps to reduce landfill. Using locally sourced materials requires less transportation, and cuts down on fuel use and pollution. Although the article doesn’t say, I am sure the eco-conscious owners travel back and forth to their retreat by bicycle.
    The illusion of living simply and in harmony with nature has now become the highest expression of refined taste. It’s not a new idea – even Marie Antoinette played milkmaid at Versailles. But it requires a whole new set of status markers. Nothing should be ostentatious or showy. Crystal chandeliers are vulgar. But driftwood chandeliers announce that you are the kind of person who rejects objects that are ostentatious and showy. They are sure to inspire a pang of envy among your friends, just as crystal chandeliers once did in a crasser age.
    And while natural materials are always good, rare and costly natural materials are even better. That’s why reclaimed wood is such a brilliant concept. It allows you to have it both ways. It allows you to have fabulous wide-plank floors made from a majestic thousand-year-old Douglas fir that somebody chopped down 80 years ago. And you’re off the hook, because it wasn’t you who chopped it down. You’re just helping to reduce landfill.
    Recently, I found out just how much some people are willing to fork over for the illusion of living simply and reconnecting with the natural environment. We used to call this experience “summer camp.” But now, summer camp has been reinvented by the world’s newest and most chic resorts – the kind featured in European Elle. We stayed at one of these places. The entire resort was designed to create the illusion that you had been cast away on a fabulously beautiful tropical island where you could go barefoot all day. Not a single thing was plastic. The look was handcrafted, local and unpretentious, as if the design consultant had been Robinson Crusoe.
    In our room was a brochure explaining the resort’s commitment to environmental sustainability. It was bound in a rustic bamboo cover that had been made by local artisans. The signage consisted of crude wooden slabs on posts, with the kind of faux-primitive lettering carved into them that I hadn’t seen in 40 years. “Spa,” a sign would say, with an arrow pointing toward the spa, where gentle local people would rejuvenate you with natural healing essences at $120 a pop. The grounds, too, had been designed to look entirely natural, as if the place had never been landscaped or sprayed or mown at all. Of course, there were no cars. Instead, everybody rode around on bikes.
    We never planned to stay at this place. It was way too expensive.
    We wound up there at no extra charge because the place we’d booked was full. The actual price was around $1,000 a day, which is roughly twice the annual per-capita income of the Asian country in which it is located.
    We loved it. All the buildings had thatched roofs. Our beach house had a private pool made of locally sourced materials (low transportation costs!) and came with handmade biodegradable locally sourced organic soap. There was an outdoor shower with two different kinds of showerheads, so that you could pick the one you liked. There was a private butler and a pillow menu, with 14 different kinds of pillows, in case you didn’t like the ones you had. There was a flat-screen television.
    Best of all, every plastic bottle of complimentary water was covered in a little bag made out of unbleached cotton. Those folks had thought of everything! People don’t want to pay $1,000 a night to look at plastic bottles. It ruins the aesthetic.
    Of course, we felt a little silly too. We felt a bit like Marie Antoinette, and you know what happened to her. There’s nothing wrong with being eco-chic, I guess. But if you imagine that it makes you a better person, then you are seriously deluded.
    Then I sent it to Steve Paikin of TVO’s The Agenda, with this note:
    I appreciated your kind response [to me] after your Earth SaturDay show and my response to it.
    I’ve just seen this fine, sceptical, humourous Margaret Wente article at Media Net and couldn’t resist sending it along. Perhaps you’ve already done so, but a suggestion for one of your shows, as a balance to the one where everyone bought into the AGW “take”, is one where “deniers”—a particularly nasty, pejorative, propaganda term: I’d say sceptics—have a say. (Scepticism and constant testing are the mark of authentic scientists: “The science is settled” is an oxymoron.) Margaret Wente would be a fine guest. Terence Corcoran, Lawrence Solomon, and Peter Foster would be other choices, along with some scientists. (Let me know if you need the names of some.)
    As I’ve said, my husband and I have quite a minuscule carbon footprint compared to the AGW gurus and their more prominent followers, who would have difficulty, I think, even imagining our lifestyle. E.g., We have one semi-detached, 1700 square foot-for-four house, with oldish, not all matching—but it looks quite nice!—furniture, a tiny backyard, no air conditioning, an 18 year old DVD player, a 30 year old receiver and speakers for our radio and CDs (really!), an 11 year old Golf, no holidays away from home, except for three flights in ten years (return to England, when my husband’s and daughters’ choirs were singing in English cathedrals), very few clothing purchases or restaurant meals, etc. Believe me, I’m not complaining about this—or the lifestyles of those more prosperous than we are. We’re blessed. But we’re damned if we’re going to be lectured to by the elitists, such as Gore, Suzuki, and the Hollywood hypocrites who do not practise what they preach. (BTW, we left our few lights on on Earth Day. PR gimmicks don’t impress us.) If these people feel guilty—maybe they should—I suggest they shoulder and deal with their own guilt—the rest of us should be so fortunate!—and not foist it on to others, including both those who appreciate their bountiful lifestyles and those who have far less than they do. (IMO, AGW functions like a religion: carbon credits are just 21st century indulgences. How scheming and retrogressive is that?)
    I hope you’ll seriously consider the show proposal I’ve made.

  20. Any sunspots seen? Not yet.
    “SOLAR BLAST: No sunspots? No problem. Yesterday the blank sun unleashed a solar flare without the usual aid of a sunspot. At 1408 UT on April 26th, Earth-orbiting satellites detected a surge of X-rays registering B3.8 on the Richter scale of solar flares. Shortly thereafter, SOHO coronagraphs photographed a coronal mass ejection (CME) billowing away from the sun:”

  21. By contrast, in Canada we have . . .
    NEWFOUNDLAND, January 20 – Residents of a small community south of St. John’s say they see nothing to panic about in a proposed wind farm.**We’re getting the answers we’re looking for,** said Juanita Farrell, a resident of Fermeuse, describing a public information session held Saturday night about a series of turbines that SkyPower Corp. plans to build there.
    Yet in Solar Farms we have . .
    North America’s Largest Solar Photovoltaic Energy Park. Stone Mills, ONTARIO.
    Joint venture partners SkyPower Corp., a Lehman Brothers Company, and SunEdison Canada announced today the official groundbreaking of First Light, North America’s largest solar photovoltaic energy park to date, located on approximately 300 acres of land in Lennox & Addington County, Ontario. Construction of the 19-megawatt (MW) solar park is anticipated to be completed by the end of 2009. Local communities will benefit from clean renewable energy sufficient to power more than 2,000 homes annually.
    = TG

  22. concerned canadian – thanks for your providing Margaret Wente’s excellent article. Your suggestion to TVO’s Agenda is great! heh. They’ll never do it.

  23. Another poverty article from the Red Star, http://www.thestar.com/News/GTA/article/418872
    “After living on the street for 17 years, one of them brought carts, newspapers and garbage into his new apartment.
    “He replicated what he knew in this gorgeous, one-bedroom apartment,” said Witkowski.
    Six years later, he cooks for himself, his living room is spotless, and although he still abuses drugs, he’s not throwing crack parties anymore. ”
    Good to know my taxes are not put towards crack parties anymore, just regular drug use.

  24. I have done a little more research regarding the Y2Kyoto 1997 Climate Change Flood that Should Happen Every 100 Years. Turns out, it looks like the provincial Dippers and envirofascists have got their marching orders on the Winnipeg Sun polls.
    Look at the pattern:
    1. Do you agree with the ruling that police who use drug dogs in public places must justify suspicion of a crime to use evidence seized in court? Total votes, 1407, largely no.
    2. Are you alarmed by the Bank of Canada’s economic forecast? Total votes, 920, moderately no.
    3. Should dangerous offenders be ineligible for minimum-security prison placements? Total 2011, largely yes.
    4. Do you believe the province will reach its emissions goal this time around with the new climate change plan? Total votes, 2658, largely yes.
    And today’s:
    5. Do you believe climate change played a part in Manitoba’s Flood of the Century? Total votes, 2900+, largely yes.
    Get out there and fake public opinion, Manitoba NDP!

  25. > The BBC on guns and the U.S. Some surprising conclusions from a source such as the Beeb…
    Posted by: Drained Brain at April 27, 2008 10:00 AM
    DB: That article did come to a surprising twist. Perhaps it simply does come down to this: An armed society is a polite society.

  26. It’s Clazy Engrish, say Mao Stlonger.
    “Letter from China
    Crazy English
    The national scramble to learn a new language before the Olympics.”
    ““Conquer English to Make China Stronger!””
    “Crazy English Tongue Muscle Training House”
    http://tinyurl.com/5kaolg (newyorker)

  27. can anyone give the real scoop on maher arar? what did they really have on him? any info greatly appreciated (no quack sites please).

  28. ET, I know The Agenda will never do it, but at least Steve Paikin won’t be able to keep patting himself on the back for providing a balanced and fair view.
    He’ll never openly admit his bias–he’s pretty thin skinned, like most of the media divas–but he’ll KNOW it!

  29. “Wild West”: a favourite epithet/pejorative of the LiberalMSM. The MSM is a-whoring for the Liberals.
    Forget about the content of these hit pieces.
    Wild West? Get it? West? Where the rednecked knuckle-draggers inhabit the Wild West, aka the home of the Tories.
    Both of these propaganda pieces include “Wild West”.
    1. “Wild West” from a quote by Libshitz MP Holland:
    Tim Naumetz , THE CANADIAN PRESS
    2.”Wild West”
    Canadian Press/g-m

  30. Geez Yukon Gold. I can’t believe you don’t get it. There was a BIG snowstorm in April of 1997. Covered the entire province with 12 – 18 inches of wet sloppy spring snow. A week later, the globe warmed and then all that snow melted, filled all the rivers in the province to overflowing and beyond. Thus, it follows, that the 1997 Flood was caused by global warming. Oh crap, I’m sorry, climate change. Oh crap, I’m sorry, a normal spring weather event albeit somewhat larger than the mean. Gee, maybe it wasn’t a global warming thing?
    Freaking Dippers. I continue to drive my big block powered 67 Plymouth just to annoy them. Hope it’s working!
