41 Replies to “Duffy, With Mark Steyn”

  1. Good to see this getting national exposure on the TV. And a pretty good interview, too.
    I’ve just received a copy of America Alone, and look forward to reading it.
    Good on Mark for drawing a link of sorts between Mohammed Elmasry and Wormtongue.

  2. I wrote him telling him truthfully it was one of the best interviews of steyn I have seen , Better than the American ones. Too much fawning in my opinion. Here he got to say his pitch in Toto with out interruption except for a few sharp questions by Duffy that helped the presentation.
    That’s just my opinion

  3. Gee, that Justice Minister.
    He was around here somewhere just a minute ago.
    Where could he have got to?
    Missed him again.

  4. Thanks for putting that up, not being in Canada only was able to read about it. Most notable comment was that Nicholson refuses to return his call. Goes to show that Kenny’s remarks at that anti- racist racist government sponsered meeting just don’t go far enough. I don’t think feminazi Hall and the rest of the commissars will be running in fear. It needs Harper and Nicholson to stand up and say or do something. Just seems all they want to do is hide in fear.

  5. Harrassing writers and publications should be leading to lawsuits against these fascist commissions and their witch hunts.

  6. Mark Steyn should run for office. This case needs as much exposure as possible so that the Mr and Mrs. average Joe get to see how the fascists are trying to stifle free speech. In Britain our friends the Saudis use Britain’s antiquated libel laws to threaten and bully anyone who criticises their death cult. We need to remain eternally vigilant as Steyn mentions. We must expose these human rights kangaroo courts for the charades they are.

  7. LT you comment about Britain and the Saudis is a bit ironic, considering what is happening in Canada. By a Canadian to boot.

  8. LT you comment about Britain and the Saudis is a bit ironic, considering what is happening in Canada. By a Canadian to boot.
    Of course in Canada the Saudis or any other muzzie doesn’t need libel laws. Canada has kangaroo courts run by feminazi commissars. Aided and abetted by Canadian politicians.

  9. This issue is just so bloody serious. These Commissions have to be shut down, they’re antagonists to and bucking our basic freedoms. Why are we paying for such dangerous threats to our rights within this democracy?
    Nicholson and Harper have to be fully aware of this and we should hear from them with some answers as to what they intend to do about it. It can’t go on.
    What this “Worm” is up to certainly appears to be a scandal and could go to major proportions if not dealt with. It has all the earmarks of a lucrative scam. Like Kangaroo courts the winners are predetermined, the accused pays the price.
    If this is allowed under this Conservative government they’re choosing rogues over honest, loyal, taxpaying Canadians.

  10. I’m with Jema54 on another thread about Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s and Justice Minister Nicholson’s silence thus far.
    In the hurly-burly-MSM/Liberal collusion against the CPC, at pretty much every turn (a la chaque scandale de la semaine dreamed up by the LPC, and widely disseminated to the Canadian masses by the all-too accommodating flying MSM monkey squad), one wrong move on the CPC’s part, and their whole strategy on this file could go up in smoke when it’s torched, as it would be, by the MSM/LPC disloyal Opposition. I’m sure the Dippers and Blockheads would be more than willing to pile on too.
    Prime Minister Stephen Harper is a master strategist, he’s weathered all sorts of political storms and has had to negotiate numerous ship-wrecking shoals to avoid a smash-up, all in enemy territory.
    I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, for now–hoping that I’m not bitterly disappointed–and trust that he knows what he’s doing. I’m getting the sense that his strategy, among other things, is to give RW and the HRCs enough rope to hang themselves, which is far more effective in getting the job done than simply legislating the HRCs out of existence, as much as I’d like to see this happen.
    By allowing this process to work itself out–albeit a painful process for the bloggers and journalists who are being sued–a lot of extremely unsavoury details are being revealed, which might not come to light if the government were to just cut the HRCs off at the knees.
    My modus operandi in life is to look back to see a pattern and then, because I have faith in God’s unfathomable, inscrutable, and never-failing mercy and provision, go forward “into the mystic” (as Van the Man puts it) confidant that the great mystical geometry at work in the universe will take me to where I need to be. Thus far, I haven’t been left high and dry—not that it’s been an easy ride!
    So, looking back at Stephen Harper’s brilliant, but slow, trajectory into national politics and his careful plotting and strategizing, which wrought a miracle by bringing two seemingly irreconcilable conservative political parties together, not to mention numerous factions within each, I have faith that he knows what he’s doing.
    He also knows a lot of things that we don’t. So while it’s easy to be an armchair political pundit, he’s the one who’s in the ring taking the actual punches. I’m assuming he can see the left punch just about to land…

  11. ‘been around the block’..is correct.
    Settle down people, have faith that Harper knows what he is doing, timing is everything.
    We can’t allow the left to spin this into a (conservatives are evil witchhunt) … the way they did with John Tory’s “faith based schools” electoral disaster.
    If we conservatives start questioning our conservative leaders, (like Steyn did on Duffy),
    as to where is our Justice minister on this file…well re-read ‘been around the block’ above.
    Try and remember ..WHO.. controls the MsM here in Canada, and what message they will allow, come next election.

  12. Well said, batb. I’m also pleased that Jason Kenney has lately made some powerful statements–see Ezra Levant’s blog–condemning the modus operandi of the HRCs. I think that’s notice to us out here that the Conservatives know what’s going on and disapprove.
    But, as you’ve said, there are many shoals out there on which the CPC can be shipwrecked by their numerous enemies. I think PMSH is probably being “wise as a serpent” on this.

  13. As LT points out, this is an international issue. The neo-stalinists and Islamofascists observe and talk to each other across international borders and will apply tactics that have worked in one country to another. If it can happen in Canada, it can happen in Britain or Holland. Likewise if some push back is seen to occur in Holland or Canada, that push back will be normalized for Britain or Sweden and pols driven by the political wind may reverse their tack. The democracies are all in this together.
    Kenny’s speech yesterday is an encouraging sign. As mentioned in previous comments, PMSH keeps a pretty tight rein on his troops, so Kenny’s remarks must be assumed to have PMO or cabinet imprimatur. Meanwhile, we can help things along by ensuring that the cause remains visible and popular.

  14. If history shows that bath and lookout read this right they will appear to be prophetic…if not it will show that they have been drinking the koolaid.
    Of course all this “brilliant” strategy will deem to be irrelevant should they loose the next election just because events have overtaken them as they wait…and enjoy the office!!
    How about they throw us real conservatives a bone once in a while instead of telling us always to …just be patient!!

  15. Another heartening sign was Duffy’s answer when Steyn was wondering where the justice Minister was, Duffy said probably out on the campaign trail. He could have done what we’d expect from most in the MSM and implied he was hiding out on the issue.
    It’s a certainty Harper will fix this one too, timing is everything in these games. Agreed, we need to allow them time to hoist on their own petard.

  16. Of course in Canada the Saudis or any other muzzie doesn’t need libel laws. Canada has kangaroo courts run by feminazi commissars. Aided and abetted by Canadian politicians.
    Posted by: Pissedoff at May 4, 2008 5:43 AM
    I contend that these “feminazi” are beholding to the ‘secret monies – aka: blood money fund’ who influence/own the HRC personalities, after all if their ‘rich silent backers’ are happy then HRC is doing it’s job.
    That’s why an “special designated visible (foreign) minority ie: “a Saudi Arabia person” can get away with insulting in any venue – any Canadian they want to – And any and all HRC’s in Canada won’t take these cases. Not allowed.
    Follow the Money.

  17. Well, well, well. Now we FINALLY know what it takes to get Mike Duffy p1ssed off. It takes Richard Warman.
    From what I saw there, it looks like Mr. Duffy heard about what’s going on with the CHRC etc. and said “No way, not in MY country.” Welcome to the party, Mike.
    How far behind the curve are these TV guys? I may have to readjust my MSM settings here, possibly they aren’t a bunch of dire socialists out to enslave Canada. Maybe they just suck at their jobs really, really bad.
    Never ascribe to malice what can be explained by incompetence, eh?

  18. this should be required viewing at school not Al Gores “inconvenent truth” propoganda lies.
    and the Canadian Taxpayer Federation should sue Warman to get our money back.

  19. Well, well, well. Now we FINALLY know what it takes to get Mike Duffy p1ssed off. It takes Lucy and his HRC antics.
    From what I saw there, it looks like Mr. Duffy heard about what’s going on with the CHRC etc. and said “No way, not in MY country.” Welcome to the party, Mike.
    How far behind the curve are these TV guys? I may have to readjust my MSM settings here, possibly they aren’t a bunch of dire socialists out to enslave Canada. Maybe they just suck at their jobs really, really bad.
    Never ascribe to malice what can be explained by incompetence, eh?

  20. ivbinconned, don’t forget that politics “is the art of the possible,” not flying Hell-bent-for-leather for only YOUR PARTY’S agenda. You could be as right as rain but dead (in-the-water) right and lose the next election.
    We are the instant-gratification generation (actually, there are now about four or five generations who expect results NOW or YESTERDAY); we’re not used to having to wait for things.
    It’s going to take years to turn this Canadian ship of state from veering leftward to just taking a straight course, let alone a starboard one. Prime Minister Harper knows this. He’s no fool.
    Look at all of the things the Conservatives have accomplished in their short two and a half years AS A MINORITY GOVERNMENT.
    As they say in Central America (and, of course, it used to drive me crazy!): Patiencia, patiencia.

  21. Well, I have to give the Puffster credit for giving a sympathetic hearing to Steyn.
    But my real question is if people like Elmasry are truly advocating the extermination of Jews, then why isn’t the CJC initiating suits against him? Shouldn’t we be fighting fire with fire? From what I’ve read, his comments are far more immaflatory than those of Steyn or Levant. If those people are going to initiate suits against us, why are we not doing the same to them? (BTW, I’m not Jewish, but I can’t stand to hear people suggest the extermination of another people. I’m sure the vast majority of Muslims are decent people who just want to live in peace with their neighbours, but there seems to be a radical but very vocal sect that has hijacked the organizations. If they are going to try to silence us, I think we should be to trying to silence them.)

  22. KevinB, truth be told I think Elmasry is doing us all a favor. That is obviously not his intention, but his efforts have exposed the CHRC and its provincial counter parts to unwelcome scrutiny.
    Thanks to the lunacy of the Canadian Islamic Congress and their zeal to shut people up, we’ve all discovered a whole arm of government designed for exactly that purpose. Not what I was expecting, for sure.
    Having found the snake, next on the agenda is to cut its head off. After that we can go hunting for the sons of b1tches who turned it loose on us in the first place.
    That’d be the Liberal Party, incidentally. The only question I have is was it done in malice or mere incompetence?

  23. As Idd said,Follow The Money
    Has anyone with the resources to do so thought to follow the tax free/five figures award money to ascertain that ‘kickbacks’ are not being moved around under the table?
    Now that would really shake things up if true!!

  24. “Human Rights Commissions, as they are evolving, are an attack on our fundamental freedoms and the basic existence of a democratic society…It is in fact totalitarianism. I find this is very scary stuff.”
    Stephen Harper (BC Report Newsmagazine, January 11, 1999)
    Funny how the freespeachers believe he has changed his mind and the anti-freespeachers think he hasn’t.

  25. Settle down people, have faith that Harper knows what he is doing, timing is everything.
    Yes BUT, c’mon, politicians don’t lead they follow. We lead. They divine where we’re going and if they’re smart they run up to the head of the line. I don’t mean this cynically. It’s just the reality of electoral politics.
    One example: The Liberals and deficit reduction. It only became politically feasible when the grunt work had been done by Reform, Chambers of Commerce and the conservative think tanks who finally got through to the Canadian public.
    On this file the grunt work is being done by the blogs; MSM follows when — and only when — it’s good business. The politicans are the last to join in. Harper will only act when the conditions are right. We have to make those conditions right (no pun intended). We’re getting there.

  26. m n d , agreed.
    We have to make the conditions right. If we are truly conservatives and don’t want the government to do everything for us , then we have to take the bull by the horns once in awhile and let the government know what kind of a country we want .. not vice versa.
    People who want government to design a “plan” for them always have the option to vote Dipper/Liberal and let those elitists run their lives.
    This HRC issue is shaping up nicely as a model of how conservatives can tell government what we want. When the momentum is there for our leader PMSH to act on it, then I am confident that he will do so.

  27. I Don’t give a fig what Harper is doing or not. I may in the future be disappointed in the less than stellar reaction of parliament. He may or not have a plan. What’s important is us! Lets face it though where sounding like Libs waiting for Mommy government to nod our way or do something. Time to prove as Kate, Mark & Ezra are doing to tackle this Tiger as principled individuals. Stand up. Its past time to let them in Ottawa know who really runs this Country. Show them we are not just beer guzzlers & popcorn gobblers. I hear to much quitter talk lately.
    If your mad, send some money to these folks fighting for you, write letters , phone, blog, & above all else do not legitimize political correctness by employing it or its argot.
    This will be a long complicated fight in which even when we win there will have been sacrifices. There is always a butchers bill for any fight legally , politically, or in war. No victory comes without a big price tag & a few wounds. Not a little wear as well emotionally.
    Remember , because I am sure Duffy does. An entrenched group such as these “Stalin Clubs” , who have had carte blanch with no real supervision for over 20 years, will be hard to exterminate as maggots in the tropics..
    Than there is the money making aspect to deal with, including past judgments in this 100% conviction 3 card Monty game of human rights tribunals.
    As some have said these people are so far out of reality its best they talk & talk. The more they do the sooner people will see there dangerous loons.
    Just my opinion

  28. The only thing that Mark Steyn said that I can’t agree with is tha Lucy’s actions are a scandal. I personnaly don’t think Lucy gives a rats arse about anyone or any race or any religion other than himself/his own.
    He is simply milking an established system. He found the way (as a former insider) to secure as much personal income for himself as possible. Typically, this is called fraud. Or a scam. It’s technically against the law.
    Lucy should be charged, tried, found guilty and go to prison.
    p.s. – Kate there is a refernce to someone whose ID you do not wish to see here at 11:03 a.m. – must have slipped through the filter

  29. Hey! Call me kooky – call me naive but you know what? Given the current state of federal politics and the realities of the regions of our country, the current federal government is playing this whole “human rights commission and section 13 the “right” and correct way. Think about it. If PMSH moves to evicerate the legislation that buttresses the Human Rights laws in Canada – well he can probably kiss his Prime Ministerial A$$ goodbye. We can’t forget that Ontario and Quebec are still the tails that wag the dog in our still awesome country.
    What we need and can’t seem to get is a Conservative majority government. If and until we do get that we will just have to bide our time on issues like free speech, gun registration and other stuff (you know, “the hidden agenda” that we always talk about but don’t want the MSM to know about – all that “knuckle-dragger” stuff.)
    What we can’t do is turn the guns inward. We need to keep our eye on the ball and keep working for what we know will ultimately save our country. I love the sage saying that goes “If you meet an immovable obstacle on the road – change course but do NOT change your objective”.

  30. Phantom,
    I wish I could agree with you, but how many papers put this on their front page? Certainly not the Globe or Star, or on their editorial pages for that matter. The blatant hypocrisy is so monumenual it describes belief, but the MSM continues to ignore it.
    How many editorials or front page articles have you seen on the Globe or the Star (the two most widely circulated papers in Canada) that point this out? My latest count was zero, but I don’t read every issue. This is why I thank God for the National Post, which seems to try discover cant
    and equivocation from every angle (including Tory slants and evasions, which they’ve some suddenly been accustomed to)

  31. “flying Hell-bent-for-leather for only YOUR PARTY’S agenda”
    How did you deem that from my comment?
    A kool-aid drinker for sure!
    One thing many on the right do not understand and that is this. The CPC was…just liberal enough… to have formed a minority!
    To form a “majority”, the shortest route is to become even more “liberal”, to please…to quote a different Bob, “Ontario and Quebec are still the tails that wag the dog”!
    Reality check!

  32. “Time to prove as Kate, Mark & Ezra are doing to tackle this Tiger as principled individuals.”
    Couldn’t agree more, so I sent this to both the B.C.Human Rights Tribunal and all Members of the B.C. Legislature. Feel free to do likewise.
    .C. Human Rights Tribunal
    Members of the B.C. Legislature
    Dear Sir or Madam;
    Given that the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal has accepted the complaint by Dr. M. Elmasry against Mclean’s Magazine and writer Mark Steyn, I wish to make my views known. First, the complaint should have been ruled baseless. Canada is founded upon 800 years of western jurisprudence, the Magna Carta and only more recently, the flawed Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Section 13(1) of the Charter creates a new category of offense: that of ‘pre-crime’, or an event that may but has not yet, happened. This idea is contrary to all western justice in that a complaint can be filed, a case heard and retribution applied without any of the standards of a court of civil or criminal law.
    Human Rights Commissions were founded to address discrimination in housing and workplace. Many people at the time warned that the net would continue to widen, but their fears were dismissed. Even Alan Borovoy now admits that the Tribunals and Commissions have exceeded that which was envisioned by he and other proponents. Now we find that people such as Ontario Human Rights Commssioner Barbara Hall, are prepared to throw out even the semblence of fairness or justice when their own personal beliefs are offended. Ms. Hall recently found Mclean’s Magazine ‘guilty’ in the public arena, despite admitting that neither she nor the OHRC had any jurisdiction to do so. Her pronouncement cannot be seen as anything but a pre-emptive attempt to influence the outcome of the BCHRT proceedings in the matter.
    To her credit, Ms. Hall also said: “I think that part of freedom of speech is being able to say things and another part of it is being able to be critical of things that are said,” Had she ended there, she would be line with the beliefs of the vast majority of Canadians. But sadly, she used the phase in rationalization of the Commissions intent, saying she does not view the prosecution of free speech as wrong: “I don’t view it as a chill. I view it as responsibility.” This is not only irrational but positively Orwellian in its’ ‘doublespeak’.
    Canadians must have confidence in the fairness of any system with the power to judge and penalize the actions of it’s citizens and this is clearly not the case with the Commissions and Tribunals. Enough has come out about the disreputable or even illegal actions of it’s own employees (one of whom (Dean Stacey) said “Free speech is an American concept”), the abuse of the complaint system by former employees (Richard Warman) and the frivolous nature of the aggrievement by many of the complainants. And clearly, both the ‘conviction’ rate and the process that demands a plaintiff defend him or herself against the unlimited financial resources of the state used in aid of the complainant, are clearly wrong.
    This is not a matter of left or right ideology, but about our elemental right to free speech as Canadians. The BC Civil Liberties Association, the Canadian Association of Journalists and PEN Canada have all recognized that without the protection of free speech we will have become that which we claim to abhor: repressive and totalitarian.
    As a British Columbian, a Canadian, a taxpayer and a parent, I ask that you dismiss this at the earliest opportunity.
