64 Replies to “Mitra Kermani”

  1. I have deleted this thread to send a message. Only a handful of the comments were on topic, the rest was a combination of abject stupidity and idiotic flaming. If this is all you can come up with, find another place to comment.
    And by the way – if you’ve posted three times on a single topic, chances are it was two times too many.
    This is not a chat board.

  2. As I always say to my wife when we read about horror stories like this, ‘Ain’t multiculturalism grand?’

  3. Another foreigner who think they can come here and threaten actual “Canadians”.
    What a joke this country is.

  4. Gees, the Women sound as horrid as the Jihads men.
    I figure they think where weak for allowing the Ladies all this equality. Which they rage ( how else), is no good. Makes them sexual vipers on the make they believe. This is why these girls become willing fighters using legal jihad, & will not stop until you submit to them as Above you. To them we are inferior. The true believer cannot comprehend rejection in any way from us.
    Intimidation with threats & litigation, seems to be the proffered mode in non occupied countries. This kind of stuff has to end, otherwise their will be bad consequences . There usually are.
    I know the men think Western women are animals. I have been told that on at least six occasions by Lebanese to Egyptians. One guy from Tahiti no less.
    Heaven only knows what wahabist Women think of ours. Devils no doubt. Not good I would think. Too bad. Who cares ?
    Apply what this Women is doing with her business against the company with 10 times more with litigation against ex non Muslim husbands or wives. This group becoming accident in Islam, wants us all under their thumb period. That or suffering by bullying or threat. Strike terror in there hearts as this self proclaimed profit (not a sp) says. I might add here , no wonder Muslims say hardly anything against the nuts amoung them, with harridans like this after them with the machinery of coercion. We are at war people. Never forget it. The other side fights more silently.
    Just my opinion

  5. Kate, Kate, Kate, you magnificent bigot you! You’re amazing. Do you have a special let’s-find-some-dirt-on-Muslims clipping service that brings this junk to you? I mean besides your bud Robin (to your Batman) Kathy Shaidle?
    Kate, what percent of Canadian Muslims do you reckon this story you’ve linked to represents? I know this is of no interest to you because your motivation is to keep your readers titillated with a constant buzz of negative associations where Islam is concerned.
    The answer to my rheotorical question is your “crazy Canadian Muslim” story represents a number via percentage so small it’s not significant. Shame on you Kate.

  6. The woman is a nut and a menace. If she isn’t a naturalized Canadian citizen, then her status is as a guest, she ought to be booted back to Iran.
    And what are the other co-owners of this company’s position in all of this as I see no mention that she was dismissed by them?

  7. Johnny talked to anyone that recently immigrated from Holland lately ?
    You should, if you haven’t.

  8. Johnny — which part of “I had to hang up on her twice.” made you think Kate went looking for this one…?
    I do acknowledge and respect your desire to quantify this “problem” however. Please, post the results of surveys or links to news stories showing us the side of Islam which is tolerant of diversity of thought etc. in the Readers Tips section of this blog whenever you come across them. Thanks in advance.

  9. Johnny M. Do you think that the MSM bases their newsworthiness on stats like ‘this horrible car accident only involed two vehicles like the vast majority so we won’t bother mentioning it’?
    Some things are worth discussing and need to be put out there for that reason.

  10. I remember the good old days before multiculturalism. When somebody came here from elsewhere and complained about their new country or it’s customs we simply told them to get their ass back where they came from and that was it. No vendettas, no blood feuds, no Human rights farces. We welcomed the newbies who came here, loved it and tried to fit in. Most of those are now successful happy Canadians.
    Back in those days the only people we had around that we simply couldn’t stand were twits like Johnny Maudlin the old BC dry-out with a big hate on for Kate and anyone who isn’t paying dues at his union and sending warm regards to Jack Layton for wanting to hug the Taliban.

  11. So Johnny. Hope you don’t like bacon with your eggs,because people like Mitra will make sure you don’t have it. So you think our culture is so bad and nasty,that her’s is better? Ask your girlfriend how she will feel in the burkha.

  12. What I see here is more of the underlying current of belief among radical Islam that any rejection, whether warranted or not (in this case its oh sooo obvious) is a rejection of Islam, period and needs to be dealt with in a severe way.
    Our pal Johnny has his head stuck so far up his butt…………. you know the rest. (god I love that quote).

  13. I’d be FAR more concerned about my safety and wellbeing, based on the evidence that this woman is seriously disturbed, than that she happens to be Islamic. It’s rather surprising that the Islamic community hasn’t done something to try and bring this harassment to an end; they don’t really need the bad pr. Loblaws is obviously purchasing from other halal suppliers who, from the article, seem to also be victims of this loaded gun.

  14. There’s a LOT of bad publicity that the Islamic community doesn’t need, yet they do absolutely nothing about. Why should Mitra be treated any differently than their other “embarrassments”?

  15. As much as it sickens me to find myself on the same side of a discussion as Jhonny Mhaudlin, I have to agree here.
    This woman is behaving like an asshole, but it is possible for a Muslim to be an asshole without being a jihadist. There are white assholes, and I would object to somebody suggesting that this demonstrates that whites are assholes.
    There is no shortage of examples of the danger posed by Islamic extremism. Not a day goes by where people don’t die at the hands of monstrous Muslims, acting explicitly in the name of what they call a religion. I haven’t seen anything to convince me that this is anything more than a violent tool who happens to be a Muslim.

  16. Darrell – when you wake up tomorrow morning, look in the mirror and your head isn’t there – visible – hey just look “up your butt”. Your welcome – just trying to help.

  17. Go home Mitra, your real home needs you more than we need you here.

  18. DaninVan, RightGirl,
    She’s a kook – do you really want to “do something” about every kook in your particular “culture”? … I don’t. Apologize for Kevin Annett.

  19. Darrell – If I behaved like Kermani, I’d be in jail. The only reason she is not in jail is that the law is a political tool in Ontario, it is applied capriciously, and the Ontario government is a craven pack of opportunistic whores catering to group identity politics.

  20. “Kate, Kate, Kate, you magnificent bigot you! You’re amazing. Do you have a special let’s-find-some-dirt-on-Muslims clipping service that brings this junk to you? I mean besides your bud Robin (to your Batman) Kathy Shaidle?”
    Now, Johnny Mouldy, isn’t that funny. I read both Kates post and the complete post at 5 feet of Fury and I didn’t see “muslim” mentioned once.
    Perhaps you assumed it was about Muslims because its a middle eastern name and the stupidity of her actions suggested it must be muslims.
    Horny Toad

  21. why you are interesting in Mitra Kermani story without like to know the fact are you scare to know the fact?
    the first company who called Loblaw to sell halal food in Loblaw was Mitra Kermani in year 1998. Idea to join Muslim and nonMuslim to able to made the food since food can link people
    when we shop for milk we can shop for halal food when we want to have freindly ceromoney we can order halal food back
    adopt mutliculture and different relgion to canadian culture need some way to come and it was come from good idea and stil is on.
    Multiculture need to link in peace way to nonMuslim such by theri food so many people like ethnic halal food idea was good in practice it was very difficult to change so many culture to listen or work as team under one building.
    who is boss at the end of day !!
    what you Canadian who are belong to multiculturims may do or may react:
    if after all workd done some idiote comes and say you did say something and you never say it:
    what you do if you are woman and lawyer of Loblaw got paid more than $500000 for each setting she will get $35000 to fight the woman with lawyer stand to help her since she can not afford thos cost of legal bills.
    what you member of good Canadian will do
    if some one come and say:
    Mitra said she plan to attack 22 st.clari
    she did sharp the knife and she is member of terrorist group reported to police and polic call you and ask for your finger print waht you do if some one call the police that you plan to shoot his head while this and all quotes said never proof in any court?
    just answer by law in Canada if some one say big lie to paly with your repitition how do you react with it and if otehr party are strong and big enough how do you protect yourself?
    when you facing corruption and criminal conspiracy to some one steal all your ideas what you do if police called you in 11 pm friday night with no reach to any laweyr in that time to arrest you for reason ONLY lawyer of Loblaw call the police why? because they met in the same day with first lawyer of Mitra and Mitra ‘s lawyer warn Loblaw lawyer that you started to sue Mitra Kermani and we will bring counter law sue and then lawyer of Loblaw will no reason while Mitra kermani did not talk with anybody on Oct 16, 2005 while busienss termiated on May 15, 2005 how do you react with those kind of misconduct?
    how do you deal when even you win once the same laweyr bring you 4 times she lost and she won finally in 5th times founding one stupid judge to agree with her
    if the same lawyer is criminal lawyer and wish to Mitra get arrested how come the same lawyer should still insist she must handle Mitra claim and never manage this claim for over 3 years since all crook competitor of Mitra tried to destroy her buisness and civil court take for every more than 3 years how do you defend with big company who have power and money and you are small but are innocent as court said so far but still the same lawyer keep bothering Mitra Kermani
    how you origian Canadian take the abuse and handle it and some one call you murderer while you never did any sin in your life and while not get arrested for any death treath
    a month to finish claim again loblaw put new story in National post with their jewish vp of commnication and same jewis lawyer
    Law in Canada is for every body not for only Muslim or Canadian origin if you think for any reason you still must respect the court why court in canada hold small compan to damage alot
    NO answer this is educational process that canadian will learn that you never lable anybody with not enough evidence for their belif and their coulour or for jelosuy for money or for power until Candain can educate themselves multiculture in Canada are suffer alot and stay seperated from you alot
    by small dead animals:
    How do you belive this story. 3 years passed and never Loblaw post to public showing they scared of Mrs. Kermani. If they scared of her then why nobody show up when they got supinaz to stand for witness to court and then why their lawyer quash and cancel all witnesses. We know Misom Halal food companies well. They are good people. IF two parties are argue in business this argue nothing to do where they come from whether or not they are Iranian origin like Mitra Kermani or German Jewish origin like Michael Kimber inhouse lawyer of Loblaw or Italian such as John Tavaolair again this is notthing to do if the two parties wheter or not Jewish Muslim or Catholic.
    Mrs. Kermani never charged criminal harrasment in any criminal court in Canada . She also never got arrested for life treat which is very big offence in criminal law in Canada we do not know what you are talking about this.
    Plus John Tavolri are fired and so as other employees who terminate Misom busines a year ago for their bad performance and everybody know executive of Loblaw are not good enough that is why Loblaw fired 1000 of high salary executive of them for their bad performance and this figure some peopel said is more than 1000 they gone fired so far.
    Being a woman especially Muslim woman to make Halal food in male industry of food in canada is very challenging how do you know may abuse her so much. she was not hire to fire by Loblaw. she got sued by Loblaw for they thinks Mitra left 15 days earlier before notice of termination date get finish.
    finally if for any reason company want to breach contract even if the person is good employee not like by head office to continue the contract with them they must pay them a money and some compensation in Mrs. Kermani instead they lable her terrorist only because she born 25 years ago in Iran is not morally legally based on any human right and court documents never proof any illegal so far from Mitra Kermani and most likely is big company only did not lke to pay damage of termination made up all those story.
    Misom Halal food made real halal food and go and look who is replace them in Loblaw companies they replace Misom with alsafa halal food who are Jewish Romanian origin who has history of mix halal meat with Kosher and non halalfoods or they replace them with piller german origin curretnly sell under cresent lable but that is piller food behind cresent food and mix so many meat together or with Maple lodge who are Irish lable Zabidheh halal while the products is not hande slaughter andmisleading Muslim lables therefore Loblaw asked Misom halal food to produced more than 100 items then terminated all not let even one stay in the shelf by order of JOhn Tavoalri wih no food background hired by John Lederer to made those show John Talvari even left Canada after all wrong he did.
    The arugment of Misom halal food with Loblaw wasnot over Italian veses English it was main issues over they change not like to proceed halal food and not listen to the way halal foos should produced and also based on bad executive they hired later they fired them after Miosm left too and so many people in high level of Loblaw has not idea and trust Michael kimber under oath did so many lies to court and supported story of John Tavolari.
    so far based on court no fault found from Mitra Kermani or Misom halal food some misunderstanding left which is under appeal but Mitra Kermaninever charged for criminal harrasment again this is new Story Elizabith new vp of communicaiton of Loblaw made to delay payment for Mitra Kermani damage to the newspapers.
    Whetehr Misom back to Loblaw is based on if they follow law of civil human right and respect halal foods and respect Muslim woman and not discriminate Misom employee May be they back by condition other wise less likely they will back to Loblaw. do not trust what you see in newspapers is true story . The end.
    National post said:
    Former Loblaw supplier denies making threats
    Halal Products; ‘Aggressively’ talked to store management
    Financial Post
    Published: Wednesday, April 16, 2008
    Posted by: legal advice at April 19, 2008 12:10 PM
    Story tools presented by
    A Toronto food supplier accused of threatening senior executives at Loblaw Cos. Ltd. denies harassing the grocer’s management, and says she was fired because of internal dissent at the company.
    Mitra Kermani, whose contract to supply Loblaw with Halal food products ended in 2005, said she has trouble winning business from new customers because they “are scared to deal with us.”
    “Never, never in my life did I threaten anyone,” she said in an interview. “I was aggressively talking to them, but I never threatened anyone’s life.”
    Ms. Kermani was responding to a story in the Financial Post last week that quoted court documents detailing her alleged three-year campaign of harassment against Loblaw’s management, including death threats and surprise visits to executives’ homes. She could not be reached for comment when the story ran.
    This week, Ms. Kermani disputed court documents filed by Loblaws that accuse her of phoning a Loblaw executive with an Italian surname and threatening that she had “taken care of lots of Italians” while repeatedly slamming what the manager thought sounded like a meat cleaver against a cutting board.
    The executive demanded Loblaw’s in-house lawyer do something to stop the alleged harassment, the documents say.
    “I never did that,” Ms. Kermani said. “I like Italians.”
    Ms. Kermani also said an alleged threat to another executive that she would “cut his tail off and shoot him in the head” was an old Iranian expression, not an actual threat.
    Ms. Kermani said she is appealing court orders that found she breached a peace bond ordering her to have no contact with Loblaw management.
    Loblaw, she said, made up the allegations because the company owes her money for cutting off a contract to supply chicken and other products prepared under Islamic guidelines.
    “If they want to terminate my business, then they have to pay me,” she said, adding that the company was turned upside down by “internal competition.”
    “The top people didn’t know what the bottom people were doing.”
    by: national post:

  22. johnny maudlin —you magnificent stoned parasite leftard.
    as soon as you go off welfare you can post again.your agent has been informed.

  23. My word – it’s like watching a train wreck.
    You just KNEW the Jews would eventually arrive on the scene.

  24. selective snippets from the article. hmmm
    Loblaws et al no longer wishes to conduct business or be affiliated with you. Their choice, not yours live with it and try again. If Mitra Kermani doesn’t like it then she can try again. But I suspect they wouldn’t touch her business with 300 foot pole nor will anyone else. Grow up and stop being a 5 year old throwing temper tantrums and generally being an ass.

  25. cal2 – please scroll up to Kate’s 7.25 comment. Let us not try our host’s patience, OK?

  26. To Robert:
    Loblaws et al no longer wishes to conduct business or be affiliated with you. Their choice, not yours live with it and try again. If Mitra Kermani doesn’t like it then she can try again. But I suspect they wouldn’t touch her business with 300 foot pole nor will anyone else. Grow up and stop being a 5 year old throwing temper tantrums.
    Today loblaw who are bossing halal food are not know meaning of pork and Halal food differnce is secondly Mitra Kermani never hired by thos new comers who love bossing busines they are not understand not qulify to run it to bossing it.
    Mitra Kermani was the boss of halal food for Loblaw could you tell us who she could go and get permision from/ all today boss are work for her not vice versa?
    the only need a lawyer to finish old claim but still that old lawyer stay to not negotitiate why she as a lawyr of loblaw loose $35000 money per session she lover her job for ever.
    plus Mitra Kermani get permision for what to give halal chicken we produce back from thate commercial theft called Crescent and Pillers or those jewish Alsafa or Maple lodge still carrying same dress of duncky in past 10 years Maple lodge chane their halalnames and picture of their logo at least 5 times but name is changed to Zabieheh but p roducts is not halal
    Loblaw executive waste all times for who is the boss since they are fighting among themselves not necessary with Mitra Kermani but they involve her include their own fight.
    why Loblaw pay 27 milllion to two president john Lederer and Mark Foote since 2006 that is shareholder money too but not pay a Penny for exclusity written contract to Mitra Kermani
    why change story from civil to criminal
    we have to say Mitra Kemani first should wait Loblaw fight and internal competition get finish then she is automatically she is in but with that lawyer of Loblaw existing never this can happend
    Mitra never met any loblaw employees except two then why we need vote for all employee to let her busienss back the topic form halal busiens change to Mitra Kermani busieness
    WHile few peopleever met or talk to Mitra Kermani they only enjoy selling her products
    this process of finisn old story and bring Mitra kermani businss back take three weeks to finish why hold it three years.
    most likely Mitra Kermani should go to Mitra competitor to get permision from them for enterance not from loblaw employees yet?
    why you do not get it this is Muslim meals why you challenge over food you can not talk or commit or change youre religion to boss it jsut enjoy sell it and lets people made final decision
    rather than keep change president change loblaw employee to bring their credit back by act like old good way not today halal jerk food in Loblaw go and look at who are those people bunch of strangers riding over mitra busienss with no brain that is reason loblaw loosing alot
    no more answer from me to this topic we said need act within a two weeks to people know who was Mitra Kermani and why Loblaw gave her permision to made more than 100 items return those back agian. stop play game over power and those funny competitors . at least respect all those good work and delicion food they made it take those jerk out and bring Misom halal food back again. no more post from us good bye

  27. It’s obvious the woman is deranged, madame whacko needs Bob Loblaw, not visa versa.

  28. Loblaw never care about halal food or any body other food people will go to them in most cases and they are billioner not need anybody halal food is still smal market. why should they care who except if they see he one busienss is more profit than others for them in big company.
    Misom choose Loblaw out of blue and the busienss built for loblaw and total of project stay not completed this is not easy in big company like you build the big building to leave half way and start otehr story building and not finish first big project uncompleted, but loblaw has had too many problmes and priority not see halal food still serious and not united to do one job or complete old job already started. If loblaw know 4 out of 10 in halal food other banner like food basic and Wal-mart know 1 out of 10 take you two years to educate them and teach their manfacture halal food only wast the time here.
    why should leave exclusivity of Misom food and go with those jerk selling today in loblaw that is not smart but again lawyer of them are not let it go easy she told Mitra I never let Mitra back to Loblaw since all freinds of lawyer of loblaw got fired because of their argument with Mitra Kermani and this lawyer took the hate and revenge still if you facing men lawyer are good if you facing one of those bully woman lawyer they are tough to deal with them matter is more personla than businss here. dealing with big company is not easy if small problmes come they all blame to you and all will fall apart Loblw must get united before Misom back again Loblaw lost alot by loosing Misom businessMitra Kermani job was halal counsulting direct and open market and product devlopment and link manfacure with loblaw and supply some to them with more than 18 years experince from Mitra Kermani plus dealing with Loblaw employees is not every body job becaue the problems is multiculture group work in loblaw some are like only work with Italin some only like with German some only like with brokers and some hate Muslim you have to do majic to keep them happy that is why nobody are happy work wih loblaw and lobalw always complain from their supplier too not centrilze management yet dispite all changes. Problems in Loblaw is huge and stressful Salam

  29. Kate, are some of your erstwhile commenters writing in Farsi and running it through Babelfish? Cause they make no freakin sense.

  30. If I didn’t know better I’d bet that “Hassan” is the product of the Ontario educational system: completely illiterate with an astounding sense of entitlement.
    I predict this will be the inspiration for a new President’s Choice product: Memories Of Completely-Off-Their-Rocker, a sour and bitter sauce with emphasis on nuts.

  31. I am thinking she should try strong drink. She would be happier, and the province of Ontario could use the tax revenues. I was looking for a green solution to this unpleasant situation, and lo, ethanol saves the day once again. In my particularly warped religion, strong drink is considered hellal. To your health Ms. Kermani!

  32. …and I thought I was long winded. Kate(pbuk) do something about respondbot

  33. different bob, thanks for the advice. After I read your post I went and checked, and you’ll be glad to know that my head’s located correctly. There’s no way I could fit it in my ass anyway.
    Believe me, I’m entirely well aware of the suicidal combination of unbridled multiculturalism and fundamentalist, psychotic Islam. Heck, I may even be as up on it as you.
    I could be wrong, but I don’t see this woman as representative of the real threat. I’m more concerned about the ones who a) organize and try to undermine our freedom to speak and write as we see fit, using our own laws and values against us; b) detonate themselves in the vicinity of innocent people, and their supporters; and c) those who support, with money or anything else, those in categories a and b.
    I hope this stupid bit of trash goes to jail, and if she doesn’t it’s a travesty that should be looked into; but as far as I can tell, she’s not the one who’s trying to force your daughters to wear a burqua.

  34. hassan and kellyrespond: If you can’t write coherent English I am not going to try to decipher it. I am sure I am not alone.

  35. Why doesn’t Mitra Kermani open her own halal food store? Why does she think Loblaws is obligated to sell halal food supplied by her company? It sounds like she thought she’d found a gravy train and now it’s not running anymore. So, move on Mitra.
    Neither Loblaws nor any other grocery chain is obligated to sell halal food. I saw that my local No Frills store is selling halal chicken–which I sometimes think Jack Laydown must be consuming, which might account for his pro-Taliban tendencies (‘just joking)–and wondered how come they’re not also selling Kosher food or Easter Eggs for Ukrainian Easter, which was a week ago, or crumpets for the British tea table.
    I have no problem with Muslims buying halal foodstuffs, but why not at Muslim butchers or grocers? Lots of ethnic groups in Toronto have privately owned stores which cater to their group’s particular dietary laws.

  36. At the risk of setting off another incoherent rant, it seems to me that Mitra Kermani is either bitter and twisted, a fry short of a McHappy Meal, or trying to explain her losing a contract to discrimination. Any way you cut it, her actions aren’t covered in any business courses I’ve ever attended or even heard of. Any one of her actions would have had this old white male doing the perp walk to some cell at the crowbar hotel with a roommate named Bubba.
    btw, If Lucy is monitoring this, I am refering to events already documented in a court of law.

  37. batb,
    you hit on an interesting commonality between this case and macleans. In both cases the complainent feels (remember there is no belief with Faisal Joeseph)that their is an obligation on the part of successful organizations to carry the complainanet product or service. To not do so is unfair….and yields frustration aand anger.
    If it is successful it is property of the Umma and must be used for the Umma’s benefit

  38. *
    Okay… I think I’ve got it now.
    Either… there’s some sort of “Irish/ German/ Jewish conspiracy”
    to take over the halal food industry in Toronto… or some poor
    s@nuvabitch just washed down 7 hits of acid with a quart of ouzo.

  39. Mitra’s a nutcase. But, saying that, I read Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s biography and was appalled at the way Muslim mothers curse, threaten, and sometimes beat their children. (Read the book if you haven’t.) Ayaan’s mother was repressed, suppressed and oppressed which could account for her mad outbreaks.
    Mitra isn’t any of these, so she’s a tiny bit insane. Sedate her and put her on the next plane.

  40. So if this woman had only had the good fortune to be born with a more caucasian sounding name, she wouldn’t be unbalanced? Sorry, I’m not a fan of multiculturalism (at all), but what does this woman’s demonstrably unhinged mental state have to do with her ancestry?

  41. “This woman is behaving like an asshole, but it is possible for a Muslim to be an asshole without being a jihadist.”
    Certainly. Many are criminals, instead.
    Spain’s prison population is 70% Muslim. France? 60%.
    Britain? Denmark? Holland? Germany? Sweden? Go look it up and compare it to the population as a whole.
    Is this a trend? Yes. What do you expect from people indoctrinated into the Quran, Sira and Hadith from birth and then relocated into dar al Harb?
    Read how the trilogy tells them to behave and what to do as good Muslims. Otherwise you’re as dumb as a post (or Johnny Maudlin) on this topic

  42. irwin daisy,
    You’re preaching to the converted. Read what I said in its entirety.
    If you wish to obsess over minutiae be my guest, but I think you’re taking your eye off the ball.

  43. “So if this woman had only had the good fortune to be born with a more caucasian sounding name, she wouldn’t be unbalanced? Sorry, I’m not a fan of multiculturalism (at all), but what does this woman’s demonstrably unhinged mental state have to do with her ancestry?
    Posted by: Occam’s Carbuncle at May 5, 2008 10:53 AM”
    LOL I though so as well, but conversely that THAT question should be put to her. Think she was the first to raise the old tried and true ‘you’re a racist because you ended our business contract, even though, er IF I dealt in bad faith’ -read death threats, act.

  44. This woman reminds me of my father,so full of hatred when things don’t go the way as planned.While his beatings which he administered on a regular basis were painful,his threats of future assaults installed even more fear and his profanity laced name calling meant to hurt me did just that,they cut like a knife straight to my heart for I loved him and looked up to him as if he were a god.I watched him struggle with his demons for three weeks in a morphine induced state before he succumbed to cancer.I don’t know what was going trough his mind during those weeks but I know his death wasn’t peaceful.In contrast I witnessed my father in-law’s death and it was as he just went to sleep,surrounded by loved ones who would miss him,not by loved ones wishing what if.
