64 Replies to “Mitra Kermani”

  1. Darrell,
    Observant Muslims are trained from birth in bigotry, steeped in hate. It is their ideology as expressed so thoroughly in their ‘holy’ texts. Apart from verses like, “Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them,” Mohammad declared on numerous occasions that Jews and Christians are the sons of apes and pigs.
    Kaffir is the worst word you can call another human being. It means haram, or unclean, in the same sense as shit. There is no penalty under shariah if a Muslim were to kill a Kaffir.
    Apart from this woman’s obvious insanity, it’s safe to assume that this form of life long inculcation has informed her and her actions as well.

  2. Hassan,
    From the NP article, as reported by Kathy: “…Ms. Kermani was convicted of criminal harassment last year, the documents say, but the harassment continued and Loblaws recently asked a Toronto court to enforce a no-contact order against Ms. Kermani– again. ”
    If this is true (bold emphasis mine), then this is a deal breaker with anyone, or any company. All the rest of your rhetoric about Halal is meaningless. Criminal harassment, or, conviction under section 264 of the Criminal Code, is a serious matter, and a decision not lightly arrived at by the court. If there was a case sufficient to result in a conviction, then the facts of the case will be that the individual acted in a dangerous and intolerable matter. The reason or the impetus for the harassment is immaterial.
    If Ms. Kermani can’t agree to abide by the civil orcriminal codes of Canada, she’s quite free to emigrate to a state more in keeping with her personal sense of civic justice. Apparently, the sooner, the better.

  3. Dear Skip
    as you said National post said it not court siad it.
    that is different among all contact from Mrs. Kermani to National post and email two to Mrs. Breiger while he is court reporter and he is legally has not right to lie about court in Canada order while he intentionaly keep hte matter to let audience to read this is true
    In order to you belive this is incorrect and Mitra Kermani never charged for any criminal harrasment call criminal court in Canada this is free to public and anybody or reporter can access to file of Mitra Kermani to find out.
    the true story.
    Mitra Kermani never arrested for death treat and Mitra Kermani never charged for criminal harrasment charges.
    the funny thing the police first arrest the Mitra then look for victim and witness and not before hand and no witness did come to court.
    because I think criminal court in Canada is reverse of law in other country in Iran first talk to vitim and witness to see the case open then arrest the accused but you born Muslim is enough to get arrested if big company call you.
    harrasment contiue that is why civil court add expansion of all Loblaw employees civil court is what Loblaw asked them anybody as big company can go to civil court saying I terminated this company I donot want to not talk to me and this order is opion of loblaw and can drop by Loblaw as well.
    if criminla court finish notlong time ago while Loblaw did not asked criminal court for expansion of all employee why Loblw went to civil court for this order why after three years ban selling all halal food no contact why you must stop all communicaiton for all employees
    loblaw lawyer conspiracy in this case under appeal now.
    civil court judge are jerk that is why but Loblw can not fool criminal court easy but they can fool the police and crown easy but criminal court judge are smart not buy all thing Loblaw said still criminal court investigate why police did not sign the report to crown in origianl arrest why police did force Mitra scarf out for video tape and jude said you harras Mitra we can not used video again charter right of Muslim still police who arrest not have any vicime or winess or document to proof his case for harrsment why police should listn to lawyer of other side only becuse they are loblaw
    Loblaw lawyer are bunch of crook Rob Balcom and Michael Kimber and Dave Goore and WendY Earle and CHristian Litt these are must fired Glaen Weston jr. not your president Mark Foote
    the lawyer of Lobalw are anti Muslim group and not like halal food at all
    Robert balcom went to police and said Mitra is terrorist and sharp the knife with John Tavlari
    Michae Kimber lawyer of Lobalw went by Glen halfyard to say Mitra said she want to shoot head of Glen
    Wendy Earel lawyer of Loblaw said Mitra charge harrsment and asked civil for expansion which was lie before judges
    Christian Litt , Dave Gore and Mclean Wood are under order of old fox Michlae kibmer jewish gay anti Muslim work in Loblaw he hate every body not only Muslim he bother any supplier not listen to loblaw in past after we did research about him.
    all problmes was from lawyer of Lobalw and John Tavolari who got paid alot if anybody say or not agree smash their voice tehy are reall crook here.
    being jewish is good being jewish anti Muslimis not good thogh
    why is so strange to see in big compan few crook come one look at firing all employee in loblaw
    they are lots of crook work in 140000 employees even loblaw found out they have 7% of theier employee has criminal record later they fired them
    we heard they plan to fire Robert balcom, Michael kimber and Wendy Ealre and Chrsitina litt as well.
    if lawyer go before judge and lawyer is criminal charge as well and very serious charge now Loblaw ban Michael kimber send any more affidvite under oath since he may soon get arreste by police for criminal conspriracy and criminal misconduct say something under oath wich is not correct.
    court still not fast in case of lawyer and but harsh in normal citizen yet
    plus if any body has criminal recored should leave Canada is good news I like the idea but you mean we must for sure half of Canadain are deported then include 7% of Lobalw employee said htey have criminal recored too.
    I really like the idea if anbody has crimninal record should leave the Canada then asked criminal court bring all wintsss quash by Loblaw lawyer to we can find half of hem will get charged for cirminal charges and fruad in food lables.
    you can sell any food by wrong Lable Mr. Maple lodge halal just because you are Canadian this is illegal and fraud lable charge if you lable the food is veggi and put meat it is fraud label
    you get arrested if you did intentionally so as if people today sell halal food in Loblaw all must arrested sine all are fraud lable too that is reason Loblw laweyr quash all witness stand there.

  4. irwin daisy,
    I can’t argue with anything you said, other than to say that I don’t think it’s ever safe to assume things when you’re preparing to pass judgement on somebody.
    As I said, I’m well aware of the threat posed by radical Islam, particularly when it’s allowed to exist unchallenged in a multicultural society run by self-loathing moral relativists who go out of their way to ignore the danger.
    I simply find the idea of passing judgement on a person based on the behaviour of their peers to be a dangerous thing. I prefer to judge people based on their actions and character.
    This woman should be so judged. She should be locked up because of her behaviour, not because she is a Muslim. While she might well have been raised to think poorly of non-Islamic people and societies, I’ve seen nothing in any of this to indicate that she’s acting as a representative of radical Islam, which, in my opinion, is the true enemy.
    Before you advise me to remove my head from my sphincter, review the posts I’ve made here and elsewhere. While you may not agree with me here, I’m sure you’ll allow that I am no simpering apologist for Islamic extremism or mindless liberal equivalence.
    However, I firmly believe that judgements based on assumptions are irresponsible and ultimately self-defeating.

  5. Hassan’s comments are as incomprehensible as his logic. Buddy, if you want to be taken seriously, learn grammar and how to spell, otherwise you only come across as an ignorant, rambling fool.

  6. English as second language is difficult language
    but make it this
    Loblaw lawyer are so perfect talk and write Englisn even in last setting before justice Macdonald who is femal
    after judge order finis
    lawyer of Loblaw send the letter to Justice Macdonald said that Dear your hounor you made english mistake when you suppose to say “is” you wrote ” is not”
    could you please fix that too sine you even Justice Macdonald made barbarien order she is tall like Geraf and red face blow up when Mitra Kermani asked could you explain your justice why you asked this question before 5 judges while we have no business since 2005 with Loblaw company
    Justice Macdonald said to lawyer of Loblaw do not answer to this quesion now I notice this Muslim are how abuse Loblaw and dare to keep interup to even ask us while you come here to answer to our questions.
    Justice Macdonald even ban Mitra Kermani of shoping from any Lolaw and Nofrill
    Mitra Kermani said I am not charge for criminal harrasment or I did not do any vendolize why you baning me for notshop from Nofrill while we arenot shop Nofrill any way Judge left the room said I am not give my order today I will send it tommmorrow
    next day she sent her order to ban Mitra for all 140000 people with no trial ask any if we have anynew vitim exist and even she said we are not here to answer any question Mitra Kermania asked us here.
    two weeks after When Loblaw lawyer send letter to Justice Mcdonald said you dear judge made grammer English mistake could you change ‘is not ‘ to is Judge automatically accept this
    Mitra again compalin then how aobut change all otehr sentence and made all do not to do and made does not to do too then I am happy too no respond.
    after complain to upper court in Canada Jusitce Mcdonal disppear for long trip more than two month lef the country we could not found her
    plus in her endorcment Justice Macdonald said
    that after all review I could not any respond from Mitra Kermani to Loblaw complain Mitra asked to Justice Macdonald you send you order no before us you made judgment before we hear or able to say anything I have a question to Justice Macdonlad
    Is she recieved all origianl mater adjorned from Jan 11 , 2008 tranfered to jusitce Macdonla court on Feb 15, 2008 apprently NOt lolaaw continusely lies befor judge this time did not send the materail before her but even if they send this befoer her she is too dum judge to hear or listen so red neck judge we ever see in court if you link with any judges who are femal in Canada and you are Muslim woman defintly you are guitly verdict before they read anything they are so prejedice by the way they looking at you.
    How Loblaw win some of thecourt onLy by lies and used their big companynaem and used outside lawyer firm who are crook even outsie lawyer of Loblaw we heard again from National post has affair with their clietns and got lots of money again we can not trust anything said in National post too. loblaw lawyer are big but group the only thing they are not follow is law otherwise they could not made billion dollar some times.
    steal your busienss is criminal competition act it is allow by lawyer of Loblaw lie before jduge is criminal act but it is allow by Loblaw lawyers that is reason you must not switching to Loblaw supermarket is the lawyer of Lobalw
    they know the systms and they can fool it and they got lots of money to do this
    what is differnt between Mafie treath for money or if you think treath for busienss or lawyer got paid to treat small company for over 3 years is lawyer got money to do illegal and treat it is like police who involve in drug and we can see three of them got arrested recently. lawyers treat you not pay your claims.
    the today prolmes is lawyer of Loblaw and Galne Weston Jr. must changes those crook jewish BOB Loblaw ( who is Rob Balcom head of loblaw company) lawyers of Loblaw and keep Mark Foot insteads.when law and police and lawyer got corrupted how do expect Mitra Kermani only small Muslim woman as John Tavlari said her brain is not devlope since all Muslim are bunch of bull S as he said to Rob Balcom and Michael kimber asked to help himterminated all halal food in Loblaw for waht reason!
    sorry for English

  7. Hassan —
    I’m looking for a good recipe for butter chicken. Can you recommend something?

  8. Lickmuffin,
    Was it really necessary to post about butter chicken just before my dinner? BTW: Things like butter chicken are best left to the experts.

  9. obviously it’s
    bigger government
    and higher taxes ….
    we all don’t survive
    idiots all of them

  10. The President’s Choice Butter Chicken — part of their Indian Combo series of frozen items — is pretty good. Follow the conventional oven directions rather than the microwave instructions — it comes out better from a regular oven.
    I was hoping Hassan would respond, as I think it would be a hoot to see a screen full of incoherent gibberish headed with “Dear Lickmuffin –“. Since Hassan did not bite, perhaps I’ll try Kinsella.

  11. I think this woman needs a psychiatric evaluation, followed by a stint in either a mental hospital or jail, depending on the results of the evaluation. Thousands of e-mails? Death threats and stalking behaviour? No matter what her background, she is not all there. What I cannot understand is how the harassment went on for so long….

  12. Oh Barabara gin you ar so funny in Reba serial you just do not get it because you are not smart only crazy dump peopl always think other people are crazy not themselves. I was wodner all christian woman who show their brest to men in beach are crazy because they do not have selfsteem

  13. Maple lodge selling fraud halal food lable to Muslim by names Zabiheh this word means hand slaughter but Maple lodge which is fastes company in chciken do not change onlychange the word by misleading Muslim and Pillers german sausages german food seling under name of Crescent premium food haram foods and mix all together and ALsafa is Jewish owened company named Mr. Muller who are german too
    you can found Alsafa and Maple lodge and Crescent in Nofrill , Loblaw and wal-mart and food basice when you study all behind of them are jewish lawyers and all crook
    all these products are histroy of mix and misleading but since this is Canada they can do any thing they want no law to arrest those crook
    if they hate Muslim so much to mix tehn why they bother to sell it leave halal food outs of shelf and sell pork instead
    why they label halal whils it wrong those names only do it for commercial theft steal any kilo of chicken not go to Muslim
    stop fraud food label in Loblaw supermarket
    oh forget we have laywer of Loblaw support them then probably this are halal by theri
    court in Canada order that halal made by nonmuslim and sell by non Muslim and hate by Nonmuslim
    if you hate us so much then why put your feet in our shoes.
    NON Muslim must back of Halal food and remove halal from Lobalw company today
    NO muslim shoudl trust jewish and chrisnt fee Muslim what to do or eat
    attention all Muslim: never spport any halal food from Lobalw and walmart and food basice all jewish anti Muslim are behind this to croput halal food
    Jewish people thinks halal food is Isreal land to take for hostage and replace by horror and terro attack to Muslim under name of Jewish and jesis American.
    Maple Lodge Farms’ “Zabiha Halal” products hit stores with new look ~ eat-halal.com
    Maple Lodge Farms’ “Zabiha Halal” products hit stores with new look
    Chickens still killed by machine; Imam refers to practice as “against Sunnah”
    Sikander Hashmi, eat-halal.com
    (July 16, 2003) It took over a year of research and careful planning, but the new revamped line of “Halal” products from Canada’s largest chicken producer has arrived on the market.
    Norval, Ontario-based Maple Lodge Farms launched its new “Zabiha Halal” line of products on June 20. The line includes many products such as wieners, bologna, loaf, polish sausages, nuggets, strips, burgers, and a variety of different fresh chicken parts and Premium ground chicken. The products come in distinctive green packaging with “Zabiha Halal” inscribed on the front along with a Maple Lodge Farms logo. The products are currently available in Ontario, and should show up in the rest of the country soon. They are also being exported to countries such as the UAE, Singapore, and Malaysia. Maple Lodge Farms’ products are also sold in over 30 other countries from Armenia to Uzbekistan.
    As Al Safa grows so does opposition to it
    Controversy and opposition continue to dog non-Muslim owned meat company Al Safa.
    Al Safa is a Canada based meat company owned by a non-Muslim. Its products receive Halal certification from the Chicago-based Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America (IFANCA).
    The company, along with five partners, was awarded funding last year (of $1.2 million, according to one source) by the Ontario Ministry of agriculture under its Rural Job Strategy Fund to develop and market of a new line of “Al Safa Brand” poultry, Fish & Pizza Products. These will add to the company’s existing line of frozen beef products introduced two years ago and will be targeted towards Muslim consumers in Canada and the United States (please see http://www.gov.on.ca:80/OMAFRA/english/rural/jobstrat/july_dec1999.html. Scroll to the fifth project description). This funding is in addition to the $2.3 million which MGI, the parent company of Al Safa, was given to start this business in November 1996.
    The steadily growing opposition to Al Safa focuses on non-Muslims taking over the Muslim meat market and the consequences of that for the North American Muslim community.
    Welcome to Crescent Premium Foods Inc. – one of Canada’s most-trusted and recognized brand names for Zabiha Halal meat products.
    We at Crescent Premium Foods are committed to providing all Muslim communities with genuine Zabiha Halal products. Working closely with the Muslim consumers, we do our utmost to learn about their needs and tailor our products accordingly.
    Crescent aims to provide Muslim consumers with top quality Halal products and services at competitive prices. Crescent products are currently sold in most Halal meat stores across Canada including many supermarkets.
    What is Halal?
    Halal in Arabic means lawful or permitted. The word Halal is more related to food products, meat products, cosmetics, personal care products, food ingredients, and food contact materials.
    Examples of the Haram or non Halal products are:
    Swine/pork and its byproducts
    Animals improperly slaughtered or dead before slaughtering
    Animals killed in the name of anyone other than ALLAH (The God)
    Alcohol and intoxicants
    Carnivorous animals, birds of prey and land animals without external ears
    Blood and blood byproducts
    Foods contaminated with any of the above products
