47 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to SDA Late Nite Radio. After our last show (She’s a Bombshell from Brooklyn, 1943), listener Greg G wrote in to request we select some tunes from this century, by which we figure he means the last sevenish years, rather than the last hundred years (which would cover all our shows to date, at least in terms of time of recording[1]).
    Unfortunately, it turns out that is rather difficult, because most current music is not notable (as has always been the case); those tunes that survive as classics tend to do so because they are in retrospect judged to be relatively good (or if they are really old because they survived at all), not just because they were done. That process takes time, like aging Port and Stilton. Also, we don’t do angry young man music here, sorry ’bout that. And further, most recent so-called popular music is accompanied by videos that range from annoying to vulgar, which we in the studio find tend to find to be limiting factors in terms of their suitability for the SDA LNR shtick.
    Nevertheless, that said, it is our aim here in the SDA LNR studio to explore sufficient breadth so as to generally avoid being tarred with the brush of over-specialization, and so it is in that regard that our famous archives research team has spent all day down in the dusty sub-basements of the interwebotheque searching for something to meet Gary G’s request, and I’m happy to say we have found a suitable version of Jon Cutler‘s excellent 2001 deep house work, It’s Yours, available here:

    What makes you journey into the night
    and take flight on a pursuit of musical bliss?
    Chasing beats through ghetto streets
    to a dungenous temple left by our soul descendants
    in a quest for peace, energy, and light.
    If you were to find this temple,
    do you have the knowledge to enter the temple?

    Acquiring entrance into the temple is hard, but faith.
    Trek through god-forsaken elements
    because the reward is well worth the journey.
    Stay steadfast in your pursuit of the light,
    the light is knowledge.

    You've stayed true to your quest,
    so let the beauty that is the musical universe engulf you.
    Recharge your spirit, purify your mind, touch your soul, and
    give you the eternal joy of happiness you truly deserve.
    You now have the knowledge.

    And of course, our apologies to those who find those lyrics to be crowding their philosophy, please keep in mind, they’re just a universal metaphor. That is, one can replace “music” in those lyrics with, say, “science”, or “god”, or “pragmatism”, or “life”, or whatever one’s shtick is, or even just delete all references to “music” per se, and the lyrics still work (mutatis mutandis). It’s Yours. Funny how that works. I think it has something to do with the nature of identity, the structure of the human brain, and the notion of personal responsibility for, well, what’s you.
    [1] If memory serves, the earliest recording we have featured here at SDA LNR was Maurice Burkhart‘s performance of The Yiddisha Professor on Edison Blue Amberol cylinder #1643 in 1913: tinyurl.com/476ope
    De gustibus non disputandum est!

  2. For lies about the great global warming scam
    Watch the web for climate change truths
    By Christopher Booker
    Last Updated: 12:01am BST 04/05/2008
    A notable stories of recent months should have been the evidence pouring in from all sides to cast doubts on the idea that the world is inexorably heating up. The proponents of man-made global warming have become so rattled by how the forecasts of their computer models are being contradicted by the data that some are rushing to modify the thesis. Read more:

  3. How does your spam filter work? In that a post I put on here about Global Warming linked to the Telegraph UK got caught and hasn’t shown up on here.
    Just wondering.

  4. [I was just previewing this comment when Kate cleared the filter queue, but if you don’t mind, I’d like to post it anyway, ’cause I still think it’s worthwile…]
    My post got caught too, PO’d. Be patient. The filtering software isn’t under Kate’s direct control. The service may have just updated it rules, for example. It has, if you like, its own “spirit”. Acknowledging that, thus we pause, relax, and reflect, and eventually Kate will sort it out. Thank’s Kate, we appreciate it. And then we will adjust to whatever new tricks we need to use to defeat the robots in such a way as to not trigger the traps set for the actual bad guys. It’s always been that way.

  5. “Unfortunately, it turns out that is rather difficult, because most current music is not notable”
    No sorry vit, that’s your opinion only. What was crap thirty years ago remains crap today, but just in case your thinking that I didn’t enjoy Bombshell from Brooklyn, well that would be wrong. Grace Jones on the other hand refer to sentence two 😉

  6. Yes of course it’s just my opinion, Greg, that’s what de gustibus non disputandum est means: there is no arguing taste! Yet that said, there is a sense of a service provided to the Friends of SDA, in the sense that I was here for the age survey, and I was here for the profession survey, and I’ve been peddling this gig for a couplya years now, and I’ve collected some feedback from the listernership. And the big winners are people like Stan Getz, Sade, and Frank Sinatra.
    So that’s the kind of show SDA LNR is. For the audience. Sure there are 10,000,000 bands (for some value of bands) active at any one time, but that doesn’t make a show, or at least not one with a high signal to noise ratio. Or not. Hey, we already agree is just a matter of opinion, or at least some Latin version of that. And I’ve been wrong before. So, really, all I can say is Salut, best wishes.
    For your reference, folks, in case you’re new to this gig, the SDA LNR Archive (which is now over a month out of date, sorry about that), is available here:

  7. Thanks Vit for that, was intereted because it linked to a newspaper article and wondered if it had to do with copyright, as not all my comments get checked.

  8. Vit I must ask, I have always known that you were into computer software design, I tried to find the age survey, no luck, but if I were to put your age at fifty-five to sixty-two, would I be close?
    As for my age, well let’s say that I watched the Beatles on Ed Sullivan live, I remember what I was doing when Kennedy was shot, the Cuban missile crisis was very real for me as I grew within spitting distance of a SAC base (F104’s were beautiful in tight formation), oh and I’m the pesky little guy who tells the young inexperienced engineer why his/her design won’t work within the limitations of today’s technology.
    I could have chosen any profession I desired, but I only ever wanted to be a musician. I am mostly scatter brained, I think in today’s world it’s called ADD, but I do have a very good memory and I do, sir, enjoy your postings very much. Take care and have a pleasant night.
    Respectfully yours. Greg G
    (The age thing isn’t really important, you are only as young or as old as you feel) Music evolves.

  9. Greg G.
    I think our memories brush the same years. The Dodgers and Giants were still in New York when I was a lad.
    Age does seem to make a difference.Whether it be music or conversation there is always,for me, a little something missing when it comes from someone
    not of my age, older or younger.
    Sometimes its just nice to talk to someone with the same time frame as your own. Music evolves, people evolve,and I like to think we are the better for it.

  10. I don’t know Vit, no matter how much you age port, it will never be drinkable.

  11. Want to get threatening E-mails and Phone calls that prove your point? Post an article about Khalistan extremists and terrorism on your blog:
    Darcy at the Broom is under siege

  12. “Des Doran, a Jamaican-Canadian member of the CRRF’s board, started off his response to Kenney… with a racist joke about how Irishmen (like Kenney) are a bunch of drunks.”
    “Ezra in Wonderland”
    “Gentle reader, I went to this “anti-racism” conference to hear Kenney talk about human rights commissions. And that’s what happened.
    But what I saw as well was a permanent court of race-hustlers and beggars — and even bigots. And all of them were living off the government teat.
    I had no interactions with the CRRF’s executive director, Ayman Al-Yassini, whose c.v. boasts what others would hide, namely that he was
    visiting professor at the University of Riyadh (King Saud University) in Saudi Arabia. He published extensively on the relationship between religion and state in Islam, religion and development and religion and foreign policy.
    He was clearly the envy of the room — an ethno-bureaucrat with a big budget, immune from Parliamentary accountability because it’s already in his endowment fund. He wore the nicest suit in the room, nicer than Kenney’s. I’m guessing Ermengildo Zegna.
    But most of the crowd looked like they were more Moore’s people, or even Tip-Top. Not because they lacked a fashion sense, but because there just ain’t a hell of a lot of demand for anti-racism “consultants” in Ottawa these days. Under Kenney, his department’s grants have fallen from $18 million last year to $10 million this year. That’s a lot of junkets, conferences — and $2,000 suits — gone missing from the “anti-racism” movement.
    There are human rights zealots. And there are clock-punching bureaucrats. But on Friday, I met a different breed: a hundred low-budget racial “consultants” who care more about their perks than the anti-Semitism of a UN conference, who care more about getting money for their pet projects than about the minister’s views, and who think nothing of anti-Irish bigotry because, well, that’s acceptable racism to them.
    I had never heard of the Canadian Race Relations Foundation until this week. I don’t think most Canadians had, either. I can’t think of a single reason why the Conservative government shouldn’t pull the plug on them the first day of their majority government. I truly believe that race relations in Canada would be better without this horde of Jeremiah Wrights. And at least he gets his money from his churchgoers.”

  13. “Ouch! ‘Have-not’ designation can hurt a province’s psyche
    Newfoundland and Labrador to shed ‘poor cousin’ label; Ontario licks wounds”
    “westerners are shedding few tears for Ontario’s plight.”
    http://tinyurl.com/5b6rkb (montgazette)
    Ontario is Liberalsocialist TO/GTA. The rest is Canada.

  14. Related to banning hand guns,
    from CTV.ca

    Man slashed by machete in downtown fight
    Updated: Sat May. 03 2008 12:36:32 PM
    A 24-year-old man suffered serious wounds to his arm after being slashed by a machete during a fight downtown[Toronto].
    … … …
    When will liberal understand that it is not the gun ( or knife, or machete or…) that should be locked in a box but the criminals?!

  15. Cognitive dissonance in the media? You decide.
    Headline from the Observer (UK): “Surge in fatal shark attacks blamed on global warming
    Now part of the text: “‘The one thing that’s affecting shark attacks more than anything else is human activity,’ said Dr George Burgess of Florida University, a shark expert who maintains the database. ‘As the population continues to rise, so does the number of people in the water for recreation. And as long as we have an increase in human hours in the water, we will have an increase in shark bites.'”

  16. Greg Weston writes article about helicopter debacle:
    For the most part,not a bad article, except for two things. One, how does this equate into a political problem for Stephen Harper and Tories. They had nothing to do with Sikorsky Skyjunk purchase (it hasn’t even been built and is already obsolete).
    Then Weston talks about Cormorant in original purchase. Greg, the Cormorant is a cheaper, scaled down civilian variant of EH-101. Weston doesn’t mention that EH-101 is superior to any helicopter available in key areas of range, redundant safety systems, weather capability and payload. The Sikorsky NH90 or any other variant, is of no use in protecting ship from threat of submarine launched cruise missile (SLCM). If that is confusing think of the Exocet-like ship killer, launched from a sub, rather than a Mirage jet aircraft, during the Falklands War.
    We, the taxpayers, ended up paying $1billion not to buy the EH-101 (sorry, Greg your figure of $700 million is too low; in fact $1billion is charitable, defense insiders put the total cost at $1.5billion. Now, we are expected to pay the same (oops, $500million more) to buy an already obsolete, unbuilt piece of crap, taking delivery 20 YEARS AFTER ORIGINAL EH101 PROGRAM ANNOUNCED.
    PM Harper, take this opportunity to get out of thie ridiculous contract, now that Sikorsky is in breach (sorry Greg, cost overruns need not be inevitable and are non-performance on a contract). Before doing so, please ensure we can get the right helicopter, the EH101 (not the Cormorant) for the Navy. Like any other helicopter, there are some maintenance and safety issues, like tail rotors, so let’s sort that out too.
    Then, for God’s sake cancel that idiotic contract with Sikorsky and get a helicopter that can do all the jobs required, including protecting the ship.
    This should be a top priority for PMO. Do it now, please.

  17. New Man of the Hour/Day/Year for the assheads in the MSM, Danny Williams. He’s still vowing to work against Harper in the next election. Danny is presenting more and more like a real bonehead.
    Anyone who has a plan to visit Newfie this summer may want to cancel out, go to Ireland instead!

  18. ** About 25% are wrongfully convicted in our Canadian court system.**
    Seems high to me, yet Osgood Law School Professor Allan Young is an expert.
    On CBC radio this morning he says our contest system, [ may the better lawyer win ], is not very good.
    He suggests ALL evidence be carefully weighed and considered in an analytical way.
    Today, decisions are made while evidence can be barred or kept secret even though there is supposed to be full disclosure.
    In a non-contest system, there is no *lawyer performance ego* involved. ALL the evidence is carefully studied and conviction is based on LOGIC not showmanship.
    Or so says, professor Allan Young.
    Sounds like it could cut into the 25% false conviction error in our current system. = TG

  19. Liz J – I laughed at the CTV gang with you. They didn’t like Danny very much when he took down the Canadian flag under Paulie II’s watch!
    Danny might say he is against PMSH but the people of NFLD will not vote for a fella (Deyawn) who would carbon tax their new found wealth into Quebec/Ont new found wealth. Williams knows that…he is a showboat but he is a very fine Premier. Danny is the best Premier in the Dominion, IMO. He plays the media and they are too stupid to know that they are being played.

  20. …just when you thought it was all over.
    Opponents of the proposed United Airlines Flight 93 memorial say they’re outraged by a proposed design they say looks like Islamic symbols to commemorate victims in Shanksville, Pa. on September 11th.
    They believe the design — a broken circle lined with trees outlining the crash — looks likes an Islamic crescent that points toward Mecca, the Muslim holy city.
    Opponents presented a petition filled with 5,300 signatures to stop construction of the memorial in a joint meeting of the Flight 93 Memorial Task Force at the Somerset County Courthouse.
    The controversy over the memorial site began when the Flight 93 Advisory Commission announced a memorial design from Paul Murdoch Architects of Los Angles called “Crescent of Embrace,” that included a crescent of maple trees around the crash site.
    Some critics say its crescent-shaped design call to mind Islam or subtly include the hijackers alongside the passengers and crew.
    The National Park Service, which is managing the construction of the memorial, denied those claims, but changed the design to more of a circle, and dropped the name.

  21. Parks Canada is reviewing its firearm policy to possibly allow rifles into some northern parks. It seems that the soon to be extinct polar bears are so numerous that they are posing a danger and may have to be culled.

  22. John Coleman, founder of the Weather Channel.
    “Open Letter To Environmentalists”
    “Here is what I am suggesting you do. Campaign for your environmental goals on the basis of their own merit. Let go of the global warming frenzy before it leaves you discredited and embarrassed. Stop screaming, “The sky is falling.” It is not.
    Do your good work. Devote your lives to our environment. In many ways you will succeed. We are all grateful for your love of the planet. But, don’t use scare tactics.
    Most of all I urge you not to become extremists. And, may I encourage you to live your lives in a loving way, love your fellow human beings and our wonderful advanced standard of living and way of life as much as you love the Earth.
    My very best regards,
    John Coleman
    P.s. – If you will read my briefs on the science that debunks the global warming frenzy and follow the links there, you will begin to realize the folly of Global Warming.
    Go to ICECAP.us for a starter.”

  23. Ontario Conservative MP Brown supports PET’s multiculturalism & diversity.
    Did you vote Conservative for this?
    “Leeds-Grenville [Conservative} MP Gord Brown told the crowd Friday night at the opening ceremonies the festival is a reflection of Canada’s multicultural fabric.
    “I’m delighted to be here,” Brown told the crowd. “I think it’s great what we’re doing in Brockville to showcase the diversity,” he said.”
    “Spotlight on diversity; Hundreds converge on Memorial Centre for cultural festival”
    http://tinyurl.com/6nwf8s (brockville)

  24. Jema54, Williams is playing Newfie politics to the max. He was certainly not too popular with the Libs and their friends in the MSM with his flag flap flatulence with Paul the Second, Junior or whatever.
    Anyway, he’s really over the top on this one and given his political leanings, he may be in for a rude awakening this time. He’s not playing with the usual politicos. We’re looking at a superior strategist in Harper.

  25. Kim Bolan – National Post (Sun) – has an interesting article on Sikh extremism in Canada. Perhaps Darcy at Dust my Broom may have have a few comments on the subject as well as it seems he also may be being flagged. If warmy and the CHRC
    can have blog commentors hauled into an HRC then….
    Like Caledonia and the HRCs, this is another of those very significant issues that has been allowed to fly under the radar. And just why is this? What we don’t need is for this kind of thing to flare up and go totally out of control as has the Caledonia issue(s).
    AB’s new department of Culture & Community Spirit has just been given $100M to encourage donations to charities. Let’s be sure of just how much is going to which charities and that we will know without having to go via freedom of information.
    Flying under the radar is probably a whole lot more based on fear than it is fearing a loss of a few?? voters. Collectively, I doubt that even if they had 100% turnout at the poles, it would be a powerful determiner as regards a federal election.
    Perhaps a different demographic in BC may have an effect politically, but it is no reason to tolerate threats, intimidation, or perhaps even worse.

  26. From 1993 a review showing the treason of the intellectuals. This is re American universities; but, it also applies to Canadian universities.
    “Impostors in the Temple. – book reviews”
    “If this is correct, several (at least) of the country’s elite universities, most notably Stanford, are no longer universities in any meaningful sense of that term. That is the principal message of Martin Anderson’s Impostors in the Temple and Thomas Sowell’s Inside American Education.”
    “The thesis of Impostors in the Temple is not complex: The members of the governing boards of America’s universities–variously referred to as trustees, regents, overseers, and visitors–are responsible for the death of integrity in the world of higher education. They make the rules, they are ultimately responsible for monitoring, they are the ones who bear the guilt, even if they will not acknowledge the shame. They have proved totally derelict in their duties and, in consequence, they have presided over the disintegration of higher education in the United States.”

  27. Danny is trying to get the Eastern Health debacle off the front pages of the paper. In his battle against PMSH with regards to the broken promise, it was McGuinty who complained the loudest about the idea of NL getting their cake and eating it too. All, not most but all, of the people commenting online and those I have talked to personally are overjoyed at the have-not status moniker being attached to Ontario. They also think, as the independant article stipulates, that now is the time to leave Canada and go it on their own. Good luck too ya!

  28. the truth comes out in this translation of Borat Dion.
    the liberals want to tax wealth. wealth is a dirty word no matter how many can claim it . its atlas shrugged. they need to throw a sabot in the wheels of industry no matter what it may cause. I do notice that CBCpravda and CTV(tass) have dropped their coverage of the lieberal liability liar to zero.

  29. Obitchuary for TO/GTA by Della Court.
    Ghosts quoted include eggheadexpert Courchene and Boob Rae, Mao Stlong’s socialist nephfhool.
    Courchene: “Yes, Courchene says, this week’s news is a significant development.”
    Della Court say, “Ontario could be headed for a situation where the economic and political power are concentrated in the West, and Ontario is shut out of both.”
    Della Court says, “Ontario could be headed”? Her eyes/ears are wide shut as Ontario slouchs to irrelevance under McGuinty’s socialist pyramid scheme.
    Have they ever read SDA? Look west! The Land is bright.
    “Like us better now, Canada?”

  30. [quote]The three presidential candidates hoping to replace U.S. President George W. Bush are all proponents of decisive efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Congress is looking at cap-and-trade systems that will put a serious price on carbon. Our biggest trading partner is moving toward a greener future and we need to be there, too.[/quote] Dion
    Johann at May 4, 2008 11:40 AM
    Better Canada waits until the end of June! Dion is the idiot that can’t see the forest for the trees. American politics is about to get ugly in a financial way, some people just can’t get enough until they choke.
    Warren Buffet has a 45 Billion (~60%) cash position, waiting for “fire in the hole”

  31. Liberal blogger Big City Lib, links to an article quoting a child saying her and others she knows has sex with older men,
    as being a problem for the Tories sexual consent laws.
    Apparently if an emotionally fragile (or put another way – f’****D up kid) says its good, we as a society should follow suit.
    No word yet on whether we should follow Charlie Manson’s advice to legalize murder.

  32. Phillip G Shaw,
    Funny how Buffet is moving into foreign currency. Think anyone around here notices?
    Someone commented way back in April about the downturn in *29. It was about two years later that 114 banks failed.
    I like Norway*s *Think* electric vehicles, Smith trucks UK or Tata Motors India. Not solid yet, but thinking.
    Canada? Churchill Corp [CUQ] looks good but our dollar will slide along with the US$
    = TG

  33. Stop the presses!!! ConocoPhillips have announced that they have found a dead loon on their property. Oh MY God.With my head bowed I would like to confess ,that I,wallyj, and an unnamed (for his own protection) buddy ate 32 chicken wings tonight also. Damn us,damn us all.
