Rosie O’Baglow

I have it on fairly good authority that John Baglow was recently spotted purchasing kerosene and chicken wire*

Dr. Dawg’s beclowning himself so bad he’s starting to look like John Wayne Gacy.
Not long after being spanked by Mark Steyn in the pages of Maclean’s for falling for a faked Ernst Zundel photo, Dawg launched a failed blogburst about a mythical “Indian burial ground” hoax.

About that residential school mass graves story that had the leftosphere whipped into a frenzy and the media in curious lockdown mode…

But if you do believe these things, I’m afraid there are quite a few more things you are going to have to believe, because you can’t have it both ways. If Kevin Annett really is prize-worthy and courageous, you will also have to believe this:
-One of Canada’s most respected First Nations’ leaders is trafficking in children from Northern British Columbia in a profitable pedophilia ring that’s run out of the West Hastings Street premises of the swish Vancouver Club. His clients are Vancouver judges, politicians, and church leaders.
-Back in the 1930s, a team of German doctors arrived at the Kuper Island Indian residential school and began conducting strange medical experiments on the children. Employing large hypodermic needles, they injected some sort of toxin directly into the chests of the school’s young inmates, and several were killed as a result.
-As recently as the 1950s and 1960s, aboriginal children at a Vancouver Island medical research facility were tortured with electrodes implanted in their skulls. At least one child was beaten to death with a whip fitted with razors.

OMG! It’s like living the ritual abuse in Saskatchewan daycare nightmare all over again!

42 Replies to “Rosie O’Baglow”

  1. Line in Dr Dawgs blog
    “(Separate licence plates? Why not yellow armbands with the stars replaced by crescents?)”
    Hypocrisy Alert – And the sound you hear from Kinsella’s blog on this comment is…………absolutely freaking nothing……..
    sorry, there is a sound, it is the sound of whatever is left of his credibility on this issue being shredded. Its not offensive if a fellow Liberal does it.

  2. From here on Dawg shall have the, uh honorific, of MG, for “Mass Graves” Dawg. Funny how Dawg supports this nut Annett and the recent “peace offering” by the Muslim Thugs suing Levant and Steyn, there is a weird consistency there, he has an unerring knack for being on the wrong side of, well everything;)

  3. Such a waste…just think of how many used cars this guy could have sold by now.

  4. Dawg is on to something here.
    A small, pioneer church near where I grew up in London, Ontario had mass graves as well. Now that I remember, I did think it odd that large numbers of people with the same last names were buried there.
    There must be some truth to the allegations of churches engaging in mass murder, possibly of entire families who became “inconvenient”. The evidence is right in front of us. There must have some kind of extra effort made in 1918-19, as it seems that more people were killed during that time than any other, especially the very old and very young – the very people they should have been protecting!

  5. Mike S
    Hear hear Mike!
    My grandmother and grandfather recall that time as well, they both lost younger siblings to polio…damn churches making people congregate and spread their germs…tsk, tsk.
    /need I?

  6. My first encounter with Dr. Dawg happened when he challenged my mockery of the “christian (read Protesant) theocracy” craze that sprang up at the start of Bush’s second term.
    He chided me that these people were called “Christian somethingists” (I don’t remember the phrase any longer) and named a couple of their leaders and said it was a well known fact that they were very powerful.
    I countered that I’d been writing about religion for 20 years, for everyone from Canada’s largest newspaper to The Door, a respected Christian satire mag run by Protesants. At that point I’d been blogging daily for over six years, with my main focus being Christianity in the news and pop culture.
    I’d also written for two Catholic newspapers, possessed a library of hundreds of books about religion in general and Christianity in particular, and had read countless more.
    And I had never, ever, in my entire career, heard the expression “Christian somethingists”.
    Dawg’s response? To send me a handful of links to… leftist blogs, discussing this imaginary phenomenon. Not even a link to the ever-dubious Souther Law Center about this looming Christian somethingist menace — because, of course, it doesn’t exist.
    Another “mass grave” as it were.
    Dawg is a typical leftist male. On the Left I encountered them daily. They thrill at the chance to lecture a woman on something they, the man, know nothing about. A Leftist man would lecture a female fighter pilot about the “correct” way to fly in formation if he got the chance.
    Funny, _conservative_ men don’t do that to me. Quite the opposite.
    They are pleased to quote me approvingly on their (much more popular) blogs, ask me my considered opinion on issues I know something about, and listen attentively when I reply.
    Since I’m old and unattractive, it isn’t because they want to get into my pants.
    It must be because they aren’t assh***s.

  7. Kevin Annett gets local news coverage a lot here . . he & his little mob of fellow nutters protest in front of the Dunsmuir St Cathedral and the TV “reporters” just hand him teh mike and he prattles on and on.
    Not one “investigative” report has been done by any aspiring journalist on a local TV station.
    Why are the Leftoids & Liberalazis so susceptible to these nutter conspiracies ?? Are they missing a the Common Sense gene ?

  8. Oh and don’t forget the McMartin Day Care fiasco: kids claiming they’d been flown thousands of miles and back in the middle of a school day to meet with imaginary pedophile ring leaders.
    The longest and most expensive criminal trial in US history, based on the leftwing truism that there MUST be a victim somewhere, everywhere at all times and dammit, we’ll keep lying (investigating) til we find one.

  9. “he has lately taken to calling himself Eagle Strong Voice) and his followers have established a new group, called the Friends and Relatives of the Disappeared, and they’re off on a “wave of church occupations” across Canada.”
    What is it about BC that makes it so attractive to schizophrenic cult leaders and their jonestowner following?
    It seems “Eagle Strong Feather” joins a host of historic loonies such as:
    Brother 12, Fred Tibbs, Emperor Norton…maybe we can get Dawg an honorary BC eccentric nomination?

  10. Probably the outer space lizards seeking free labiaplasties were the perpetrators.

  11. Dawg, is passed his sell-by date, he is a typical old style lefty who is unable to upgrade his operating system to the 21st Century. Next he will be discovering mass graves in the U.S, after all Bush is worse then Hitler and Saddam combined.
    Like most of his type, he was more outraged by the accidental killing of a Brazilian by the London police after the bombings in London than the actual bombings themselves.(Zerb was another one),it is sad.

  12. Dr. Dawg has a really bad case of the Left Wing Crazy, I fear. I’ve traded barbs with him upon occasion. My impression is that if I say “The sun rises in the east.” he will immediately argue that it doesn’t, and may even provide links to that effect. He also can’t lose an argument, another unlovely Lefty trait. When caught out he’ll twist, squirm, fold, spindle and mutilate rather than admit defeat.
    I’m surprised he hasn’t appeared on the barricades in Caledonia. Mohawk side of course, they claim to have discovered an “ancient” Iroquois burial site on the Douglas Creek Estates. While digging an “L” trench with a backhoe, no less.
    For the uninitiated, archeology in Southern Ontario
    is usually done with a round mouthed shovel and a small trowel. Indians didn’t go in for deep holes back before The White Man, what with the lack of metal tools and all. Its hard to dig a deep hole with a stick.

  13. Man, you Christian Somethingists really are …well…something!
    At least Cadaver Dawg means well, doesn’t he?

  14. Life is so full of ironies, right now I am listening to “The Battle Hymn of the Republic” performed by the Russian Red Army Choir with the Leningrad Cowboys at a rock concert.
    I just like listening to it because well, who would of thunk it?

  15. Since I’m old and unattractive,
    —Kathy Shaidle
    For what it is worth,
    I just want to say that the photo you posted a few days ago showing the butt of a skinny young woman in a black bikini ,
    that is unattractive to me.
    It looks like a young boy’s butt in a woman’s bikini.
    no curves, no hips, nothing that reminds of a woman except the bikini bottom.
    I have never seen a photo of you, but I doubt men are as “un-attracted” to you as you think.
    Most men like a few curves and a lot of us men do not mind a few wrinkles, a few stretch marks, a little cellulite, a few extra pounds,
    of course we do not shout it from the roof tops,
    but in private, between “buddies” (and maybe after a couple of beers) many admit to being attracted to women who look nothing like the typical skinny twenty year old girl we see in magazines, movies and ads.
    But then again I am 48 years old, I can not speak for young men of the “new generation” , it is true they have been feminized a bit( especially liberals ), so maybe skinny girls with skinny boy butts are attractive to them?
    Sorry to be way way off topic!

  16. Phantom,
    An “L” trench eh, someone is digging in for a show down.

  17. “Man, you Christian Somethingists really are …well…something!
    At least Cadaver Dawg means well, doesn’t he?”
    Well Mal, that is part of the problem with leftists like MG Dawg. If you were to ask Stalin or Mao or even Pol Pot, I am sure they would all reply that they too, “meant well”.

  18. I don’t know if Mike S. way back at the beginning is being sarcastic or not. I do know that there was an influenza epidemic sweeping across N.A. during the years of 1918-1919. This flu mostly claimed the lives of the very old and very young.Then again,maybe the flu epidemic was just a cover story to hide the massacre of millions by the evil Christians.

  19. Ummm just for gettin stuff straight……
    Idd (ldd?), it was flu not polio in ’18 and ’19
    And Mal? Who you calling a Christian? Can’t possibly be talking about this huge fan and supporter of Kate and Kathy. Tis hard for an atheist to be a Christian.

  20. These alleged mass graves all over Canada …
    The are allegedly filled with Indians, right …
    So who is doing all the alleged complaining about them?
    And why?
    Just curious.

  21. It is free country and you are entitled to your opinion. I just find it curious that the same progressives that insist that Thou Shall not Judge, are so quick to break that commandment themselves.

  22. I like Kathy Shaidle’s style just fine. Like I’ve said before she’s, Canada’s Tasmanian devil on ignorance.
    Get out of her way when provoked by idoicy, or be sucked into oblivion.

  23. (Rin) Tin Tin:
    …her posts betray a terrible mastery of the language.
    As an editor, I have to say I don’t understand what he’s going on about. I reread some of Kathy’s posts and, from a purely technical point of view, could find nothing wrong with her “mastery of the language,” as Tinny refers to it. I was keeping in mind, of course, the informal nature of blog postings. But as far as grammar, spelling, punctuation, word usage…no issue.
    I did find it rather interesting that he centred his attack on Kathy’s posts, when there were male posters who were, in fact, much nastier to ol’ Ringo or Dingo, whatever his name was.
    Tinny, since Kathy has offended your sensibilities so much, why don’t you go back to your fantasy world where the “calm, dignified, and classy” woman knows her place and keeps to it.

  24. Dr Dawg posted this recently:
    May Day: revolutionary nostalgia
    To which I commented:
    ‘Oh well. “Nostalgia” is the operative word.
    Well said:
    “Vanguardism is dead: no small body of human beings can possibly contain the vast future histories of humanity. That way madness, corruption and terror lie: power is seized, and the precious scrolls of the future are jealously guarded, on behalf, of course, of “the people”: but like the Latin Bible of old, their contents are mediated through a priestly class…”
    And as for Mr Marx and his views on Slavs
    But why the continued reverence for a dead white male?’
    No response yet from the good Dr about the politically incorrect dead white male.

  25. Kate – thanks for linking to Glavin’s article. Most people are not adequately informed about the history and context of the residential schools. One comment in his article struck me…
    “There have full accounts of the policies and laws and regulations that were intended to employ the schools in a project of churning out obedient regiments of brown-skinned white people.”
    Ignoring the incipient racism, and the projection of contemporary self-centred individualism onto a different time and place, I fail to see why this, in and of itself, was bad.
    I am disturbed by the intimation of corporate culpability in the deaths by disease of such a vast proportion of the native population. The insinuation of malice, made en passant sinister in condemning the very thing Annett does, attributes genocidal deliberation to governments and churches, yet neglects the arguable case of unintentional harm through ignorance, small-mindedness and bureaucratic ineptitude.
    All this, to disinter the dead at the expense of the living. Would that the problems of today received such care and attention.

  26. Do the residential schools make Adolphus Egerton Ryerson Canada’s first social engineer?
    Wonder who my descendants will be apologizing for.

  27. I do a John Lowbag impersonation –
    His response to a post he disagrees with would go something like this,
    ‘Nazis!! Nazis!!11eleven(gasp)!! Nice people you associate with!11!! (hyperventilate)squark!! squark!!

  28. I remember Dawg back from when we were paying our respects for a lost partner

  29. I suggest those who dismiss Kevin Annett out of hand look up “Arthur Plint” – Annett helped 15 abuse victims gain some measure of justice.
    I was present as an independent observer at the 1996 hearing where he was removed as a United Church Minister. An Amnesty International person who was there will confirm my own impression that he was not treated fairly. He should have been allowed to remain a Minister and run his local food bank.
    I spoke with a woman at his “hearing” who claimed to have witnessed – as a child – her friend being thrown down steps at the Port Alberni Residential School. People said it didn’t happen. Annett found the death certificate.
    I am not party to his present actions. I suspect that the last 12 years have worn heavily on him. I also suspect the accuracy of some of the things he has brought forward in that time, and therefore would want to understand the motives of some of those who brought things to him.
    As to whether there is substance to his most recent claims – well, like any CSI situation – there will either be evidence, or there won’t.
    The matters deserve investigation.

  30. i’m not sure where this thread went. mike s. is on target. i was in an old graveyard in cape breton and you would be amazed at the number of people who died on mass prior to the 1920’s. almost anything would kill a child or an elderly person. families seemed to be almost wiped out. if mike was being sarcastic, what the heck i think he made a point.

  31. Terry Glavin writes with authority on the subject. Dawg and the other “Plan 9 From Outer Space Cadets” are out to lunch on this one.
    Then again I recall an instance where Dawg attempted to argue that Genocide was a product of the “Right” or some other such similar nonsense here on SDA, since that revelation of lefty flakiness I have never been able to take him seriously.

  32. This got me thinking a bit about the perception that ALL lefties are prone to lunacy and unsubstantiated paranoiac fantasy…. When is the last time I heard a reasoned and factual argument on any topic by a person who lives in the world of Liberal Progressivism??
    Sad thing is … I cannot recall.
    I’m sure there is … somewhere a reasoned and reasonable Liberal minded person who writes.
    But we are not going to find it in the rantings of intransigent socialist whifflewits.
    Back to slogging through the stacks of so called “Intellectuals” ……………
