19 Replies to ““Those leaflets are hate-mongering””

  1. Honesty would be a pleasant change of course for the NDP and their fearless leader.

  2. It’s at times like this that I actually begin to feel somewhat sorry for my local MP, Peter Stoffer. Dipper he may be but he has always been one hell of a constituency MP (the reason he keeps getting re-elected). I have not heard of many MPs that reply to emials with phonecalls, at least the three times I have contacted him.
    Think of the used cars that have gone unsold with folks like TallyJack and Martin in parliment. (With thanks to whoever it was that wrote that line first. 😉 )

  3. Does anyone in a NDP or Liberal riding where these doofuses were elected really think that opposition members get things done for there areas.??

  4. I think Pat Martin might be on to something. I haven’t even seen the pamphlet and I hate the NDP.

  5. The accusation of hate, or hate-mongering, is now becoming tiredly over-used, just like accusations of racism.
    They are both ways of stopping speech. Once you’ve been accused of being hateful or racist, there’s really not much more that can be said.

  6. “Hater”
    This is just the latest Leftbot conditioned reaction epithet hurled at anyone winning an argument with a sneering Leftist wiggler.
    The usage peaked when this word became half of the textual content on “the lying jackal dot com” site.
    …it has already become a banal misapplied smear word and joins ; racist, bigot, homophobe, islmophobe on the dung heap of meaningless leftard lexicon.
    The well adjusted world has already tuned out the greatest sources of the “hater” screed as they have come to realize those who employ morbidly digressive accusatory bombast are usually intellectually and ethically hollow vessels which educated, moral civil people should avoid at all costs.

  7. I smell an HRC complaint in the making. Since the truth is not a defence, I guess the Tories could be in trouble.
    To NDP: Grow a spine and stop wimpering. Nobody gives a s**t about Taliban Jack. Since when is it hateful to point out the obvious – maybe redundant but not hateful.

  8. Talk about being out of touch with the west. Someone should tell Pat Martin that the Calgary Tower hasn’t been called the “Husky Tower” since 1971.
    And the building which houses the corporate headquarters of Husky Energy (and is emblazoned with its logo)? Ironically enough, it’s called “Western Canadian Place”.

  9. The NDP, or any leftist for that matter, never lets reality cloud their judgement.
    Everyone knows that!

  10. Being a Manitoban,I don’t know who is more embarrassing..Pat Martin or Judy Washthedishes-Leis.

  11. Ill wait for the apology from Taliban Jack Layton tomorrow. a sorrowful face and genuine remorse will be adequate but doubtful from the clown prince of leftard.

  12. “Pat Martin or Judy Washthedishes-Leis.”
    I’d like to comment on these two goofs, but I’m a little busy right now ducking from the sound of either gunfire or engine backfires outside my home.

  13. “Washthedishes-Leis”
    Funny! 🙂
    Leftists, btw, are always telling us what they believe is what and get angry if we dare question them. What, are they our teachers? Do they think that what they’re doing is teaching us stuff that’s as undeniably true as, for example, 2+2=4? They’re not. They just want us to agree with their dogmatic beliefs.

  14. “Those leaflets are hate-mongering, plain and simple”
    Too bad Jack Layton doesn’t qualify as an “identifiable group”.
