11 Replies to “Today’s Letter Is The Letter “O””

  1. I get the “video is no longer available” message.
    And PiperPaul, I second your endorsement…if only we could ALL have an “Earth Book”!

  2. And PiperPaul, I second your endorsement…if only we could ALL have an “Earth Book”!
    Note how the protagonists misinterpret, then figure out technology (gotta love the lip action defense).
    At least this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEJL2Uuv-oQ hasn’t been corrupted yet.
    Today’s kid cartoons are so much better what with all the subtle environmental messages and everything.
    Earth Sucks! (due to all the gravity)

  3. Well considering that muppets can’t vote the following is moot…
    Ernie might as well kill Bert in a lover’s spat before Nov 5 and then off himself instead of moving to Canada.
    He could always hire Elmo the Hitman. Since Elmo’s done Barney, he can probably use the work. Elmo could then toss Ernie into a woodchipper for giggles…
    Both country’s would be better off.

  4. …my life crashed all around me when I heard that Bert and Ernie were gay.
    Then again one has to have a life for it to crash.

  5. Right – the left throws “bitch” out there when referring to Hillary Clinton – shows how far their belief in women’s rights goes. Bloody Hypocrites.
