28 Replies to “Frankly, My Dear”

  1. everyone remain calm…REAL calm….and don’t nobody stick…this is a moveup !

  2. Best. Toys. EVER.
    Being a farm kid, I had to make do with a pop gun carbine that was tough to cock, and then I graduated to the real things, which you couldn’t play with. Where’s the fun in that?

  3. And we were poor too. Why, if I wasn’t born a boy…I’d have nothing to play with!
    Rodney Dangerfield

  4. My cousin and I “played guns”every time that we got together.Our cousin came out from BC and he got “getting shot” down to an art.He would stumble and writhe and make “Getting shot”noises as if he really was only more so.He should have been an actor.

  5. Good fun.
    My folks let me build a 0.45 calibre muzzle loader in high school; courtesy of my Aussie metal work teacher.
    After the Columbine high school massacre, good luck with that today!!
    We used to go down to the target range and fill up old oil cans with water. We’d watch with glee as they would blow up due to hydraulic pressure as the bullet went through.
    Or we would set up as many telephone books as possible to see how far the lead would penetrate. Hey we started recycling back in the seventies!!
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht BGS, PDP, CFP
    Commander in Chief
    Frankenstein Battalion
    2nd Squadron: Ulanen-(Lancers) Regiment Großherzog Friedrich von Baden(Rheinisches) Nr.7(Saarbrucken)
    Knecht Rupprecht Division
    Hans Corps
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  6. When toy companies knew what a toy for boys really meant:
    “You can tell it’s Mattel, it’s SWELL!!!”
    Now boys have to find a stick to stick ’em up with. Boys automatically find a way to play cowboys and injuns, cops and robbers: outta my way, boys, or I’ll shoot you up.
    It’s, like, in their DNA–and thank God. Civilization has stayed alive thanks to guys being guys.
    Look what’s happening now that guys refuse to be guys–or when the fembos tell them they can’t be. Down the tube–and fast.

  7. batb: “Look what’s happening now that guys refuse to be guys–or when the fembos tell them they can’t be.”
    Allow me to edit myself: Guys’ refusing to be guys is the same thing as the fembos telling them they can’t be guys. So, I was being redundant…mea culpa.

  8. Broken hockey sticks, metal garbage can lids, bows ans arrows with bailer twine strings, sling shots made with old bike inner tubes. We made weapons out of what ever we could find and then proceeded to beat the hell out of each other with them. A good time was had by all, except the odd hockey stick across the knuckles a bit to hard. We must of had a little bit of sense because no one ever got really hurt.

  9. Did anyone have a Johnny 7? …with all the detachable parts, orange rifle grenade, silencer, bipod etc?..good clean fun in the 60’s..alas, gone the way of my fireball XL-5 spaceship, Major Matt Mason moon station and my ding-a-lings set..all lost to time..
    Fortunately i learned to appreciate the real thing, like the German WW2 issue P-38 the crook in the window is holding!

  10. Never mind the gun batb, “cowboys and injuns” would not be an acceptable game in this PC environment either.

  11. Boys were ment to play like boys and not sit watching crappy movies like ROBIN WILLIAMS stupid movie TOYS

  12. My dad had me out shooting .22 when I was six or seven. It demystified the whole thing, ingrained the basics of safe firearm handling at an early age and stood me in good stead when I joined the armed forces. But for sheer running around yelling fun, nothing beat the plastic tommy gun I got for Christmas.

  13. Boys will be boys but thank G*d for girls. Much to the chagrin of the progressives, the genders are different even without “outside influences”. Even tomboys have a feminine side. (and boys thank G*d for that too)

  14. Face it, it’s innate; it’s built right into us.
    I remember seeing a small boy with his trendy parents one summer in Niagara-on-the-Lake. As they walked along Queen Street near the golf club, the wee fellow spied a dead branch.
    He picked it up and, to the horror of his parents, brandished it in true sabre style then charged off down the sidewalk in the finest tradition of “Follow me, men!”

  15. Wrt to the original link. I was thinking much the same thing the other day, when I read yet another hand wringing review of GTA4. All I could think of was that my friends and I had grown up pretending to kill each other! Not a creative amalgimation of ones and zeros but other real live human beings.
    Ya know what? We all turned out pretty normal, and so will the folks playing GTA4 and a host of other shooters.
    Of course we got some actual exercise out of it.

  16. I put to reat my six gun (in the early 60’s you could own a real lookingt one , but kid sized) & real holster every night on my bed pole.
    Me & friends would have gun fights than a burial lol. More innocent times I Guess.

  17. Nice. It reminds me of all the times I played with cap guns. And the Hardy Boys detective set that included neat things – although I never got one I certainly coveted one.
    On the issue of retro, after that video played, I clicked on a vintage Pepsi commercial. Young couples at the old ‘fountain’ saying “Pepsi please” What was striking in my mind was the servings were no larger than 250ml tops. Far unlike the 1 litre plus sizes North Americans seem predisposed to consume these days. 🙁

  18. It is especially fun to watch after reloading 100 rounds of 223 for the outing at the range tomorrow, and before cleaning that darn SKS after today’s range visit.

  19. Home made gunpowder, rockets, bombs, pipe guns, BB guns, pellet guns, 22s, 303s, shooting gophers every Sunday – growing-up on the prairies. It was great.

  20. My favorite toy as a kid, that tommy gun. I don’t think I got it new, either. Must have inherited it from my brother.

  21. when i was that kid’s age i had a single shot cooey 22. my grandfather would let me shot bird with his 12 guage.

  22. Hey remember this toy macineguns with the barrel tip that would go back and forth when you pulled the trigger and i used to have one of those toy ray guns that took batteries and would shoot beams in four different colors and i even had one of those star trek phasers as well
