17 Replies to “Frankly, My Dear”

  1. That was truly delightful. I recognized caricatures of both Cab Calloway and Fats Waller.
    And the quality and the detail of the animation is amazing. You just don’t get that in modern-day cartoons.

  2. I also recognized Ella Fitzgerald, the Ink Spots, Bill (Bo jangles) Robinson and I believe Louis Armstrong. Man I must be getting old.
    Each cel drawn by hand with no CGI. They were truly artist back then.

  3. Outstanding. The animation was incredible, right down to the simulation of paralax in the “panning” of the camera. And the music, some of the real greats — I was so born in the wrong era.

  4. Hmmm banned cartoon depicts racial minority in a comical or unflattering characture that may be offensive to some??
    Is this any worse than rap gangsta and hip hop artists sluring their own with the N-word and regailing in the degeneracy that only a small part of their culture engage in?
    Why no calls to clean that up? I’d think it’s be a natural target of the PC cult.
    Or is it PC duplicity in the belief only the majority can be offensive?

  5. Vituvius you are right about it being the Mills Brothers. I was thinking Mills Bros but wrote Ink Spots for some reason.
    Told you I was getting old 🙂

  6. Those darkies sure got rhythm. I remember seeing this ‘toon circa 1955 on channel 10, CFPL TV London Ontario. Black & white of course.
    There is also one that I wish someone would come up with again. It was a ‘toon about not smoking.
    Five Negro cigarettes singing “little boys shouldn’t smoke”.
    Alas, I never heeded their warning.

  7. Where would we philistines be without Kate slogging through the muck and mire of the you tubes to pluck out these gems, and vitruvius, the google to give us the brilliant, insightful analysis, not to mention the oohs and aahs from the bow-ers and scrapers to make the experience complete. What a circle jerk.

  8. Actually, Maggie, only about half of us (including me) are philistine, the rest of us are boeotian. Look, if you’re going to try to insult people with ancient references, you might as well take a moment to use the technology at your fingertips to at least check out the actual meanings of the words you are attempting to use, in order to assist yourself in avoiding making such a danm fool of yourself, and doing otherwise silly things like bringing a bronze-age tool to an iron-age fight.

  9. Your pomposity, vit, is exceeded only by your tiresome condescension. Who looks foolish?
    philistine: A person called a Philistine (in the relevant sense), is said to despise or undervalue art, beauty, intellectual content, and/or spiritual values.
    That is precisely what I had in mind.
    Kinda ruins the joke when you have to explain everything.

  10. Let’s not get overly anylitical here people!! It’s just a cartoon, and damned good one at that. Brought back good memories of the golden years of the silver screen, or was it the other way arounsd? Loved it!!

  11. Now what would a froggie play on a piano? POGGY WOGGOE DOODLE ALL THE DAY?
