“The ship was secretly refuelled offshore by the South African navy vessel SAS Drakensberg.”

More great moments in socialism;

THE ZIMBABWEAN government said yesterday that weapons carried by China’s so-called “ship of shame”, the An Yue Jiang, had arrived in Harare, Zimbabwe’s capital, despite an international campaign to prevent the 77 tonnes of arms reaching President Robert Mugabe’s regime.
The handful of South African correspondents in Zimbabwe say the government’s campaign of terror is widespread but largely unreported. Restrictions on movements, imposed by the government and reinforced by a lack of fuel, mean that country areas cannot be reached, and it is there that the government violence is most intense. Many who voted for Tsvangirai in March will be afraid to do so again in June.
Zimbabwe’s economy is in a prolonged free-fall. Unemployment exceeds 80%. The world’s worst rate of inflation now surpasses 165,000%. A Zim$500 million note went into circulation last week, and is worth less than a pound.
Meanwhile, the violence spilled over into South Africa. Last week, five townships in Johannesburg erupted as local residents attacked Zimbabwean neighbours, accusing them of stealing jobs, houses and women. Zimbabwean houses were looted and burned down. Three million Zimbabweans, a quarter of the population, have fled to South Africa as economic and human rights refugees. Three immigrants were killed, hundreds wounded and many Zimbabwean women were raped as the rampage continued this weekend.

22 Replies to ““The ship was secretly refuelled offshore by the South African navy vessel SAS Drakensberg.””

  1. According to the South African and Mozambican newspapers, and subsequently confirmed by Mugabe’s deputy information minister Bright Matonga, the arms were flown from Ponta Negra to Harare in giant transport aircraft belonging to Avient Aviation, a UK- registered freight charter airline operating out of Zimbabwe.

    Is there no shame in the nation of dhimmis?
    Avient Aviation: http://www.avient.aero
    Andrew Smith – Managing Director
    Samantha Smith – Commercial Director
    James House – Commercial Manager – Charters
    Julie Hedge – Reservations Supervisor
    Phone: +44 (0)1980 676010
    Fax: +44 (0)1980 626634
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    E-Mail: infoavient.aero
    Phone: +44 (0)1980 676010
    24 Hour contact: + (0)1980 676010
    Address: Unit 7, Minton Distribution Park, London Road, Amesbury, Wiltshire, SP4 7RT
    E mail: opsavient.aero

  2. And we can expect the canadian labour congress and jack liarton to announce a boycott of all South African goods and wines in ten, nine, eight…….nah forget about it, I forgot that South Africa and Zimbabwe are advancing the socialist agenda.

  3. # LG Says:
    May 18th, 2008 at 10:24 am
    Mugabe – China’s useful soulless idiot. Now the serious work of depopulation can begin so that the bounty of Zimbabwe’s gardens can make their way to the Chinese dinner table without competitive mouths to feed.
    Meanwhile, China makes a mockery of human rights, the UN, and ensnares us all ever deeper in a financial web.
    We no longer understand quality, and are unable to appreciate it when we see it. Read “Zen in the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” for remedial erudition on the topic.”
    http://tinyurl.com/5gh8l5 (jacks) …-
    zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance
    an inquiry into values
    robert m. pirsig

  4. Socialism? Tribalism? whatever. After all Thabo Mbeki says: African political conflicts should be solved by Africans.
    But wait a minute what’s this UK Company Avient Limited up to? (http://www.avient.aero/contactus.htm)
    ” …the arms were flown from Ponta Negra to Harare in giant transport aircraft belonging to Avient Aviation, a UK- registered freight charter airline…”
    And this is not the first time that Avient has tried to help solve African problems (http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/5/20/38034511.pdf):
    “Specifically the Panel alleged Avient provided military supplies to both the
    Congolese Army (FAC) and the Zimbabwe Defence Force (ZDF), thus contributing to the conflict in the area.”
    Avient says they were just doing the Christian thing by providing relief:
    “Avient Ltd. admits that it provided crew for an MI 24 helicopter and that they
    were involved in the relief of isolated places”
    Avient also attempted to “teach [the men] to fish”:
    “Avient Ltd. provided crew for a Mig 23 jet fighter to train DRC crews…” (http://armedforces.nic.in/airforce/afimage/mig23.jpeg)

  5. Send Obama, he will talk them out of their folly! We needs some change round hear, ya hear!

  6. South African Transport and Allied Workers’ Union general secretary Randall Howard, whose docker members refused to unload the An Yue Jiang, said Southern African trade unions and civil society were in despair at the news that the arms had reached Mugabe.
    “It shows a serious lack of respect for international solidarity by Angola and Congo-Brazzaville and it is an injustice to the people of Zimbabwe,” said Howard.
    “Both the Chinese government and Cosco the state-owned shipping company that sent the An Yue Jiang to Africa have regrettably demonstrated that profiteering remains the overriding consideration over human solidarity and saving lives.”
    Good for the unions, who tried to do the right thing; too bad others put profits ahead of people.

  7. Now, now – the CHRC has ruled that shipping arms to a lawless, foodless and corrupt country does not violate the human rights of anyone.
    Breaking news at 1100 is that Lynch and Hall will go and visit Mugabe to try and establish a more modern version of a HRC based upon the stalward example in Ontario – because there are far too few complaints of abuse reaching their desks.

  8. suesi, what is the chance that anything like that will ever come out of NoKo?
    But nice attempt at changing the conversation, but I think there is still more to talk about in Zimbabwe.

  9. I’m curious about the Allied Workers Union. I’d like to hear some background on this organization. I also wonder about the ownership of South African Transport. All these trade unions have no political affiliations, right?

  10. Rotten Robert Mugabe brings the Just Society to Zimbabwe.
    And the Dark Continent continues to get darker.

  11. Expect hordes of refugee’s from both South Africa & Zimbabwe. Frankly I will welcome people who have chosen to live free lives rather than under a tyrants boot. Considering they share many of the same Western values they will fit in nicely. Most no doubt speak English as well.
    Expect both Nations to continue into utter chaos. Decline will be swift & sure.
    There are no words for the revolting acts being done in Either Nation or to its populations. Be they white or black The left has engineered another massacre that will be soon deliberately forgotten. Like all the rest of there socialist “triumphs”. In their frenetic quest for Neo-Marxist Utopia. Authenticity has no place, nor genuineness in there lexicon of dogma.

  12. Revnant Dream
    You’re forgetting lessons of the past. When refugees arrive fleeing tyrants, a great number of tyrants slip through the door with them. This happened after WW2 when a huge number of German and Ukranian Nazis ended up in Edmonton and many other Canadian cities. How about the flood of Rwandan refugees? How were we supposed to tell which end of the machete those guys were on? How many Bosnian gangsters posing as refugees do we know about? And don’t forget all the Vietnamese gangs that grew from the well wishing Canadian hosts.

  13. susi 11. “rightwing dictatorships”? duh. a dictatorship is communist by its very nature. sharpen up those critical analysis skills.

  14. susi 11. “rightwing dictatorships”? duh. a dictatorship is communist by its very nature. sharpen up those critical analysis skills.

  15. dp:
    I agree with some of your premise & its a valid point. The fact is, the reason we have these sorts of bad immigrants is the government all but abandoned screening anyone for illness, criminality, or social misbehaviors, let alone political serial killers. They as well made it a right for aliens to receive the same political rights as natural born Canadians. You just have to have a toe here & your as good as natural born Canadian legally. I had in mind more law abiding people in mind, which most of OUR ancestors where. These folks for the most part are western in mentality being from former democracies leveled by neo-Marxist world shapers. They at least had semi-democracies for part of there population. Its what you believe. not what you look like that differentiates us as human cultures.
    At present there is 41,000 Refugees & immigrants who should have been deported but have “disappeared”
    If we do get refugees from these Nations I expect the rules will have changed by then. At least one would hope so. Frankly if the HRC’s win, nobody will want to come here. How many folks look to move to North Korea?
    Just my Opinion though

  16. All our fault. When it was still Rhodesia we boycotted it until all those damned white folks running the country were driven out. Political correctness is so entertaining.
