62 Replies to “Tony Blair’s Britain”

  1. Sniff isn’t multiculturalism wonderful, see the wonderful values the Islamist have imbeded into British Society. My breath is taken away by this example of diversity and tolerance, god bless the leftards because the devil owns their souls.
    An educated guess I’d say that will be parts of Toronto in ten years, anyone want to place bets?

  2. There is going to be an eruption over there soon and a lot of people are going to get hurt and a lot of people are going to get killed.
    It’s coming.

  3. So, do we have police of the same calibre standing and waiting to protect us in Canada?

  4. Toronto in ten years? No, the rights-respecting Parking Ticket division will be sure to keep us safe!

  5. Cut!?..
    I watched it earlier…now apparently it is not available.
    Censorship alive and well?

  6. Don’t blame the Police. Blame the Politicians – for the Laws, the Political Correct and the Judiciary that we have.
    In Canada, it all started on April 6, 1968.

  7. If the unruly mob of savages depicted in this video were White instead of Swarthies the cops wouldn’t hesitate for a second to pull out their billyclubs and start cracking skulls.

  8. When Roger Waters asked “would you like to send our coloured cousins home again?” not even he could have predicted this turn of events.

  9. So all the kaffir can go to hell?
    Hmm, I thought we stirred up enough hell in WWI and WWII so I think I will take a pass.
    We aim a little higher.
    What’ the advert for Blackcomb Mountain:
    Go HEAVEN, ski like HELL!!
    Now your talking.
    Welcome to Hades ladies and gentlemen the temperature should be rising shortly.
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht BGS, PDP, CFP
    Commander in Chief
    Frankenstein Battalion
    2nd Squadron: Ulanen-(Lancers) Regiment Großherzog Friedrich von Baden(Rheinisches) Nr.7(Saarbrucken)
    Knecht Rupprecht Division
    Hans Corps
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  10. I’m wondering if some readers here are not viewing muslims in our society the same way as they view pit bulls.
    A few of them are downright dangerous so we’d better ban the entire breed!
    I do agree that Canadians leaning to the left, and a media that panders to them, are irresponsible and just plain cowardly for not DEMANDING that moderate muslims solve this problem themselves.
    The Koran is far too easily used as a tool of violence as opposed to a supposed tool of peace.I see an immense lack of continuity between mosques and their imams.
    But then again, maybe I’m asking too much from this religion when you consider the fact the Catholic Church’s leadership actively enabled pedophiles for years simply to protect their brand.
    BTW, when’s the last time you saw a group of athiests forming a chanting and unruly mob and creating chaos in the name of ‘somebody’?
    But if one night you hear a crazed mob chanting ‘Einstein’…..

  11. I’m wondering if some readers here are not viewing muslims in our society the same way as they view pit bulls.
    I am relatively new here (a couple months) but I doubt anyone here is saying all Muslims are like that.
    But it does not matter if it is 30% or only 3 % of them that are as radical and as threatening as in the video, as more come live here eventually there will be millions of them, and 3% or even 1% of a couple million is a lot of threatening radicals.
    It is not a problem that is going away but that is getting worse every year.
    And our no-spine tolerance is also getting worse every year.
    And those who are trying to warn us of what is happening in Europe and coming to our shores eventually are dragged in front of Human rights courts…
    Can you believe after watching that video some people still consider Mark Steyn more threatening than that mob of radicals?
    Of course none of us has a crystal ball – we could be wrong – but all the ingredients are there for this to happen in Canada eventually and to get worse with time.
    When I watch a video like the one above, I feel like I am watching my Western civilization slowly die…

  12. Canadian Observer, what’s troubling about this video is not the ranting and raving lunatics. We’re kinda used to that stuff, sadly enough. Why we tolerate it is a question beyond me, but whatever…. different topic.
    What’s really troubling is the utter helplessness of the police. Some fat white guy saying “please please” asking the lunatics to stop. Then, basically a bunch of police guys walk backwards and get chased away in slow motion by a mob, then surrounded, and then backed up against a wall while the lunatics shout in their faces and run across them.
    It seems to me that those policemen were pretty darn close to being beaten very badly or worse. They were totally outnumbered and surrounded by an angry mob, and a single loonie swinging a stick, or a single copper lifting up his arm to block off a perceived hostile move, would have triggered a beating.
    The more I look at this video, the more disturbed I get. How can the police be so helpless? These are the people protecting the public? Yikes!
    Obviously the “law of the land” has no relevance to the lunatics, since it can’t be enforced by the Pillbury Dough Boy army that passes for a police for now.
    I am sad for the British police, who apparently used to be a strong and effective force. Now this. Much like what else used to be great in Britain (the navy, the universities, etc etc).

  13. I really like the pitbull analogy.
    Dog people will never accept that ordinary citizens have a reason (or the right) to feel threatened by pitbulls,(My dog doesn’t bite). Their deep desire to feel powerful and be noticed will override any empathy for those who feel threatened.
    Ordinary citizens, especially those with young children, can’t understand why dog people are allowed to pose a real threat to their safety with the blessing of the authorities. They (rightly) believe the risks of allowing a dangerous animal free access to their children outweigh any satisfaction an obviously demented dog owner can attain by owning one.
    Just as some demand moderate muslims solve the problems caused by a small percentage of radicals, so do some observers believe education and selective ownership can eliminate the numerous deaths and child mutilations caused by radical pitbull owners.
    Of course it’s not that easy to predict which 2000 psi jawed, aggresive, bred for fighting pet will actually attack a child. Their assertion that owners should be punished on a case by case system is small comfort to parents who have to bury a child, or deal with the aftermath of a brutal attack that leaves their child with lifelong physical and emotional scars.
    It’s also hard to predict which of these screeching gangsters is only asking for equal rights in western society, or is about to strap on a bomb and wipe out a school bus.
    Please don’t judge us too harshly, canadian observer. It’s obvious you own a large dog, and it’s obvious you don’t see the growing danger we face from Islamic extremists.

  14. “BTW, when’s the last time you saw a group of athiests forming a chanting and unruly mob and creating chaos in the name of ‘somebody’?”
    The last anti-globalization march.

  15. “Sniff isn’t multiculturalism wonderful” Posted by Rose.
    Yep, cause I’ve learned the indigenous population is the f’n problem and are just a bunch of bigots you see. (for existing) Thanks government for legislating by behavioral correction.

  16. 2nd Lori’s and Kate’s comments. Can anyone imagine Wyatt Earp and his deputies (yeah, I know their checkered history) allowing themselves to be pushed and backed up against a wall — really dangerous street fighting position by the way — by a mob? The body language in the video says it all — the leaders of the mob know they’re bullet proof, backed by every organ of political correctness — media, courts, parliamentarians, talking heads — in the country and the police know they have nothing; they’re reduced to pleading with thugs.
    As for atheists creating chaos in the name of somebody, do you mean somebody like Karl Marx?

  17. Those are a people gone totally amok. Living in our democracies, sucking up all our comforts and yelling hatreds in our faces.
    Don’t be smug here in Canaduh, it’s a time bomb ticking given the continued practice of allowing such people to be packed in like sardines in Toronto is an example.
    In Canada the police forces are even less able to haul the loud mouthed lard arses off the streets thanks to the Trudeau Charter, bucked up by the Courts and the HRC’s, they have their rights and THEY know it.
    Trudeau is the one person in all the history of this country who has enacted policies that will eventually tear it down.
    This video stirs plenty of anger and should stir fear among people capable of reasoned thought. He had an audience who wanted to hear him, that’s the scary part.

  18. Canadian Observer, I guess you got tired of Noonan and the Bushbots and now have arrived here to poke these people with your sharpened stick.
    I don’t disagree with your posting except for the statement “A few of them are downright dangerous so we’d better ban the entire breed!”
    I say, old chap, there is a lot more than a “few” of them. I am sure that if the Canadian government actually got around to deporting the 40,000 or so illegal aliens, that would put a dent in our population domestic troublemakers including Muslim extremists. As for the extremists that are here legally, time to take of the kid gloves.

  19. “time to take off the kid gloves”
    Posted by: Canuckguy at May 18, 2008 4:02 PM
    – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    Yeah,and time to put on the Brass Knuckles!

  20. Brass knuckles aren’t of much use to people who’ve never learned how to throw a punch. We have two choices: get into shape and take some lumps during the learning process, or learn how to use some other weapons we have at our disposal.
    The invaders are only using our own weapons against us. Why don’t we turn the tables? Surely we didn’t build this wonderful system without learning how to use it to our advantage.

  21. At least in Canada, sane people will have boonies and hinterlands to run to when Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver eventually go pear-shaped. Different story for the UK. (Flee to the Orkneys, maybe?)

  22. Run to the hinterlands? Not a bad idea. I’ve lived and worked in the hinterlands, it’s not so bad. Daniel Boone once said that when you can see the smoke from your neighbours chimney, it’s time to move on a little farther into the wilderness.
    Problem is, it can’t support all of us. Tell you what monique, You teach me how to make muskrat stew and I’ll teach you how to gather maple syrup.

  23. Just for the record, this fruitcake was arrested for inciting hatred and handed a seven year term.
    Now he gets to preach to the masses in prison.
    What happens when he gets out is anyone’s guess, although I doubt that incarceration will solve his problems.

  24. My advice to British policemen would be to carry a pocket-sized Bible and be singing Onward Christian Soldiers during a confrontation (or a non-confrontation in this case). Belt out really good: With the Cross of Jesus going on before.
    That will discombulate that kind of intimidating crowd quicker than anything.

  25. Canadian Observer
    BTW, when’s the last time you saw a group of athiests forming a chanting and unruly mob and creating chaos in the name of ‘somebody’?
    Communism? 150 million dead? That was the last time I saw athiests causing trouble,thanks for asking.

  26. These guys need to be introduced to the Inkspots:
    The Ink Spots – I Don’t Want To Set The World On Fire
    Feel the Love Baby!!
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht BGS, PDP, CFP
    Commander in Chief
    Frankenstein Battalion
    2nd Squadron: Ulanen-(Lancers) Regiment Großherzog Friedrich von Baden(Rheinisches) Nr.7(Saarbrucken)
    Knecht Rupprecht Division
    Hans Corps
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  27. Thanks for that update multirec. Can you give us some more info on the case? Will they be able to deport him? Is he a British citizen?
    As far as the cops go, they can run into situations like this after a hockey game. British cops traditionally policed without guns, so they have learned how to diffuse a situation. The RCMP used to have a motto, if I have to use my weapon, I’ve failed. Even today they use them as a last resort. I think the situation was handled well. If the guy really did go to prison, his followers learned that they can’t bully their way to victory.

  28. I’m a thoroughly assimilated African immigrant who spent 10 years in the States and is now resdent in Canada, so I don’t think the problem is immigration per se. I think the essential problem is philosophical.
    The West has been, and is being, undermined by its intellectual elite, the descendants of David Hume, Immanuel Kant, Hegel, Fichte, Comte,and others. These philosophers, especially Kant, injected an insidious and hard-to-refute relativism into Western thought, thereby disarming the West culturally. “Who’s to know what’s right,” they puff, after all, “everything is subjective.” “What makes the West better,” they sneer. This egalitarianism simultaneously weakens Western Civilization and emboldens those who seek its destruction.
    In any case, it appears there’s an awakening taking place among Westerners. The danger is that, in demonstrating its justified anger towards its adversaries, the West may lose what makes it so great — its Reason. Now, I’m not against anger at all: I think we should use nuclear weapons if necessary against state-sponsors of terrorism. I just think that chasing down “illegals” is non-productive: we should point our moral, legal, political, financial and military weaponry at essentials like the corrupt Press, the Universities, the Courts, and the evil nations, not at those who, mostly, are here to escape the terror of their native lands. Some of them, too, have been suckered by the professoriate.
    The creatures already here, like the ones in the clip, would be paralyzed by a proper Western military campaign. Whether or not this is done, these local monsters can be tried, deported, or jailed.

  29. Pit bull analogy?
    The righteous pit bull owner, when confronted with evidence that a pitbull has run amuck, loses no time in placing the blame exactly where it belongs – the owner.
    The only muslims I hear criticizing the “islamists” are apostates.
    I criticize the owner. He is, after all, the father of lies.
    Pity them.

  30. Love just ooozzzzeeesss from the Islamic brotherhood – you useless kaffir (tool).
    Silence or I keeel jooooeeeessss (and you too)

  31. dp at May 18, 2008 6:21 PM
    Do you really think that was handled well????
    Those cops were a hair’s breadth away from being beaten senseless. They were absolutely not in control of that situation.
    There are probably some people on this site who have familiarity with law enforcement. Can you offer an opinion?

  32. Lori
    What I meant was the guys on the scene survived the threat by using some skill at diffusing the situation. The fact that they were “almost” beaten senseless is a testament to that.
    The fact they were put into that situation without proper backup is another story. Much like the murder of the RCMP officers in Mayerthorpe, there was a definite lack of management. These cops are expected to do the best they can with the tools they have. If they don’t have the tools to do the job, it’s time to question the people who manage the outfit.

  33. This incident by street thug would be terrorists, will be considered tame in a few years time.
    It may foretell this Country’s future as well as a multicultural experiment. How this will end.
    The violence will only increase until one side caves, which is improbable in the near future. As people watch old traditions dieing as their freedoms become restricted. Resentments will flare phosphorous like against those who are trying to suborn them to helplessness with utter submission to their way of life.
    You just have to read the recent political history of Tahiti to understand this video.
    I noticed the police where backing up even though they where polite beyond duty to the bigots trying to cause a riot. It just encouraged them . Not only did they condemn the “ kefirs’ “but Muslims as well. Is there nobody these haters even like?
    Reminds me of the OPP & Caledonia with its response to Ethnic violence.
    This does not bode well.

  34. That I know, dp. It’s not going to support everyone, least of all the moonbats who never stick their noses out of the cities. I’m thankful to be living in a semi-rural enclave in New Brunswick. I carry a multitool, a space blanket and a little SAS survival guide in my purse – NOT JOKING! And I can make stew out of some surprising things.

  35. That I know, dp. It’s not going to support everyone, least of all the moonbats who never stick their noses out of the cities. I’d like to see how some of these folks fare at some point in the future when they run out of things to grab. I’m thankful to be living in a semi-rural enclave in New Brunswick.
    And I can make stew out of some surprising things.

  36. monique
    Sounds like you probably already know how to gather maple syrup. How about I stick to the heavier artillery, and you handle the food selection? I’m also really good at gathering wood.
    By the way, I think NB is a pretty good place to make a stand.

  37. The British police in this video made the first mistake when they said ‘please’ about 10 times in the first request to the shouting man.
    As a former CAF officer, with some idea of how to control crowds, i offer this advice.
    Have the backup before your plan goes pear shaped.Don’t do the tough guy act unless you have the wherewithal to back up your actions.
    No clubs, no CS gas, no chance.
    Secondary thoughts.When you order someone to do something ( not request..) the next word out of your mouth when they refuse is ‘now’.

  38. Dare Balogun: re “The West has been, and is being, undermined by its intellectual elite, the descendants of David Hume, Immanuel Kant, Hegel, Fichte, Comte,and others. These philosophers, especially Kant, injected an insidious and hard-to-refute relativism into Western thought, thereby disarming the West culturally.
    You’re a very welcome neighbour as far as I’m concerned. My compliments.

  39. Dare Balogun: I appreciate your insights. I agree 100%. It’s not immigration per se that is killing us; this country was built by immigrants and natives. The problem lies in the ideas that some immigrants bring with them. Immigrating to Canada has nothing to do with ethnicity; it has everything to do with beliefs. When people immigrate to this country with beliefs of self reliance, freedom, democracy and equality they strengthen the national fabric. When the arrive with a sense of hostility and an agenda of subversion, we’re poisoned. It is particularly galling that the elites — professionals as you call them, have themselves bought into and indeed purvey socially self-destructive beliefs arising from a misinterpretation of our philosophical heritage.

  40. I still do not blame them, I blame those that allow this to happen.

  41. Kursk at 8:47 PM
    and if we would view the “radicals” as a symptom rather than a cause, we would be on our way to finding a cure, and that is to rid ourselves of the “leftist” politicians and bureacrats that enable this type of behavior

  42. You can see that the hollering fellow in the car and probably millions of other Muslims see that European civilization responds to each threat by laying down arms and withdrawing its claim to its own land.
    It’s very sad. If there’s any hope left it will come from our collective heart finally catching up to us.
    Take it, Tommy boy, on this Sunday in May, to the heart of love that unites and will not retreat:

  43. Ahhh, the confidence and serenity that are granted to me and my fellow Americans by the second amendment. Thank God, (the real one) for that!
    Canadians: DO NOT let your fundamental rights be taken away from you! If you do, then you will be lost along with the UK and the rest of western Europe.

  44. Anyone read The Policeman’s Blog. It’s a good insight into life in leftist Britain through the eyes of a PC. The PCs tackle yobs on a daily basis like these described here:
    “The footage of PC Mick Regan being attacked by a mob of drunken Scottish football thugs in Manchester City Centre raised the heartbeat a little.
    TV viewers saw Mick fall to the ground, surrounded by a swarm of scumbags who started kicking him.
    Fortunately, he managed to get to his feet and was saved from more serious injury by a British Army medic and another bloke who grabbed him and bundled him clear.
    Mick tells the BBC, “If they had not come along at that point I’d have been in big trouble. I’d have been seriously injured. I knew I was going to get done over. I feel lucky; whoever that Army lad was, he wants a medal.”
    It wasn’t Keith Blakelock territory, thank God, but you do wonder what might have happened if one or two of those who surrounded him had been carrying knives.”
