48 Replies to “Viewer Warning: Link Contains Scenes Of Graphic Downtown Shopping”

  1. Sure, hide the miles of concrete jungle slums! Cover the gunshots with music!
    Hire your friends to walk in front of the camera.
    Saskatoon business!

  2. There was some lame survey that ranked cities as “fattest”. The secret, and only, criteria was number of gyms. Appears the same hocus-pocus is at work here.
    Saskatoon looks like Bedford Falls from “Its a Wonderful Life”

  3. Seems Saskatoon needs a new sherrif in the town.
    I would volunteer for sherrif, but sadly my wife won’t allow me to go west until the west separates into a western republic, when my sidearm would then be legal.
    Who is afraid of saskatoons?
    Most Ontarians do not know what saskatoons are.
    Speaking of saskatoons, I have ten saskatoons
    (seedlings) being shipped to Woodstock as soon as the seedlings can be dug and shipped.
    Why not invite Laura Ingraham to be the the new sherrif of Saskatoon, or Kate McMillan.
    Hell, Kate’s only twenty minutes away from Saskatoon, in Delisle.
    Are you listening Brad?
    The world’s eyes sre on Saskatoon!!!

  4. Ill bet that list correlates very well to urban reserve populations
    No, actually. Most of them are really violent cities with lots of *actual* poor people. Saskatoon is a nice city with a small amount of drunken/stoned thugs hurting each other.

  5. I heard Saskatoon was bad, I just hadn’t realized how bad, sounds like south central LA.
    Canada need to do something about Saskatoon now before it’s completely taken over by Islamic Jihadist or MS13. Possibly some trade embargo’s or some kind of oil for food program until they get this MESS straightened out!!

  6. After I left Saskatoon for Calgary I got that nostalgic feeling and went home for a visit a year after departing. Went to the Midtown mall (as shown in the video clip) and was using the payphone to call a buddy to drag him out for a beer… while chatting, the biggest buck I’d ever seen (a head height taller than me and twice my weight – I’m 6’1″ and was 180 lbs at the time) walks up, gives a little tug on my jean jacket to get my attention and when he gets it, says; “Oka…”. Standing there, dumbfounded, I asked “what?”. He said it again; “Oka!…”, this time raising his fist in the air. Being a smartass, I looked into his Lysol-dulled eyes, mimicked his gesture and said “OKA!!!” loud enough that passersby stopped to see what the hell was going on. He smiled, gave a nod, turned and left, without another word spoken. Me, I got the hell out of that town a few days later. That nostalgic feeling never returned, not in the 19 years since…
    The Macleans studies are accurate. The video is bunkum.
    As an aside, I have to wonder if anyone in Saskatchewan is ever going to build a building taller than 20 stories…

  7. “Saskatoon. Johannesburg. Rio.
    One of these things is not like the other…
    Posted by: Yukon Gold at March 16, 2009 4:25 PM”
    You mean Jo’burg has a Carnival, with parades featuring vast quantities of scantily-clad women?
    I know Saskatoon has scramble corners, but it’s just not the same thing.

  8. Hey, where was The Bessborough? I literally bumped into John Diefenbaker there in the spring of 1970. I was young, thin, and had long dark hair in those days! (I’m about the opposite—though not exactly fat!—these days.) Mr. Diefenbaker was very polite and, in a most gentlemanly manner, introduced me to Olive, his wife: times have definitely changed!

  9. Yes, we have a crime problem in Canada but Saskatoon is rated one notch above Johannesburg?
    They’ve clearly never been to Hillbrow, J’burg’s old downtown, or almost anywhere else in that beautiful but dangerous country.

  10. As far as I know Bessie is still there. Hope she’s had a few facelifts since the last time I stayed there in the 1980s. I traveled there regularly then, and I always thought it was a great little city. Clean and green (well in the summertime, anyway).
    I would think all of those other nine cities in the list only wish they had Saskatoon’s problems.

  11. Listen if they are going to hang around hockey rinks to come up with their Poll statistics well that’s just not fair

  12. S’tooners are in denial. There are parts of town that you’ll get jacked for $5. The Aboriginal community in west Saskatoon is in abysmal shape. The daily violence on the west side of S’toon is way out of proportion compared to its size. This is strictly my opinion based on my experience living here, having lived in Edmonton, Calgary and Winterpeg.

  13. S’toon where the drive bys are guys wearing blaze orange and pick-up trucks looking for a liquor store.

  14. Saskatoon Murder rate in 2007: 3.5 per 100,000
    Detroit Murder rate in 2007: 45.7 per 100,000
    Somehow, these don’t seem comprable…

  15. If McLeans states the Canadian cities listed are dangerous places to live, then I suspect they are actually very good places to live.
    I have learned over the years that whatever the MSM tries to lead you away from is exactly what one should go toward. There is probably some other reason why the powers that be do not want population increases in the cities noted.
    I am extremely skeptical regarding these results.
    Iam curious, which are the best Canadian cities to live?

  16. This is really disappointing! After all the work we put into making Vancouver the Asian Gang Capital of the World, we’re beaten out for most dangerous city by a little Prairie village!
    Guess we’re gonna have to ramp up the violence!

  17. I don’t believe a word of it. I’m an Eastern guy who used to visit Saskatoon for business reasons in the 80’s and 90’s. Don’t know if its changed since then but I used to look forward to going there. Stayed at the Radisson Hotel and used to really enjoy going to the hotel at the railway station for lunch. I forget the name of it but it was a real blast from the past. High Tea in the afternoon etc.

  18. 9th most violent ? – maybe ninth most ugly.
    I’ll vote for that.
    8th most ugly would be Scarbrough, which luckily I can go thru at 120 kph a la 401

  19. When Jim Pankiw complained, about a certain ethnic group who target others for their crimes of hate. The anti free speech HRC said he can’t say that and dragged him through the courts for years and tried to ruin him.
    Because complaining about being number 9 is racism. Causing all those crimes is diversity.

  20. Oh ya, the ToonTown is much more dangerous than
    Toronto where they only had 70 murders last year.
    Or the Greater Vancouver area which has had only 30 shootings and 15 shooting deaths so far this year.
    That flashing plastic can sooooo dangerous.

  21. I grew up in Prince Albert and Calgary but now make Saskatoon my home. I feel infinitely safer here, especially going for a walk at night or going to a movie or restaurant downtown. What some might refer to as the “core” of Saskatoon is probably what produces the numbers that drag Saskatoon down.
    I lived between 20th and 22nd Street on Ave O South when I first moved to Saskatoon. The crime rate was ridiculus. There were sirens, police cars and firetrucks down my street daily. Even then I was not afraid for myself. The gangbangers and druggies basically stuck to assaulting the other gangbangers and druggies. The risk to the average citizen was quite low, unlike, say the average citizen in Toronto.
    As a side note, I work with the gentleman who made the video on the link. He’s a pilot who has moved from Montreal and Saskatoon his home. Anyone else out East, or West for that matter, that wants an affordable, laid back lifestyle, please consider Saskatchewan.

  22. Mighty scary looking for sure.
    PS, where in the blazes did you put your hills??????
    Transmission shops must be pretty thin in the ground.

  23. I grew up there-northwest side, rough side. My wife grew up on the west side-equally as rough. The rest of the city is not that bad.
    I’d consider moving back if not for job, kids etc.
    lookout: I think we grew up there at the same time, my first job was at the Bess. Met Dief and Olivia. Very nice people.
    RW: weather wise, it can get a tad chilly, sort of like Edmonton in summer. heh

  24. There’s a reason I’ll never subscribe to MacLeans. What was it again? Oh, yeah… It’s a piece of crap.

  25. Kinda looks like Phoenix but with trees. They missed the part of town with the derelicts holding up all the street lights, passed out on the curb, going through the garbage… and that’s in the daytime.
    That’s South Phoenix. The shopping isn’t as nice there. But there are some rather nice wrecking yards where one can find unobtanium car parts. If you plan to do a yard crawl, take a gun. Nice thing about Phoenix is you -can- take a gun.
    Still, its interesting that Saskatoon has a higher crime rate than crappy old Hamilton. We’ve got some real winner neighborhoods around here, oh baby.
    I guess our lowlife is just less energetic that the Saskatoon lowlife. Better quality drugs, maybe? More burnouts per 100,000?

  26. “Transmission shops must be pretty thin in the ground.”
    That reminds me – what’s a “brake job”?

  27. These cities do seem to relate to Indian reserves.
    BTW there are rumors going around Brantford ON (#17) that there are warehouses with entire floors of nothing but skids of shrink wrapped money on the Six Nations Indian Reserve next door.
    Everybody knows somebody who saw something unbelievably illegal and corrupt.
    Grow Ops. tobacco, booze, drugs, guns, gambling and commercial netting ; Liberals were smart to give a race of people birthright priority over these things.
    The RCMP also calls the native gangs the most well armed threat in our country.
    On the other hand, McSquinty see’s nothing.

  28. Reminds me of a few years ago Victoria was ranked one of THE most violent cities in the country, more violent than Taranna. Victoria? Gimme a break.

  29. rockyt:
    The murder rate for the GTA was 2.0 per 100,000 for 2007, about half what it is in Saskatoon. And that was the highest rate for the GTA since 1992. And the GTA includes Oshawa, Mississauga, and York and Halton regions, among others, with a population of 5.5 million (2006 Census, probably larger now).
    US cities like Detroit, Cleveland, Atlanta, Houston, and Baltimore all have more homicides in a single month than Toronto does in a year.
    There are lots of reasons to bash Toronto – David Miller, the CBC, the Leafs – but safety really isn’t an issue. Police figure about half the murders are committed by drug dealers in deals gone bad and gang members taking out other gang members. If you’re not wrapped up in the drug trade, you’re not likely to come to harm.

  30. So I told my wife the terrible news…
    With a scorn, she said “why is it because people can’t say Saskatoon?”

  31. Jim, I was just a visitor in Saskatoon when I ran into Diefenbaker: it was so cold and windy, my head was down as I rushed through the doors of The Bessborough and found myself staring at a pair of quite nice shoes: I looked up to see JGB, himself.

  32. Ahhh…Riversdale. Roy Romanow and Lorne Calvert’s home ridings- good work, you duffuses!
    By and large, small town feeling with many attractions to suit those so seeking (hey, The Eagles just did a 3 nite gig last week, fer gawdsakes!). Stay away from a defined section, ie drug, gang, native, prostitution area, you’d be ok. Otherwise, it’d be hard to find a more pleasant, picturesque, progressive community. Economy’s not bad either. [ok, now pay me 😉 ]

  33. I live in #11 Port Coquitlam – you would think after we put pig farmer Willie Pickton and his 60+ murders in jail our crime rate would go down – I guess our women beating mayor wasn’t a good roll model.
    Anyone else notice how many of the worst cities are in Beautiful BC – and I thought pot was supposed to make you mellow.

  34. From among acquaintances, friends and colleagues, four of them have lost a total of 5 relatives to being murdered in home invasions. One was a youth the others were elderly, they were either beaten or stabbed to death. That is in the last few years.
    The number of robberies is high and has become common enough in Toon town’s east side, too. I’ve lost count of the number of people I know or have met who’ve been robbed or been subject to an attempt. I was a witness to an armed robbery a few years ago.
    Only about one third of the crime gets reported or makes the news. The rough areas are very dangerous and those bounderies are expanding. Demographically, crime here will grow by 50 to 100 per cent within a generation. Safe to raise a family or be elderly, or a lone female …well it used to be… it changed near the end of the last century.
    Saskatoon has the highest number of street gangs per capita in Canada- “Saskatoon Shines” motto actually refers to our provincial motto “Land of the Living Knives”.

  35. The parking lots of the west side Superstore or Wal*Mart are great places after dark …. if you don’t object to being relieved of your groceries or purse or being bothered by scumbags begging for a toonie or a cigarette. These stores would be well-advised to have the lots patrolled by security personnel wielding Louisville Sluggers with instructions to administer an attitude adjustment when required to do so.

  36. My favourite Saskatoon crime story was the robbing of a convenience store with a frying pan.

  37. Sure and the gang warfare in Vancouver is what? A colourful tourist attraction? I had no idea that Saskatoon was so dangerous. The last time I was there, the big event (in all of Saskatchewan apparently) was old cars lined up in all those lovely angle parking places.
