20 Replies to “Frankly, My Dear”

  1. Why, that was fascinating and delightful, amazingly brilliant. How DO you do what you do? If only I could work the google to put it all into context.

  2. C’mon maggie, don’t be a hater; its often difficult to be sarcastic on the intraweb without the eye rolls.

  3. I’m amused but of course I am offended, when in doubt ban.
    Always err on the side of tyranny – (old PC axiom)

  4. WLM: Never thought I’d be in accord with your hateful drivel, but as an Ontarian who survived Mike Harris’s imperial reign, I have to agree that an old Progressive Conservative (PC) axiom is indeed always to err on the side of tyranny. Fortunately the conservatives erred themselves out of ever becoming the government of Ontario again. Unfortunately, they erred so badly, that thugs like McGuinty and his Liberals are continually granted overwhelming mandates to govern without the slightest resistance.

  5. A 1932 cartoon, a 2008 award winning documentary:
    So much time between and yet the point is the same. World cultures are not equal and we’ve been purposefully naive in trying to equate Canada’s culture to everyone else’s. Canada has let the multi-cult “ideal” change our laws and affect individual freedoms. We really should be working at defending our own culture and telling others what they need to do to catch up. Continuing to push multi-culturalism is negligent and dangerous to our citizens. Let’s trade, not legislate.
    11 people in Kenya (May/2008): 1=43001″>http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/24759141>1=43001
    19 people in Salem Mass. (1692):
    That’s about 316 yrs of catch-up for the Kenyan witch burners. Anyone for some Folkfest barbeque and stew?

  6. Youtube should be sued for millions, that portrayal of blacks must offend all African-hyphens everywhere.
    Do note, though, that Trader Mickey is the same colour as the natives, so it’s like the rappers using the forbidden word.

  7. PC = Politically Correct; for the uneducated among us. I also found this on the offensive side, but do you ban it? If you do, you can’t be hypocritical and allow other entertainment that is also offensive to someone. “All In The Family” is a good example. Archie, the atypical white guy, is the brunt of all the humor. The program frequently was used as a sounding board for progressives to preach to all us rednecks. I must admit, before the writers stooped to preaching, I found Archie funny.

  8. So a character and his dog venture into new territory and after some preliminary misunderstandings, culture shock and minor faux pas, discover a mutual love of music, and all ends happily.
    What is offensive about that? Maybe if we all did a little more banjo picking than nit picking, we’d have a better world.

  9. Them Darkies sure got rythmn. Attracted to shiny objects as well, I see.
    Very enjoyable, it brought back the days of my youth when these ‘toons were regularly on TV.

  10. Twas all in good fun!! I don’t know that “Trader Mickey” has been banned. Banned from where?? Obviously not from the net, although I wouldn’t want to run it at opening day of nursery school!!

  11. We are blessed to have this record of peoples attitudes from a time period not our own . Threw most of history we have relied on just the history written involved in the events of there day or garbage picking the past. Hardly any other view point for major events exists that has many observers, let alone the political or cultural metaculture of the era.
    We have on the other hand, diaries, papers, wills, movies, TV, radio & now the Web. There is no way to lie for good or ill, not only that we really understand their premises of the moment, in the minds of the people of that time.
    All this should be cherished weather liked or not. Its our past, what we sprang from, a sign post to the future. Not all was good but that’s how we learn. If the HRC’s have their way we will lose even our ancient inheritance of justice & individual liberty, to there skullduggery for social control disguised as tolerance.
    Lets not see it outlawed or burnt on the altar of lenience, to savages pretending civilization. No matter what costume they wear.

  12. Gunney99’s comment reminded me of an All in the Family episode in which Archie raved at how funny the old Mickey Mouse cartoons were until the preachy PC put-down was delivered by “Meathead” Mike that Mickey was black…

  13. This is actually quite tame compared to some other cartoons of the time. In Toronto, a guy named Reg Hartt regularly hosted an afternoon of old cartoons at various repertory theatres. While there was no actual nudity or sex, there was plenty of implied activity, as well as drug use (in one memorable scene, as a music jam escalates into chaos, a frog pulls out an enormous syringe, and injects it into his arm), etc.
    Even Woody Woodpecker, who, by the Eisenhower years, was just a lovable scamp, was deviant in the late 30’s/early 40’s. He was an out-and-out juvenile delinquent, stealing cars, driving recklessly, causing all sorts of damage to people and things, all the while laughing maniacally.
    God, I miss those days!

  14. God, I miss those days!
    I’ll second that Kevin. Today we don’t need the comics to provide deviant bizarre behavior, we can just watch the nightly news broadcast and hear the subliminal comments of the news readers.

  15. Mickey Mouse takes a suana bath just before hitting the pool and the stranger dives first
