The Second Coming

Is there nothing that Obama can’t do?

“I cried all night. I’m going to be crying for the next four years,” he said. “What Barack Obama has accomplished is the single most extraordinary event that has occurred in the 232 years of the nation’s political history. …The event itself is so extraordinary that another chapter could be added to the Bible to chronicle its significance.”

66 Replies to “The Second Coming”

  1. “The event itself is so extraordinary that another chapter could be added to the Bible to chronicle its significance.””
    Christ. Has Jackson totally lost his bigoted,racist mind? And just whose Bible would that be anyways? The King James version, or Rev Wright’s??

  2. another chapter in the Bible.
    that would be one after the Revelation.
    ohboy , everyone knows that chapter aint good.

  3. As over-the-top as the suggestion that the Bible needs a new chapter is, nobody familiar with the history of blacks in America can reasonably hold their jubilation against them.
    Sure hope he loses, though.

  4. Oh my, Jesse Jr. should know that idol worship is a sin; he grew up the son of a Reverend, did he not?

  5. Why don’t you all get together, burn a cross on Obama’s lawn, and save yourselves a lot of typing?? According to some of the people who have commented on this page, if the next president was deaf, blind, sitting in a wheel chair and getting fed, from a plastic tube piped into his asshole, he’d be OK, just as long as he’s white, and of the male gender. And frankly, even if someone was deaf, blind, invalid and had a tube up their butt, they couldn’t screw the administration up worst that GWB has! And yes guys, I am white, and I’m Conservative.

  6. Lone Ranger is right.
    I hope it is more a case of Obama’s socialist tendencies that are the objection.
    After all, we know that socialism/communism does not hold a candle to a free wheeling economy.
    We, however, do NOT know that ALL blacks, Hispanics, ect are loosers.

  7. The best, THE BEST Agronomist in Canada I ever knew, was a Hispanic from Guatemala. By far.
    One of the smartest persons I ever met in Canadaian Univ, was from Hong Kong.
    One of the nicest Farmers I ever knew in Canada, was from France.
    The guy with one of the best sense of humour I ever knew, was from Ghana.
    But, Obama ? Gaffe-City. Not a place for the most powerful man in the world, IMO.

  8. I don’t believe there is a “left” in the USA. There are individual lefties, commies and just plain whacked out “non believers.” The Democrats are just an alternate choice of government.
    You had to have lived through the 60’s, the Cuban missile crisis and the Vietnam War to know that Democrats and Republicans alike have one ultimate goal. To protect what is theirs.
    Obama is not about the right or the left. He’s about changing a rapidly deteriorating Nation. And when you’re down, there’s nowhere to go but up!!

  9. The US on a downward trend ? That’s debateable.
    GWB pulled some boners, yes, but Iraq, for one, is starting to look a lot better – could finally throw the Vietnam monkey off the Americans back for good.
    I believe Obama’s party has not helped the American cause during the last eight years. Media spin and saturation coverage of a never ending campaign by Bill the-big-kid Clinton and Al the-big-fraud Gore, seems to have helped drag down American’s self esteem. Down n’ out.
    Nothing, but nothing, would be a bigger lift than a huge thank you from the Iraqi people and a successful fraud suit against Gore. On the right track all along ( no to Kyoto and no to Saddam)but the media is against that – and poor headlines.

  10. “Why don’t you all get together, burn a cross on Obama’s lawn, and save yourselves a lot of typing?? According to some of the people who have commented on this page, if the next president was deaf, blind, sitting in a wheel chair and getting fed, from a plastic tube piped into his asshole, he’d be OK, just as long as he’s white, and of the male gender. And frankly, even if someone was deaf, blind, invalid and had a tube up their butt, they couldn’t screw the administration up worst that GWB has! And yes guys, I am white, and I’m Conservative.”
    It’s not Obama’s color that’s in question. It’s his Marxist ideals… It’s his association with known terrorists… It’s his wife’s disdain for the US… It’s his mentor’s hate of the Jews… It’s the content of the man’s character that causes concern, not the colour of his skin…
    I’m willing to wager that if Condi Rice were a Presidential nominee, that most folks around here would be cheering her on…
    Go back to your lib-left bubble Ranger, you’re not ready for reality yet…

  11. You know, there’s a piece of me that would like to see Obama win. That piece of me just hopes that he will continue to do what he has always done, which is very little or nothing in the way of policy and legislation. That piece of me likes the way he talks and inspires others and I can’t help but feel good for the minorities and the black community.
    I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having a leader who motivates and inspires as long as he or she keeps government involvement in our day to day lives to a minimum. Too bad he wasn’t a Boetcker conservative instead of a Marxist socialist. He would win in a landslide.

  12. The media are all predicting the largest voter turnout in history. Didn’t they also predict Hillory was a shoe in. How often were they wrong in polls during the primaries.
    The bad thing is, if he loses it will be blamed on race not lack of policy or his friends of the past. Read the comments here and you can see that will happen. Don’t like Obama, you’re a racist. Couldn’t possibly be that you don’t like democrats and their tax and spend policies.
    Gas prices, who has stopped all drilling or blg new refineries in the USA. Food prices going up, funny, no one is taking responsibilty, especially Gore/Suzuk/Lizzy, for going green, ethanal fuel etc. The media in the states have bashed Bush, and also here, regardless of what he has done,.
    The way they are talking on the networks, not only has Obama won the nomination he has won the election in Nov 08 and 2016. Even he has said, in 2016 I will be winding up my 8 yrs as President of the USA. Maybe he should go back and listen and read what they said about Hillory 18 mos ago.

  13. When one listens to Obama’s speeches, one can easily play Buzzword Bingo.
    While he may be great with oratory, he has NOT spoke anything new. But, MSM, needs to worship at their idol making.
    Oh BTW, it was pointed out that while everyone wants to blame Bush and the Republicans on the economic problems in USA, the Democratic Party is actually in power in the Legislature for the last 2 years!!! And when did the USA economy start to slide – a year ago. Coincidence?!

  14. Between Ron in Kelowna and the Lone Ranger I guess we’ve all been told what to think. R in k, I’ve noticed a few posts from you telling people what they can say on this blog. Do you own it now?

  15. Well just think – everyone was so frightened of Mr. Bush and his religious observance! Seems that much more was made of it than was reasonable – the ‘dark side’ hasn’t panned out in this connection.
    Obama hasn’t disclosed what his actual beliefs really are – and now we have people like JJ saying something like this – trying to be dramatic – comments quite worthy of a ‘whatever’ response.
    I think voting for him to see ‘the first black president’ is wrong and foolish.
    I do not think he is qualified to be president.
    Who knows what his ideas really are and we don’t care to find out.
    He already doesn’t understand what a terrorist is – he expects Israel to negotiate with “humus” [Hamas]!
    He recently flip flopped on the ‘undivided’ Jerusalem issue…there is an already emerging pattern with him.

  16. obama. his record speaks for itself. he is a hard left, as in marxist, politican. with a democrat congress and senate there is no end to the damage he can do to the u.s. and thereby canada. have fun all you socialists . if he is elected you will get to see your wildest fantasy played out. the econo0mic destruction of the most powerful nation on earth. by the way you do know that oil prices started to climb after the democrats took over congress and the senate.

  17. Want to see who are racist?
    Want to see Democrats heads explode?
    (h/t to r evans above)
    Wait for Condi to go on the ticket with McCain in August. He is 71 I believe. Anything could happen to him health wise. IF anything did, while he was POTUS, Condi becomes the first FEMALE and BLACK POTUS !!
    If I can sit here thinking that up don’t think the Dems and Reps big money players havn’t. What scares the Dems is that Condi would do it out of DUTY if asked. AND the American public would know it too. I tell you heads would explode.
    I had dismissed this idea as I had heard that she apparently said she wasn’t interested in the ticket as VP.(or anything else in the WH). But, when I watched her congratulating Obama she looked way to cool.Steely.And why her giving Obama the thumbs up?? I havn’t seen a clip of her saying anything about anyone during the primary’s.She was in his face and it looked good to me.
    If this is the reason oil is spiking, Kyoto scamming is at a feverish pitch and NO news in the MSM regarding the surge in Iraq working? I don’t know, but if she runs with McCain the zoo scene from the MSM bending over trying not to be racist and PC at the same time is going to make my day.
    She can even throw Bush under the bus right up until November and he’d say “thats OK you go girl”
    Oh what will Oprah do ……..

  18. I thought Obama was a muslim.
    Oh, I forgot that was a joke.
    But the way he caters terrorists and their supporters, one could say that isn’t a joke.

  19. Who could ever have imagined the Second Coming would appear as a Democratic candidate for the position of President of the United States of America?
    The Lord truly does work in mysterious ways.

  20. “Despite Obama’s singular position in American political history, his backers said his race would not be a focus in his campaign. He will stick to economic matters, foreign policy and other topics with broad appeal. Obama rarely describes himself as an African-American candidate. He will not start now, backers said.”
    Obama’s position on economic matters, foreign policy is the reason I hope McCain wins.

  21. “He poured himself a Jack Daniels and Diet Coke and watched Obama speak.”
    yeah, Obama has that effect on me too.

  22. Obama is black? The”first black presidential nominee”?
    Jackson: ““I hope the least historical thing about Barack Obama is his being black”
    Jackson knows Obama is not “black”; but, Jackson lies; nor, is Obama an “African-American”.
    “his being black” is a tactic of The Big Lie.
    Is Obama still hiding his white grandmother? After all, Obama has said his white grandmother’s words had made him “cringe”.

  23. Lone Ranger, is that you johnny? Eight comments in, not a mention of race save a tongue in cheek one, and you let go with a typical libtard blast of racist accusations! The point has been made, conservatives don’t like the obamassiah because of his extremely thin cv, and the fact the guy is a hard case lefty. Not to mention the racists and terrorists he has associated with, over a period of decades. You want to see conservatives vote a black man into the White House? Get Clarence Thomas, US Supreme Court Justice, or maybe Michael Steele, former Lt Gov. of Maryland. A race baiter like you wouldn’t like that though, it would deny you all those lib feces you fling so willingly.

  24. Being conservative, I will probably not vote for Obama. I fear that he would appoint justices to the Supreme Court whose social engineering I detest. I fear also that his pandering to anti-war activists would jeopardize the genuine gains that have been achieved in Iraq. Having said that, I do think the tone of Kate’s post betrays, at the very least, a gratuitous sneer at black people’s understandable elation. I think Darrel put it best when he wrote: “As over-the-top as the suggestion that the Bible needs a new chapter is, nobody familiar with the history of blacks in America can reasonably hold their jubilation against them.”

  25. From a previous post
    I don’t think there is anything Obama CAN do. My personal feeling is that he will go down to the biggest democratic defeat ever. Black man Collin Powell I would vote for, the inadequate black man Barak Obama, as Harriet Christian described him, I would not. With his roots in a white hating black church who would? Only liberal sheep would follow this judas goat of false hope, he’s all mouth and no meat.

  26. It IS a significant event, that a ‘representative’ of a population that had arrived in the US, as economic slaves, should now be nominated by a party as a presidential candidate.
    But this act wasn’t done by Obama. It was carried out by the American people. So, it isn’t ‘kudos to Obama’ but to the American people.
    That said, this has been coming for a while, for many senior government administrators, both elected and appointed, are black – as noted by other posters above.
    This moves the focus back to Barack himself. Does one want what he stands for, ideologically, in the White House? What’s his ideology? It’s so far left that he’s practically falling off the scale.
    He’s essentially a marxist/maoist in the full sense of the term – this is an ideology which sets up a dominant bureaucracy in government that oversees, governs, runs – the entire population. It alone knows ‘what’s good for you’. And what is good for you is group-ism, where everyone is merged into a populist common mass.
    We can see evidence in this in his 20 year devotion to a church that, in itself, rejects dissent, reason and free-thinking and focuses on highly emotional rhetoric. In this case, the rhetoric was specifically mass rhetoric, the kind where everyone agrees, sings along, gets carried away by the ‘ecstasy of the group emotion’.
    This is the very antithesis of the ideology that founded the US and made it great – the ideology of individualism. And free thought. It is individualism, with its focus on free thought, innovation and invention, risk-taking, free enterprise, and even, doing things alone and untested..that is the basis of American greatness.
    Do Americans really want someone in government who rejects this entire ideology? Whose focus is on repression of individual dissent, risks, free enterprise? Whose focus is on mass rhetoric, mass behaviour, a reduction of individualism to a common mass?
    Obama is setting up a new form of slavery.

  27. This is not a question of race. Obama can be called a white contender, as much as the first black contender for president. So there’s one b.s. talking point put to rest.
    He also effectively uses the posture, language and intonation of a tent preacher, although without any content. Hope in what? Belief in what? Come to the alter and you’ll see the light:
    “Is Obama an enlightened being?
    Spiritual wise ones say: This sure ain’t no ordinary politician. You buying it?”
    By Mark Morford, SF Gate Columnist
    Many spiritually advanced people I know (not coweringly religious, mind you, but deeply spiritual) identify Obama as a Lightworker, that rare kind of attuned being who has the ability to lead us not merely to new foreign policies or health care plans or whatnot, but who can actually help usher in a new way of being on the planet, of relating and connecting and engaging with this bizarre earthly experiment. These kinds of people actually help us evolve. They are philosophers and peacemakers of a very high order, and they speak not just to reason or emotion, but to the soul.
    The unusual thing is, true Lightworkers almost never appear on such a brutal, spiritually demeaning stage as national politics. This is why Obama is so rare. And this why he is so often compared to Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr., to those leaders in our culture whose stirring vibrations still resonate throughout our short history.

  28. If you actually pay close attention to what Obama says to different groups, it’s very revealing.
    For all his talk to the swooning masses about “change” in Washington, look at what he recently said to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee:
    “In his first speech as the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, Barack Obama pledged unwavering support for Israel, vowed to use military force – if necessary – to keep Iran in check, and endorsed the idea that any peace deal between Israelis and Palestinians must preserve Israel as a Jewish state with Jerusalem as its capital.”
    This doesn’t sound like much change from current US policy to me.

  29. Well, let’s see how much the typical leftard from Ontario cheers when Obama starts erecting trade barriers.
    You think Ontario’s economy, and the subsequent value of your house is going south now. Just wait until the flow of goods from Ontario’s struggling manufacturing sector gets whacked again.
    No tourism from the USA
    No trade with the USA
    No fat ass gov’t pensions for Ontario leftards.
    It will serve them f@#$ing right!
    GO ARMY!

  30. ” I do think the tone of Kate’s post betrays, at the very least, a gratuitous sneer at black people’s understandable elation.”
    “Black People’s”, Not “democrat’s” elation eh ?
    Geez, I misread the “tone.”
    Or perhaps the “tone” is simply that near hysterical emotion could cloud a persons judgement.
    It’s this confusion that likely prompts us Canadians, in all our collective wisdom to assign the task of reading “tone”, to our superiors at the HRC.
    If the OJ / Rodney King trials didn’t teach us that near hysterical emotion can cloud judgment , we’ll need to be taken back to the classroom.

  31. Dunno, I’ve seen no one that objects to the skin colour. _ I’m sure
    The most “racist” object I;ve heard his his known close association with what I’ll call the “black grievance culture”.
    That and he gives every appearance of not haveing much inthe way of judgement, prone to rhettorical flights of of excess, extremly & overtly religious and a creepy political way ( hey, I wasn’t fond of GWB’s I’m not fond of BO’s) already is notoriously tone-deaf, and his voting record suggests he is a socialist tool.
    I the media treated himthey way they treat GWB the drum beat of horror would be something to behold.

  32. Why is skin color so important to the leftards? He’s half Arab, his father was an Arab from Africa. So he’s not legally a “Black American” he’s not black. So there get your facts straight lefties.
    Obama’s supporters scare me they’re one brick shy of a load, smart enough to vote but after that their God OBAMA-faints and wakes up-will lead them down the marxist path to hell. Enjoy, really his supporters are going to get exactly what the deserve.

  33. Suggested boffo campaign speech finales for Obama:
    1. Feed entire crowd with five organic whole-grain loaves and two non-endangered fishes.
    2. Raise Howard Dean from the dead.
    3. Turn Perrier sparkling mineral water into non-alcoholic wine.
    4. Close with “Sermon from Mount Rushmore.”
    5. Quote from Obama 3:16:
    “For the Democratic Party so loved the world that it delivered its Very Clean and Articulate Son of Hope and Change, and that whoever campaigns for Him shall not perish but have a provisional half-vote.”

  34. Quote from the linked article:
    “Despite Obama’s singular position in American political history, his backers said his race would not be a focus in his campaign.”
    That’s funny. If a reasonable person were to go back and look at the revelations of the last 6 months one would find that it is Obama’s backers, friends, and supporters who have made it all about his race. Some antics from the pulpit have been very focused on that aspect. Hypocrisy is alive and well on the left.

  35. I would have been happy if Obama hadn’t been such a left/liberal – this guy could run for prime minister of Canada – but i’m not really hearing anything but platitudes. I think it’s a great thing for Black Americans and I understand their elation. That’s pretty much the only good thing about this guy for me, because i think there’s going to be a tremendous number of angry and disappointed people when he can’t pull the promised land out of his, uh, hat.

  36. >”The event itself is so extraordinary that another chapter could be added to the Bible to chronicle its significance.”
    Last 3 verses of the Bible:
    REVELATION Chapter 22
    18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this BOOK, If any man shall ADD unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this BOOK:
    19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the BOOK of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the BOOK of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this BOOK.
    20 He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
    Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-Ill.), sometimes known as the “Reverend” Jesse Jackson, could get himself and his supporters in a lot of trouble.

  37. It has very little to do with Obama and everything to do with Oprah. If Oprah had endorsed Hillary Clinton, Obama wouldn’t be the nominee.
    For all the analysis of Hillary’s failed race, the absolute biggest mistake was in not keeping closely in touch with Oprah Winfrey.

  38. Shaken of course jumps straight to the point,. He;s the candidate because the colour of his skin.
    He has No, absolutely NO credentials opr experience or achievements.

  39. At the start of the race American blacks were overwhelmingly on the side of Hillary Clinton – they argued Obama was not “black” enough and they were right. As others above have noted his mother is a white American and his father is a muslim African. He was mostly raised by his white grandmother. He is not in any way a descendant of American slaves – in fact his ancestors on his mothers side were slave owners.
    Why is it that someone who is half white and half black is automatically labeled black? This is like someone who is one sixteenth Native American is automatically considered an Indian.

  40. fritz – kindly note that it is Obama who defines himself as black. And, as yoop noted, all his backers and staff – and Obama didn’t chastize or stop them. And that includes his choice of church and his choice of ‘guidance’ (Wright, Farakhan etc).
    But the key problem is his ideology, which is being hidden from hard critical analysis, by the focus on his ethnicity. Or colour. Or race. Or whatever hereditary aspect of him. It’s the ideology of complete totalitarian state control over the ‘mass of humanity’ that is the problem.

  41. Fastforward Nov. 2008 … McCain wins.
    If you thought Bush derangement was bad, you ain’t seen nothing yet.

  42. OK, I now concede that US culture is racist to the core. It’s not about ability and proven experience, it’s not about wise policy and vision. If you had an ancestor with a high melanin count, then de facto you are a member of the black experience, and entitled to claim all the historic grievances, and the contemporary status of disadvantaged victim.
    Such a marvelously malicious scheme could only come from the febrile minds of a conspiratorial cabal of racist elites. See how successfully they have divided the black culture into two camps! The blessed, who accept the charity of their benefactors, left to wonder how much of their success was earned, never quite reaching the level of accomplishment of their non-black mentors; and the cursed, who scorn the blandishments of their self-proclaimed betters, marginalized by violence, self-loathing and hatred, and driven into despair.
    Truly, some animals are more equal than others!
