45 Replies to “The New Politics”

  1. That kind of talk is like a big monkey beating his chest to scare his opponent. It’s all so much fluff.
    Obama is worried now that the dust is settling and his fight is no long with his own people, but his enemies on the other side of the fence.
    I am still waiting for O’Bama to show up on O’Reilly.

  2. Good for Obama dont americans look for a President to be tough?
    He is just posturing and waiting for the typical republican “swiftboat” attack.

  3. Why is he so tough with Republican’s and so soft on enemies of the US?
    Could it be (ahem) because they hate Republicans more than transnational socialists and Islamofascists?
    Any guesses?

  4. But, but, I thought that Obama was ‘all about change’ and how America was going to change and wasn’t going to be tough and militant and how it was all going to be talk and negotiation and singing of songs and..

  5. RoC (or should I write RoP?): Your center is in the bowels of dead Lenin. Thus, right of Lenin is, let me guess, Stalin or Che?

  6. This tactic is a pre-emptive strike to deter any criticism of Obama’s inexperience, which will be spun as “negative.” It won’t work.

  7. How laughable is that little weenie using tough talk with a man who can’t lift his arms above his head because of the physical torture he endured for 5 years without a whimper.
    Obama is a little mommy’s boy who probably used plastic scissors all of his childhood.

  8. Is Barack Hussein Obama talking about the election or is he talking about hangin’out in da’hood with his homeys?

  9. Doug
    I will make you a deal Doug I will not make personal attacks on you or any other member of this board.
    It may suprise you but there are many issues on this site that you and I agree on. If we always agreed would this site be worth coming to?
    I am not of agreement that every persons opnion has to be an absolute left or right.
    I dont wish to be another Bolik and let my conversation be misdirected towards personal attacks. Let’s discuss and if we dont agree at least we should agree that living in the free world is worth practising those freedoms.

  10. Maybe the Dems have something on Mac and they are trying to draw him out to take the first shot.

  11. RoC – If the ‘Dems’ have something on McCain and want to ‘draw him out’, then having Obama talk about violence, when his whole image-presentation has been about Change (and that includes violent responses to terrorism)..it doesn’t make sense.
    First, the Democrat strategy ought to be to retain Obama’s image as non-violent, and have someone else do the ‘drawing out’.
    Second, what possible unusual reaction from McCain could there be to such a provocation, of suggesting violent actions will be met with violence? That’s exactly what McCain says anyway.

  12. Metaphor or not, that’s a threat of violence. And especially GUN violence! How come Bambi hasn’t previously talked about his violent gun culture side? Is that why he wants to disarm Americans – because he’s projecting his own violent uncontrollable impulses on everybody else? This guy scares the hell out of me.

  13. Obama is win or loose I do ot belive americna has too many good option this year
    how about take all two together it is too late we need to change USA to have two to run countires or may be USA need politican people can care and trust them with new funding no conspriracy and corruption again who know this american why behave like this
    I do not know too much about them but I know some
    if he become presidnet he is young and Mr. McCain is above 70 and not healthy to work under pressuer for soem year or rick involve if he get ellected then Obama is more energy to stay and most like he may won
    Obama is black that is fine but nobodly like black culure for shake buddie and blang balng wear all jewlers and druge or illegal activity of JC and puf dady change their drugs to musice and all aduluty and AIDS in black and finally we hear Obama only busy with too many woman not with work means black culture is stragne culture not becaue of colur becaus they carry african culutre and not every body like it
    then obama if he want to act like black culture nobody like him it is fun with black but not accpetable are too cheap need more self confidecne in black to no shake buddy for make money and stop abuse their woman I belive
    Obama is muslim and pretend he is not maybe butif he is muslim can benefit now he is not go to his church may look for mosqure
    Obama is take care of inside of economy or we hope he does in verses McCain we expecr more warwith Iran and world war III to started those McCain group love fighing or made fight if you figh you can work to fix his inside economy Today US need some grup to take care of big United Stated of America mess they started since sep 11 and Irq and Iran and Afganstin to direc differnet solution tosolve todayproblems outside USA to made US safe an secure and it affect Canada in the same resepct then mcCain also has less chance
    USA need to take maximum two watemellon in left hand and one in right hand if they took three watermellon as they have more than 3 in thier hand they already all and broke all. US need to pirority who to fight and why not fight to all world since they want to control frick all the world this is impossible hate fight
    this is example of some model I think world need to get togetehr with mean of econmical devlopment and peacein region bydoing some map and who work as big with smaller companyand what they gain if they help them nobody work free
    such as :
    this is only example but Obama can do it I am not sure
    I recommand to USA only take half of south AMerican countries to deal with them peacefully and leave other half for Canada to deal with them
    next melon I give USA to from take Palstain , Isreal, Saudi and Egypt, Kewit goes up to the border of Africa only take half of Africa to take care of as thier second watermellon that is itno more. ssuch as help those region and not fight with them If USA want to give Isreal 40 billion funding they msut give some pies to Palstin and toehr africa and south american too tehy can not donate free money of US americna to only Isrela since to go and fight arab that is silly if they still uS need or lik to coninue their old fashion way which is failed in history
    Is Obams is smart enought to change all parties and law makers in US and funding and balnace outsdie USA policty I am not sure he may need more counsulting to help him buthe look smart to get train but if he is good manager or leader I am not too obtomstice about him yet we did not see nothing yet.
    USA must leave the rest of the world alone
    Canada deal with association with England and France who good relatioship with middl easte before US mess with france goverment by help of each toehr under 20 years contract do some econmocicaly develpment to benefitCanada too not only go and doing in war because USA asked tehm to do like lamb I think Canada can do some economical devlopment with half of south america and line ( Afganistan,Iran, Iraq and Sauria and Lebanan, Dubai and Jordan, Paksitan,Libia) with association who has more brain in businss in area
    let USA deal with half of south america and half of africa nad isreal, Palstin, Egypt and Saudi
    let canada deal with half of south america and otehr half of africa and Afgan, Iran, Iraq , Gorden and Libia and Dubai and sauri and Lebanan and by help of England and France

    rusia can go with east euroe, armania , kosvo an romani and scandnvian and Germani to more trade

    Australi and China and Indionzia and India and malisia and east work and Indian work together
    I mean divide work togtehr and tax to other poor countires at the end of day not fight them
    built more housing for them
    who care about USA we only care about USA to benefit Canda
    canada need to stop war in afganist nd join to find better way to use relatioship with afgani peole so many theft, druges and lack of education and need houseing and give free land for their eudcate afgaini back to country can work
    being leader of world is hard job I do not take this job for a billion dollar no saftyin that job

  14. He’s talking like someone from the gangs, and that isn’t the way his white Grandma brought him up. Now he’s discovered when you’re running for President of the U.S. of A. the big boys can play rough. He’s not tough and after a bit of rough bantering, he’s immediately forgotten his new way of doing business, of civility and dialogue, and reaching across the aisles in a non-partisanship way. With his ‘don’t mess with my wife, bro’, and all the other untouchable areas he has around him, he’ll never be able to stand up to America’s enemies, and by now they have already assessed his weaknesses.
    I’m trying to picture him among a gang of tough teenagers staring each other down with: you bring out a knife and we’ll bring out a gun. It’s not his level and it certainly won’t work against John McCain, who has already stared down the tough and rough guys.
    Obama’s not ready for this fight and would be better off spending the next four years toughening himself up by watching John Wayne movies. 😉

  15. Right of centre, no one is missing the metaphor here. And, what would they on find on McCain after all of the years he’s been in the Senate? He’s pretty much an open book, Obama on the other hand…..Rev. Wright, his Muslim polygamist dad, William Ayers, and, I’m sure more surprises to come.

  16. “I believe it is called a “metaphor” people”
    It’s the choice of metaphor that’s revealing, idiot boy.

  17. I think the republicans will play the card “Obama is a muslim” to scare americans.
    What a shame.

  18. Ooh, Bambi watched the Untouchables and knows all about the “Chicago” way.
    The guy is about as intimidating as a hamster.

  19. For those who may not be aware, Haye is an exchange student from another planet. He has no idea what is happening here on earth, but likes to babble on unintelligibly about it just to feel he is participating.
    We can sum up by saying he hates the West and loves Islam. He also hates good grammar and spelling. In fact my guess is that he hates just about everything that isn’t specifically part of Mohammad’s to-do list.

  20. AQS – what do you mean – ‘what a shame’. That Obama is actually Muslim? Or is not a genuine Christian? Or is not an atheist? Or is actually anti-American? Or was a member of a ‘church’ or sect that was violently anti-American?
    The problem with Obama is that he’s ‘all rhetoric’. As RoC suggests, ‘it’s a metaphor’. Yes, but Obama doesn’t go beyond the words that make up a metaphor.
    Life isn’t lived within words but within actions. And Obama’s ‘strength’ is his ability with words. Words, words, words.
    And that’s all he’s done. Words about ‘change’ but no policies. Change from what to what? How? Why? Just because?
    Words about his mythic past, his father, his grandmother who was afraid of ‘big black guys’. Words about his church, that church that specialized in anti-American rhetorid.
    The problem with Obama is that he lives his life entirely within words. A president can’t do that; a president has to take action. Obama’s ‘gun’ word is just..a word. He doesn’t have the innate nature to take action; he’s someone who talks and talks and ….

  21. Shaken at 10:46 AM asks: “And if Iran brings a nuke to the fight? what will he bring then?
    Mark Steyn, Canada’s soon-to-be most famous “hate-criminal”, aka celebrated journalist in the rest of the free world, writes:
    “No doubt if it all goes belly-up, and Iran winds up nuking Tel Aviv, President Obama will put on his more-in-sorrow-than-in-anger face and announce solemnly that “this isn’t the Mahmoud Ahmadinejad I knew.”

  22. Guys… I keep telling you Obama will get destroyed in the November election…..talk to anyone who has been to the USA and nobody can find anyone who supports this left wing commie…..the only thing that is driving him in the media and since when have they ever won a battle against average Americans…this is going to be so delightful in November watching the networks explain what happens and why did Obama a Wama lose the election and where do the Democratics go from here…There is a God in Heaven who looks after the good people….

  23. ROC,
    ET nailed it, but let me put it in a pop-cultural vernacular you may be more familiar with:
    In the TV drama West Wing, President Bartlett lays waste to his political opponent by identifying the crucial “ten word answer”. Essentially exposing blithe rhetoric. He asks “give me the next ten words and I’ll support you”. Obama refuses to ever give the “next ten words”, and I posit that he simply doesn’t have the mental accuity and moral compass to ever do so.
    Is that dumbed down enough yet?

  24. ROC,
    ET nailed it, but let me put it in a pop-cultural vernacular you may be more familiar with:
    In the TV drama West Wing, President Bartlett lays waste to his political opponent by identifying the crucial “ten word answer”. Essentially exposing blithe rhetoric. He asks “give me the next ten words and I’ll support you”. Obama refuses to ever give the “next ten words”, and I posit that he simply doesn’t have the mental accuity and moral compass to ever do so.
    Is that dumbed down enough yet?

  25. Barack Obama celebrated Father’s Day by calling on black fathers, who he said are “missing from too many lives and too many homes,”
    He is one racist son of a b*tch! What about white or latino dead beat dads? America can celebrate the fact that possibly their next American president will represent 12% of the population.

  26. And if Israel takes out Iran’s all-for-peaceful-purposes nuclear capability,Obama will say……..

  27. [quote]USA need to take maximum two watemellon in left hand and one in right hand if they took three watermellon as they have more than 3 in thier hand they already all and broke all.[/quote]
    If you have a watermellon fetish, keep it to yourself.
    [quote]The guy is about as intimidating as a hamster.[/quote]
    Howie Meeker, Yes! a Hamster looking into the eyes of a Water Moccasin.

  28. ‘ And if Israel takes out Iran’s all-for-peaceful-purposes nuclear capability,Obama will say…….. ‘
    for sake of argument let start to think every day Iran seat and made nuclear weapon and you are right always get direction from Isreal to what to do next in Middle east
    imagine you see 5 years old silly boy keep the matches in his hand and ready to start fire
    what you do do you treat smal boy if you open fire i slap your face to stop his job
    or you go slowly calmy close to boy without harrass or scare him and try to take big matches from him
    Iran is embargo for more than 25 years all the happeinse are gone 8 year war with iraq and all neighborhood of Iran such as Afanistan and Paksitn and Iraq and russia and Turkey are more strange than Iran
    then there is too many treat Iranina my feel so as America toward iran
    why not get close to them and cut embargo and get some economicalbenfit get started and then theywill listen more to do or do not
    Iran are not listen to USA because of not trust Bush at any shape
    then USA must step back
    need France and such as Canada to talk to Iran
    start softly close to them and not scare them and with politic of communication stop their wrong if there system look suspicious
    this method of Bush with Iran is not going to work and made more trouble since American has cultue fo diffenrece talk wtih Iranian
    since iran not like USA
    today people kill by gun not by nuclear weapon
    then what USA try to scare of world about Iran is not real it is execuse to bother them and force tehm to listen
    USA start ask somthing they are not give to them
    then give themsomething and agaisn ask the same question indireclty from other souce they will listen to them
    England and USA loose credit in region of middle east we need other third party I recomanded let Canada and France talk busins first then ask nuclear talk which is not priorty
    why peopel get directed from Isreal in region are wrong if Isreal was right policy never let Jewish die everyday in their city then their policyis wrong and their ledership is not welcome in region because tehy could stop their own war with ehir next negibhor how can teach otehr what to do
    all big countries such as USA, China, Russia, Canada should divid thier word seperate from each otehr let help otehre small countris and not have it all and loose it all as USA policy directed in past 10 years I am watching
    if USA is not good mediator for IRAN chnage them with new person talk to Iran to join Iran with rest of the world to have safty and security in region

  29. Iran kind of racist people they think they know better than others in region
    Iranina not like Arab culture mix with relgion such as Arab culture food all are diffeent thatn muslim law sometimes
    Isreali also kind of racist people
    I am not value race but Iraina and Jewih in middle east are racist but not say it this must balance to all have freedom not one over others like past to fix thiswrong mentality
    Iran is Shia muslim religen are minority in region
    Isreali is Jewish relgion are minority in region
    Iran is 65 million population
    Isreali 5 million and in world are 30 million Jewish live
    Iran care about its neighbors such as russia, turkey and Pakistan
    except Afganstan and Iraq still in internal civil war Iran kept more security neighbour around its border
    on other hand Isreali-USA policy did not Isreal policy fail in Palatin lebanan and other neighbor of Isreal
    who should listen to how?
    Iran like safty and security of neighbor and notlike to see anymore war in Lebanan and Palstin this must stop and resolve first
    not resoleve yet
    2) internal of Iran sanction need to stop let Iranina see better econmyand buy and sell thier resources to grow Iran too need goodlinkhere notresolve yet
    3) Iran like to link wih Iraq for Shia and not like Iraq goes like Dubai or Saudi under American pressure sell drink and pork in Muslim counttires
    Iran look for another Islamic state
    Iran want freedom of Isamic state not get presure by USA to be chrisitan orjewsih state to rule Isalm law not them although Iraninan are differne than Afagnistan and Sauditoo
    4) FINAL steps to how middel east oil and resource get or not get advanatage by USA may their scientist findnew source ofenergy to not bother middle east anymore for their resourcs by pressure of gun
    5) eliminate extra gun control in Middle east region is final steps is such as nuclear weapon
    some condition Canada can get in muddy river:
    Canada can benefit work with scinec in Iran is high to import expert Iranina to Canada to help them become indepent or lessindepend in new source of engery by study phd in Candain university
    Canada can give all 5 stepes mediation with Iran and gain contract with Iraninan for use hier smart population of Iranian use Canadian leadership if hey can get it they need help from indirect France and England to do so
    Jewish can live in peacein their state like Jewish live in Canada in peace
    it work in Canada can workinregion too
    but start communication overnuclear before all other steps done is wrong direction USA force it because USA try to boss of Muslim and they are not welcome to do so
    Obama can help balance all condition and let bring peace in region for once if he able to educate himself with tehier culture
    black culture are kind hearty people are good communicatore but maynot active only talk it nice America need group to act itthis time need otehr party to involve with region it may win the middle easter arab and nonarab
    if Iran and Isreal-USA are not pulling theri power but keep thier freedom with border the region will get peace or less likly we canget
    peace soon power and money so far cost so many people died this mentaly for freedom in regionmust stop this year soon both ideas so far were wrong

  30. Morgan Smith – ‘Metaphor’ misses the mark in this quote: “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” because there is not a comparison in that quote -in fact, there is no metaphor in the old saying “don’t take a knife to a gun fight” , the template for Obama’s attempt at being ‘folksy’. The latter is folk wisdom through understatement; that is, making a valid point by painting a colorful picture with words. The Obama quote is empty of meaning because anyone with a grain of sense would take a gun to a knife fight; if they had a gun. The reason for using the original saying is to warn young(and old) hotheads that they should not attack a much superior force using inferior weapons.
    A metaphor makes a direct comparison eg. ‘Iggy is a Puffin’….because he has the traits of a Puffin. ‘Iggy is like a Puffin’ or Iggy is Puffin-like’ is a less direct comparison, this figure of speech is called a Simile. Personification gives human-like attributes to something not human; “The Puffin in Parliament shook his yellow beak in fury, let some offal fly from somewhere just above his perch, then shifted his claws to shove his offense under the red carpet; this was a Puffin very unhappy on his nice comfy eiderdown – he wanted to soar with the Eagles and he found himself nesting in a flock of turkeys”
    What is the comparison in Obama’s quote?

  31. Folks! Don’t you recognize Sarcasm! I think the LEFT side of the Supreme Court has leaked the 2nd Amendment decision! I hope that news has Obama’s elite group, of Lawyers, unhappy.

  32. Exactly where would Barack get the gun. His handlers and finicial supporters have already decided that it isn’t even safe to let him run with scissors.
    Sounds like a future movie about Obama to me, in the genre of “Dances With Wolves”: “Runs With Scissors”.

  33. Let’s see, 5 years ago Obama was a state senator whose job was to see that potholes got fixed, bridges named, and food stamps gotten by individual families, oh yeah, and toasting anti American terrorists who had attempted an armed overthrow of the US govt.
    But that is “swift boating” I am not sure that the “swift boaters” ever got refuted. Maybe individual points were disputed, but Kerry had to take back his most colorful claims, for instance, that he was in Cambodia, on Christmas, which he wasn’t. I guess he got that idea from the movie Apocolypse Now!. So, if by “swift boating” you refer to people point stuff out that the candidate would prefer to not see the light of day, then yes, expect swift boating.

  34. Just face it – Obama is going to win. And there’s not a damn thing you can do about it.
