7 Replies to “Frankly, My Dear”

  1. It occurs to me that some fairly recent movies couldn’t be made today. Coming to America? Stereotypes immigrants. Mrs. Doubtfire? Makes fun of immigrants. Gods Must Be Crazy? Racist. There must be many more. Hell, if Stars Wars were made today, Sharpton would be demanding an apology for Darth Vader’s black garb.

  2. As my Granny would have said about reforming or overhauling this Inqisition of thought. “You can’t polish a turd” so why try?
    Fire them all!!!!!!

  3. Memorex :
    Blazing Saddles By the Genius Wildler comes to mind, as a Movie that would be deep sixed in this era’s atmosphere od suffocating PC. In fact I think they bleep out any racist remarks in the TV versions, & now the home DVD I hear, because of Hate language.

  4. They censor the Blazing Saddles DVD?? In that case, I’ll take extra special care of my UNCUT videotaped version. My parents took my sister, my friend and I to see this particular classic when it was first out in the theatres (I was 13). For another old time gem you can’t make anymore, there’s an old Twilight Zone episode called “The Obsolete Man” with Burgess Meredith.

  5. I’m surprised (and relieved) a Canadian Human Rights Tribunal hasn’t insisted all copies of Dickens’ “Oliver Twist” be burned at high noon in the town square.
