Montana Pics

As you’ve likely noticed, I arrived home last night. The trip was an overall success – in addition to Lucy’s win reported a couple of days ago, my male puppy Minuteman Dead Cat Bounce was Best of Breed from the classes for a 5 pt major on the final day, while his cousin (Kampfer’s Tainted Sunshine) was winners and opposite over specials, for 5 pts of her own. Which means I won everything that day (and was overwhelmed by the well-wishers, as one might imagine!)
I took a few photos on the trip to Montana, these two I thought worth sharing:
This Pronghorn stood and watched for a while before charging across the highway. Then he stopped and watched, again.

This one is for our resident meterologists. Taken from the RV parking area at Billings, MT on June 18th.

Large versions are here (antelope) and here (clouds).
Thanks for your patience with the site problems while I was away, and special thanks to our guest bloggers for keeping the place humming.

14 Replies to “Montana Pics”

  1. Congratulations, Kate.
    And those are great pics! Especially, for me, the cloud: cumulonimbus mammatus. That’s worthy of a calendar, I would say.

  2. The pictures bring back memories of living in Portage La Prairie, I once witnessed a twister land on the outside of town. I didn’t think I’d ever grow to love the flatlands and the endless horizen but alas I did. The people of Manitoba are the friendlyest I’ve ever had the pleasure to meet.

  3. In 1958 the local constabulary in Montana stopped me for speeding. Of course at that time you payed in silver dollars. I was driving my beauty, but all black, with top-o-the-line Buick hubcaps! I forget how many silver dollars it cost me but the cop, judge and 3 8yr old witnesses asked me, “Is this the new Buick?”
    PS I have 1 silver dollar left of the local currency.
    Memories of Toronto to Calgary via the wild west!

  4. Congrats Kate!
    Question; How do you decide the names for your dogs?
    They sound like names for the horses at the track, is the process similar?

  5. Congrats, Kate!
    I love the big sky out West. As an Easterner, I’m not used to seeing quite so much.
    (But, after travelling in Europe for over a year when I was much younger, I arrived home in Toronto and was awed by “the big sky.” I guess it all depends on your perspective.)

  6. The dogs are named with “Minuteman” as my kennel prefix. This identifies them to other breeders and in pedigrees as being of my breeding. The rest of the registered name is whatever you wish, so long as it fits within the maximum letter spaces allowed.
    I have a bit of fun with my names. The short pedigree should illustrate this particular running theme.
    ………Am.Can.Ch.Minuteman No Fear
    …..Am.Can.Ch.Minuteman Stray Cat Strut
    ………Can.Ch.Minuteman Faster Pussycat
    Minuteman Dead Cat Bounce
    ………Can.Ch.Minuteman Ten Dead Cats
    …..Am.Can.Ch.Kaydees The Quick And The Dead
    ………Can.Ch.Kaydees Annie Get Your Gun
    The “Cat” theme began with Am.Can.Ch.Minuteman I Eat Tigers. She’s the dam of Ten Dead Cats, and of Am.Can.Ch. Minuteman Hide The Cat, who is the sire of Faster Pussycat.
    In this case, it’s a little like racehorse names, though that’s the exception in dogs.

  7. Ever notice, you can see 3 dozen antelope, and rarely will one cross a highway. See one deer, and it’ll be crossing the highway?

  8. I can’t say I know too much about dogs or dog shows.
    I’ve been to Montana and Billings though and the pictures look nice. Billings is sort of where the Great Plains begin in Southern Montana going east. One thing that is cool is if you continue east on the I-90 (and not that far – it actually turns south and heads towards Wyoming at Billings) you come to Little Big Horn (Custer’s Last Stand and site of a US National Military Cemetery). It is actually very spiritual in a way, to stand on this long narrow ridge where the battle took place on a windy day and watch the tall grass blowing as you peer down to the tree lined Little Big Horn river and realize that the Lakota Sioux once hunted Bison here.
    I also wish that more people had names like dogs or horses. So instead of a name like John we would have names like Hole in One or Pint of Guinness. Or even vice versa, dogs and horses could have human names like John Smith wins the Kentucky Derby by a nose over Jimmy Phillips running a close second.

  9. I think for sure its time for a “Can.Ch.Minuteman Mohammed’s Pet”. Call ’em ‘Mo’ for short…

  10. Congratulations Kate, I take it from your dogs names you are not a big fan of cats ?

  11. Nice pronghorn, Kate.
    Only way it would look better if it was framed within a 3X9X50 Bushnell attached to 300 Weatherby – and it was October!
