Y2Kyoto: I Don’t See Anywhere In The US Constitution

“…that it gives the government the power to control the type of light bulbs used in Dime Box, Texas…”

h/t Wayne R.

24 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: I Don’t See Anywhere In The US Constitution”

  1. There is something wrong with the mercury light bulbs, I replaced my bathroom (all bulbs actually like a good drone should) bulbs with the new energy efficient ones and the mirror has a hazy scum that won’t come off. I am beginning to think the Socialist do-gooders should of done some research on these bulbs before they got on the replace them and save the earth bandwagon.
    A group in the US did a study on the new bulbs and if you break one you will be exposed to a toxic levels of mercury, of course that won’t deter the greeny weenies from forcing all of society to use said lightbulbs. The truth is not inportant in the Church of Climate Change formally the Church of fruitloops and “Global Warming”.

  2. We were warned about these lightbulbs by an electrical engineer on SDA and his warning has been confirmed in last week’s Macleans. CFL are dangerous and if you break one it is recommended you vacate the room as the fumes are toxic and be very careful cleaning up the broken bulb.
    As he also mentioned they do not last as long as touted and at 6-10 times as expensive as our incandescent bulbs they are hardly a bargain.
    Macleans has noted that the next generation bulb will be an LED light also made in China.

  3. Regardless of what anyone thinks about ’em (and I’m certainly no fan of the blasted things), CFLs are nothing more than a “bridge” technology.  The real action’s going to be in LEDs.  I already own a half-dozen LED flashlights (regular and CREE), and I’m astonished at how efficient and bright the things are.
    Once they get the right form factor and keep the spectrum relatively broad, you’ll actually be able to own a lightbulb that’ll live for 50,000 hours on average and will use one-twentieth (or less) the power of a CFL for an equivalent amount of lumens.  And when you break one of the LED bulbs, you won’t have to worry about poisoning yourself.  Properly heat-sinked, they also don’t put out anywhere near enough heat to start a fire or melt themselves.
    CFLs are already approaching the dust-bin of history, and I say good riddance.  Nasty things.

  4. In Canada our government has the right to do anything that they believe Pierre Trudeau would want us to do.
    A living constitution run by a dead man.

  5. I was in Dime Box, Texas once…. that was enough. I think they will have trouble rolling up the sidewalks by the light of those CFLs.
    BTW, the claims that 13watts = 100watt bulb or whatever are full of horse hockey. I’ve given those suckers a go and they never match the light output of an incandescent. And don’t try to turn them on in the cold… flicker, flicker… nothing.

  6. I was concerned about what to do with this mercury filled CFL bulbs, when they a burned out, but have come up with a great solution. When finished, I plan to mail them to Suckuci the bug doctor – I mean global warming specialist.

  7. Great Idea Mike. But a better one would be to mail them to a sitting MP, that would get the point across in a hurry.

  8. it may be interesting to some to find out which company is greasing palms to get this legislation passed.I read an article a year or so ago about the light bulb market and it was very illuminating.

  9. Jumping of the Green Bandwagon, our “Conservative” government in Ottawa has also announced the banning of incandescent bulbs by 2012. I suppose the thinking in Ottawa is, if citizens let the government steal their guns then they will let the government steal their light bulbs.
    What are the odds that sooner or later on the list will be a ban on any votes against the government?

  10. Jumping of the Green Bandwagon, our “Conservative” government in Ottawa has also announced the banning of incandescent bulbs by 2012. I suppose the thinking in Ottawa is, if citizens let the government steal their guns then they will let the government steal their light bulbs.
    Then maybe they start to be tempted to simply ban any votes against the government e.i Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe.

  11. Sorry Garth, but I disagree. As the gov’ts are pushing CFL bulb as a green solution, they are skewing market forces once again.
    Further R&D into LEDs will suffer, LEDs will not be promoted as heavy as they shoud while CFL will be continually flouted as the solution.
    CFLs will be with us for some time yet I fear.
    Yet another example of how the combination of Enviro-weenies and feckless politicians/bureacrats hurts us all.
    BTW – it will take about 1500 to 3000 hours, depending on bulb, (4 hours a day for 1-2 years) of use for a CFL to break even in costs.
    /Currently stockpiling incandescents before the ban is engaged!!!!

  12. Links like this is why I make SDA a daily read. Thank you. And my wife saw it and couldn’t believe it.
    Can you believe that the EPA has three pages, single spaced no less, on the care and treatment of CFLs? Three! But at least they’ve issued something.
    How many pages of directives has our own gov’t issued? Where does the average Joe/Jane get them?
    Nice call above about gov’t skewing the marketplace precluding R&D in LEDs.
    Kate, any chance of reposting that LED prototype link that you linked to a couple of months ago?

  13. Good thing it wasn’t named Dime Bag Texas, or all the residents would be in jail.
    CFL bulbs are the one of the worst hoaxes ever foisted. Where is all this long life they speak of? According to my records, on average in my house they last about 2 weeks less than an incandescent. As for the this is the equivalent of a ??? watt conventional bulb, well, as Col. Henry Potter used to say “Horse hockey”

  14. Incandescent bulbs are not as efficient as CFL; granted. But the energy that they do not convert to light is converted to heat. I live in Saskatoon. There are maybe 1-2 weeks per year when that heat is not beneficial to my home at night when the lights need to be on.
    To hell with politicians who outlaw our choices.

  15. Folks, go ahead and get mad about CFL laws if you want but when it comes to disposal, get a grip.
    Most of his intricate disposal procedures apply equally to incandescent bulbs and I have survived them for many years now.

  16. Good point, DF. That reminds me of a story.
    In the 70’s Ontario Hydro dealt with the energy shortage, with a big PR campaign encouraging people to shut off their lights. Oil consumption in Ontario went up.
    It turns out that lots of people took their advice and shut off their lights. Temperatures indoor dropped a degree or two and the furnaces kicked in to make up the difference. The electrical energy that was saved: plentiful nuclear energy. Energy burned: scarce oil.

  17. Folks, go ahead and get mad about CFL laws if you want but when it comes to disposal, get a grip.
    Most of his intricate disposal procedures apply equally to incandescent bulbs and I have survived them for many years now.
