68 Replies to “Another One Bites The Dust”

  1. Not forever, but agreed, it’ll be you, then the cockroaches, but that ain’t nothing to brag about.
    The Daily Show and Carlin can be truly hilarious. Conservatives, on the other hand, are a decidedly humourless bunch.

  2. Kate’s on a roll today: quoting “Five Feet of Stupid” to start, then proclaiming her fondness for biker gang members. The simple fact that other bitter, retarded wingnuts like kinstonturd and jerkoff gold think the same as you means that it’s time for some serious introspection.

  3. For the record, I was a HUGE Carlin fan before his routines morphed into unfunny and uninspiring rants. However, the majority of his career epitomized for me the saying “The funniest humor is based in truth”.
    I am appalled at the utter contempt and even hatred expressed by so many here at a man who made so many laugh and inspired countless others to follow in his footsteps. His “7 Words” routine was groundbreaking and simply stunning in it’s exposure of the hypocrisy of the political correctness of that age.
    I still smile when I think of his example that a sports announcer could safely say a batter ‘has two balls on him’ but would be fired if he said ‘I think he hurt his balls on that play’.
    He was simply a master at dissecting the nuances of both our culture and the human condition.
    Maybe the bitterness from some here stems from the fact that Carlin pulled no punches in exposing organized religion for the utter fraud that he believed it to be.
    Oh, and to those who think they can stereotype the sense of humor of someone based on where their ideologies put them on the partisan spectrum….
    Grab a f*cking life..

  4. Actually, Dave, the best musical ever was South Pacific ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Oscar Wilde said: “If you want to tell people the
    truth, make them laugh, otherwise they’ll kill you.”
    Rest in peace, Mr. Carlin.

  5. The man’s legacy is that he fought right to the supreme court to say what he wants.
    Looks like Kate is for free speech if it matches her’s

  6. Sheesh, the old folks are taking this one awfully hard.
    I suppose now would be a bad time to tell them that the Beatles sucked too.

  7. Every time I get on (or rather in) an airplane, I think of his airline announcement routine.

  8. Sheesh, the old folks are taking this one awfully hard.
    I suppose now would be a bad time to tell them that the Beatles sucked too.
    Posted by: Jim at June 23, 2008 10:38 PM
    You don’t like the beatles, I don’t like Elvis. So what? About a billion people think they’re the greatest thing since sliced bread. People who start something that never stops growing deserve respect.
    Someone commented that he cashed in on other comedians use of foul language. You know how many “originals” actually cashed in on someone elses’s act? Bob Dylan was an absolute copy of Woody Guthrie in his early years. Chris Rock copied Eddie Murphy, who copied Richard Pryor, who copied Redd Fox, who copied Lenny Bruce, who likely copied his uncle Ben.
    I think someone got Carlin confused with one of his standup characters. He was one of the original anti-heroes of the sixties. He stood up for free speech, and went to jail trying to protect it. Guys like George, John Lennon, and Larry Flint may have been hard to identify with, but they stood for something we are in danger of losing right now.

  9. Oh, and to those who think they can stereotype the sense of humor of someone based on where their ideologies put them on the partisan spectrum….
    Grab a f*cking life..

    Sorry, man, but the humour is in the court jester speaking truth to power. Conservatism is sucking up to power and trying to justify it to the great unwashed.
    Just as a nuanced, progressive world view doesn’t lend itself to open mouth radio, a bombastic jingoistic, simplistic rightwing schtick is a perfect fit.

  10. Wow. This is like Zimbabweans turning on Mugabe. The old tyrant is stunned. It’s not supposed to be this way. The masses are supposed to say, Yes, Yes, great leader, whatever you say, we believe.

  11. Mugabe has won though pinko.
    I’m pretty suprised by the reaction too… I take Kate’s not dead enough posts as what they are – not disrespect for the dead but disrespect for the canonization of the views they stood for. This was made plain to me by Kate’s well wishes for Ted Kennedy’s health.
    I don’t know but it seems Carlin was not your typical hippie, he sounds more like someone who would be a south park conservative growing up today. At times the reaction against political correctness throws out the decency it corrupts for political gain. On the other hand, its pretty hard to gin up a lot of respect for someone who’s famous accomplishment for free speech is apparently the mainstreaming of what we now call with irony vulgarity.

  12. “He stood up for free speech, and went to jail trying to protect it. Guys like George, John Lennon, and Larry Flint may have been hard to identify with, but they stood for something we are in danger of losing right now.”
    Well said DP!

  13. I think what Kate means to say is “Get off ma lawn”… what’s sad is that she’s shown that she has taste, but obviously not in comedy.

  14. “Oh, and you don’t really prefer the Hell’s Angels to the hippies do you?”
    Well, I’d say a pox on both of them, but in my estimation (and I’m a teen of the 60’s) I’d say the unrepentent hippies of my time have been far more damaging to Canadian society.

  15. I part company with Kate on this one. Whatever you think about Carlin, his comedy or his politics, personal tragedy is a time to step back from the abyss.
    George Carlin, RIP. I hope your family is comforted by well-wishers.

  16. Loved the man. Hated the way he turned out. Cynical old bastard that ended up hating the world and all in it.
    More importantly, he ended his career being not funny. The greatest sin.
    Miss him? I already did.

  17. He will be missed. No, he wasn’t funny anymore, and neither is Robin Williams, but I appreciate their occasional ability to poke fun and remind us of their sharp wits of yesteryear.
    I miss true comedy. I miss John Candy. Blackadder. Sanford and Son. Archie Bunker!
    I love hippies, it’s the poser ones who morph into unreasonable balls of hate at the world for not caring more about them as they age who need to chill. Sadly they are most comfortable ensconced in bureaucracies, making life miserable for entrepreneurs and students the world over.
