“Arm In Arm” With Bush, On iraq

Is there nothing that Obama can’t do?

An intriguing article by Richard Fernandez;

Barack Obama’s position on Iraq has shifted significantly over the last six years. What is interesting is how his position on Iraq matches up with developments in Chicago. Specifically, there appears to be a direct correlation between the rising and falling prospects of his longtime friend and fundraiser Tony Rezko’s attempts to secure multi-million-dollar contracts to build and operate a power plant in Kurdish Iraq and the senator’s Iraq flip-flops.

11 Replies to ““Arm In Arm” With Bush, On iraq”

  1. As a British military friend of mine was always wont to comment about new political platforms:
    “It’s more of the same. Only better.”

  2. Obama will be no different than President Bush.
    Bush is a hero for liberating the Iraqi people and should be awarded the Nobel peace prize for his efforts.
    Barack hussein Obama is catering to the far left in his party.
    But when he gets in office, he will continue the winning strategy of Gen. Petraus.
    President Bush is the most noble President since Ronald Regan.
    He is my hero.

  3. Verrrrry interesting! T’would appear that Mr. Obama is showing more and more his true colors as an old-style politician, in this case campaigning during the primaries by appealing to the left, moving more to the centre once things get serious. That is for the best. A left-centre opportunist puts the US and by extension, Canada, at far less risk than a leftist ideologue.
    I’m reminded of one of Conrad Black’s recent opinion pieces to the effect that whoever should win the Presidency the US will be in good hands. Such is the strength of democracy — this self-righting keel of public opinion which stabilizes the ship of state.
    I remain, however, concerned by his being based in Chicago, surely the epitome of the worst of corrupt Democratic Party politics — always has been — no sign of change.

  4. Considering that Iraq is a economic powerhouse about to take off, I would think Obama can save his skin by taking a visit to the country and subsequently devising a policy that makes it all seem like his doing.

  5. I think that interview was sertup as it appears to me that Obama looks down several times as if he is reading prepared notes.

  6. There are shoes that go flip-flop-flip-flop too though I think “a fish out of water”. McCain should make oatmeal out this Cream of Wheat.
    maltomeal ow!

  7. “President Bush is the most noble President since Ronald Regan.
    He is my hero.”
    Risky statement, I was almost fired at work for saying something similar. I hope you’ve got bank to take on the HRC for that statement, I’m pretty sure that you’ve slighted all of Islam.
    I am suspect of any guy who doesn’t “LUV BUSH”

  8. I don’t LUV Bush.
    I agree with the WOT, but over Bush’s 2 terms he gave us a decent Federal Tax Break, but my State Taxes increased, my property Taxes dang near doubled, my Health Insurance tripled, and we don’t even want to talk about what happened to gas prices on his watch, not to mention; the Dubua Port Deal, Illegal Immigration, Amnesty in Disquise(which he and Rove totally lied about), Harriet Miers, The Plame Game, Scotter Libby and the Bill he passed to build the US/Mexico Fence, but uh, forgot to fund it.
    And now, to make things really worse the way the GOP shoved McCain down our throats heya in Louisi-Yana would make the Lisbon Treaty seem legal.

  9. Oh Yea, forgot my last sentence.
    Now I am gona have to buy a bottle of Crown and a clothes pin just to vote for McCain in Nov.

  10. I don’t think that McCain has to do alot of talking in this election campaign. Just let ol Barack do his jawin and he will dig himself a big ol hole big enough for him and the whole Democratic party to jump into. This guy is one big contradiction after another. He is re-inventing “flip-flop”.
