35 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Found this @ G&M forum from poster Spicy Doc regarding Dion’s Green Shaft Tax, sung to David Bowie’s Major Tom, LOL wt funny
    Lib Control to Green Dion
    Lib Control to Green Dion
    Take your algae pills and put your backpack on
    Lib Control to Green Dion
    Commencing campaign, spinners on
    Check emissions and may May’s love be with you
    This is Lib Control to Green Dion
    You’ve really laid an egg
    And the papers want to know who cut you hair
    Now it’s time to leave the office if you dare
    This is Green Dion to Lib Control
    I’m stepping through the door
    And I’m speaking in a most peculiar way
    And the polls look very different today
    For heeeeere am I floating out my green plan
    Far above the world
    Parliament is blue, and there’s nothing I can do
    Though I’ve passed all Harper bills with smiles
    I’m feeling very ill
    And I think my campaign knows which way to go
    Tell Kyoto that I love her, she KNOWS!!
    Lib Control to Green Dion your campaign’s dead
    There’s something wrong
    Can you hear me Green Dion
    Can you hear me Green Dion
    Can you hear me Green Dion
    Can you
    Heeeeeere, am I floating out my green plan
    Far beyond the moon
    Parliament is blue
    And there’s nothing I can do……

  2. [WIKIPEDIA and other online research sources were yesterday blamed for Scotland’s falling exam pass rates.
    The Scottish Parent Teacher Council (SPTC) said pupils are turning to websites and internet resources that contain inaccurate or deliberately misleading information before passing it off as their own work.
    The group singled out online encyclopediADVERTISEMENTa Wikipedia, which allows entries to be logged or updated by anyone and is not verified by researchers, as the main source of information.] NEWS.scotsman.com
    The AGW section may be the worst of the worst – ya think ??

  3. >Do You Know What It Means to Miss New Orleans?
    No, but I know what it means to Miss Kansas City, and she’s not too thrilled about it.

  4. Heh. Thanks, Exetaz, it’s always a pleasure being a straight man for your droll wit. And on that note, good night everyone, best wishes, and as always thanks to our lovely hostess Miss Kate.

  5. Note to James Hansen: Be careful what you wish for
    Clearly he is not expecting his bluff to be called. After all, court cases have a troubling history of definitively deciding AGAINST AGW.
    Also, from the article:
    A group seeking to increase pressure on international leaders is launching a campaign today called 350.org. It is taking out full-page adverts in papers such as the New York Times and the Swedish Falukuriren calling for the target level of CO2 to be lowered to 350ppm. The advert has been backed by 150 signatories, including Hansen.
    So, let me get this straight – 150 signatories PROVES AGW exists, yet 31000 means nothing (as they must all be in the pay of BIG OIL).
    James Hansen – the best reason yet why NASA should be disbanded!!

  6. On the same line of thought, it appears that people just don’t seem to believe Dr James Hansen and his fearmongers. Hmmm, wonder why?
    Again, from the article:
    The results have shocked campaigners who hoped that doubts would have been silenced by a report last year by more than 2,500 scientists for the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which found a 90 per cent chance that humans were the main cause of climate change and warned that drastic action was needed to cut greenhouse gas emissions.
    So, again it seems that democracy is the way science works, unless of course you have 31000 signatures going against AGW. Those signatures don’t count.
    But the best part of the article is:
    Those most worried were more likely to have a degree, be in social classes A or B, have a higher income, said Phil Downing, Ipsos MORI’s head of environmental research.
    HAHAHA, the implication here is (this is the guardian after all) – if you don’t beleive in AGW then you are clearly an inferior person and therefore deserve to have the views of your betters imposed on you!!
    Whereas in reality : even the idiots get that AGW is a crock and only being perpetuated by those with something to gain.

  7. Glen – thanks for the chuckle, loved the Major Tom spoof. Was one of my favorite tunes back in the day.

  8. G&M Poll
    Would John McCain or Barack Obama be better for Canada as U.S. president?
    John McCain: 51% (9033 votes)
    Barack Obama: 49% (8610 votes)

  9. Communism: one of the forms of socialism.
    “The Ukrainian ‘genocide by starvation’
    Grigori Garaschenko remembers seeing his classmates starve slowly to death in a famine that killed millions of people in Ukraine.
    A neighbour driven mad by hunger killed her six-year-old daughter and began to eat her, he said, after Soviet soldiers confiscated all the food in their village during house-to-house searches.
    Mr Garaschenko, 89, is one of the few remaining survivors of the famine of 1932-33. Now, 75 years on, Ukraine wants the world to recognise that what it calls the Holodomor was a deliberate act of genocide by Stalin’s Soviet Union.
    It is a campaign that infuriates modern Russia. Moscow argues that there was no such crime because Russians and other nationalities also starved under Stalin’s policy of turning peasant farms into large state-run collectives.”
    http://tinyurl.com/63h7qh (times)

  10. ‘Your tip is safe with us’
    The first Crime Stoppers float will hand out condoms during Sunday’s Gay Pride Parade

  11. Mockery of authority can cost you your freedom; even death.
    Canadian Human Rights Commissions are slow learners.
    “Spanish law seeks the last laugh over cartoonists’ royal fun
    Cartoonists on trial for mocking the crown
    One cartoonist depicts a drunken King; another shows the Crown Prince having sex – and a comedian dares to embark on an invective-strewn rant against Spain.
    Now the humorists face separate trials for insulting King or country in a nation where humour is still a distinctly risky business. “We have noticed a worrying trend in Spain, because these laws [against insulting the Crown] have been put into practice,” Giulia Tamayo, of Amnesty International, said. “We are concerned that it is setting a precedent.””
    http://tinyurl.com/5gcw83 (times)

  12. Toronto Star Online POll:
    After nearly 2 1/2 years in power, has Stephen Harper’s minority government performed:
    Better than Expected 80 30%
    As Expected 74 28%
    Worse than Expected 110 41%

  13. The new ‘regime’…where every citizen is recruited to fight the war on money-laundering criminals:
    Looking to buy a home? Bring ID
    New law requires Canadian realtors to ask for personal information

  14. Put oil firm chiefs on trial, says leading climate change scientist
    James Hansen, one of the world’s leading climate scientists, will today call for the chief executives of large fossil fuel companies to be put on trial for high crimes against humanity and nature, accusing them of actively spreading doubt about global warming in the same way that tobacco companies blurred the links between smoking and cancer.

  15. Fouad Ajami, Anti-Americanism Is Mostly Hype
    So America is unloved in Istanbul and Cairo and Karachi: It is an annual ritual, the June release of the Pew global attitudes survey and the laments over the erosion of America’s standing in foreign lands…
    American liberalism is heavily invested in this narrative of U.S. isolation. The Shiites have their annual ritual of 10 days of self-flagellation and penance, but this liberal narrative is ceaseless: The world once loved us, and all Parisians were Americans after 9/11, but thanks to President Bush we have squandered that sympathy…

  16. (Washington Post — registration required) Craig Whitlock, U.S. Network Falters in Mideast Mission
    The Egyptian bureau of al-Hurra, an Arabic-language television network financed by the U.S. government, boasts a spectacular view of the Nile River and the capital’s bustling streets. But inside, all is quiet.
    The bureau’s satellite link was unplugged with little explanation a few weeks ago by a local company, making it impossible to broadcast live. Since then, staffers have had to use a studio controlled by the Egyptian secret police, who have warned guests not to say anything controversial on the air.
    Al-Hurra — “The Free One” in Arabic — is the centerpiece of a U.S. government campaign to spread democracy in the Middle East. Taxpayers have spent $350 million on the project. But more than four years after it began broadcasting, the station is widely regarded as a flop in the Arab world, where it has struggled to attract viewers and overcome skepticism about its mission.

  17. Spengler, Worst of Times for Iran
    …Underneath Iran’s imperial ambitions and messianic pretensions suppurates a pre-modern patronage system that corrupts everyone who comes near it.
    The system is rotten, and must either break down, or break out, that is, through military adventures. Western observers who hope for reduced tensions through replacing the feckless Ahmadinejad with Majlis (parliament) speaker Ali Larijani will be disappointed…

  18. Blond, blue eyed Belgian, raped in subway for not wearing a veil. Coming soon to a subway stop near you:
    (Gates of Vienna) A reader drew my attention to this news article from the Belgian site La Dernière Heure, which I have translated from the French:
    “Raped in the middle of the station”
    21-year-old Lola was attacked by two men. Some commuters witnessed it but did not react.
    Saint-Gilles It is an indignant father, disgusted and outraged, who speaks to us. “My daughter was raped in the Gare du Midi. In Brussels. Capital of Europe. With total impunity.”
    It was June 12. “My daughter was returning from Waterloo. It was 9:00 pm. On exiting the train, she headed for the Bancontact.” A public passage. Yet this is where the tragedy took place.
    “Right in the middle of a station. But how is this possible?” continues the father of Lola, who is 21 years old. “Two men accused her of not wearing the veil. My daughter is pretty. She is blonde with blue eyes.”
    Everything happened very quickly after that. “One of the assailants took out a knife. My daughter was pushed up against the wall of Bancontact. With a knife at her throat, one of the boys raped her. The other watched.”
    – – – – – – – – –
    It was 9:00 pm. It was still light, and outside the station was far from empty. “People were passing by. My daughter is confident that she saw at least three people. None of them stopped to help her.”

  19. Falling exam passes blamed on Wikipedia ‘littered with inaccuracies’
    Well, it’s accurate if you’re a leftard:
    “Falling exam passes blamed on Wikipedia ‘littered with inaccuracies'”
    WIKIPEDIA and other online research sources were yesterday blamed for Scotland’s falling exam pass rates.
    The Scottish Parent Teacher Council (SPTC) said pupils are turning to websites and internet resources that contain inaccurate or deliberately misleading information before passing it off as their own work.
    The group singled out online encyclopediADVERTISEMENTa Wikipedia, which allows entries to be logged or updated by anyone and is not verified by researchers, as the main source of information.

  20. I wonder why that is? It couldn’t be the foundationally violent ideology backed by the trilogy and Mohammad’s life example, could it? Didn’t think so:
    “Young Muslims ‘are turning to extremism’,” by Patrick Sawer for the Telegraph, June 21:
    Increasing numbers have become so alienated from mainstream society that they could even lend their support to jihadi terrorism, the study claims.
    While most reject violence, many distrust police and are reluctant to inform on extremists.
    The report was commissioned by the Association of Chief Police Officers (Acpo) after last year’s failed bomb attacks in London’s West End and at Glasgow Airport. It is to be discussed at Acpo’s annual conference this week.
    In the most comprehensive research of its kind to date, Prof Martin Innes, of the Universities’ Police Science Institute in Cardiff, led a team of researchers which carried out face-to-face and telephone interviews with more than 600 Muslims in London, Birmingham and Oldham.
    They found that the radicalisation of young British Muslims was more widespread than previously feared, with “a disturbing proportion” expressing support for extremist elements.
    The report, which is being distributed among senior officers, Whitehall officials and ministers, finds that:
    • Anger and disaffection are “widespread in sections of Muslim youth”.
    • There is tacit support for extremist violence within sections of the Muslim community.
    • Police need to do more to win the trust of Muslim communities if they are to tackle radicalisation.
    • Many Muslims distrust police and are reluctant to inform on extremists, preferring to deal with problems inside their communities.
    The study, entitled Hearts and Minds and Eyes and Ears: Reducing Radicalisation Risks Through Reassurance Orientated Policing, warns that “the threat to the UK from jihadist terrorism may increase in the future”.
    Yup. “Reassurance Orientated Policing.” That ought’a fix it.

  21. Worthington: Anyone care about free speech?
    The tragedy of the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal’s case against Mark Steyn and Maclean’s magazine over alleged “hate” mongering because of Steyn’s views on Islam, is that most people don’t give a damn.
    Oh, many sympathize with Steyn because the issue seems so silly, but most don’t see the destructive effect of hate legislation, or how it threatens our freedom.
    Of all the benefits embodied in our county, free speech is — or should be — among the most precious. Without the freedom to express opinions on any matter, we cease being a free society. The implications are as simple as that.
    The villains in the Steyn case are not Muslims who complained to the HRC that Steyn’s writings foster “Islamophobia” and hate. Nor is the Human Rights Commission at fault for hearing the allegations.
    At fault is the government of Stephen Harper for not rescinding a law that the Liberals introduced and makes a mockery of both justice and freedom.
    Harper is PM with the power to right a wrong. Instead, he’s been silent and betrayed his own values.
    Steyn’s case is replicated in the Human Rights persecution in Alberta of Ezra Levant whose now-defunct magazine, the Western Standard, published the Danish cartoons — political statements on Islamic terrorism, not religious mockery.
    The complainants get a free ride, the defendants have to pay their costs.
    Truth is no defence before a Human Rights tribunal. Steyn’s accuracy is not at issue, just his opinions. Under hate legislation, opinions are punishable if they offend a particular group.
    If you think about it, this is an abomination.”
    http://tinyurl.com/5e3hpc (jacksnw)

  22. “U.S.-led troops kill 55 Taliban after Afghan ambush
    KABUL (Reuters) – U.S.-led coalition troops killed some 55 Taliban insurgents who ambushed them in southeastern Afghanistan, close to the Pakistan border, the U.S. military said on Monday.
    There has been a sharp rise in violence along Afghanistan’s eastern frontier in recent months. NATO generals say de-facto ceasefires between Pakistan’s new government and militants in its border region free up insurgents to infiltrate into Afghanistan.
    Taliban insurgents ambushed the coalition forces with small arms fire and rocket-propelled grenades in the Zerok district of Paktika province on Friday, a U.S. military statement said.
    Among those killed were three Taliban leaders.”

  23. How the hell can Stephen Harper kill Sect 13whatever of the federal HRC? Does he have a majority in the HofC?

  24. Just an idle thought,but it seems to me that I have been reading a lot of stories in the past week about how our troops have been killing a large number of Taliban. Good for them. I haven’t been reading or noticing much about capturing them.The silver lining in the dark cloud that was the prison break.Hey,maybe this will stifle the obscene posturing from the ndp and libs about how the detainees are being mistreated.

  25. In college in the mid-60’s I had an apartment on Dauphine Street, on the same block as Pete Fountain’s Club. Drinking age was 18, and I spent many hours listening to to music there. Good memories. Great education. Best music.
