70 Replies to “That’ll Teach Him For Backing Bob Rae”

  1. But dis tax his revenue neutral. Hif we take da izzy money from west and give it quebec hand to dalton mcginty hand to the da firs nation den da money never leave da country.it his neutral you see. hif the federal government dis tribute den we keep da civil servant in hot tawa hemploye.

  2. Did the liberals pay the owners of the registered trademark, Green Shift, to use that name, or will they have to pay royalties every time the words are used to sell this shaft. (green shift, in case they have to pay, doing my part)
    Jason says it took Dion 2 yrs to fine tune this shaft, (hard to make priorities) and then he expects a debate after it is out in the public for less than a week.
    I hope they get sued for wrongfully using a trademark. What a way to deflate the shaft.

  3. The comments there are funny. Nothing on the merits of the tax or the strengths of their Great Leader, just that the west sucks and is full of bigots.
    I love liberals. They’re so one dimensional.

  4. Folks , pay attention to Lorrie Goldstein’s assessment (today) of Dual citizen Dion’s “revenue neutral” green tax grab.
    Welfare redistribution “writ large”.
    Liberal MSM “lickspittle” are all a twitter over Dion’s Green Shift.
    How about Green Shi*, eh?

  5. Garth Turner doesn’t care if there are targets in the plan or not, he just likes the plan, the fact that there are no targets in the plan doesn’t matter. He’s the communications end of the party when it comes to the plan, so we should listen. In Garth’s world the plan is what’s important, the plan is all that matters.
    Garth has about 10 worshippers who are desperately trying to keep it all from unraveling around him, it isn’t pretty.

  6. Yukon – did you notice that it took only 4 or 5 comments before RT called a green shaft tax opponent “racist”?
    A parody of themselves, they are.

  7. The carbon tax, if taken at face value, still leaves the Liberals at least $15 billion short on the promises they’ve already committed to, such as a national babysitting plan, and they haven’t even released an election platform yet, nor a general statement of principles and policies. Restoring the GST to 7% only gets you $12 billion.
    I actually read the Green Shift literature…it is childish. They not-so-cleverly refer to the top income tax bracket as a “middle” bracket, for example, figuring that the average Canadian is too stupid to realize it is the top bracket they are referring to and that they can sneak a (welcome) tax cut for the wealthy by talking to Canadians like they are infants. That’s Liberal.

  8. That link should have come with a strong warning.Any blog that has the brainless,hate-spewing, Ti-Guy making every second comment,isn’t worth reading.Hard on the stomach this early! About Ralphie,what is the sentiment in Sask.re his future if he promotes this Green Shaft?? I’m really interested in the rumblings around his job,as I truly find him unbearable to watch,and there hasn’t been anything he can’t work up an ‘outrage’ over.Keep us updated on that please.

  9. Why doesn’t that Red Tory guy just admit that he is, always has been, and always will be a Liberal? I mean seriously, the lady doth protest too much.

  10. I actually enjoy reading..well, maybe not enjoy but more like observe and seek to understand the dysfunction….of the progressive mind. For instance, how can they logically maintain two or more contradictory beliefs simultaneously? In this case:
    1)Hatred of bigotry but then making derogatory statements about the west, Albertans etc.
    2)A commitment to diversity but then attacking and refusing to consider any opinion but their own.
    3)Protecting minorities from the tyranny of the majority but then OK’ing an outcome that essentially would be an urban, central canada majority voting to financially harm the prosperity of a rural and resource dependent minority. Then rub salt inot the wound by redistributing the bulk of proceeds to themselves .
    -Frequently I read comments in which progressives state this in merely democracy in action. To me it is more like having condo neighbors vote to break into your home, take your property and then assure you that the ill gotten gain will be shared equally with the victims of the home invasion and the rest of the tenants. Democratic perhaps but it deemed illegal because it is wrong.
    This ever present threat of central Canada raiding the smaller provinces should be subject to strict limits and provincial vetoes.

  11. “The comments there are funny. Nothing on the merits of the tax or the strengths of their Great Leader, just that the west sucks and is full of bigots.
    I love liberals. They’re so one dimensional.”
    Yukon Gold, you are so right. It is just so obvious that they want us gone. The most equitable conclusion that I can come to is that we should grant them their wish.

  12. OK you guys, as an Evil Easterner I gotta interject here. I have been reading numerous posts about this Shaft thing being a money grab from the Western Provinces and giving it to “Central Canada”. While that may be the outcome if it ever sees the light of day, I know of NO ONE in the ROC that has the time of day for this utter crap. It simply isn’t in the best interests of anyone to go along with this. Job losses, inflation and unemployment affect everyone in this country, regardless of where they live. Please don’t get any more paranoid about the evil intent of Easterners. The evil just doesn’t exist. Socialists yes,everyone else, no.

  13. Wondering what our buddy Danny Williams, the oil sheik, has to say about this green shi*t.

  14. Malcolm:
    You are correct, in a pure sense. As we have suspected for a long time, the whole Kyoto deal is a wealth redistribution scheme and Dion just proved it.
    Increase the price by taxing the cleanest-burning hydrocarbons (much cleaner than coal and kerosene), then give some back because the cost of buying them are too high.
    Increase the number of carbon units in Ottawa sitting at their desks and shuffling your money back to you, while the house skims off some for itself.
    Even Gaia would not be amused.

  15. I am not sure if it can be considered paranoid if:
    -the action has been done before and the disastrous consequences known
    -yet a similar action is being seriously considered by a political leader whose stronghold is, once again, central Canada
    To me that would be being justifiably worried, not paranoid, that a historical wrong has the potential to be repeated. Trusting central Canadian voters to do the right thing is naive. They have not earned that trust.

  16. “Central Canadians are the largest threat to our way of life” Indiana Homez

  17. “Central Canadians are the largest threat to our way of life” Indiana Homez

  18. Green Shaft = NEP II
    Majority of CO2 produced in western Canada, majority of carbon tax paid by Western Canada.
    Majority of population in central Canada, majority of tax credits paid to central Canada.
    I hope that if eastern Canada is stupid enough to vote this Leftard Dion in that the remaining Conservatives MPs in Western Canada resign from the CPC and form the Western Separative Party and the Western Premiers formulate a referendum on separation with a simple question ‘ Do you want (insert) Province name to separate from the Country of Canada? Yes or No.” No ambiguous or vague question here. With a declaration of independence declared upon a 50% plus 1 yes vote.
    The leftards can freeze in the dark.

  19. Malcolm:
    This isn’t about slamming Ontario, this is about the self determination for Western Canadians. We object to almost all of what Central Canadians stand for, and we will dissolve Confederation sooner than later. No amount of crying, begging or threats can help this now. Ontarians can overwhelmingly vote CPC this election but it will be too little too late. This is about accountability, and no amount of “it’s them, not me” makes me feel any better. The proof of Ontario and Quebec’s intent are evident in the past election results. The difficult part for Central Canadians with respect to this issue is that YOU HAVE NO SAY in our future, which is the silver lining for us. Central Canadians will have to learn that WE DON”T CARE WHAT YOU THINK AND WE DIDN”T ASK YOU PERMISSION. This is the pill that Central Canada hasn’t been able to swallow, and in the end not taking your medicine has killed CANADA. Perhaps the EU will accept Central Canadians.

  20. The Green Shaft or whatever, may just be the opportunity that some/most of us in the west have been seeking for years, to get those damn parasites east of the Manitoba border off our backs for good.
    Is Opportunity knocking?

  21. Swill:
    Separation sentiment has been bubbling out west for quite some time.
    Any implementation of another carbon tax scheme a la the NEP will guarantee Alberta will be gone at the soonest opportunity.
    And, Saskatchewan would be welcomed in the west project.
    In BC, Campbell has signed his own death warrant with the implementation of their carbon tax on July 1. Once a saner regime is put in, or Campbell comes to his senses and repeals the carbon tax, BC will also be welcome.
    Manitoba is still to socialist and smarmy about its hydro resources, which Alberta and Saskatchewan do not have. BC does, so maybe the lower mainland would have to figure out how to survive on its own.

  22. Stephan Dion says that his green shift is revenue neutral and all carbon taxes will be given back to the taxpayer in the form of tax relief.
    My question is this. The Liberals do not plan to put a carbon tax on gasoline for the first four years since there is already an excise tax on gasoline. After that they say the excise tax will be merged into the carbon tax. Does his tax rebate plan now mean that he plans to give back the gasoline tax to consumers as a tax rebate? Even if this only happens after year 4 when it stops being called an excise tax and starts being merged in with the carbon tax my point is the same.
    Both the Martin government and Harper government promised that money form the gasoline excise tax would go to pay for needed improvements to transportation infrastructure. Under Dion’s plan this money would no longer be available. What does Dion say about this? What do the big city mayors who are depending on that money say about this?

  23. Uh Oh Dalton thinks it is a good idea Now!
    you can see the writing on the wall, Look our Ontario Another Massive Tax & Grab coming your way.

  24. Brian:
    The tax will be applied at the wholesale level.
    In other words, it’s a hidden tax that will be included in the price charged consumers, rather than an upfront tax like the GST.
    In effect, it’s the same thing, but to say there’s no tax at the pumps on gasoline is word trickery. That’s because once the gasoline gets to the pums, the tax would already have been applied.
    It’s still thievery, no matter which way you slice it.

  25. I agree, swill. Somehow the western premieres must make the Central Canada Uptown Crowd understand the this type of action will have repercussions. To me, voting for Dion and this platform would demonstrate that that there is irreconcilable differences between the regions.
    Perhaps the government in the most affected provinces should table countermeasure legislation. Something that states that if Dion is elected as PM, it will trigger an immediate separation referendum to be held 90 days after the federal election. This would give both provincial voters and federal voters an informed choice and voice in determining their future.

  26. LPC, Liberal Party of Contradictions.
    What can anyone expect with their whole lying, conniving tradition of all things to all people?
    It looks like Ralphy could be in deep shit of the green variety this time around, complements of Dion. He is a Dion brown-noser, and unless he goes into hiding or gets lost in the wheat fields, he’ll have to have some answers.
    Bet Danny Williams has a bad case of laryngitis on this issue. He has no where to go if he disses Dion as he has Harper. He’s a pal of Dalty McGuinty, and said he’d come to the rescue of Ontario. Dalty has already dissed the shifty green plot, he and Charest are cap and traders.
    If Dion gets power we’ll all need rescuing.
    A good debate with Harper would put that possibility to rest.

  27. Instead of the Liberal ad, someone should make a YouTube video promoting the Green Shaft showing Canadians bending over and grabbing their ankles.

  28. Geez Homez, why don’t you tell us how you really feel?
    Look, all I’m trying to say is that despite the ravings of Liberal and Green politicans in the East, most ordinary Joes do not want this thing to ever see the light of day. Furthermore, those same Joes are not jealous of the West and are quite happy to see it become very prosperous.
    I heartily agree that the NEP royally screwed you and that this scam is indeed NEP2.
    You have NO idea what I, as an Eastern Canadian,
    stand for. Don’t be so presumptous.

  29. 2 dollars a litre is what we would be paying if we still bought stuff with Chretien’s ‘Liberal Pesos’ – the 60 cent Canadian dollar.
    Yup, we wanna go back to that AND pay higher taxes Steffi! cuz we wanna be ‘good citizens’.

  30. “This would give both provincial voters and federal voters an informed choice and voice in determining their future.”
    Lynnh: I love your post and couldn’t agree more, is that possible?
    I have to disagree with your last bit though. Separation can not be about how Onatrio votes. It has to be what we want, and what is best for us. Screw Ontario and who they vote for, we must set out own direction regardless of what those people do.

  31. Premiers Stelmach and Wall had better be vigilant and extremely strong on this. The livelihood of millions of people depends on them.
    Viva Western Canada
    Point to ponder. Could you imagine what the west would like with Harper as its leader? No one could stop us. He would not have to worry about appeasing eastern MPs or voters.

  32. Homez, many of our provinces have had many good reasons, and resources, to separate from Canada. To date, not one has, because it still works. I don’t believe our country is a cauldron of discontent, ready to secede. There is an undercurrent that could be ignited in some provinces, Alberta and Quebec for instance. I’m more with Malcolm on the political culture of central Canada, but there is the reality of large urban areas (Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver) that can affect an election. Enough to seize power, no, enough to limit Harper to minority? Possibly.
    As far as fiscal regional intentions in Dion’s carbon/social plan, it is what it is – as a practical reality, removing tax dollars from one part of the country, and giving to another. People can dress it up, but dare care centres are social, not environmental policy matters.

  33. My reasoning was to make Central Canadian voters understand the seriousness of this issue. I think that the average folks in Toronto, Montreal etc. are given minimal or distorted information from the MSM about the divisiveness of this policy. If the premiers were blatantly aggressive about protecting their provinces, the MSM could no longer ignore or minimize the potential unity problems of the “Green Shift” agenda. I believe that Central Canadians would vote against Dion because they really do want the west to prosper in a united Canada. That they would reject the regional unfairness of the scheme once they understood it. Basically, I believe that most central Canadians are fair and would “do the right thing”.
    Frankly, I wish that it would not be necessary to bring out the big guns to get the point across but our media is so biased that there really is no other way.

  34. Two things if you follow the original story and lance’s SDA post (and the comments above in this one:)
    One, if you think that Ontario is going to be the beneficiary of a carbon tax that inflates the cost of manufactured goods above Europe, never mind China, you are stupid. Plain and simple. O&G isn’t the only thing to be taxed. Ontario’s economy is as dependant on manufacturing stuff as Alberta’s is on oil.
    Two, it’s a bit rich for a SK writer to be whining about “the east” stealing their money while living in a province who came into “have status” about 4 minutes ago and has milked Alberta and Ontario for equalization handouts the past 8 million years. Ditto for a province who voted NDP for the last 200 generation and provided the country with all the benefit of Tommy Douglas’ wisdom. And in case you hadn’t heard, even NFLD has oil and you won’t find a place more East than that.
    This is about liberals and other leftards vs. those with real jobs. The East vs. West crap here is as pathetic as the comments by the leftards over there.

  35. Well said, Lynnh and Warwick.
    Lynnh is right on the money when she states that a great many people in the east do not understand the seriousness of this issue as it pertains to Western Canada.It’s time people were made aware of that. Early and often.
    Warwick is also right on the money when he states
    that Ontario has much to lose as well. Yes, it isn’t an East vs West kind of thing. It’s a Lib/Left vs real Canadians who work for a living

  36. I suspect that central Canadian manufacturers and other strategic LPC favorites would be given an exemption “about 4 minutes” after implementation.
    Besides, warwick, none of your arguments justifies what Dion is attempting to do – intentionally create divisions between Canadians. To deliberately fashion legislation that redistributes money and does nothing for the environment.
    In fact maybe you should read the following:
    The introduction of the fiscal capacity cap is not the first time the Equalization formula has been artificially altered to the detriment of Saskatchewan and its ability to reach its full economic potential.
    Beginning in 1982, the federal government introduced significant restrictions to the Equalization program that created confiscatory claw back rates on Saskatchewan energy revenues. Outside experts reported that, at times, greater than 100 per cent of Saskatchewan’s energy revenue was transferred to the federal treasury because of these restrictions, leaving the province with little or no capacity to manage, conserve and develop its energy sector. It has also caused significant fiscal challenges for Saskatchewan in delivering key public services, while maintaining competitive tax levels and reducing the provincial debt.
    As Professor Tom Courchene has reported, the previous Equalization program resulted in most of the fiscal benefits from resource development in Saskatchewan being transferred to other parts of Canada. ”

  37. As i live in Morontario and as right wing as they come, I must echo Warwick’s statement “This is about liberals and other leftards vs. those with real jobs.”
    I really think that this carbon tax plan is nothing more than an effort to oust Dion.
    The tall foreheads at the Liberal party know they can’t win with him. They also know he won’t trigger an election unless he is sure he has a chance to win one. They feed him this gobbley gook and show him the polls that Canadians want this. (have any of you met one real person that does?) Come the fall sitting he might be persuaded to actually vote against the government on something. Liberals lose Dion is gone. Then the Liberals will try to rebuild probably with the spawn of Trudeau.

  38. Lynnh
    At what point did I make mention of Dion’s plan in a way that made you think I would be in favour of it?
    “is not the first time the Equalization formula has been artificially altered to the detriment of Saskatchewan”
    Boo fricken hoo. You don’t get as much welfare because you have a new source of income. I bet you’d have contempt for a bingo-hall welfare bum who won the lottery then complained they don’t still get their welfare cheque.
    Consider what happened to Ontario the last time they qualified for equalization: the formula changed to make sure they received not a dime – but still got to pay for SK. Ontario and Ontario alone has never once received equalization. Even Albert qualified for about 3 days when the program first started. They then developed their oil, got rich and declined to whine that they didn’t keep getting free money paid for by others. Although Ontario (unlike Alberta) can be said to have deserved it for electing their abusers like masochistic halfwits.
    Alberta has a reason to be pissed at the federal government (NEP was a commie theft of Alberta’s wealth to benefit Quebec instituted by Quebec for Quebec) but SK sure as hell does not. It’s been milking the feds forever.
    If you had 100% of your oil royalties taken by the feds I bet it would take decades to pay back what you received in today’s dollars.

  39. The “green shift” cloaks the “red shift” that is taking place. Dion took the bait hook, line, and sinker. After his trouncing, he can resign, able to blame the ignorant peasants instead of his lacklustre leadership. Very tidy. The gamble is that PMSH will not win a majority – aided by a full-on smear job thanks to Pravda Broadcasting and the Pravda Star.
    Make way for Bob Rae’s Liberals!

  40. I don’t think you understand, warwick, the way equalization (which I also think is ridiculous) was structured, prevented Sask from being able to grow and develop. If I remember correctly, for every $1 the province made from O&G, the feds took away a $1.10. It was the provincial equivalent of a welfare trap.
    The provincial NDP took us to socialist purgatory and the LPC made sure we stayed there. Now finally after kicking the NDP bums out and clawing our way out of the economic wasteland, the federal LPC wants to send us back.

  41. Hopefully u’r not refering to me as a “sk writer”.
    I look at Ontario and Quebec’s federal voting record and I have to disagree with the “average Joe” argument. This argument holds just a little more water than the “moderate Muslim” argument. I don’t pretend to know what is in the mind of the central Canadian voter, I look at the voting record; and, as I said earlier “I don’t care what central Canada wants or stands for”.That is the whole point, think what you want, vote how you will, that is your choice. I will reserve the right to not to care. “Fool me once, shame on….shame on you, but fool me, can’t get fooled again” GWB

  42. lynnh,
    No, you misunderstand. No province should be on welfare for any reason. Period.
    You can’t complain that you didn’t get more of what you didn’t earn or you’re in the wrong party (hint: those who feel entitled to money that doesn’t belong to them can be considered thieves or leftards which amounts to the same thing.)
    I don’t think that Ontario should have received equalization when they qualified for it because I don’t believe the program should exist. But given everyone seems to think Ontario was the end destination of all of the country’s money it’s one illustration of many that this isn’t the case. Ontario (despite the odd bone thrown its way in a cynical attempt by demagogic scumbags in Ottawa to buy Toronto’s votes with its own money) has paid far more to the Feds than it has received back. The only other province to have been bilked like that is Alberta – not Saskatchewan. I’d guestimate that BC has come out close to even or slightly less. All other provinces (including SK) have milked “Daddy Warbucks” in Ottawa shamelessly.
    Equalization is a subsidy to failure and poor behaviour. Just listen to scumbag provinces whine to the feds for any number of issues. Each government should be responsible for directly taxing each and every dollar they spend. None of those dollars should shift from one level of government to another because then there is no accountability for them.
    Not to mention the math you cite isn’t the most objective (or accurate) and is, in fact, hooey.
    The feds should stick to law and order, immigration and passports, Boarders, international treaties, national defence and bugger all else. Individuals should stick to their own business and pay for it themselves.

  43. This is about “West”
    Our right to self-determination! Regardless of NEP NEP2, Kyoto, Children’s Bill of Rights ect… I want the right to decide for myself and my family. I wish this was simply about socialists, lord knows we have enough of them around here, we just beat them down when they open their mouths. IMO the whole separation debate is about differing cultures. Our culture in the west, and central Canada’s desire to strip that away from us.

  44. Did you know that the name: Green Shift is already a copyright trademark of a company, since 2001, based in Toronto? The Liberals have lifted a copyrighted trademark!!!
    Go to; http://www.greenshift.ca
    Sandy on Jack’s Newswatch also has it.
    Only the Liberals could and would do such a thing. How about they simply change their term to Green Shaft or Green Shi*t?
    Actually, I think Dion is after the vote in the three megacities of Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal and the poor in Quebec. You can see that from his ‘plan’ which is blatant vote-buying and voter-manipulation. He’s using Western money; he’s not after the West vote, for, at present, they don’t have enough seats (though the West has the same population as Quebec but 11 fewer seats).
    He doesn’t give a damn about the north: not enough seats – so, they only get $150 per year in tax relief!
    He’s after the megacity latte crowd who are, morally, against ‘corruption’, ie, pollution. And he’s after the poor in Quebec, and immigrant poor.He wants their votes.
    He’s redefining the Liberals from Being Corrupt to Going After Corruption. Who is now Corrupt? Why, Canadian industry. And specifically, ‘polluters’. He mixes up emissions and pollution on purpose because of the emotional weight of the term ‘pollution’. The document is filled with anger at ‘polluters’.
    He deliberately misleads the voter about income tax reduction, telling them that a 1.5 reduction from 15 t0 13.5 is really a 10% reduction. And a 1 point reduction from 22 to 21, he calls a ‘five percent reduction.
    He crows with pride about the ‘lowest corporate tax rate’ of 14%, utterly ignoring that it’s the Conservative 2007 budget that has lowered it from 22.12 to 15 in four years. All Dion will do, is lower it to 14. But he doesn’t tell us that it’s the Conservatives who lowered it by 7 percent. Or wait, in Dion-speak, that would be about 68%.
    And, he’s doing it with a stolen trademark. And stolen money.

  45. but warwick…I agree with you about equalization. The program, like welfare, promotes poverty not prosperity. The Green Shift is simply another form of equalization (and I realize you do not support it).
    Energy rich provinces do have the right, even the obligation, to highlight the regional inequities and protect their citizens.
    BTW : Here is the math:
    On March 19th the federal government admitted there were errors in the program and provided the province with $120 million, which had been unfairly clawed back in previous years. This money represents only a portion of what Saskatchewan is owed based on an analysis by noted economist Dr. Thomas Courchene….. Recently, Professor Thomas Courchene echoed those concerns in a paper entitled Confiscatory Equalization – The Intriguing Case of Saskatchewan’s Vanishing Energy Revenues. In this paper, Professor Courchene identifies that in 2000-01 Saskatchewan suffered an equalization loss or claw back of about 108 per cent of all provincial resources royalties from oil and gas activity in the province.

  46. when business stays out, it aint a good idea.
    Im waiting for a “carbon response” from Sudbury, which ranks in the top of the carbon emitters and from all of Hamilton and of course from Buzz and the car plants who under the old liberal regime got a break on carbon emissions. If Dion makes the same provincial here to get at the izzy money it may be to blatant for even the liberal moderates to ignore.
    FREE THE WEST! throw off your shackles of carbon taxation ,you have nothing to lose but your freedom.

  47. Indiana Homez
    Ok, so assuming you’re an Albertan then, what makes BC or SK anything like AB?
    First off, BC, MN and SK regulary elect socialists. BC and Que are no less similar than Ont and Que.
    I think you’ve listened to too many stories.
    In Canada, ONLY AB regularly votes overwhelmingly conservative (although given your current premier, that’s a bit of a stretch. Ol’ Ed is not conservative.)
