58 Replies to “Joke’s On You”

  1. Don Rickles
    is lucky to have escaped Vancouver without being hauled up before the HRC, if a young friend who attended his show is a reliable witness.

  2. Remember how it was the “McCarthy establishment” that attacked Lenny Bruce?
    Now which “establishment” in on the attack against freedom of speech?

  3. If clowns where good before there evil now. A little like Stephen Kings IT. The comedians will win, they always do. Which is more funny? The clown who goes around playing menacing practical jokes on people , looking hideous , inhuman in the end. Or the comedian no matter how biting makes you laugh, leaving you with more soul.
    These clowns with no laughter in them, are Neo-puritanical pseudo Marxist politically driven teat pirates.
    The other are entertainers, mostly dissing everyone, while making points. I know where my money is going on this fight.

  4. Pretty rude stuff these folks are up to. So rude in fact I’m suspicious of why they’re acting like such out and out nut cases for all the world to see.
    Just does not make sense.
    Just because you’re paranoid does not mean that someone is not out to get you.

  5. “the “McCarthy establishment” that attacked Lenny Bruce”
    McCarthy wanted communists, not comics. McCarthy was Republican and as conservative as it gets.
    In contrast, Bruce was as liberal (small “l”) as it gets. Perhaps the McCarthy establishment would have labeled Bruce a communist but they wouldn’t be overly concerned about Bruce’s foul language. Besides, McCarthy was officially censured and politically shunned before Bruce’s career took off.
    I suggest your designation of conservatives championing counter-culture is either twisted logic, wishful thinking, or, a joke.

  6. Good to see that the HRCs are such ill-humoured jackasses.
    But as the old saying goes:
    “If the law is an ass; the correct response is to be a bigger donkey!!”
    I’m going with the bigger donkey.
    If I had half a mind, yes I’m a half wit, I would have put on the tune “Burning Down The House.”
    Talking Heads at the HRC amend your freedoms by “Burning Down the House”.
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht,Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  7. The next HR complaint….
    Dating service that bans ugliness comes to Canada
    From the comments:
    Keith Summers
    What next? beautifulwhitepeople.com or beautifulpeopleofcolour.com….give me a break. The undertone of this idea is secular and racist.
    Does anyone realize this site has alot to do with race or religion? How many people would possibly accept races they dont like? If there is one asian woman signed in and likes an asian man signing on who gets rejected by 4 white women, then what? She can’t meet him cause he’s not attracted to the white women?
    Another overt example of blatant racism. Who are these existing “approved” members, and who approved them? Did it all start with a Hodge, himself, approving the first “beautiful” person, and then, from then on, the racism (beauty in Hodge’s eyes) became rampant? How would an aboriginal person from a first nation community in northern Ontario fair with the existing “approved” members? Hardly a chance at being considered “beautiful”, if, after all…

  8. Russell Peters escaped to the U.S. in the nick of time.

  9. Maybe everyone would be safer if we just banned stand up comedy altogether. The activity is dangerous and somebody could get their feeeeeeelings hurt.
    So we are going to have to let liberals, racist moslems and militant homosexuals censor our speech? Are there any other flakes out there whose milk could be curdled by hearing a rude name or a racial slur?

  10. As a Christian I find many jokes, especially CBC stuff, very offensive.
    So I change the channel.
    If the gay crowd is so proud to ‘come out’ why can’t they take the heat?

  11. My response to that Bluetech…is that the Church was probably right about homosexuals and the CBC was, as usual, wrong.

  12. “liberals, racist moslems and militant homosexuals censor our speech?”
    Try to reveal your hypocrisy in a less conspicuous light. Your crowd is the first in line to censor and condemn muslims, gays, environmentalists and many other groups you don’t approve of.
    Here’s the right attitude for something you don’t agree with:
    “As a Christian I find many jokes, especially CBC stuff, very offensive.
    So I change the channel.”
    In regards to stand up comics, remember it was only a few days ago that some of you were glad George Carlin was dead.

  13. Canada will be a laughingstock when the world notices that comedians are prosecuted for their shows.

  14. And Gerry Hawke misses the point and the tone of the debates here on SDA by a CHRC approved and mandated distance. After all, they control speech, print and now humour, so why shouldn’t they also mandate how wrong someone should be in thought?

  15. Carlin was funny…rude,not politically correct, and my favourite…he thought enviro whackies were just that…whacky.
    He probably insulted Christians, and gays in his day too…I don’t remember. So what?
    I didn’t have to like everything he said, he didn’t have to fit into a perfect mold made by me or an HRC…
    Kate didn’t like him, some here did like him.
    That’s freedom.
    Got some molds you want us all to fit into Hawke?
    What’s your point?

  16. I think Mr. Hawke wants you to vote liberal, vote often, send your entire paycheque to (liberal) government, turn a blind eye when a liberal f**cks up and bend over and take it like a good socialist. That’s what he and his ilk define as ‘celebrating diversity’ here in Can-uh-duh.

  17. “I’m suspicious of why they’re acting like such out and out nut cases for all the world to see.” Posted by: Pat at June 26, 2008 2:24 AM
    They are not acting.

  18. Now who said these commissions were not about limiting speech?
    I guess you now have the RIGHT to go to a private club and dictate the content of the show…..Jaysus!!! Of course this fits in with the RIGHT to tell someone else what to publish…..
    This is ridiculous, of course the problem with it being so ridiculous it is difficult to see how serious it is. I guess the next step is to haul a professor up before the HRC so he can be charged for the content of his lectures and that he be forced to research and reach conclusions that are “pre approved”…hints of James Hansen.
    This is why the power of the state needs to be limited, you just never know what its going to be used for. I never knew we were such psychically fragile creatures.

  19. Gerry Hawke said: “Your crowd is the first in line to censor and condemn muslims, gays, environmentalists and many other groups you don’t approve of.”
    Another Lefty who can’t spell. The word you’re looking for Gerry is “censure”, as in “to express strong disapproval and criticism”. And yeah, we are quick to tell people off when we think they are being passively idiotic and/or actively dangerous. We yell at them. They yell back. This is called a “heated debate”.
    The word you used is -censor-, which means to remove anything considered offensive, morally harmful or politically undesirable. The implication is a government agency that makes people shut up, by force if necessary. This is called “tyranny”.
    In the PAST this state censorship has been something done by social conservatives in Canada and the USA. In the PRESENT it is a shiny new toy being used by Liberal Party apparatchiks to silence their critics.
    By force, you’ll note. If this comedian tells the HRC to f-off, sooner or later somebody will come and stick a gun in his face as they haul him off to jail.
    You can see the difference between these two concepts, yes? Or is that too hard for your little Lefty brain stem to process?
    Here lemme help you.
    Conservatives = yelling mean things.
    Liberals = gun in your face + jail.

  20. No need to use guns, when being forced into a hearing will in turn force into the poorhouse once your legal fees are paid off

  21. Any one here remember Andrew Diced Clay?
    Censoring comedians will backfire. It’s going against one of the biggest groups of liberals in the world. The arts and entertainment community will back this guy 100%, even if they hate him.
    Phantom- I think Gerry used the right word. Censure is a very specific, mostly political, process. I think the definition is too narrow for what he was referring to.

  22. It would be interesting to watch if one of the HRC’s intended victims just told them to stuff it, since they’re not a real court anyway, to the point of not showing up for hearings, not talking to them and protecting assets. This would take some real courage on the part of the respondent, but the HRC would be put in the position of sending the police after him, which could open up a whole can of legal worms for them.

  23. It would be interesting to see the results of a magic pol that showed the percentage of commentors here who have demanded of their MP that they move to eliminate the whole Human Rights program entirely, Not that one little troubling section. I have.

  24. Good grief! First freedom of speech, and now an individual right to own a gun! Will Canada close the American border?

  25. Yes, great zombie face…the symbol of chr commissions…god help comedians…these two women are really vendictive and evil…the guy who does stand up has very little money if any, just trying to get ahead doing small clubs…they obviously didn’t like him so why didn’t they leave…or just shut up…but now this comedian must face paying thousands and a gag order..
    Anyway…there are two major terrorist trials going on in Canada…yes, there are articles in the newspapers but the majority of people who don’t read them rely on the tv news…and guess what…unlike the us of american freedom where it would be headline tv news every single moment…here in canaduck we just kind of ignore it and not make a big deal out of it…cause afterall, these people are canadians and really deserve to be out on bail and have their sentences reduced so that they can all go back to their full burhaed women..and there is a huge move on cbc to get sympathy for the child killer still in guantanemo….help..in need of your costic one liners kate that give me so much pleasure…

  26. I know gay comedians who make fun of straight people, gay people, every people. I am very fond of these gay comedians, and through their jokes, it has opened communication lines between the straight and gay communities. Laughter has a way of making us open our minds and hearts. Why would someone be so stupid as to try and destroy something that has always opened doors of understanding between people.

  27. That’s Andrew DYCE Clay and yes, I remember him well. Funny as hell and very politically incorrect.

  28. dp, if you look up the word “censure” you’ll see what I said is true. Censure, even “official censure” by which an official body expresses its displeasure, is basically telling somebody off. Its talk. Censor is forcing them to shut up.
    One of these things is not like the other.

  29. Eddie Murphy would have been in big trouble with his videos “Raw” and “Delirious”.
    So these women sat there heckling the guy, then couldn’t handle it when he threw some back at them. Come on, if you’re gonna be butch then toughen up your feelings as well.

  30. The irony of this particular case is that on any given night in most any comedy club you will likely find some venomous man hater lesbian acting out her hostilities in public….. and NO ONE will be going to the HRC about THAT!

  31. “Another Lefty who can’t spell”
    “Or is that too hard for your little Lefty brain stem to process?”
    It seems you are more interested in name-calling and labeling than you are listening to what I am saying:
    1. I am on your side in regards to censoring (and censuring) the speech of anyone.
    2. Consider your hypocrisy when you get upset about censorship. Many of your posters are eager to shut out views not aligning with your own.
    I have to stop now. My “Lefty brain stem” is having difficulties but my Rightie brain stem is still ok.

  32. Phantom- I think Gerry WAS talking about forcing them to shut up.
    Now that you mention it ommag, there are a lot of lesbian comics. I listen to satellite radio sometimes, and there’s a high percentage of dyke acts on the comedy stations. Making fun of themselves seems to be a common theme. I wonder if these girls would have been offended by one of their own?
    This is a lot like black comics using the “N word”, then calling Al Sharpton when a white guy says the exact same thing, word for word.
    I really think the entertainment community will back this guy in a very vocal way. Way back in the 70’s a porn actor named Harry Reems was charged with obsenity, and ended up being acquitted after support poured in from almost every corner of the entertainment industry. He was even defended by Alan Dershowitz. When it comes to stifling free speech the HRC’s may have bitten off way more than they can chew.

  33. Personally, I find most stand up comics very offensive and not very funny. That’s ok, I have the human right to not attend their shows. And if by some weird twist of fate, I find myself at one of these shows, I also have the human right to yell back or leave.
    But if anything were to get me to change my attitude about standup comics, this sort of grievance mongering inanity would be it.
    At least I can avoid the stand up comics. I can’t avoid having to pay taxes to nourish this moonbat totalitarianism. As a very average, working, tax-paying kanuckistani, I am becoming extremely resentful this use of the fruits of my labour.

  34. So many of commentators responding to this type of incident miss the point completely. It is about free speech and it is not about what YOU think is wrong or going too far or picking on a particular group. Hate laws and Human Rights Commissions must be disbanded and removed from our society.
    We have libel and slander laws to deal with civil charges and statutes for criminal charges like yelling FIRE in a theatre or threatening a person. All others should be dealt with in the court of public opinion, exposed for what they are.
    Its all about control and that is what these star chambers are about. They want to decide what you can or can not say and that leads to the destruction of our society. Free speech is a fundamental human right and when you try to limit it in any way it is no longer free speech.

  35. This HRC lunacy is quickly morphing into the “Committee For Public Safety”. Does that sign on the horizon say “1794 Repeat Performance”?
    It may be in our time when “Terror and Virtue” are once again used in the same sentence by our leftist freedom hating comrades. Canada’s HRC’s already decree guilt by probable intent much the same way as Robespierre’s court did. In June 1794 the French court could return only the verdicts of acquittal or death. Since the inception of Canadian HRC’s there have been no acquittals – they only seem to need one verdict: presumed enemy of the State.

  36. Conservatives are the counter culture, Gerry.
    When foolish baby boomers with their nanny-state mentality took over the country, common sense went right out the window. Accepting responsibility is gone, and identifying yourself as a victim of ANYTHING is now the currency.
    Your brain can accept my condolences, it must hurt twisting logic and pointing fingers at the same time.
    Free speech is no longer. We want it back, and refuse to accept that governments or special interests can define acceptable dialogue. Not to mention the INCREDIBLE waste of human resources on this process.
    “Buy the ticket, take the ride.” HST

    Folks things are actually worse than you think. We are much further down the road in terms of transforming public services to arrive at prescribed “social outcomes” thanks to HRC rulings.
    The latest news is that parents in BC are not allowed to shield their own children from new curriculum specifically designed to teach the moral normalization of “alternative lifestyles”, namely: gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgendered lifestyles. There has been no public release (as far as I know) of the materials involved, so we have no idea of what the kids are exposed to.
    Failure to put your children in school is a criminal offense, and it was underscored yesterday by school board officials that they will NOT be excusing any children from this “education”, regardless of the views of the parents. Moral “training” which has the specific goal of undermining essential Judeo-Christian values is now part of the mandatory requirements for every child in BC.
    This is not a conspiracy theory, it is on the public record, confirmed in an article in the Vancouver Sun quoting representatives of local government. The program was put in place to “settle” a suit put before the BCHRT by two gay gentlemen over 50, who now have been authorized to prescribe the moral instruction of our children. They weren’t advocating about their own children, they are focusing on yours.
    See Vancouver Sun article.
    There was also a column in the Vancouver Province, yesterday, I believe, pointing out the lunacy of this, and indicating that by being so heavy-handed about it, the various levels of moral Stalinists may actually awaken a response.
    But will people make a stink out of this? Or will they just submit their children to the indoctrination without even a whimper?
    **** BC HRC WANTS YOUR KIDS ****

  38. Dave:
    “It is about free speech and it is not about what YOU think is wrong or going too far or picking on a particular group. Hate laws and Human Rights Commissions must be disbanded and removed from our society.”
    Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  39. Gerry
    “2. Consider your hypocrisy when you get upset about censorship. Many of your posters are eager to shut out views not aligning with your own.”
    Gerry what the F are you talking about. I spew tonnes of BS here and I’m not shut up! Many “trolls” make comments here and many self-proclaimed Liberals. There is a predominate flavor on this site; but, if you go through the comments and look at the ratio of posters who wish to “shut out views” I’d wager a guess that the lefties are much closer to 1:1. As many have stated already, from your perspective(IMO) disagreeing with you counts as “shut out views”. If I get a Liberal membership does that give me the right to disagree with you; or, is agreeing with you a prerequisite for getting said membership?
    Russell Peters can say what ever he wants in Canukistan as long as he hasn’t offended any groups that are higher up on the “historically disadvantaged” pecking order:
    1) the Great Ape and dogs
    2) race/religion (not Christian or Joo)
    3) sexuality
    4) pedophiles/criminals
    5) enemy combatant
    6) poor
    7) women
    8) stupid kids in public school
    9) disabled ppl

  40. What I find most amusing about this is the fact that lesbians could be considered an identifiable target for hate. Most guys I know love lesbians, pictures of lesbians, movies with lesbians in them, and watching lesbians make out in public. Vast amounts of money are transferred to lesbians from hetero males. If anything they are an advantaged group.

  41. No need to take someone else’s word for it, Drained Brain, in fact I was going to suggest this as the next installment of ‘Frankly My Dear’.
