In Other News, Henry Morgentaler To Receive Order Of Canada

Friendly tips from the Alberta Human Rights Commission help desk;

Ask the church to get a signed consent form from everyone, parents and children, everyone, stating that they are not forced to attend and are there of their own free will. Later he added that this consent should be drawn up by a lawyer who is familiar with the Human Rights Laws.


The church needs to contact the police to make sure they do not view the program as bordering on criminal activity—need to show them the curriculum so they know what is going on and do not arrive on the scene.

56 Replies to “In Other News, Henry Morgentaler To Receive Order Of Canada”

  1. Sad. And creepy. Now that they have started to attack government minsters their little game may be up. We shall see.

  2. “The Order Of canada” has become such a farce , Who really gives a crap who gets it??

  3. The last couple of years I have had to come to a sad realization. The whole fiasco with libel-chill Black, the HRCs, the folly of multiculturalism, our little secret-cabal of Power Corp associates who run the country, our pathetic inability to run a first-world nuclear program…
    Maybe Canada is just an idea that has run its course. Ever since the British influence withdrew, this place (empire, or country, or whatever you want to call it) has been running on a momentum which is now rapidly fading.
    Nobody is minding the store, folks.
    For the last thirty years this country has been a running joke. But its not running anymore.
    Maybe we should just pitch our tents and admit we really do not know how to run ANYTHING.
    Beg the Americans to accept us, and shelter under the broad protections and wisdom of the US Constitution.
    This from a staunch monarchist and pretty-rabid Canadian nationalist.

  4. No separation of church and stae there…the state is actually right inside the church dictating terms of behaviour.
    The Canadian democracy is dead long live the soviet state of Kanada.
    For those unwilling to live by diktat of the commissariats it’s time to light the torches.

  5. This is another baby step toward outlawing religion altogether, or at the least, making it more difficult practice.
    I know this sounds a little radical, but I would say Canadians thirty years ago would have considered a person warning at that time what the HR law would morph into in practice, would have been thought radical.
    The political activists now populating HRCs are at the minimum Socialists, and many would fit the definition of Communism. One of these definitions is the worship of the Common(government), and the reviling of religious beliefs… the point of outlawing them altogether.
    Canadians have an opportunity to take back their freedoms, their democracy, and their individualism now, they may not have again. The key to this is insistence the current Conservative gov’t join them in changing the well intentioned, but disastrous and dangerous, in practice, opened ended HR statute.

  6. This will reach critical mass when they actually go inside a church to lay charges.
    Morgentaler is getting an award from a Haitian voodoo princess? Who cares?

  7. [quote]Beg the Americans to accept us, and shelter under the broad protections and wisdom of the US Constitution [/quote]
    Didn’t your mother tell you that if you pick just for looks, you might actually get ugly!
    Its always better to work with what you Know & Understand but…

  8. It’s interesting that a Holocaust survivor would in turn professionally indulge in the nation’s snuff’ industry and be regarded as a national Order Of Canada ‘hero’.

  9. Well, were I a church-going dude I’d certainly make sure to call the cops and inform them of my sermons and seminars, just to make absolutely sure to be arrested and hauled before the HRC kangaroo court.
    I’d go out of my way to read every single thing in the Bible that these Gestapo bastards want to suppress. I’d do it publicly and daily. I’d do it inside the church, on the front steps, the sidewalk, and at city hall just to be sure nobody missed it. I’d do it on television, on the CB frackin’ C.
    I’d get the whole congregation to chant along with me in unison. I’d rent a stadium and bus ten thousand people in to chant. I’d offer a free lunch and a fun-fair for the kiddies to get people in off the street to chant along. I’d get my MP and MPP to be there, and the Mayor, and the whole city council.
    The best possible answer to obscene laws is mass disobedience. You can arrest one guy, arresting a whole football stadium is harder. Arresting a whole religion? That I want to see.
    Anybody out there know how many gun owners in Canada don’t have a license? The answer is a majority of them. People did not cooperate with the gun registry. En mass. Ever wonder why they keep passing amnesties, every year, Liberal or CPC government doesn’t matter? Because you can’t arrest and jail 5-10 million armed adults in a country of 30 million people. Its impossible.
    So, were I a church going man that is what I’d be doing.
    I used to be a member of the United Church of Canada, but since I was about 17 I decided a religion isn’t supposed to be a glorified social club with a really nice hall for the parties. These days I call myself a Taoist Presbyterian and cut the lawn Sunday mornings. I’m far from the only one, the UCC has been bleeding membership since I was a kid. These days most of the under 40 crowd at my old church are immigrants.
    I note at this point for both of you remaing staunch United Church members that the leadership of YOUR church can’t even decide if God is really real or not. You might want to do something about that.
    Maybe if the UCC started being an actual Christian organization and showed it by kicking these HRC apparatchiki in the nads I’d be more inclined to show up and listen to the parson. I can always cut the lawn -after- church, eh?

  10. The Liberals have a full court press on to keep the Toronto and Montreal women voters in their camp, and enjoy the influence these women have over the males in their lives.
    It’s subtle, but it pops up every now and then, and has been popping up more frequently of late. The Liberals are working over the eastern urban women. CTV manages to slide in a brief shot at anti-women PMSH in a “news”cast report on the recent cabinet shuffle, for instance.
    To give Henry the OoC now, is to poke a finger in the eye of the Right to Life constituency in Canada. Being such a divise issue, why would the GG go down this path now? Is the GG active in the political process? We can ever know for sure, but I have my opinion.
    Let’s ask those sophisticated young ladies in Toronto and Montreal how we shall repopulate our country. Will our “Green Shift” make Canada such an attractive place to live and work that we can attract skilled immigrants instead of gang-bangers? Or are will it ensure that we are not more attractive than the underdeveloped nations with which we are attempting to achieve parity. Please ignore the cultural suicide and vote with your heart, and not your head. That way, the right pockets get lined.

  11. From
    On Friday, the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) sent out “Order of Canada talking points” to Conservative Members of Parliament and said that tomorrow, June 30, the Governor General will issue new awards. Nowhere in that email did it say who will get an award, but sources tell me Dr. Henry Morgentaler will be among the recipients.
    The talking points were meant to show process–how the decision works, and that Cabinet does not have anything to do with this decision. It sounds as though they are preparing for the pending outcry.
    Many questions remain: Why now? Why not part of the official process back in February? Was protocol routed to do this? And finally, though I only chose to blog about this when I had confirmation from different sources, will it prove true?

  12. Who would have seen that one coming? Only in Canada would Dr. Josef Mengele’s protégé be provided such a “prestigious” award.
    Of course these are handed out like candy to the looney left so I would take it as an insult if I were ever named for one.

  13. Did anyone hear about the prime minister recieving a prestigious award.?
    Small dead animals, please have this event on your site. thank you
    Prime Minister Harper receives international human rights award
    27 June 2008
    Ottawa, Ontario

  14. Although we are talking about the bible and the church here, I am compelled to ask: WTF??? The loonies are starting to run the asylum in kanadakistan. And this is alberta fer crying out loud, you know the place where everyone in GTA knows that the locals all drag their knuckles on the ground.

  15. Is it just me or is everyone having issues posting on several comment threads lately?
    BTW, the reference to the Order of Canada was tongue-in-cheek. I didn’t see any mention to it in the link but nothing surprises me here anymore.

  16. If Morgentaler receives the Order of Canada, ignore it.
    Jen, that’s quite right, our PM, Stephen Harper, did receive the B’Nai Brith International’s highest honour, the presidential Gold Medallion for Humanitarianism.
    It was of course not well reported as per the usual behaviour of the MSM. It was on page four of the Ottawa Citizen, Saturday, June 28.
    Let’s say if it were any Liberal receiving it, it would be on front pages across the country.

  17. That kike Morgentaler is getting an award from a Haitian voodoo princess? Who cares?

  18. Seems, that there is, in Alberta, a position in the paper pushing department of the provincial government that has become an arbiter of acceptable speech. A single person in position to decide what you can and can’t say. In Canada, in the 21st century, presumably free country, with actual constitution that states that there is a freedom of speech.
    What is happening here, the totalitarians are on the march and general population goes along.

  19. Sent today to ALL members of the B.C. Legislature:
    Premier Gordon Campbell
    Members of the B.C. Legislature
    Dear Mr. Campbell and Members of the Legislature;
    As you’re aware, the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal and the Alberta Human Rights Tribunals have been under the public scrutiny due to highly controversial and dubious cases brought by complainants who are attempting to foreclose the right of free speech and expression in the public realm.
    Groups as diverse as PEN Canada, the B.C. Civil Liberties Assn and EGALE as well as the ‘father of Human Rights Commissions’ Alan Borovoy and most national and even international newspapers, have all condemned the meddling and overbearance of the HRC’s in their attempt to shut down and control the most fundamental of human rights: the right to free and open public discussion of issues important to Canadian society.
    In light of this and in context of the decision by the Ministry of Education of the Governmet of British Columbia which forces all students to participate in ‘gay friendly’ curriucla irrespective of the wishes of some parents, I thought you might find the following of interest. Please be aware that my concerns arise not from personal religious or biblical conviction, but based purely on a strongly held belief in freedom of speech for all.
    According the the writer, the Alberta Human Righs Tribunal “advises that we need to obtain consent to teach our religious beliefs in our own religous institutions.”
    Apparently the State can not only force parents to expose their own children to curricula which conflicts with their deeply held religious beliefs, but to demand that parents submit for approval by the State, that which they teach their children in their own religious facilities.
    Mr. Premier, I am beginning to fear for my country and my society. This is not the Canada I have known and loved for nearly 60 years. This is not the Canada that our parents worked to establish. This is not the Canada for which my uncle gave his life in 1944. I have written you previously in this regard and again I wish to say: for many people this is the seminal issue of the next election . You can focus on the environment or economic issues, health care or social housing but without freedom to express our views publically without ‘permission’ or fear of the State, the other issues don’t really matter that much. Without freedom of speech we simply have totalitarianism and in such a society, the State will be able to do pretty much what it wants in any of those other areas. Bill 42 is yet another example of ever encroaching ‘State Tyranny’.
    I have been a loyal supporter of the B.C. Liberal party for many years, but I can no longer continue offering my support as I will be seeking a party that more closely represents my own values.

  20. Dr.Hook is on record during his 2005 comment where he claimed canada is safer because the poor were allow to stop criminals from being born.
    The CBC sterilized his actual transcripts and removed his reference to Blacks being a major source for criminals created by Poverty , plus the CBC has a Video in the archives where they dwell on the Legal protesters outside that are portrayed as Idiots .
    Our tax dollars fund the CBC that promotes hatred towards every religion except islam because they know that Muslims are a valid threat for a Suicide-Bomber or beheadings to CBC workers , so I suggest that since we are about to Fire all the Fascists thugs at the HRC’s , we should use the Charter Of Right to stop all funding to the CBC that misuses the money for Political reasons rather to Social benefits .
    Four years ago i predicted the death of the Analog TV and the free Through-the-air transmission of Tv and Radio , this was after I read the CRTC report after Chretien took a Cable Company Exec and ex-Trudeau buddy to review the Communication Industry and give advice on how to improve it.
    The report favoured Roger’s and Bell , but the main part of the scam was to dismantle the Free-Tv and Free-radio so that all information entering Canada and canadians was censored and Taxes .
    Yes folks , while many people laughed at me as crazy I saw the slow dismantling of Cable TV and Radio which used the HDTV and Digital system to replace the basic analog packages with Pay-Channel packages of shows , then the shows offered HDTV with the Digital Dish to force the buying of a decoder and to record the GST on any purchase .
    We now see the end of Analog Tiners in Jan 2009 in the USA and canada has already given Notice that all new TV’s must be Digital and or Digital/HDTV , Satellite radio now offers TV show Audio to follow a program while driving , and a Toronto radio station now has their Shows on TV for the Audio.
    Do you see a pattern her people , the GST will be on every form of Home/car entertainment and the CRTC will know exactly what you hear and see .
    Imagine that….the head of a cable Company reccomends to the federal Liberals to ban all free-radio/TV and force a GST on every canadian home with a TV and Radio plus every new car with satellite radio , gone will be the days of conservation where you bought a radio or Tv expecting to keep it 20-30 years and pay for the Utility bill only , now we will have a massive turn-over of products from the Planned-Obsolete designer that need consumers to fuel the profits since the monthly fees will go to the cable giants who will keep finding new ways to squeeze us for more pay-Packages.
    But don’t worry too much , once you are as rich a Gore/Suzuki/Chretien/Martin/Clinton and the others , you will be able to ignore all the pollution concerns and consume like carzy with 5 houses and a garage full of Hummer’s and Beemer’s .

  21. Would this not be an example of a Human Rights violation, telling Christians to vete the bible at the copshop how utterly insane? Can’t the congregation file a class action suit alledging that the AHRC and the Provincial Government have deemed the bible “Hate Litature” and that’s contrary to one’s Chartered Right to “Freedom of Religion”. If it were me I’d be calling law firms that specialize in Constitutional Law, this AHRC employee is either a power mad retard or a communist thug. It appears the AHRC feels comfortable negating Christians’ and Catholics’ Chartered Rights, we didn’t elect these power crazed beaurats hold the government paying them accountable.

  22. Henry Morgentaler To Receive Order Of Canada
    Hillary Weston and Galen Weston sr. have had order of Canada for at least 10 years ago
    IS Hillary Weston richest Irish woman in world geting rich form her husband wealth really know any politic
    for me she forced enter to politic and never back to it if you see Hillary Weston
    that richese irish woman even Irish IRA terrorist plan to kidnaped her 15 years ago only used to be supermodel when she was young
    and now she is 67 years except 5 years work as luitenet in Ontrario
    she only enjoy party and seeing supermodle
    and seen all super celebirity and Madona or otehr actore and enjoy billion of her billionarer husband of her
    as we say every body back to where they come from
    if Hillary Weston loved to be supermodl and being 90% in old age partying with all look to me more super…
    who is that Canadian bay watch actreorss
    life magazine said by who owned
    the order of Canada
    funny thing
    Galen Weston sr. showed
    in 2004 life magazine
    first page: his motehr and his ancesstor for 120 years ago
    next page he showed his wife riding horse
    next page he showed the Queen and how much he is freind with Queen and Prince Chalres
    and you can immgaine freinship got him order of Canada
    next page is final page of Galen Weston sr. is
    picture with bay watch Pamela Anderson
    it is good to have order of Canada and have
    picture with 5 best woman in the world
    your mother- your wife- queen- daughter- and hay
    beutiful Pamela Anderson
    money is good to have it all.
    recently the picture of Palema Anderson after she has argue over chicken eggs selling in foos store wsas removed from life magazine
    but if you go in library you will see in print of magazien the picutre of Pamala is attached too
    mondy can buy every thing
    good for order of Canada who gave to high peolel who know the law well include
    Henry Morgentaler To Receive Order Of Canada
    enjoy and have nice Canada Day next weel to all
    for me Order of Canada is kind of trick for Hillay Weston enter politic only because her husband genertion to generation were in England in polictic
    even Camila new wife of Price Chlard can have order of Canada too soon
    I was wonder in England price Chalse can not found at least little bit younger and littlbe look nicer or little bit more likebal charter to maryy with it this Camila is more oppsit with
    Diana lady poor Diana I was wonder if she has order of Canada too

  23. Folks with the Order of Canada who believe in life will be considering sending their award back. If I was so honoured with such an award I would send it back.
    To not send it back would be to share community with a mass murderer.

  24. we can ask people in mosque or people in church enter and exist to sign in and sign out with time
    and each person enter in church or Mosque or reba tample has identification
    but you can not stop crime or criminal enter to church of doing all those
    sicne church minster or mosq sheikh job is not police job
    they can participate with police station near
    each mosque
    most mosque in certain time has police car help trafic in mosque
    again job of churchi is not spying people and police job
    you can not confuse people
    every sunday or every friday for Muslim is only spritually for lonely people to get together nd obnly talk god and religona nd how to be good and that is all no job or any thing else
    this place of god can help heal crime reduce and anaxiety and stress reduced that is all to it
    people come to htis place for weading for funeral and all celberation
    this community need to get more active andget more funding by rich peopel to help people and this reduce alchol druges this reduce family problmes resolve and just help peopel be good using god power
    god or allah is the greatest and know the best and all about us
    you hae to ask rich people to donate to church mosque any placeof worship god to society get more stronger nd humanity get find it places
    crime automaticlaly will reduce
    church can help prevention crime program byhelp people
    but instead money goes to much desing of chruch and all gold in mosue or marble in church
    I am disagree with too much design in god house
    this money should use for hire more staff insted to help people spritually
    and ask help should nto by force by kinldy put box to hlep donateion to them some place force rich people for donation
    you need to brng rich and poor in one god house to join socity with like each otehr

  25. My Order of Canada includes Don Cherry. As long as he hasn’t won, the honour means nothing.
    This was brought to my attention by Rex Murphy, who should also be up for the OOC, IMNSHO.

  26. Well, if Henry Morgentaler ever receives the Order of Canada, someone will have to climb the ladder up the giant toilet of Canada and flush it.
    How can it possibly be a hate crime to teach the word of the Bible; even Saddam Hussein surrounded himself with Christians rather than Muslims because he did not fear Christians who believe in the sanctity of life.

  27. morgentaler and what he is and has done, not good.
    Sex as a sport, it is not. Now out of convenience and changing words babies are only things and not human.
    More little ones have died…
    I see why there is judgement, the blind are leading the blind.

  28. morgentaler and what he is and has done, not good.
    Sex as a sport, it is not. Now out of convenience and changing words babies are only things and not human.
    More little ones have died…
    I see why there is judgement, the blind are leading the blind.

  29. morgentaler and what he is and has done, not good.
    Sex as a sport, it is not. Now out of convenience and changing words babies are only things and not human.
    More little ones have died…
    I see why there is judgement, the blind are leading the blind.

  30. morgentaler and what he is and has done, not good.
    Sex as a sport, it is not. Now out of convenience and changing words babies are only things and not human.
    More little ones have died…
    I see why there is judgement, the blind are leading the blind.

  31. morgentaler and what he is and has done, not good.
    Sex as a sport, it is not. Now out of convenience and changing words babies are only things and not human.
    More little ones have died…
    I see why there is judgement, the blind are leading the blind.

  32. morgentaler and what he is and has done, not good.
    Sex as a sport, it is not. Now out of convenience and changing words babies are only things and not human.
    More little ones have died…
    I see why there is judgement, the blind are leading the blind.

  33. morgentaler and what he is and has done, not good.
    Sex as a sport, it is not. Now out of convenience and changing words babies are only things and not human.
    More little ones have died…
    I see why there is judgement, the blind are leading the blind.

  34. morgentaler and what he is and has done, not good.
    Sex as a sport, it is not. Now out of convenience and changing words babies are only things and not human.
    More little ones have died…
    I see why there is judgement, the blind are leading the blind.

  35. morgentaler and what he is and has done, not good.
    Sex as a sport, it is not. Now out of convenience and changing words babies are only things and not human.
    More little ones have died…
    I see why there is judgement, the blind are leading the blind.

  36. Imagine giving the Order of Canada to Robert Picton!! And to think that Morgentaler’s death list is in the tens of thousands!!

  37. Sure…. let him have his order. It will be like Al Gore getting the Nobel prize – it just shows how degraded and worthless such an award is.
    I would hope that all decent former recipients of he Order of Canada would hand theirs back in for being forced to share the same award with this creep.

  38. Sure…. let him have his order. It will be like Al Gore getting the Nobel prize – it just shows how degraded and worthless such an award is.
    I would hope that all decent former recipients of he Order of Canada would hand theirs back in for being forced to share the same award with this creep.

  39. IMO, most recipients of this award are left-wing hacks, who wouldn’t have the integrity to either discern a problem here or, if they did, take any action.

  40. what more is needed to start a revolution in this stupid country. sorry countries are not stupid just the people.

  41. words = cowardice …… action = bravery, maybe, if we don’t use the right words the bad people will come after us, take our medicare away, make us work, make us think, uh, no thinking allowed, this is canada.

  42. Henry Morgentaler born 1923.
    Robert Mugabe born 1924.

    Abide with me, fast falls the even tide. In life, in death O Lord abide with me.

    The sands are running out, gentlemen.

  43. Next someone is going to tell me that the Governor General has ties to Quebec separatists.
