Now – Fire. Them. All.

The Alberta Human Rights Commission took only 900 days to grant their approval of a magazine publisher’s choice of news content;

“Look at his rationale for acquitting me: because the Western Standard met Gundara’s home-made tests of reasonableness. We published the cartoons in “context”; we published letters that “criticized” them; and my favourite, the cartoons weren’t “simply stuck in the middle” of the magazine. Gundara must have thought for ten whole minutes to come up with that list of journalistic do’s and don’t’s. And – phew! – he likes me. He really likes me!
Sorry again, I don’t give a damn if he likes me. In fact, it rather creeps me out that a whole squad of teat-sucking bureaucrats spent 900 days inspecting me and the Western Standard. I positively want to offend them. In fact, that’s pretty much the only test of my freedom: can I do exactly what Gundara says I shouldn’t? I’m not interested in publishing recipes or sports scores. I’m interested in bothering the hell out of government.”

(Editor’s Note: The above image is reproduced here for the sole purpose of offending. No editorial value or news worthiness is intended. No letters of criticism will be published. Thank you.)
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87 Replies to “Now – Fire. Them. All.

  1. Eventually it will be in the “middle” of your blog. Not sure what test that means you fail but that would make it a triple…..

  2. Why are these tribunals given any power at all?
    If somebody makes a complaint against you, you should simply ignore it. If they issue a warrant or a subpoena, the rest of the community should simply surround the place and not allow anyone in or out. They only have the power that we give them and I’m all for not giving them any.

  3. I don’t know, Kate, you should have made those images much, much bigger. The offending is directly proportionate to the size of the “cartoon”, in my opinion!

  4. Edward Teach, that’s a nice idea but it doesn’t fly. The HRCs have coercive powers and can punish non compliance. (Heck, they even punish compliance!)
    Why are they given any power at all? Because they’re agents of the state (instituted via Trudeau’s Charter), which are a gravy train for Liberal, PC hangers-on and a means to keep the populace in check. That’s why.

  5. I like those neat cartoons you’ve posted. They look highly offensive and I can see no redeeming social or artistic value to them. Nor is there any context to them. Having viewed them I am starting to feel hatred and an uncontrollable urge to do something discriminatory to an identifiable group.

  6. Is the HRC feeling a little bit nude today?
    thank you Kate.
    Fire. Them. All.

  7. No, no, no, Dr. Dave. The criterion for Section 13 of the Human Rights Act is not actuality -ie, your declaration that you are actually feeling hatred or contempt for an identifiable group.
    The criterion rests in the realm of potentiality. Not the real actual world. The act is quite clear; the wording states: ‘ any matter that is likely to expose a person or persons to hatred or contempt by reason of the fact that that person or those persons are identifiable on the basis of a prohibited ground of discrimination.’
    Got that? Not ACTUALLY results in someone feeling hatred towards so and so. But a speech that might possibly ‘expose’ that person to someone else, not necessarily you, the speaker/writer, who feels ‘hatred or contempt’ to…
    Not necessarily expose.
    Not actually expose.
    Just possibly.
    And what does ‘exposure’ mean?
    If you identify a group as radical (eg Islamic fascism), then, does this count as a violation of Section 13, because you exposed that group of Islamic fascists to hatred or contempt? Does that mean that we can’t hate or view with contempt such terrorist groups?
    And who defines feelings of hatred or contempt? What if so and so is viewed with hatred or contempt, not because he’s identifiable as a member of a ‘distinct group’ but because he actually is, a hateful and contemptible individual all by his lonesome self?
    And why the heck can’t we feel and view people with hatred or contempt?
    These pompous arrogant brain-dead bureaucrats, with their sense of elitist superiority – how they have the nerve to assume authority over the rest of the population. Are we peasants? To the Liberal/socialist mindset – yes, we are. To be ruled by Them.
    Do you know what this type of governance is? It’s totalitarian. Read Popper’s The Open Society…and you’ll see that the devt of an elitist set of ‘philosopher-kings’ is the very essence of such totalitarianism.

  8. After reading Ezra’s response to his “acquital”, I just had to express my admiration for his intellect and character. He is truly an inspiration, someone in whom all Canadians can take pride.

  9. Are HRC employees an identifiable group?
    I guess I’d better be careful with what I say then.

  10. This is APPALLING.
    So, Ezra and the now-defunct Western Standard are out $100,000, the Alberta taxpayers have feathered the nests of 15 bureaucrats to the tune of $500,000, and Mr. Gundara, the sucking-at-the-teat-government flunkie, whose decision matters, has given his approval of the publishing of the Danish cartoons AFTER 900 DAYS–or, as Ezra puts it, his being in the dock for 900 days–and Ezra’s supposed to be grateful and consider this a win?
    Something’s so rotten in the state of Canuckistan it’s not funny.
    As I said earlier: FIRE. THEM. ALL.
    The True North Strong and Free is now a joke.
    How about the Careening Compass of Appeasement and Dhimmitude?

  11. Oh, and I forgot to mention that after Ezra and the Western Standard are $100,000 in the red and the Alberta taxpayers have shelled out $500,000 for this case, neither Muslim group who brought these charges to the AHRC are out one penny.
    NOT. A. CENT.
    Something stinks to high heaven.

  12. In his report, Gundara presents as “fact” his personal opinion of the Muhammad cartoons. He says they’re “stereotypical, negative and offensive.”
    I agreed with Ezra’s analysis. I read the entire report including Gundara’s comments. I had the same feeling as Ezra did as I read it. I did not mind the “stereotypical, negative and offensive” comment because I thought it was true. I simply thought that Gundara should have accompanied his comments with something like “but they went no further in satire than what has become commonplace in Canadian cartoons”. Gundara made no such comment.
    He did talk about the context of the cartoons being included in an article about free speech and that is why the complaint was dismissed. While he did not actually say that the cartoons would have constituted hatred had they been simply published in the same manner as other satirical carttons, he did not deny it either. It was this omission that bothered me second most.
    And, of course, the main question and what bothered me most is why should he even have the authority to rule on such a question?

  13. I suspect Stephen Harper’s staff and insiders are well aware of the Ezra Levant Alberta – HRC saga, and but for a few CPC MP’s are totally silent, as are the Canadian corrupt Canadian MSM on this issue.
    Thanks Kate for keeping Canadians up to date on an issue the corrupt MSM will not touch.

  14. Maybe it is time to run a Canada-wide contest to see who can draw the most offensive cartoon.

  15. I want to make this very clear.
    I am 100% in favour of safe tattooing in prisons.
    I am 100% against taxpayer funding of tattooing in prisons or anywhere else.
    Don’t come whining to me with your fatuous, pusillanimous demands, you morons.

  16. Brent Weston says that he finds the cartoons in question “stereotypical, negative and offensive”.
    Really? An explanation, please.
    (I find–and found–them nothing of the sort.)
    Joe, I highly recommend visiting Ezra Levant’s blog daily for a really splendid analysis of the HRC situation.
    I think we’re winning, but we’re a long way from the finish line.

  17. ET i totaly agree & i have said it many a time on here that We have become a totalitarian society, Thanks to a past PM that rode around Montreal with his Nazi helmet on during the war.
    The problem with Fire Them All is that the liberal mindset has put these Elites in position’s of power & if you could Fire them they would have the Governments in court for wrongfull dismissals & they would again recieve their entitlements(in their minds) courtesy of you & me & every law biding taxpayer of Canada.
    The liberal Socialist machine of the past has infiltrated every nook & cranny in this country. Also they had & i believe, still may have a deadly propaganda machine. Trudeau learned well from the Nazi Propaganda of 20’s,30’s in order to control the thoughts of canadians.

  18. Hey Kate,let us know if you get any death threats over the cartoons.
    I was thinking of putting cartoons of Mohamed on a Teeshirt and walking around outside a nearby mosque with a video camera and recording death threats and threats of bodily harm being made against me.
    That way I have a good and legitimate reason to start carrying a handgun for protection in Toronto,yee-hah!
    *** Important Note to Self ***
    In the future,do not post crazy ideas about carrying guns in public on an internet website most likely being monitored by the Authorities.

  19. bren weston – a cartoon, or image, or statement about the common attributes of a group or collective must be reductionist, ie, stereotypical. That’s its purpose – to define the group collective within one attribute.
    Now, if you are moving into cartoon critiques of political behaviour, then, you are even more selective.
    So, visualizing political Islam as fundamentalist and violent, is factual. As for its being ‘negative’ – well, facts are facts. That includes critical or negative facts. Offensive? To define violence as violence? Again, it’s a fact.
    How can cartoons constitute hatred? Is criticism of behaviour, in this case, fundamentalist violent terrorism – is this an act of hatred? I would hope so; I hope that our political cartoonists don’t approve of terrorism.
    Again, the basic fact – is that our govt has no right to oversee our speech. Freedom of speech is a fundamental right. Period.

  20. An explanation, please.
    Sure, lookout. A reasonable request. Upon examining my own post, I do see an ambiguity. I did not mean a personal opinion (i.e. you stated “…that he finds…”); I simply meant that it is true (I used “true”) that some will find them that way.
    Additionally, you did not ask for a personal opinion, but I will give it as a bonus. Actually, I thought the cartoons were of rather low quality, both in terms of their artistic and their comedic value. I confess to not even “getting” the joke in several of them. However, I did find one of them humourous. I did and do get a chuckle out of the “we’ve run out of virgins” cartoon. It is the mark of a good cartoonist that he can make his reader chuckle upon a reread of his cartoon.

  21. It sure must be galling for Ezra to have some bureaucrat named “Pardeep Gundara” telling him what is or isn’t acceptable to publish in his own magazine. An immigrant/refugee from some South Asian hellhole who got his/her (who can tell?) cushy government job through affimative action deigns to tell Canadians what they are allowed to read.
    Fire and deport them all.

  22. Brent Weston, I appreciate your response.
    That some found these innocuous cartoons offensive tells far more about their “cry-baby” sensibilities than the actual content. E.g., Apparently, some Muslims say that NO representation of Mohammed is allowed. Therefore, even the most benign representation, which would describe most of the cartoons, would be offensive.
    In fact, I believe that the original contest was devised to see what would happen if the prophet were represented. We sure found out—and I blame the Muslim rabble rousers for the mess, not the cartoonists or those who published the cartoons. (How about dignifying Muslims with the expectation that they might behave like adults who can exercise self-control? Letting them off the hook all the time is, IMO, treating them with disdain.)
    Re the troubles about the cartoons: as far as I know, they were instigated by activist imams, who actually inserted two really offensive—but allowable, if free speech means anything—cartoons into the mix. I have no respect at all for such POLITICAL operatives, who caused—yes, they’re the ones responsible—the deaths of many.
    So, once again, kudos to Kate for thumbing her nose at such people, including the dolts who run our HRCs.

  23. And lookout – the rule that you can’t make images of Mohammed has to apply only to Muslims. After all, do Muslims expect to be asked to obey the rules of Judaism? Christianity? Hinduism? No.
    So, the attitude of some Muslims that all peoples must obey Islamic religious rules is arrogant and untenable.

  24. JP,
    It would be just as galling if that bureaucrat could trace his lineage back 400 years to Europe. It would just as galling if the bureaucrat was a recently arrived alien from Alpha Centauri. The original complaint was galling, the interrogation was galling and the reasoning is galling. Period.

  25. Last week, I had to decline ANOTHER telephone request from the CPC for donations…and explain AGAIN why. I wonder how many others have cut off funding due to the HRC issue? When will the CPC get a clue? When will PMSH act?
    They won’t get another cent from me until I hear the PM or Justice Minister speak in no uncertain terms against the egregious actions of the HRC.

  26. Has anyone seen a list of MPs that have weighed-in on the HRC issue? It’s time to prod some of the unenlightened ones.

  27. Kate, you need to name that dead gopher up at the top.
    I say you photoshop a little turban on him, stick a little AK47 in his little dead gopher mitt and call him… wait for it…
    …naw, can’t do it. I don’t want to get hauled in front of the BC/Ontario/Whatever HRC tribunal. I don’t have $200k hanging out my back pocket this week.
    But hey, this was probably enough to get me hated by Keith Olberman and every Lefty this side of the Arctic circle. I’m good with that.

  28. If every newspaper and magazine had republished the cartoons, the whole Islamofascist world would have had a good reality check. As it is, they got emboldened by the number of people who quaked with fear and ran to hide.
    The feeding of the frenzy by showing that the strategy of terrorism works has to stop.
    Way to go Ezra and Kate.

  29. I am really really offended…I have some cartoons of all ah and mo Ham (as is Pig ham) id, sexually arousing themselves with other men and goats..on my wall near my computer…and I listen to the great videos from nose on your face while I look at them…mouthing uck aelia…a needed comic relief after reading about all the atrosities committed by islamists around the world.

  30. I can’t recall the last time that I so badly wanted such a catch phrase on a t-shirt –

  31. I wonder how many “Nobodies” the HRCs across Canada have dragged and persecuted in the name of tolerance and diversity- spit flies.
    Bravo Kate for posting the pictures, I’m not a Muslim nor shall I ever be one. What insults them makes me laugh, there is no place in Canadian Society for Sharia Law now or ever. Once the Political Islamists get that message they either assimilate into Canadian Culture or get out of Canada. There’s no room in Canada for Wahhabi 9th Century culture or laws.

  32. To think that working people making$12/hr actually have to pay their salaries, disgusting and shameful,i for one am glad there is a judgement day coming,they will get theirs.

  33. Last week, I had to decline ANOTHER telephone request from the CPC for donations…and explain AGAIN why. I wonder how many others have cut off funding due to the HRC issue? When will the CPC get a clue? When will PMSH act?
    They won’t get another cent from me until I hear the PM or Justice Minister speak in no uncertain terms against the egregious actions of the HRC.
    Posted by: Eeyore at 6:53 PM
    I went one step further and told the lady that I might even campaign against them if they kept ignoring this mess of the HRCs.
    She responed with an, Oh!!!!

  34. I have also witheld funding to the CPC. I just can’t figure out who will get my support now.

  35. Bravo indeed!
    Note the absence of the ‘progressive’ voices on this…
    Posted by: ldd at August 6, 2008 8:55 PM
    Yes, noted! And where the heck is Isam or one of his incarnations?
    If there must be HRC’s, why aren’t the names and CREDENTIALS of the commissioners published anywhere? I recognize a couple of the names of the AHRC and KNOW that they have no specialized education or expertise beyond having memorized the act. And connections – they have those.
    If you look at most of the decisions published in the last 3 or 4 years, these guys are largely in the business of deciding workers’ compensation claims and employment standards disputes and we already have agencies that do that!

  36. I also received a phone call from the CPC asking for donations. I told them all available funds were going to these court cases. If enough of us tell them maybe they will do something about these Kangaroo courts. Told them also if the matter was cleared up by April then I will donate – if not – oh well. Seems I read where the Conservatives were a little down in the donation dept. recently.

  37. glasnost: “Has anyone seen a list of MPs that have weighed-in on the HRC issue? It’s time to prod some of the unenlightened ones.”
    FYI I wrote my MP (Conservative Party) about this and in his reply of about a month ago he said:
    “…my colleague, Mr. Rick Dykstra (MP St. Catharines), tabled a motion to have the Standing Committee on Justice and Humand Rights investigate the CHRC. The table would call for the Standing Committee to look into issues such as the CHRC’s mandate, operations, and its application and interpretation of Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act. Because the DHRC operates at arm’s length from the government and reports to Parliament, it makes sense that a parliamentary committee would undertake this study. Once a thorough review has been conducted, the committee will report its findings to Parliament.”
    I don’t know beans about parliamentary procedure, so I don’t know if merely by tabling a motion the ball is now rolling, but it sure wouldn’t hurt if you all wrote letters to your MPs to make sure this doesn’t die, especially if there is an election called this fall.

  38. When will PMSH act?
    Isn’t it about time that the Conservatives collectively wrap their hands around this sordid issue? It seems long overdue. FOX news had a segment a couple days ago re-capping Mark Steyn and the Alberta HRC. It painted a very negative picture of Canada. Aren’t they noticing?
    Pardeep Gundara is just a symptom of the unelected and unaccountable bureaucratic lackeys that socialists seed where they can. His minority status made him a desirable point man, no matter that he obviously isn’t rooted in Canada’s long political culture of free speech.

  39. I write a lot of letters to the papers, political parties, councillors and MPPs and have had several letters published. Every political party has responded to my letters save one, the Conservative Party. I have sent them written letters, emails, talked to canvassers and contacted them through their website and not a peep from them.
    As many of you have noted they are always on the phone or asking for money through the mail yet it seems to be a one way communication. What is the problem with our party and why will they not communicate with us. It ticks me off as I am a paid up member of the party and worked on many of their campaigns.
    No more money or help until they respond to my request for their position on the HRCs.

  40. eyeore: I also have cut off funding and I was a regular suscriber. I to this date have no acknowledgement that what I have done is in any way significant to my contributions.Please tell me how can I possibly impact the Conservative party or any of my “so called representives” if by withdrawing my regular funding has no impact? I would truly like an answer to this dilemma. Thanks Eliza
