36 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Very interesting site. Best of ’07 in Canada as well, congrats.
    Hope to visit Sask. one day.
    Lovely photos on your personal page.
    Happy Blogging…

  2. Have the idiots at PETA lost their friggin’ minds?they are planning on running a huge ad in the Portage la Prairie paper (where the Greyhound killer is in court)’comparing the similarities between this gruesome bus butchering and the acts of cruelty and killing performed every day by the meat industry’The ad:
    An innocent young victims throat is cut….
    his struggles and cries are ignored….
    The man with the knife shows no emotion…
    the victim is slaughtered and his head cut off…
    his flesh is eaten.
    If this ad leaves a bad taste in your mouth,please give a thought to what sensitive animals think and feel when they come to the end of their frightening journey and see,hear,and smell the slaughterhouse.Try switching to a healthy vegetarian diet and save lives every day,including your own.

  3. Dion ready to go on PM’s dare..from Taber at the Slop Pail.
    Libs think the fall,after the Obama win would be prime time..to reap some of the afterglow of ‘hope and change’
    Comments are open,and NOT lookin’ good Steffi!

  4. The Liberals are blaming Harper for threatening to call an election, strange that. It’s been Dion who’s been threatening to bring the government down, Harper merely responded to his threats by telling him to “fish or cut bait”.
    Chicken Dion and the rest of the Liberal desperadoes playing chicken, quite the spectacle. Any kids in a schoolyard would put them to shame.

  5. The Liberals are blaming Harper for threatening to call an election, strange that. It’s been Dion who’s been threatening to bring the government down, Harper merely responded to his threats by telling him to “fish or cut bait”.
    Chicken Dion and the rest of the Liberal desperadoes playing chicken, quite the spectacle. Any kids in a schoolyard would put them to shame.

  6. Cut through the MSM-Liberal verbiage: the socialist centralizers in central Canada are intent on a NEP/Green Shaft.
    >>>>> “The West may need policies that slow growth and curb inflation while central Canada has few inflationary worries but needs some economic stimulus to encourage growth.”
    “Sask. will lead the way as east-west prosperity gap widens: Conference Board
    David Akin, Canwest News Service”

  7. “arack Obama’s first and most grievous mistake was to make the campaign about himself. The “people” became the mere backdrop for his mass rallies. No real organizer mints a Presidential seal, describes himself as the symbol of a generation, believes he is the One and makes himself the object of ridicule. No real organizer insults the masses as gun-toting, Bible-clinging ignoramuses at a fundraiser attended by billionaires in San Francisco. Not a single experienced mass agitator would ever dream of extolling the values of arugula and upbraid the workers for their ignorance of tire pressures. What kind of Alinsky-style organizer reminds people of his sacramental nature, repetitively, monotonically and deadeningly? Memo to Obama: “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.”
    A real organizer works in small settings, amplifying, exhorting, putting others on the stage. He doesn’t work in front of large crowds and from the front pages of newspapers. And if it is objected that nobody can become President of the United States that way, the answer is that community organizers don’t want to become Presidents. They want to be organizers.
    John Boyd was a genius of a different sort from Saul Alinsky.”
    “Boyd versus Alinsky
    Classical Values has a wonderful post which examines the performance of Barack Obama’s campaign in the context of Saul Alinsky’s famous Rules for Radicals. Classical Values attributes the decline in BHO’s recent poll numbers to John McCain’s application of John Boyd’s OODA loop strategy. He writes:
    Well he has gone after McCain in particular AND the Republicans in general. McCain blunted the attack, and counter attacked. Republicans are not buying it at all.
    McCain, the fighter pilot, has gotten inside Obama’s OODA loop. Something the Navy teaches fighter pilots to do.
    The OODA Loop, often called Boyd’s Cycle, is a creation of Col. John Boyd, USAF (Ret.). Col. Boyd was a student of tactical operations and observed a similarity in many battles and campaigns. He noted that in many of the engagements, one side presented the other with a series of unexpected and threatening situations with which they had not been able to keep pace. The slower side was eventually defeated. What Col. Boyd observed was the fact that conflicts are time competitive.
    Elections are nothing if they are not time competitive. Evidently the “freezing of the opponent” that Alinsky recommends has not worked on McCain. He was not frozen. Once that happened McCain was operating inside Obama’s decision loop.
    Evidently Boyd is beating Alinsky. Or to put it another way. The fighter pilot is beating the community organizer. As a Navy man myself, I’m not surprised.”

  8. Went to see the new Kevin Costner film Swing Vote about a voter who ends up deciding who is elected president. It got mixed reviews, but I actually liked it.
    The film is like an old-fashioned Frank Capra movie with one man taking on Washington. The actress playing the 11-year-old girl was very good and Costner does a good job of playing a loser.
    There were some funny ads that shows what happens when politicians will change their views to win at any cost. Dennis Hopper plays one of the candidates and Kelsey Grammer the other.
    Of course one of the main messages seems to be socialized medicine is a good thing, but there are also great satires of the MSM. Also a very touching scene of how devastating it can be when a mother is unfit to look after her child.

    Thu Aug 07 2008 08:11:48 ET
    The most powerful woman in the history of American politics is suffering a humiliating defeat at the nation’s bookstores, sales figures show.
    In her first week at market, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi sold just 2,737 copies of her book KNOW YOUR POWER, according to NIELSEN BOOKSCAN.
    The DOUBLEDAY release was launched with a full media push, featuring high profile interviews on TODAYTHEVIEWTHISWEEK.
    Pelosi’s sales debacle [#41 on the Non-Fiction Chart] is dramatically overshadowed by the first high profile anti-Obama book, OBAMA NATION, which debuts at #1 on both the BOOKSCAN and the NEW YORK TIMES Bestseller List, with 21,466 copies moved, industry insiders tell DRUDGE.

  10. “I pine to be back in Western Canada.”
    “Ontario Taxpayer from Ottawa, Canada writes:
    As I am stuck in this land of Dalton M’s money sucking tax vacuum, I pine to be back in Western Canada. When I left Ontario in the 80’s, I soon realized that Ontario IS NOT Canada and is not the center of the known universe, it is just another player on the bench. So Matt O, get off your high horse and try actually living somewhere else to get a better perspective of our great nation.
    Dion is ready to go eh? Well isn’t that special! I am what you call a “swing voter”. I do not belong to any party (anymore). I did belong to the LPC in the early 90’s, then the CPC for a little while, but decided that I am not committed ideologically to either. I will say this though, if Dion decides to take us to an election this fall, I am definitely voting for the CPC.
    When I look at the LPC of this moment in time, I see nothing but NDP II. When they put Bob Rae out as a front man, it tells me that the LPC has left it’s centrist position and is leaning way to far left for me. Jack Layton should sue the LPC for theft of intellectual property rights. Yep, I am voting for the cat eating, evil, American loving Stephen Harper, and I am bringing an awful lot of my friends with me!”
    “Dion ‘ready to go’ on PM’s dare”
    http://tinyurl.com/6chd7f (taber@g-m)
    In PEI, the Liberals are mired in their Red-Green Mud, aka Citoyen Dion’s Green Shaft.
    The question is: If Liberals themselves can’t/will not buy the Green Shaft, who will?
    “Morrissey exits race for Egmont
    Robert Morrissey has withdrawn his name as the nominated Liberal candidate for the next federal election in the riding of Egmont.”

  11. I am the very model of a modern climate scientist,
    I can program my computer in a style archaic and diabolical,
    I can simulate in Fortran and list in order alphabetical,
    I can document my articles using references real and hypothetical
    [Chorus explains – in press and preparational]
    In short, I am the very model of a modern climate scientist,
    For my knowledge of statistics, though I’m plucky and adventury
    Has only been brought down to the middle of the century
    But still, in matters modeling and simulationist,
    I am the very model of a modern climate scientist
    I think someone we like is stressed out.

  12. Alice Thomson, Suddenly being green is not cool any more
    Julie Burchill can’t stand them. According to her new book, Not in my Name: A Compendium of Modern Hypocrisy, she thinks all environmentalists are po-faced, unsexy, public school alumni who drivel on about the end of the world because they don’t want the working classes to have any fun, go on foreign holidays or buy cheap clothes.
    Michael O’Leary, the chief executive of Ryanair, agrees. In an interview with Rachel Sylvester and me, he told us that the “nutbag ecologists” are the overindulged rich who have nothing better to do with their lives than talk about hot air and beans…

  13. Stephen F. Hayes, Hollywood Takes on the Left
    The set jumps to life. Two young men–both terrorists–enter the station. They are surprised to see a security checkpoint manned by two NYPD officers. “I’ll need to see your bag, please,” says one of the officers. The lead terrorist glances nervously at his friend and swings his backpack down from his shoulder to present it to the cops. Just as the officer pulls on the zipper, however, a small army of ACLU lawyers marches up to the policemen with a stop-search order. The cops look at each other and shrug their shoulders. “This says we can’t search their bags.”
    The young men are relieved. They smile fiendishly as they walk toward the crowded platform. As the lead terrorist once again slips the backpack over his shoulder, he mutters his appreciation.
    “Thank Allah for the ACLU.”

  14. Gen. (ret.) Jack Keane, Iraq: Why We Are Winning
    Everything in Iraq is really hard. It has always been a challenge. Some of that will continue. But we can say with some degree of certainty that we are winning and that we have an excellent opportunity to achieve the objectives that we set for ourselves…
    The momentum we have now is not reversible. So, we need to ask ourselves: how can we make this kind of claim? From a security perspective, there are four things that support it. All the data you see in the newspapers point in a positive direction. Civilian violence, U.S. casualties, ethno-sectarian violence, and Iraqi deaths are down. These data are telling in themselves, but they do not come close to telling the real story…

  15. Melanie Phillips, The ‘Me’ in media
    What Peter Whittle has grasped, however, is that modern celebrity is not characterised, as it was in previous times, by the idea of ‘them and us’, the sense of a curtain being lifted on a world ordinary people don’t share and which draws its glamour precisely from its inaccessibility.
    On the contrary, the current obsession with fame actually represents a deeply narcissistic obsession with the self. What we worship most of all in the media are the first two letters of that word. Celebrities represent a star-studded mirror which mesmerises us because we imagine that in it we can see ourselves…

  16. The natural end result of PET’s multiculturalism.
    “You may send comments to the Honourable Diane Finley at Minister@cic.gc.ca.”.
    “Emigrating British family turned away from Canada because their daughter, 7, is disabled
    When Paul and Barbara-Anne Chapman presented their family’s passports to a Canadian border guard, they assumed it was just a formality, the last step in their long-dreamed of move to a new life.”
    http://tinyurl.com/6bpa99 (dailymail)
    Paralyzed [Sikh] refugee claimant avoids deportation again
    Protected inside a temple in suburban Vancouver and surrounded by hundreds of cheering supporters Wednesday, paralyzed refugee claimant Laibar Singh managed to avoid deportation for the second time in a month.
    Singh, 48, was given notice that he was to be deported Tuesday night on the grounds he entered Canada on a fake passport in 2003, his lawyer Zool Suleman told CTV.ca.” (ctv)

  17. H#LL has frozen over: Packers trade Favre to the Jets.
    1) Brett Favre dominates the NFL news cycle in 2008(surprise)
    2) Jets make the playoffs. If the Jets win one of the two first games they will thrive on a light schedule for the rest of year. Favre is divine, it will happen.
    3) Packers miss the playoffs only a year after making it to the NFC Championship. A young team that is ready to compete starts to fall apart because of frustration. The Packers miss the playoffs for 10 consecutive years adding to Favre’s mystic.

  18. “there is also the blogosphere and this thing called the Internet, which Canadians participate in in (sic) the millions.”
    Does the professor hate/fear/loathe the contemptible “Internet”?
    Where is “this thing called the Internet”?
    Do you see “this thing called the Internet”?
    What’s a “blogosphere”? Where does it live? Is it alive?
    Do you “participate in in the millions”?
    The professor is professing his biassssses; his egghead/academic elitism is showing in spades.
    The MSM headline is misleading; read and marvel at the ignorance of the MSM and its hacks.
    “Human rights protest shelved
    Muslim group complained about cartoons
    Sean Myers, Calgary Herald, with files from the National Post”
    “David Taras, a U of C professor writing a book on the media in Canada, said he doesn’t believe human rights commissions are jeopardizing the ability of news outlets to publish controversial stories and images.
    “We have an extraordinary amount of freedom in the country,” said Taras. “People in Quebec can openly advocate for Quebec to leave the country. The boundaries are very wide.
    “There is the traditional media, but there is also the blogosphere and this thing called the Internet, which Canadians participate in in the millions. There’s a lot of freedom in Canada.”
    http://tinyurl.com/6mgj6y (calherald)

  19. Warning: The Abhorrence of Islam.
    “The girl’s tragic case is one of many in war-torn Afghanistan, activists say.
    The 12-year-old girl’s family members say they’ll take their own lives unless justice is served.”
    http://tinyurl.com/6fdl78 (cnn)

  20. Only in multi-cultural Canada…… A man who belongs to a cult that despises homosexuals,disguises himself so he can freely mingle with the gays as they celebrate the most important day of their year. This man also arms himself with two knives,a gun,and a hammer. He then goes to a gay area of the city,finds an outdoor patio full of gays,and attacks. After smacking 9 of them in the head he is finally subdued. He is ranting things that no one understands,likely because he is talking in a different language. The police do not think this constitutes a hate crime. UNBELIEVABLE.If this guy was a skinhead attacking jews or immigrants,the charge would be laid and the media would be featuring it for a week. Also,apparently this fellow does not have a middle name.Hmmm,for a while the guy who was caught with a trunk full of explosives in Toronto didn’t have a middle name either. I would not be surprised if they both have the same middle name,mohammed. Ezra may have won a small victory,but the islamists accomplished what they wanted.

  21. “‘2 US aircraft carriers headed for Gulf’
    Two additional United States naval aircraft carriers are heading to the Gulf and the Red Sea, according to the Kuwaiti newspaper Kuwait Times.
    Kuwait began finalizing its “emergency war plan” on being told the vessels were bound for the region.”
    “Currently there are two US naval battle groups operating in the Gulf: one is an aircraft carrier group, led by the USS Abraham Lincoln, which carries some 65 fighter aircraft. The other group is headed by the USS Peleliu which maintains a variety of planes and strike helicopters.”
    http://tinyurl.com/5hnfax (jpost)

  22. “”Surely the French knew,” writes Dallaire, “that it was their allies [including France] who were the architects of the slaughter.””
    Canadian Liberal Party leader, Stephane Dion, is a citizen of France and a citizen of Canada.
    It’s time to ‘fess up, Citoyen Dion.
    Is your other country, France, guilty of genocide in Rwanda?
    Canadians and Frenchmen and the surviving Rwandans need to know.
    “France has much to answer for in Rwanda
    A Rwandan government investigation into French involvement before and during the 1994 genocide has produced “unacceptable accusations,” the government of France said yesterday. But the world will draw a very different conclusion about what was unacceptable.
    The slaughter of at least 800,000 Rwandan Tutsis by the Hutu majority; the great powers’ wilful inertia; the impotent courage of Canadian General Roméo Dallaire and his puny, ill-equipped United Nations force; the shameful silence of the UN bureaucracy – all of this horror has faded from the news since 1994, giving way to newer atrocities.
    But in Rwanda, nobody has forgotten.”
    http://tinyurl.com/5jjqna (montreal gazette)

  23. “Ezra may have won a small victory,but the islamists accomplished what they wanted.”
    I can’t afford FREE speech!

  24. maz2
    Who knows, Obama might win in November and he might get his wish to “bomb Iran”, but I doubt it. Iran will back down (or appear to) in 2009, self preservation will kick in. Check and mate for GWB!

  25. Calling out to PRIME, where are you?
    I’m waiting for your haughty posts about how GWB put America in the wrong war, and not supporting the war is supporting the troops.
    I guess the people of Iraq do want Liberty and I don’t think they read your book.
    (Prime said:)
    ” Take off your rose colored glasses as regards history of the region or read de Tocqueville so that you might better understand the elements that did go into the formulation for the democracy in the states to flourish. I would suggest to you that the Middle East as a whole is nowhere near establishing a democracy as you suggest with what appears to be a myopic sense of nationalism. ”
