Bringing The Best Minds To The Table

Is there nothing that Obama can’t do?

Democratic Party insiders have revealed that Clooney and Obama regularly send texts and emails to each other and speak by phone at least twice a week.
One said last night: ‘They are extremely close. A number of members of the Hollywood community, including Brad Pitt, Ben Affleck and Matt Damon, offered to help raise funds for Barack but it was with George that he struck up this amazing affinity.
‘George has been giving him advice on things such as presentation, public speaking and body language and he also emails him constantly about policy, especially the Middle East.

UpdateThis new conflict in Europe touches some very deep feelings for Michelle and I. On one hand, we’ve always felt a certain kinship with the Georgians ever since our first campaign stop in Atlanta; on the other, our library is adorned with only turn of the century neo-primitive Russian art. Alas, such is the burden of leadership.”

21 Replies to “Bringing The Best Minds To The Table”

  1. George Clooney ? – Perhaps Obama’s Foreign Minister – or whatever the American equivalent is – in his new happy world magical administration..?

  2. Funny how a bunch of leftard actors who play commie rolls in socialist films know so much about foreign policy. Couldn’t the messiah do better by giving the job to someone like Putin, a person with some real experience, instead of relying on people who only play act the part?

  3. Wow – George Clooney is truly amazing! Not only does he have a PhD in foreign relations and vast foreign policy experience – he managed all this without anyone knowing! And here we all thought he was just an actor-director.

  4. Obama is brilliant, tapping into Hollywood. Consider the possibilities, Daniel Craig as director of the CIA; Jane Fonda as air defence consultant, Omar Sharif as middle eastern affairs advisor, William Shatner as science and technology advisor, Matt Damon as FBI director, Britney Spears as . . . well, something. C’mon guys, help me with this.

  5. Hey, don’t slag Shatner. I don’t think he’s a lefty. I think he’d make a damn fine advisor.

  6. Sean Penn for director of FEMA or the Coast Guard, Charlie Sheen as science adviser, Wesley Snipes for head of the IRS.

  7. At least Jane Fonda has hands on experience in air defence.
    Shatner has gone on record as supporting Obama, so he is at least a little pink.

  8. maybe George can tell Obama to grow his hair out ala James Brown.
    up the pommade sales.
    back to the democratic style of government. advice from hollywood, Jodie Foster testifies for farm aid, Antonio Bandera for secretary of defence, Mel Gibson , ambassador to Isreal

  9. A good number of the very same folks so enthralled with the political expertise and savvy of Hollywood celebrities no doubt once pooh-poohed President Reagan as a mere “actor.”

  10. George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Ben Affleck and Matt Damon.
    Ah yes, the core of the Obama think tank with regard to international policy. I feel safer already.

  11. Aaaanold,
    Sony Bono
    Jesse Ventura
    Clint Eastwood,
    seems they got voted in , not text messaged.
