18 Replies to “The Host And The Parasite”

  1. Here I was having a perfectly lovely morning and you had to go ruin it by providing a link to this ignoramus. I’m going to start a “Don’t Pollute SDA” campaign.

  2. Catholic Insight took $12261 from Heritage Canada. Father De Valk and Catholic Insight have had $20000 in legal fees. Surely there’s enough money among Conservative Roman Catholics to cover these relatively small amounts. C’mon RC’s support those who speak for you.

  3. Did you also check out this fool’s website?
    “Politics Unspun – Commentary served straight up without a twist” it says right there at the top of his website. Is that guy deluded or what?

  4. While there is a strong temptation to say to the Canadian State, “We don’t want your damned money.”, we need to remember that it is, in fact, our money that is being tossed around and disproportionately to those who aims are at variance with the Canadian public at large.
    I would agree that we need to reduce or eliminate such subsidy programmes, but when public money — our money — is being given out, we should be prepared to take it and put it to good use.

  5. “Of much greater importance is the smear campaign being launched against the country’s human rights tribunals in the mainstream media and by unhinged bloggers. ”
    Man oh man! What insight! What a set of priorities !! What a KNOB!

  6. The last sentence in the linked Felton article:
    “Until Canada has a free press, or at least one that doesn’t practise defamation and censorship to serve Israel, they will continue to be an unfortunate necessity.”
    Well, that certainly clarifies his position. It’s the Jews again.

  7. My book The Host and the Parasite–How Israel’s Fifth Column Consumed America is available exclusively from GregFelton.com until I can find an honest publisher.
    By “honest”, does he mean “non-Jewish”?

  8. If you look at his bio on the MM web site, you might notice that he writes a column for the “Canadian Arab News”
    Geez, here he is talking about ‘special interest lobby’ groups undermining our country,and there he is mouthing off for one of those exact same groups and probably being paid for it. I can assume he is paid since he can assume that there is a 5’th column Israeli lobby run by us dastardly Jooos. Not only is he a bigot and liar, he’s a hypocrite too.
    Good show Greg.

  9. (a) indicates discrimination or an intention to discriminate against a person or a group or class of persons,

    So theres no affirmative action, hiring quotas, etc in BC.
    Cool Manitoba needs that law or is taking away peoples job not real hate like saying on line that white males have it coming?

  10. My rule is that as soon as the comparison to Nazi’s start in a “political” essay I stop reading.
    It didn’t take to long to stop reading.

  11. I’ve never heard of this idiot Greg Felton before, and I wish I hadn’t now.
    Here’s a gem:
    “So far, we have seen that Maclean’s does not support free speech and believes that ignorance is strength.”
    The comment about Maclean’s might well be slanderous. And if ignorance were strength, Felton would be Samson.

  12. The central premise of felton’s goofy article is transparently false:
    He pretends that ‘Human Rights’ Commissions prosecute cases based upon some objective ‘law’, but they have absolutely nothing to do with laws.
    Laws are a set of predictable rules, whereas the CHRC decides cases arbitrarily; they care nothing about law. CHRC Commissars usually are not even lawyers; they are Lib activists who care nothing about laws.
    Their kangaroo courts are used to crush defendants and empower anyone with hurt feelings. There are no rules of evidence, no due process, no presumption of innocence, no requirement for speedy trials, no protection against multiple jeapardy; in short there is no defense whatsoever for a defendant — Anyone accused of a ‘hate crime’ is automatically guilty even if telling the truth or quoting someone else.
    greg felton, like his buddies at the CHRC, is obviously another Lib tool of the Islamists who are trying to destroy Israel and establish shariah law throughout the free world.
    How simple it is to spot what a IslamoFascist toady felton is: He writes a weekly column for the Canadian Arab News.
    His inability to get his book published is hardly surprising. As another blogger on Ezra’s blog stated:
    A writer who favors censorship, is one who writes nothing worth reading.

  13. Greg Felton is nothing more than a Nazi lover, a goose-stepping, Palestinian-masturbating, Anti-semitic, polarizing, inflammatory little buttcramp.
    I wholly anticipate that he and Warren Kinsella will march down Granville Street, goose-stepping and “Heil Hitler”-ing all the way to a jail sentence.
