“You Canadians have funny names.”

Thinks reader Carolyn M., who sent along this sad news of the demise of one of our countrymen in a Denver hotel room;

It was not clear if Abdirahman (Kill Them , Kill them, Kill them, that is my massage!) Dirie and Saleman Abdirahman (just a schizophrenic with a pound of cyanide) Dirie are the same person.

40 Replies to ““You Canadians have funny names.””

  1. Well that’s interesting.
    Charles at Littlegreenfootballs had the links to the actual “Kill them” post on Tuesday. Channel 7’s post is dated Wednesday.
    Did Channel 7 News Denver do their digging independently, or did they take advantage of the work of LGF lizaroids?
    (Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but it would be interesting if that’s how it panned out)

  2. The good news is this new “Canadian” is no more. Another example of the human trash Canada apparently welcomes with open arms. All immigrants should be vetted before being allowed into this country.

  3. a man is dead in a hotel room, with a pound of cyanide, the police do not suspect foul play.
    maybe he accidentally breathed some in… I mean, it could happen?
    maybe he tasted it with some scotch? just to “test” it?

  4. He could simply be one of, or the spawn of, some of the junk of the earth this Country has welcomed. They have no history with our way of life and have no intention of standing up for this Country. This is a place with a Charter of Rightsand they can play it against us on any issue while they use this for breeding in safety to go back to where they came from to plot against us.
    He got into the US so he obviously had a valid passport.
    It’s just like the two Canadian citizens who are in trouble in Saudi Arabia right now, both will probably be beheaded. Our government will be blamed if not successful in getting them returned to Canada. The media are comparing it with the Brenda Martin case, we went to bat for her so it follows we do it for all. WHY do these people continue to return to their cruel and brutal homelands so frequently? Why take the risk?
    The Khadrs practically raised their spawn out of this Country. Of course they made full use of our health care for the birthing process but our education didn’t measure up to their standards.
    Time we take a severe look at what’s out there, like smarten up, eh!

  5. “He got into the US so he obviously had a valid passport. ”
    Yeah…. right. Either that or an ATV.

  6. I don’t think you need a passport to drive to the States…yet. Not much in the Canuck MSM about this and absolutely nothing about his ethnicity. Nope, nothing to see here folks. Y’all just move along now.

  7. Quote: man is dead in a hotel room, with a pound of cyanide, the police do not suspect foul play.
    How stupid do they think we are, like it’s normal to be carrying around cyanide. Sure, cough cough at least he only killed himself, these Islamic Terrorist sure are stupid though.

  8. Kelly- FYI. By June of 2009 one will need a valid passport to travel by car to the US. If you live in Onfairyo, one of the “new and improved” driver’s licences may do the trick. This Somali dickhead either would have had to have a Canadian or Somali passport or a gang-load of other ID to cross.
    My wife and I visit frequently. We are both Canadian born of Anglo-Saxon origin. We still get hassled even though we are seniors with no criminal records.
    Go figure.

  9. And this is why, contrary to TV, Police do NOT test mysterious white powders by tasting them.

  10. I am just curious. What does “hasseled” mean? I get asked for my passport. Admittedly it is not like the Canadian side, where it is
    “Where ya headin’?”
    “Brothel in Montreal.”
    “Ok, have a good time… uh, your not carrying a gun are ya? … Ok, have fun.”
    Papers not required.
    On the US side, I need to have an ID to get back, and I find that having a passport speeds the whole process. Maybe you should try carrying yours and see how it goes. Also, I never use the big crossings.

  11. “He was a very good boy ”
    What kind of BS is this *(&(&^$*#% !!!
    The guy was found dead as a door nail with 1LB of sodium cyanide …. and it is an isolated incident !!!!!
    …. yeah like Joe Canadian regularly travels with a pound of sodium cyanide in his suitcase !

  12. Interesting that this man was schizoid according to his sister. The muslim man who bashed the gays with the hammer in Vancouver last week was also mentally ill. I wonder if there is a doctor out there that is certifying a certain group of ‘people’ as mentally ill so they can collect benefits while going about their business without the hindrance of a job. And for a schizophrenic,he certainly can afford pretty nice digs and travel.Something ain’t right here and it is not just him having a pound of cyanide.

  13. I googled ‘Burnsley Hotel’ to check out their rates. The lowest rates start at $179 US plus tax, a night. If he was dead for 6 days,he was booked in for at least a week,so he may have got a discount. So this man put out probably around $1,200 for his room. Being crazy must pay well,someone owes me .

  14. I hope CSIS is on top of this.Was this man planning on using his poison in the states or was he going to bring it home to kill Canadians? There is not many acceptable reasons to have a pound of cyanide.Meanwhile the media sees nothing worth pursuing here.

  15. Well, the MSM have shut up about “Vince”, too. Whaddya figger, conspiracy of silence? Vince, this guy, & the other guy upstairs stories stink! Where’s FOX NEWS when you need ’em? Canuck news is censored.

  16. I think the schizoid line is just htat, a line, a cover.
    I may bewrong, of course, but I await the vidence. And, besides, schizoids still can kill.

  17. I think if not cover, there is something about trying to be pious in a land where everything you see, do, taste, feel and opine on is considered harmful to you by your religion..
    It must just blow their minds..turn the ticker on that dormant time bomb inside their heads..
    They only know how to lash out one way..through violence..

  18. “You Canadians have funny names.”
    Funny weird or funny “Ha Ha”?
    They’re sooo funny they can’t release them.
    “Yes, It Is Strange
    Reader “Boudica” asks;”
    “Is it just me or do you find it strange that the name of the person who self immolated recently at the Toronto Tim Hortons was never released?”
    At least they named the guy in this one.

  19. It is puzzling how so many of these Canadians with “funny names” have so much money to travel the world and back and forth to the hell holes half way around the world, they, or they and their ancestors hailed from?
    How many of the working, middle class Canadians can afford to travel to that extent?
    Let’s not take too much from media reports, truth is not always convenient to their Leftist agenda.
    Have we heard any more on the creep who savagely killed and beheaded an innocent young man on a
    Greyhound bus in this fair Land? Was he just another poor unfortunate mental case, according to Leftist media, who couldn’t adapt to life in Canada or just blew his mind through some extreme indoctrination?

  20. Lizzy
    “”””It is puzzling how so many of these Canadians with “funny names” have so much money to travel the world””””
    I have a rather funny name (born outside this here fine country)and have travelled a lot, so me thinks we’ll keep my real name a secret
    any way GYM is so canadian:-)))))

  21. This is how you know freedom has died. We don’t even know what’s happening in the Country’s we live in. As the Media fades to black whenever a member of the “Religion of Peace “is mentioned or events.
    There’s another organization that should die. CRTC, with its 40% bogus Canadian content rules are just no different than Countries like North Korea who block out all neighbors signals. There is a defiant collusion of this attitude from officials in governments & law enforcement. This has to stop.
    Yeah right, like we all carry cyanide with us like herb. Who are they kidding, they only make themselves out to be buffoons.
    Free Canada died under Trudeau who sowed the fields of this land with a poisonous fruit called Liberal socialism, now we reap his harvest of Cultural Marxism in an elitist fascist State. Fee speech is dead now because of this alien growth. As time goes on with no change , even the reporting of crime may be out-lawed as anti-social.

  22. You know, that cyanide purity test is a BITCH!
    I was going to argue that the mentally-unstable are just a symptom, not the cause, and that we need to focus on the ‘sane’ people who want to kill infidels. Then wallyj comes along and deprives me of sleep for the next six weeks!
    God have mercy!

  23. The hotel price is pretty shocking for just an ordinary tourist. What kind of work did this man do? The other thing that I found weird is that out of the blue he announces to his family that he is going on a “vacation” to Denver. Who goes to Denver for a vacation at this time of year? Totally weird. Maybe he wanted to catch the “Lumber Baron Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre.”

  24. It’s surprising how select people living in public housing in Ottawa seem to manage to afford costly holidays abroad. Mahar Arar (remember him?) lived in a modest rent-to-income townhouse in Ottawa and took a ‘three month holiday’ in North Africa before his troubles began. And now this fellow (whose family also lives in a public housing unit according to the picture in the Ottawa Citizen) books into a posh hotel in Colorado for an extended stay.

  25. Terrorists use the mentally unstable and the mentally retarded. The families of a couple vested suicide bombers stated publically that they were retarded. Think about it, a paranoid schizophrenic or some poor soul with a low IQ are perfect dupes to use as lethal vehicles.
    I’m sure the FBI and CSIS are very interested in how this guy funded his cyanide “vacation”. Amazing isn’t it how the MSM suspends all curiosity and skepticism in its reporting of these suspicious events. They couldn’t google the hotel rates and examine that against this guy’s background like wallyj did? Hey, thanks to the internet we can all do the investigative reporting that they won’t. The MSM is so useless.

  26. CRTC, with its 40% bogus Canadian content rules
    Many years ago, after being transferred to Toronto from Montreal, I sent a ‘letter to the editor’ asking why I wasn’t seeing American ads on American cable TV channels (at the time, US TV ads weren’t intercepted and replaced with Canadian advertisers’ content in Montreal).
    It wasn’t that I enjoyed watching TV ads, I was just curious, and kind of missed the local flavour of Burlington.
    A few weeks later I recieved a letter from some “communications specialist”, who actually tracked me down (“I don’t know if you are the same person who wrote…, but if you are…”) from the published letter, explaining why this ad replacement happens.
    That was kinda creepy; I must have touched a nerve for that much effort to be expended to send me a personal communication.

  27. There are a heck of a lot of questions that we will probably never hear the answers to but then again I didn’t know this tourist was a Canadian Somali either.
    Dead for six days, must have been pretty ripe in that room. His “Do Not Disturb or I Kill You” sign worked well as housekeeping didn’t even notice anything. How did he get there and how long was his reservation? Where does one get cyanide? My Walmart never stocked it down in Texas but then again they would sell you 300 bags of fertilizer.

  28. revnant. comments i definately agree with. the perception of freedom is what we now have. don’t stir the pot too hard or we will find out just how much freedom we have lost.

  29. Next time you Canadians bitch about hassles at the border, remember this guy and don’t forget to say thank you to him. Sounds like the border patrol didn’t hassle him nearly enough.

  30. If he is externally funded $1200 is nothing. Who says he crossed with the cyanide? It may have been given to him while in Denver, hence potentially an accomplice.
    How long was the reservation for….excellent question. The hallways of decent hotels usually have security cameras, was he there with anyone.
    The schozophrenia thing may be true but so what….Manson was/is mentally ill, that doenst change the cold fact that he killed many people. A desire to kill lot of people would generally be regarded as a mental illness so I would feel comfortable stating that all of the 9/11 hijackers probably would have been diagnosed as mentally ill.
    There is more to the story…too many unanswered questions. He may have been a lone crazy or he may have been a crazy that linked up with other crazies.
    Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, and things are what they appear to be. In this case it appears the guy was intent on doing some bad stiff, and cicumstantially he is an islamist (assuming the writings are his)
    BTW anyone hear from commentator ISLAM since Aug 6th?

  31. You might be on to something there Wally.
    Kindof like obtaining a Student Visa to attend one of those fake schools and then disappearing into the crowd never to be seen again, until that fatefull day where they showup dead in a Denver Hotel with a pound of cyrstalized cyanide.
    Go Figure…

  32. I really didn’t know it’s that easy to get sodium cyanide. I thought rat poison contained warfarin. Maybe it’s easier to get in the States?
    I used to see coyote poison sites years ago. They had big warning signs on them. They contained a pressurized pellet, that when bitten sprayed cyanide gas in the face of the animal. I believe these are no longer available in Canada. Too bad, my neighbour’s dog is bugging the shit out of me.
    I suspect this case is getting a lot of attention from homeland security. For one thing, is there really only one pound of this stuff in play? What if his death was an accident, and his accomplices high-tailed it with the other 100 pounds? If it’s really that easy to get, I’d say some town’s water supply might be at risk.

  33. Sodium Cyanide has been used before in the USA:
    William Krar and his common-law wife were caught stockpiling explosives and chemicals, including two pounds pure sodium cyanide, in April 2003. The exact target of the attack was never publicly disclosed, but Krar’s sympathy for the white supremacist movement was reported in the media. Numerous crimes committed by white supremacist sympathizers are underreported, or go entirely unreported.

  34. Even though my family has been in Canada for five generations and you would even look twice if you saw me on the street – my name is too funny for me to be a “real” canadian Eh? F*ck all you assholes!

  35. I also hate and fear people who have names similar to mine. I’m also not a “real” Canadian – as my skin colour is brownish and feel free to pretend to know my views on everything, my place of birth and who I am based on nothing but the sound of the name my parents gave me. Also feel free to blame me for the views and actions of others who I’ve never met, don’t have anything in common with and am as similar to as an apple is to a rubber boot, but we both have “funny sounding” names and don’t look aryan – so who can blame you.

  36. tfs and salim
    Blame the same people we’re blaming. Speak out against the troublemakers. I’m sure you have a few connections to your ethnic community. Why aren’t they being more vocal about the problems some of the “newcomers” are causing.
    My family’s been here for almost 10 generations. We got crapped on for being Irish for at least 9 generations, until someone else came along and “they” needed us to help crap on the brown people.
    too funny- If I spoke to you for 30 seconds I’d know you were a “real” Canadian. So what if I feel a little put off by your “appearance”? I’m put off by people with pierced eyelids too, but I’ve learned to like a few of them.
