24 Replies to “CTV And The Case Of The Disappearing Headline”

  1. Indeed, I have trouble figuring out how the headline was deduced from the information in the article, or from the poll results themselves.

  2. The first headliner was their fantasy.
    The second headliner and story was the reality … much to their chagrin.
    Looks like an election is not a bad Idea at this time.

  3. The media down South is convinced Obama will be the next President and saviour.
    With their unbiased track record, MaCain should be dancing in the streets.

  4. I read last year that because the Tories have SO MUCH MONEY they are able to do polling in far greater depth than the major poslsters. And apparently what they have found is that there is substantial support for the Tories. This would explain why Harper continually trys to bait the liberals into an election. He’s not scared because they seem to know something no one else does.
    Horny Toad

  5. How is anyone supposed to make heads or tails out of that headline?? Duh like hello, please explain!!

  6. How is anyone supposed to make heads or tails out of that headline?? Duh like hello, please explain!!

  7. Try and imagine someone who has just clicked on SDA, and reads that headline. What is that supposed to mean?? If you want an audience, you might try and be explicit once in a while!! You can’t even read the damned text!

  8. “One day I will publish my entire collection of upside-down Iraq headlines, where the true purport of the story is the inverse of the intended one. (Top billing thus far would go to the greatest downer of them all: the tale of Iraq’s unemployed gravediggers, their always-insecure standard of living newly imperiled by the falling murder rate. You don’t believe me? Wait for the forthcoming anthology.)”
    By Christopher Hitchens
    Aug. 11, 2008
    No doubt soneone could do a similar anthology of CBC & CTV headlines about the CPC

  9. I think CTV(tass) has a headline writing department that is politically driven. the stories are added after. Craigy Oliver reads them to make sure they are compatible, but his cousin cokebottlebottom glasses are like blinders to the truth.

  10. “If you want an audience, you might try and be explicit once in a while!!” (Lone Ranger–AUG 16, 2008–1:42AM)
    Oy. First, I don’t think the proprietor needs any marketing advice from a Johnny-come-lately. Second, part of the appeal of this blog is that Kate doesn’t spoon feed information. IE the reader must sometimes put two and two together.

  11. “If you want an audience, you might try and be explicit once in a while!!” (Lone Ranger–AUG 16, 2008–1:42AM)
    Oy. First, I don’t think the proprietor needs any marketing advice from a Johnny-come-lately. Second, part of the appeal of this blog is that Kate doesn’t spoon feed information. IE the reader must sometimes put two and two together.

  12. To: A. Cooper. Re: The Lone Ranger`s comments. I agree with him!!! Are you ingnorant enough to tell us that a blogs success doesn`t depend partly on clarity? In any case, isn`t Kate old enought to speak (write) for herself without having you as her echo?? I read this blog from time to time, I rarely comment. I find that a lot of articles lack explanation and clarity needed to motivate the reader, as compared to other blogs. The Lone Ranger and I work in the same office, he`s a wise man! I`m not into blogs, however you only got 15 comments on the story, doesn`t that tell you a lot!!

  13. To: The Sahadow(?)
    I’m assuming you were going for “shadow”, but lack the sufficient brain cells to type it properly.
    Kate doesn’t need me to speak on her behalf, but I’ll offer my two cents anyway. If you’re too dense to click a link that clearly explains the topic at hand, then you’re on your own. You and the Lone Ranger can sit in opposing cubicles and spoon feed pap to each other.

  14. The headline is correct. When Harper and the Tories go up in the polls, the MSM redouble their efforts to correct the “mistaken perceptions and confusion” of average Canadians who don’t yet understand that the Lieberal/NDP way is the only acceptable way.

  15. That`s what I`ve been trying to elaborate ASSHOLE!! The link was barely visible on our screen. We swithced to a larger screen, even then, we could hardly see it!

  16. I’m going to break one of Kate’s rules just this once and respond a third time.
    Follow along with your finger Lone Ranger:
    –click the picture you claim not to be able to read.
    –a new website will appear. Zounds! Technology!
    –on the new webpage appears the same Google page you claim not to be able to read.
    –click that link to reveal the page. Very readable.
    Profanity is the product of an inferior mind, and the internet doesn’t come with free road maps. Now turn your computer off before you do some real damage.

  17. A. Cooper
    “”””Profanity is the product of an inferior mind””””
    I take exception to that comment, as I “profane” all the time, it’s bitch to have three brain cells in a world were two is the norm, just frustration ya know:-)))))

  18. To: A. Cooper. I apologize for losing my cool, and for the dirty lingo! I did get it straightened out.

  19. Lone Ranger and The Sahadow?
    And yep LR is the wise one, of the two.
    Too funny they demand to be spoon fed here!
    Just priceless!
    (…didn’t even think to check out the link, just went straight to whine, smear and swear… same o, same o.)
    Please tell us what industry you work in?
    I’m really curious.

  20. There was no visible link on the screen, that’s why it didn’t work. Is that so hard to fathom!! As for what I do for a living, I “survive.” Trust me!!
