47 Replies to “David Orchard Wins Liberal Nomination In Desnethe-Missinippi-Churchill River”

  1. Him and Garth ! should quit screwing around and form their own party ……. The Apple Turnovers .

  2. I wonder what Dion will do to keep him out of his caucus this time? I am going to go pop some corn and watch this show.

  3. Oh man, the CPC should not even run a candidate, they should make sure that this guy is the only Saskatchewan Liberal in Ottawa.
    Think about it. As the only MP from Alberta or Saskatchewan, he would have to be given a prominent critic position. That is course is a losing proposition, as he will say things egregiously stupid on a daily basis. If he is passed over for the critic spot, given his alleged “king maker” status, again, you get the mouth that roared, or, losing position #2.
    Dion’s only chance is if this guy either does not get the nomination, or to make damn sure he loses the election if he does win the nomination. After that, Orchard can move on to destroying the Green party from within. A winning situation for sanity all around.

  4. I read somewhere that having David Orchard in the party is like bringing a poltergiest into your house. David is passionate about his beliefs and will not be cowed. Though I don’t agree with some of his views I do applaud his willingness to step up and speak out.
    Interesting fellow. I wish him well.

  5. Well now there then, ain’t that something!
    The Liberal party is really becoming a dumping ground for misfits and lemons.
    Who knows, maybe after Dion looses the next election and promptly gets thrown under the bus himself, Orchard can come in and pick up the pieces.

  6. Iggy & Rae better cover their 6’s . . . he has ambitions beyond a back bench.
    Couldn’t happen to a skankier Party than the Liberals.

  7. Well if there are poltergiests out there, Dion deserves them. Great match. Dion is kinda spooky himself.

  8. “I read somewhere that having David Orchard in the party is like bringing a poltergiest into your house.”
    This is an interesting senario. Please adivise where this comes from.
    Some party?

  9. There’s the fourth nightmare for the Liberal Party, Dion, the Carbon tax, Turner and now to top it all off Orchard. No need to put the Chinese curse “may they live in interesting times” on them, they’re already there, it’s in progress.

  10. “renaming the Liberal Party S*** From Hell”
    You got it, sounder, the perfect name!

  11. Hedy Fries, Barf Turnip, Deyawn, and now the Orchard
    when will they bring back Taquila Shiela!!!!!!

  12. Someone please give David a microphone.
    regarding the poltergeist reference:
    In today’s online version of The Leader Post and the Orchard nomination, it refers in the 3rd last paragraph of the first page in the article, to smalldeadanimals as an “internet chat site”
    well there you have it. We often discuss the MSM in the third person, and they’re not liking it one bit.
    they’re bitter.
    of course I remember when a relative of mine worked at The Leader Post, there were about 25 people working on that Metroliner in the press room (where the paper is actually printed) at the start of this decade.
    Now I believe there are about 9. It’s enough for the papers they sell.

  13. Looks like Kinsella have to rename his punk band “shit out of luck”.
    And his pal Cherniak will have to continue being a scummy little weasel lawyer looking for work.
    No political appointments or jobs on the horizon for the time being eh boys. Long drought ahead for progressive thought.
    I think Dion could apply for the job of Garth in Wayne’s world. He is a ringer.
    Check it out HERE

  14. “I read somewhere that having David Orchard in the party is like bringing a poltergiest into your house”
    fractured…do you remember now where you read that?
    From the link:
    “The Internet chat site, https://www.smalldeadanimals.com, describes Orchard as “the political equivalent of inviting a poltergeist into your home.”
    See Kate…others think this a chat room.

  15. LIEberalism in full flower, nothing like changing your last will and testament sans witnesses and signing for the client yourself.
    I’m surprised the lawyer in question didn’t sign himself in as a beneficiary to the will. Then wait for the assisted suicide bill to go through and presto you can get rich this way!!!
    Welcome to Hades ladies and gentlemen.
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht,Commander in Chief
    Frankenstein Battalion
    2nd Squadron: Ulanen-(Lancers) Regiment Großherzog Friedrich von Baden(Rheinisches) Nr.7(Saarbrucken)
    Knecht Rupprecht Division
    Hans Corps
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  16. August 15, 2008 9:21 PM:
    …smalldeadanimals as an “internet chat site”
    LOLZ, MiCal, SDA FTW! MSM WTF?!!!!11!!

  17. The ‘related’ link is quite telling. What are the chances that the media will pick it up? This would be the lead story for weeks if it was a Conservative.For those who haven’t linked,liberal candidate Garret Oledzki aka Lionel Hutz ,is accused of forging a will of one of his clients.What a despicable act,even for a liberal.

  18. Wouldn’t surprise me to learn that SDA has a bigger “subscriber” base than the Leader Post. Has their online version come close to 9.5 mill hits yet? Hands up, SDAers outside of Saskabush, who has heard of the Leader Post? Anyone?

  19. Oh man, the CPC should not even run a candidate, they should make sure that this guy is the only Saskatchewan Liberal in Ottawa.
    Kevin, I’m telling Ralph on you,……. he’s a LIEBERAL too….Recall how he supported his constituents on the Gun Registry. He’s right behind them on the green shaft too!!!

  20. Orchard in the Liberals now? What’s he trying to do, take over the Most Ridiculous Man in Canada title from Paul Hellyer?
    Stephane Dion has another reason to watch his back now, as if Iggy Prof, Boob Rae and Kim Justin-Il weren’t enough.

  21. I have no idea why but every time I hear this political has been name David Orchard . It always has the whiff of the funeral parlor about it. Perhaps I see him as the embodiment of the consummate usher to the opinionated dead. The ghost in the machines interlocutor or a latter day Ed Wood .

  22. marc: re “internet chat site” — Really, I think this is likely just their way of trying to make things clear for readers. Many people are unfamiliar with Internet environments. My husband regularly refers to discussion newsgroups, blogs, and anything where people are exchanging ideas as “chat sites.” I don’t think it was intended to be condescending.

  23. re: Garret Oledzki: Contrary to Chapter VI of the Code of Professional Conduct, prepared or caused to be prepared documents wherein his clients were to leave or transfer to him or his family members substantial gifts.
    re Liberals: Contrary to all public trust vested in public officials yet consistent with the goals of Adscam, prepared or caused to be prepared policies wherein its elected members were to receive or have transfered to its members substantial ad revenue.
    re: CHRT: Contrary to the basic understanding of human rights, prepared or caused to be prepared Section 13 judgements wherein its favourite complainant was to receive substantial gifts and/or substantial apologies.

  24. OK which Liberal chanted ‘Orchard’ three times in quick succession? Don’t they know that Orchard carries with him the “kiss of death”. About the time he became involved with the Progressive Conservatives they died.
    Will history repeat itself with the Liberals? Maybe they are already dead and invoked Orchard to fight off the sandworm of political obscurity.

  25. What a coincidence, every page refering to this slime has been removed from his website at liberal.ca, his blog is gone as well. I wanted to ask how many of his liberal collegues were involved.

  26. I really liked your ‘whiff of death’ line Revnant Dream.
    When I was a kid my family had a fender bender on a steep street in Vancouver. I remember it well because some people invited my Mom, my Grandma and us kids up to their house while Dad, the other guy and the cops sorted out the blame/insurance thing – the guy was short and nondiscript like Orchard and to us kid’s horror – an undertaker! We couldn’t get out of that place fast enough!

  27. Hands up, SDAers outside of Saskabush, who has heard of the Leader Post? Anyone?

    I have. But it was through SDA.

  28. Orchard got the Liberal nomination, now the ball is in the court of the voters of that riding.
    Renaming the Liberal Party “Shit From Hell” would be appropriate but Kinsella might sue, that name belongs to him and might cause too much confusion.
    Or…they could amalgamate as the Party with it’s own in house band, Kinsella would have plenty to drum about.

  29. National Newswatch now has this up with link to .pdf linked above.
    “Shocker: Real reason Grit candidate Oledzki stepped down?
    The Law Society of Saskatchewan has reasonable grounds to believe that Garret Oledzki may be guilty of conduct unbecoming a lawyer in that he:”

  30. Nothing surprises me anymore, but I really have to wonder what his chances are in this riding. It is a largely Aboriginal riding – what are the chances of white ‘farmer’ who lives outside of Saskatoon and has changed political parties like he changes his underwear winning? He is really showing how desparate he is win some type of political office. And of course, the Liberals must be getting desparate for people to run as well.

  31. Maureen, as someone pointed out to me a few months ago, Orchard apparently is part native. And it seems most of the chiefs support him from what we saw of the brouhaha during the byelection. The farmers in the southern part of the riding tend to vote Conservative, the native reserves go Liberal.
    But Robert Clarke is also native. Should make for a very interesting race. It’ll be a squeaker, like the last election. There will be raffles!

  32. Do facts matter at all in this “chat room”?
    It’s one thing to dislike Orchard,his politics, etc.
    But the man has been a member of exactly one party before the Liberals, the PC party. That party was taken over by the reform/alliance, leaving Orchard and many others without a party.
    He has played fair and square,time and time again,and is a straight shooter.
    No wonder he gets vilified. Honesty and character are very threatening to some people.

  33. Do facts matter at all in this “chat room”?
    It’s one thing to dislike Orchard,his politics, etc.
    But the man has been a member of exactly one party before the Liberals, the PC party. That party was taken over by the reform/alliance, leaving Orchard and many others without a party.
    He has played fair and square,time and time again,and is a straight shooter.
    No wonder he gets vilified. Honesty and character are very threatening to some people.

  34. David Orchard has won by a large margin. The Liberal Party is party of diversity and is fortunate to have a candidate so well received in his riding.

  35. Well Robert from my recollection David Orchard joined the old now defunct PC party as a very “progressive” wanna be leader. Most people at the time thought that the NDP was right wing in David Orchard’s eyes.
    However your assertion that the Reformers took over the PCs is simply not true. The PCs died out all by themselves when the Progressives couldn’t get along with the Conservatives and vice versa. The Progressives went one way and the Conservatives went another. Those progressives that could not bring themselves to support the Liberals eventually joined the Conservatives and the present day Conservative party now exists as the governing party of Canada with the Right Honourable Steven Harper as Prime Minister.

  36. Jeannine from Vanc said: “…The Liberal Party is party of diversity and…”
    Puhl-leez… The Liberal Party is a party of opportunistic pandering, not diversity. “Diversity” has become the new sweetheart word for multiculturalism, now that its become apparent that m-c means dragging your neanderthalic cultural views into the 21th century and clubbing the “indigenous” people with them.
    “Diversity” is Leftonics for cultural, literal and intellectual superficiality, as in, “I want to go to diversity to get an education so I don’t have to grow up”.
    Note the lead syllable in diversity is also the lead syllable in the word “division”.

  37. Robert said: “… That party was taken over by the reform/alliance, leaving Orchard and many others without a party…”
    Orchard didn’t have a party when the alliance came in and bailed them out. After Mulroney pulled the trigger on the PCs, the PCs ceased to exist. A party exists only in its ability to put bodies in seats. A table of two doesn’t cut it, not from a party with the national brand the PCs had. What Orchard has never been able to get over was that there’d been a death in the family.
    No former PC that crosses the street to cozy up with the Liberals is worth the time of day. There is no honesty or character in that manoeuver.

  38. Kate, you are prophetic. The only other image I night have selected is the “wide eyed” Christopher Lloyd from either TAXI or BACK TO THE FUTURE I. There were several instances in both. BJ was a good choice though, particularly for those of us who have seen it. It does raise a question though, “Where do you come up with this shit?, You are always spot on!”. Your only flaw is dogs…….. Dogs have masters, CATS have staff……

  39. He has played fair and square,time and time again,and is a straight shooter.
    No wonder he gets vilified. Honesty and character are very threatening to some people
    you are obviously dumb enough to vote LIEBERAL, the simple fact that you give Orchard any credence whatsoever shows that you are brain dead. That qualifies you as a liberal supporter. Orchard is what I would wish on a party that welcomes Garth Turner. Two screwballs in addition to a Frog leader will be enough to sink the liberals whenever STEPHEN HARPER decides to call an elelction. STEPHEN will call it, because DION DOESN’T HAVE THE BALLS!!!!! Dion is slightly more ueless than balls on a cow. HeIS about as usefull as tits on a nun.

  40. Jeannine wrote”Orchard won by large margin”….
    Well with only 2000 party members voting, what would a “large majority” be, exactly?
