75 Replies to “Give Us The Child For 12 Years And They Will Be A Socialist Forever*”

  1. The sign simply says you are not going to believe the characters in Saskatoon’s public education system…. What’s with the racist image of the honky teenager about to beat up the elderly black man anyways?

  2. And today’s moral of the story is to be sure and leave your elderly widow destitute by (as Wilhelm Konrad von Roentgen did upon his death in 1923).
    So ends another episode of Fractured Fairytales. Remember to make a pledge and we will provide you with this lovely tote bag, or you may opt for this sturdy umbrella with the station logo.

  3. My mother, god bless her soul, was a Grade 1 teacher. She voted against the Teachers Union because she said “Kids would not come first.”
    How right she was!

  4. I read this point:
    “It no longer matters if students can’t do multiplication, so long as they have the correct attitude towards social justice and diversity”
    I really hate it when I see the Liberals and the NDP – the socialists in Canada – being seen as champions of the people – defenders of rights and upholders of the rule of law – when it’s just a load of crap.
    75 months and 10 days ago my life was hijacked by the left-wing opportunists the previously governed Saskatchewan – of course I’m still waiting for justice in this connection. [Where are you Mr. Wall and Mr. Cheveldayoff?]
    These socialist party’s are as disingenuous as can be. Not only are they NOT champions of our constitutional rights and justice – they’re responsible for something that a right-wing government would never do…please visit my protest website for further details…

  5. John at 2:48 PM
    john, a liberal/leftist, was always the one who voted liberal because he “cared” about the “poor”, and tried like h*ll to avoid paying taxes on the services I provided. Were did they/you think the monies are to come from?????

  6. Actually, what the poster doesn’t show is the little girl (sorry if I’m wrong: the child has pigtails) picking the pocket of the less than able bodied (it’s the cane) old geezer (or, sorry if I’m wrong, the follicly challenged, older female).
    Using my inferencing skills, I believe, as soon as we aren’t looking, the child’s likely to either walk away and leave the older, infirm person or knock him/her over.
    Welcome to the Brave New World of both entitled children and, considering the almost total lack of integrity amongst the leadership of the majority of school boards, gutless adults. (Psst . . . what the boards are really doing is teaching BAD character. But don’t tell them—because they’d be very upset and/or beat you around the block.)
    P.S. I’ve just looked at the poster again. What a dumb—as in asinine—poorly drafted graphic. The drones who produced this inanity couldn’t make their way out of a wet paper bag if one provided them with scissors. And these are the people responsible for the education of the next generation. It’s enough to make a grown person do something unexpected . . .

  7. P.S. I won’t even begin to analyse the posible racial aspects of the poster.
    One has to laugh!

  8. “Most think that everyone should have access to a free education up to grade 12, with a heavily subsidized university/college system.”
    What a bonehead. Here’s a good website for you to go to:
    “Eric Frazier* and his sister live with their mother and father, an office manager, in Bakersfield, Calif. His father’s earned income is around $41,000 per year. (Ten years ago, he would have earned around $35,000 in income.) His only asset is a bank account holding $1,000.”

  9. “Character Ed Programs have been tried before”
    In Brave New World, for example.

  10. I wonder what the ‘arts’ community would have to say about this – they always get up in arms when someone violates their copyright rights which is more or less the same principle as patents? I suspect most artists wouldn’t even blink, particularly those who get most of their income from taxpayers money.

  11. The most successful character program is following Jesus Christ as a member of the Church. Yes, yes, there are Judus types and bad priests who are failed Christians, but the cruciform path also shaped millions of people into solid people.
    I grew up in the Saskatoon public school. Lots of nice socialist types there, but not much solid character building.
    Only a fool would send their child to the public school to develop character.

  12. Perhaps the teachers should stop profiting from teaching. As per the billboard, the profit is not right.
    The teachers get paid from profit of others. They go on strike periodically to get more, how immoral, of course teachers would have nothing to do with morality, heave forbid.
    One wonders if the teachers and the school board know where the hell the money is coming from, or they would have everybody to believe that the gobmint is printing it just for them.
    Another point of the billboard is that the inventor did not profit from it. They of course omit that he did not get the thing patented, not that he did not profit from it.

  13. Canada’s so wonderful we should give that away for free as well to the World….. ahh wait I think we are?

  14. The economy is based on voluntary trade between individuals for mutual benefit – i.e., both “profit”. The business makes money (to maintain its activities or seek higher efficiency) while the consumer improves his well-being. Profits don’t mean the consumer is being ripped off, they mean wealth has been created.
    “Profits are the sign of an advancing economy”, i.e. a rising standard of living. I forget who made this quote but it was probably Milton Friedman or Henry Hazlitt or one of the other top 20th century economists.

  15. I read somewhere recently that it’s the conservatives that are having the children the liberals couldn’t be bothered with. However they get to indoctrinate them in the schools that they go to.

  16. I hope that you people that think that inventions should be public property will extend the same reasoning to paintings,poems,music and storys.I observe that poets,artist and musicions want NO limit on intellectual property but inventors that are true artists are supposed to be treated differently.

  17. NV53 said, “Profits don’t mean the consumer is being ripped off, they mean wealth has been created.”
    But the lefties don’t understand this. Left thinkers are hard-wired by thousands of years of tribal thought. To left thinkers, the economy is a zero sum game, which was true back when the tribe killed a wildebeest, there was only so much meat. If someone ate more meat, another had to eat less.
    But, the lefties fail to grasp the proverbial elephant in the room with their zero-sum theory: if the economy is truly a zero sum game, then since the dawn of mankind, the economy was the same size as it is now. Of course, that’s an absurd statement, but you’ll never hear a leftie acknowledge as much.

  18. Sorry to chime in so late, but the billboard probably was meant to refer to Thomas Edison and his fluoroscope, which he did not patent.

  19. “But don’t be so greedy that you trap millions in poverty so that you can be a little bit richer.”
    I don’t see why I must give up MY money that I earned from MY job after I invested and worked towards a university degree to make MY life better. If those who live in poverty cannot make wise decisions to improve their own lives, then why do they deserve any of MY money?
    I’m not being greedy. I just want to keep what I earned through my own hard work and determination.

  20. I find this absolutely repulsive.
    I missed my one, single credit because my economics teacher was a former left-wing lobbyist in Ottawa, couldn’t make it there, moved back to Sask., began teaching economics and I had the stones to question his stance on every single opinion that came out of his mouth.
    No one else in the class dared question his opinion on how the world works (oh, he had *been* there and *done* that so he knows all…typical Dipper attitude) so it was no surprise when I got my report card and saw that I was SOL.
    Coming from a family who have been involved in small businesses for (at least) three previous generations to me, I think I had more credibility to counter his left-wing arguments.
    I’m now a proud fourth generation small businessman with a two-year-old son who will be brought up to a) think for himself; b) believe in what he wants to believe but will be presented with both sides of the issue, not only the side given by his teachers.
    Incidentally, I laugh hysterically whenever I see my former economics teacher get his NDP ass handed to him when he runs as a candidate nowadays! Apparently not enough of his former students stuck around to vote for him.

  21. The only true ‘character educator’ in the schools was fired years ago…It was about 18 inches long, 2 inches widw, and made of stiff leather.

  22. Hey Sarge, I remember those days. How many times did a student have to go to the principal’s office. Not very many, if you went more than three times you were considered very stupid by everyone.
    Now look at it. They bring guns, knives, bats just to name a few items. The new and approved teaching method is working. Grade 12vers can barely comprehend the basic mechanical, mathematical and reading skills to perform a decent job in any industry. But they have social skills coming out their a**.
    I have trained people in the oil industry for years and had people who could not do the above on consistent basis and they were grade 12 graduates. But they had social skills, they could talk and chat!.

  23. Give ’em credit for thinking ahead, it will save money on “re-education” when Obama becomes President of Earth.

  24. Do people realized that these signs are made by a bunch of middle aged (probably single men who have no kids too boot) people who then refer to the board of education who then approves it? why are we attacking the teachers who are teaching our children what is spelled out in a text book? Have we thought that maybe this ad was put up to increase enrollment in schools that are failing? Have we thought that maybe this ad in particular was just what it was suppose to be, an interesting fact? I hardly think that this sign was suppose to be socialist or leftist or any of these things? Could it be JUST a billboard?
