I Try To Use My Power Only For Good

I have been blogging since May 2004 and in that time I have been linked to by a number of prominent bloggers. I have even been Insta-lanced by Instapundit when I hosted the Red Ensign Bloggers, I have been linked to by Time Magazine and the NY Times on their websites, but in all that time, I have never experienced anything like the last 24 hours after Kate McMillan linked to me on her blog Small Dead Animals.


14 Replies to “I Try To Use My Power Only For Good”

  1. If a link from Instapundit creates an “insta-lanche”,
    does a link from sda mean you’re “roadkilled”?

  2. Not that there’s anything wrong with a little cheesecake now and again. 🙂

  3. I first discovered SDA during the last Federal Election. With a lot of time on my hands due to recovering from surgery (nothing serious) I surfed the web and found a heck of a lot more info than from the MSM.
    I have read a lot of the comments, many I agree with, many I do not, but to those writers who are so well spoken in the written word have expressed what I feel and believe, I tip my hat to you. For you have expressed far better than I could.
    So to Kate and her helpers, thanks for opening my eyes and mind to exercise the brain and to the commenters who write so well, thanks for the inspiration to write better in the comments.
    Thanks to all.

  4. Yes, Kate is one in a million !!! How does she do it !? Why does she have such a huge, loyal folllowing ?
    IMO, because she:
    Is not pretentious.
    Keeps things in perspective.
    Does not have an agenda.
    Indulges in only pertinent topics.
    Allows her commenters lots of space(sometimes, more than we deserve)
    Is very patient & polite (almost to a fault, as in the Kristy Clark, Kinsella interview)
    Will merciously takeout someone when they deserve it(Paul Wells)
    Will strategically apply mischief when deserved (motorcycle serial number)
    Has tonnes of volume.
    Insures quality control.
    She learns from others – daily.
    Is tireless, even with little reward.
    What is there left to say ?

  5. if you belive she is good then
    send the big donation and chequ for her
    with ONLY one condition though:
    they agree to
    NEVER talk bad about Muslim any more
    in general as some thing happend all Muslim
    reponsible for taht act

  6. RON
    “””””What is there left to say ?””””””
    very pleasing to the eye:-))))))

  7. SDA has been a daily visit of mine for years…probably 4ish years. When we couldn’t get any news regarding the sponsorship scandal in the lamestream media, well I was hooked. Now I only buy the NP only because I don’t want to see them go under.

  8. I too found SDA during the last Federal election. I was on a business trip overseas when the election was called and had to vote in absentia. Trying to find any information from the MSM about the candidates and issues during the pre-election period was incredibly frustrating. SDA not only provided some insight, but through reading the comments I found my way to a number of other blogs. I’ve long since returned home, but I’ve always been greatful for the knowledge shared at that time.

  9. I too found SDA during the last Federal election. I was on a business trip overseas when the election was called and had to vote in absentia. Trying to find any information from the MSM about the candidates and issues during the pre-election period was incredibly frustrating. SDA not only provided some insight, but through reading the comments I found my way to a number of other blogs. I’ve long since returned home, but I’ve always been greatful for the knowledge shared at that time.
