Fire. Them. All.

Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada
August 10, 2008
Dear Mr. Lemire:
This letter is to report the results of our investigation of your Privacy Act complaint against the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC). You stated in a letter received in our office on July 8, 2008, that the CHRC failed to grant you access to personal information you sought to obtain under the Act.
Our investigation confirmed that the CHRC received your request for access to your personal information on April 18, 2008. … On May 15, 2008, the CHRC refused you access to the requested information …
… The investigation confirmed that the transcribed transcripts of this hearing was under the control of the CHRC at the time of your request and, as such, the CHRC was required to process it and provide you with your personal information where it exists, subject to exemptions.
Under the circumstances, I am of the view that your complaint that the CHRC denied you access to personal information is well-founded and the CHRC has been so informed….
Section 41 of the Privacy Act provides a right to apply to the Federal Court of Canada for review of the decision of a government institution to refuse to provide access to personal information. (goes on to describe the Federal Court Appeal process, etc)
Yours sincerely,
Joyce McLean
Acting Director General
Investigations and Inquiries Branch

BCF explains;

This is the same trial transcript the Canadian Human Rights Commission claimed didn’t exist but then “doctored” and shopped around to journalists in an attempt to cover their lies.

35 Replies to “Fire. Them. All.”

  1. And the MSM sleeps and does not speaketh of such corruption and unethical behavior.
    Fire them all.

  2. If SDA did nothing else but expose the corruption of the HRC’s in Canada, it would have done a better service to the people of this Country than all the MSM combined.
    The HRC’s are corrupt beyond repair, tweaking it with a few token firings won’t help. The entire organization should be closed down, and if it must be replaced, which is questionable, replace it with an organization that is held to the same standards as any Court of law.
    SDA, BCF, Ezra Levant, thank you for your service to this Country.

  3. Such a lovely brood of vipers.
    Talk about coiling their rattles and readying to spew their poison on the land.
    These useless clowns wouldn’t know a human right if it kicked them in the backside. These ideologues get incensed that anyone would have the temerity to think differently than they.
    Greater still, in their sheer arrogance they attempt to get those that disagree, to utter apologies that they don’t truly hold.
    This is thought police pure and simple. The KGB, Stasi and Gestapo would cheer in adulation.
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht,Commander in Chief
    Frankenstein Battalion
    2nd Squadron: Ulanen-(Lancers) Regiment Großherzog Friedrich von Baden(Rheinisches) Nr.7(Saarbrucken)
    Knecht Rupprecht Division
    Hans Corps
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  4. This is what happens when a bureaucracy takes over, considers itself supreme, defines itself as Rulers over the Peasants, and views itself as inviolate and unaccountable.
    After all – to whom are the HRC bureaucrats accountable? There is, in actual fact, no-one, other than other bureaucrats. And all bureaucrats are identical. They are an elite class; indeed, they are a race, genetically superior to the rest of the population.
    They can’t be fired; they can’t be kicked out of the group as they could be if they were working in the ‘real’ world of private business. They are inviolate. The group hires only its own ‘ethnic’ class who all think alike. They are all socialists, but socialists of the perspective that a ‘just society’ operates within a two-tiered level.
    There are the ‘people’ who are deemed ignorant and requiring rules and ever more rules over every aspect of daily life; the peasant population has no capacity (or right) to think and make their own choices. The peasant population requires constant vigilantic supervision, requiring ever more supervision. The peasant population, operating only via emotion, must be restrained, educated and re-educated and kept in check. By this elite class: the Bureaucrats.
    The Rulers, the bureaucrats, are deemed superior, inviolate, and – the peasansts can’t question them. And must only obey them.
    The HRC bureaucrats would find it outrageous that a peasant wanted information from them. The two realms must be kept separate and distinct.
    Where have we seen such an infrastructure before? It’s in Plato’s Totalitarian Republic. And in all communist and fascist regimes. And now, in Canada.

  5. I am in awe of the cool efficiency of Mr Lemires legal representative Barbara Kulaszka.
    Ezra has been effective, but Ms Kulaszka alone was carrying this fight against the institutional corruption of the human resource commission until recently. She wins at every turn, using their system and their rules, when she is finished, the HRC will lay in tatters.
    When that time comes, I believe she should be nominated for the Order of Canada (I know it is tainted by such as Morgentaler) it would show that Canadians respect this type of devotion to duty and safe-guarding real human rights. It might also send a message that this kind of Canadian is worthy of our high esteem.
    I do hope Rob Nicholson our Justice Minister is enjoying his summer while Ms Kulaszka does his job for him

  6. It took since May for this investigation?
    TAX CUT NOW, damnit! Even when they actually do their jobs they move like anemic slugs. Maybe some nice big budget reductions and job removals would jazz some life into the survivors.
    As for the CHRC, firing is insufficient. Jail for these creatures. You don’t get to do this kind of crap in a free democracy and then just skate off to the pogey office, severance in hand.

  7. I just checked . . nothing over at covering this story.
    They don’t seem to want to expose their Comrades, the fellow travelers, their kindred closet socialists.
    I am so surprised.

  8. A heavy handed bureaucracy stifling a citizen’s rights with lies; I can actually remember when that was the sort of story that journalists – excuse me, reporters – found important.

  9. Fred –
    “They don’t seem to want to expose their Comrades, the fellow travelers, their kindred closet socialists.”
    Canadian MSM are enablers of corruption, we have witnessed that for decades of Liberal governnance.
    Why would they investigate the corruption of Canada’s HRC’s?
    A Canadian ‘National Enquirer’ would serve us better.

  10. It appears HRCs (Hoodlums Repressing Canadians) can create great harm and expense if their victims do not have the will, wallets or wisdom to fight these brown shirts.
    On the other claw, if HRCs get caught brazenly breaking the rules (or the law as some of us see it) they can brush it off as a an administrative error and live to suck blood from Canadians who dare to speak their minds. Fire the offenders. Take away their pensions. Put them in jail cells where their big burly horny criminal colleagues will do to them what they tried to do to freedom of speech and the rule of law.

  11. Apparently they are accountable to no one, the Justice Minister goes on his happy way ignoring the corruption and unethical employees that answer to HIM. He answers to Harper, does anyone have a shread of doubt that Harper is comfortable with the actions of CHRC? They breach their own legislation and what happens, NOTHING. They screw Mr. Lamire six ways to Sunday and will do what ever is necessary to protect the most aggrieved Canadian.
    The employees should be fired and banned from working for the Fed/Prov government for a lifetime. Isn’t there one single decent sole who works for the CHRC willing to speak out and condmen them? MSM are cowards, this should be a headliner, instead they ignore it.
    When they come for MSM, I won’t raise a finger to defend their mewling cowardly rights. Hear that CBC rot in ever lasting taxpayer funded hell. You lazy marxist elites.

  12. HRC’s and the Charter of Rights used and abused by the Supremes is taking this country ever closer to a totalitarian state.
    It’s serious and needs to be dealt with by whatever extreme means necessary.
    Fire them all for sure and tear down their huts.

  13. Some very eloquent and passionate remarks here to day. I salute those that have the ability to articulate their feelings so well.
    Would that someone in authority read these missives.

  14. “… transcribed transcripts…was”, was they? Well, gosh, them’s my favorite kind.
    And, God, yes, Fire Them All.

  15. I’m willing to give Harper a bit of leeway while in a minority situation. When he gets that majority we anticipate and hope for,we’ll look for major actions on several fronts. CBC is the main media outlet we own as taxpayers and Harper will have to get rid of it with it’s parasitic infestation way out of control.

  16. If the MSM will not cover this than its up to us. Tell your friends , enemies ,anybody to get the word out about this evil system of persecution.
    It s a good bet the governments at all levels don’t want them put down. To useful for there own purposes. This whole slimy illiberal con game has to stop & those hurt by this compensated for there abuse. Those involved fired if not prosecuted
    For in my opinion that is the least term I would use. Torture is more like it, to purge the body politic of its perceived intolerance of individuals who show a lack of faith in the Authorities infallibility.
    I never thought to live to see it go to hell this fast. This pit of baseness is so deep, it may erupt in China. How any polity stands an organization of Roo’s like this is beyond me. They will in the end eat them as well. No doubt about it.
    By the way ET your spot on in your analysis except the working public sector like Water & Sanitation, Transportation . Parks, & others who do physical labour. Now there you find folks like me in the vast majority, only less moderate. We hate Unions with more passion than you can understand, being under there thumb with monies stolen at every venue they can think of, even if you don’t belong. Than using your money to support socialists or the NDP . Never a return call for help, just more fee‘s for nothing every pay raise. Just another scam by more pillagers.
    Management uses education as the demarcation point of your status in the Public service. You can imagine how that turns out. Rote sycophantic dummies whole act like tyrants ruling with superiority complexes. Its destroying the work force in my circles. People last less each year. They could have got away with it in the old days but with the population decline, its suicidal work wise, as a policy

  17. a petition with a few hundred thousand signature presented to the politicians of all stripes and at both fed and prov levels should help shine some lite on this and maybe even get some MSM coverage

  18. the tipping point could be the prosecution of a prominent leftie. That alone might burn them down. Thing is, there’s no sense in waiting for that or the harpacrats to wield a mighty sword like delivering paper cuts. i don’t believe the cons will do more than that even with a majority.

  19. On this, I give Harper and the Conservatives no leeway at all. This issue trumps all others.
    I am not a dog – I will not be muzzled. The freedom to express one’s thoughts and beliefs in good faith and truthfulness is foundational to freedom and civilization.
    I will in no way support the Conservatives if they fail this test, nor will the prospect of a return to Liberal rule dissuade me in condemning the Conservatives to all and sundry.

  20. Well Tenebris…I sincerely hope you enjoy life in Canada under a government led by Stephane Dion, in the ecvent that happens.
    For me, I am willing to accept that Harper’s government, being in a minority, has some constraints. I’m willing to overlook the lack of some actions on their part, because the sky really is blue in the world where I live. In short, I’m trying to be a realist…
    But perhaps that’s just me…

  21. In the past I have contributed to the Conservatives , but I have informed Harper & Co. that I will not be contributing financially UNTIL the HRC abuses are dealt with.
    Rob Nicholson … what can I say the guy is a total loss , and from his MIA handling of the HRC file , I wonder if the guy could even find his way to the washroom.

  22. Whatever the solution, it’s a *major* mess that can no longer be swept under the carpet…and it’s the consequence of moral cowardice.

  23. Legislators should commit to addressing this issue. It really is a non-partisan issue.
    A simple commitment from both the Federal Liberals and the Federal Conservatives to address this issue would suffice (we know already that the NDP and Bloc have no interest).
    Otherwise, it’s the Courts…and it was to the Courts and the subsequent quasi-judicial “Commissions” that the Legislature (all of them) fobbed off responsibility (especially on moral issues) in the first place.

  24. The key to successfully dismantling the HRCs is TIMING. Look at the fuss kicked up by a few well placed whiners regarding defunding Avi Lewis’ trips to warmer climes.
    As in everything you have to wait until it is widely held in the general public that the HRCs are a threat. Most people think the HRCs are a good thing and should Harper dismantle them now there is a very good chance that Dion will be in power a few months from now and re-institute them post haste.
    In the mean time let everyone keep the issue before the people by showing the evil thought police really are and in a few years the HRCs will be a bad memory associated with a very dark time in Canadian history.

  25. Its important to keep the perspective that the generation many of you raised don’t believe in either freedom or democracy. The only way to keep the pressure on, is to keep the pressure on – keep writing your MPs about it, keep telling your neighbours about it.
    The HRCs keep backing away from fights in order to get this out of the spotlight. Its a well conceived tactic given that the issue is barely in people’s peripheral vision. As with the public comments made about dropping the Maclean’s and Levant cases, out of sight, out of mind.
    Remind the CPC that if they plan on going to the polls this fall, that this will be an election issue, and that they’d better start some housecleaning now. They won’t go to the polls having just dismantled HRCs…

  26. Joe has it right. It’s down to timing when it comes to changing anything in politics. For Harper to sweep in and shut down or fire the Commissars, even if he could, the unfriendly microbes in the MSM would be all over it. The line would be Harper is against Human Rights, it would be headlines and rants in full bore.
    HRC’s have to go, they do not belong in, or are they needed a democracy where we have and obey the rule of law. In Canada we have the Trudeau Charter which is in itself a problem which feeds the likes of HRC’s. The Charter tells us we have all these basic freedoms and then we have jackboot doctrine in the form of HRC’s to take them away on some petty complaint from a sorehead who wants to cause trouble. Which was the case with Ezra, Steyn and others.
    All we can do is keep watching them and keep the issue going until enough people in the general
    public are aware of their agenda and the threat they are to our freedoms.
    People have to be told if they get hauled before these Commissars they will pay their own legal fees while the complainant’s fee is paid by us.
    Even if you “win”, you lose.

  27. SHoe 1 has dropped, they have withheld information contrary to acts of Parliament.
    Shoe 2 is they illegally hacked an internet connection, that investigation is still to comment.
    I have said it before, even before you get to whether or not you agree with the policy intent of the HRC you run into the the sheer sadministrative incompetence and corruptting culture of the place. You cannot reform it while that culture is there, and that wont change unless you get rid of the entire group. Organizational cultures have a way of perpetuating themsleves unless you really clean house.
    Fire Them All is a legitimate and appropriate response.
    Come on Mr Lynch, Cheif of the Privy COuncil, do you really need more evidence to shut the place down for fumigation?
    Oh I almost forgot, Shoe 3 is how did evidence of an apology get leaked, and if done by certain individuals who have security clearances how do they maintain those clearances?
    Dont think I have seen a house burn as slowly as this one.

  28. “…policy intent of the HRC you run into the the sheer sadministrative incompetence and corruptting culture of the place…”
    The issues and actions coming to light aren’t incompetence, they are collusion and malfeasance. They are breaches of office, and may in fact be criminal; the CCC deals with some of these things.
    When you see yourself, as a trbunal, as having the status and authority of the Supreme Court, as the BCHRC has proclaimed, without the appropriate checks, balance, or the vetting by experience expected of those appointed to, and governed by the rules of high court benches, then a milieu is created for the morally corrupt to flourish.
    That Barbara Hall et al don’t instinctively recognize, as a qualified and learned jurist would, of the grave inappropriateness of dismissing cases, with opinion expressed nonetheless, should be deeply troubling to all.
    Even the Supreme Court dismisses, or declines to hear, cases “without comment”.

  29. I notice that it took them roughly a month to respond, not the years that the CHRC and AHRC seem to need …

  30. yup….hold your horses there Tenebris ….and everybody else keep their shirts on for christ’s sake…..let PMSH get the majority he needs and then the bloodletting can begin….the pink slips will be showering the country like tickertape……the creaking of ungreased tumbrels will sound a delightful contrapuntal melodic urgency to the wailing and keening and the splashes of defenestrated LLL hacks landing in the Rideau.

  31. That’s the problem with Canada these days – too damn polite. Having a few HRC commisars tarred & feathered & rode outta town on a rail would cut down on this sort of crap.
