37 Replies to “Michael Coren”

  1. Kathy here.
    Well: It’s Rashomon all over again.
    It is almost as if liberal’s eyes and brains don’t work properly, isn’t it?
    Jason’s recollection of the show varies significantly from mine (and from Michael’s, as a matter of fact…)
    Too bad there isn’t a video up on YouTube.com (Actually, maybe it’s just as well: I look like Hillary Clinton after a stroke, whose had some “Hand of Orlac” operation and ended up with Porky Pig’s girlfriend’s hoofs.)
    At no time on the air did I mention “a fight we had had” (actually, Nick and I joked about OUR disagreements on the show.)
    If I “talked about myself” it was because Coren asked me about my site stats and so on.
    Jason snickers that Coren kept “slapping me down”, but Coren was just telling me we had to go to break. He did the same thing to Jason (when he wasn’t saying in exasperation, “Come ON Jason, surely you’re smarter than that!”)
    Jason, being plodding careerist party hack, earnestly and clumsily tried to get a discussion going about Liberal policies that was so boring we ignored it.
    And I was glad he “baited” me on the hoax known as global warming. I got to use my “global warming is the Loch Ness Monster of weather” line, which was wittier than anything Cherniak managed to squeeze out.
    What was really sad, and evident to everyone who wrote me later, was Jason’s (surprise!) relative ignorance about certain issues, as well as his lawyer-ish reluctance to actually SAY anything.
    Jason: I know you’re a (ugh) lawyer, but it’s called a “talk show”. A guest who, like Jason, keeps saying, “Well, I don’t know the specifics so I don’t want to comment…”, is so literal minded he didn’t understand my metaphor about holocaust denial, and then comes out with some dumb cliche about (I kid you not) “you can’t yell fire in a crowded theatre”, casts double doubt on his competence: why doesn’t he know XYZ, and what is he doing on national TV if he doesn’t want to talk about it?
    Later, Jason questioned my site stats so I helpfully posted a screen shot showing my “supposed” 3000 uniques a day.
    And it turns out he had a list of all my most ‘hateful’ comments in his jacket pocket while we were taping, but he didn’t have the guts to pull it out and read from it. Probably because I’m delighted to defend/explain everything I’ve ever written, and my explanations might just prove the most Canadians (who aren’t elite Liberal hacks) actually agree with me. (That’s a fair assumption considering my site stats, and Kate’s, are at least 10x higher than his.)
    Anyway, as for Jason’s scary list?
    I came armed with the insider knowledge that Jason’s college nickname was ‘Truffles’.
    They used to call that Mutually Assured Distruction, I think…
    Anyway: I _will_ take this opportunity to talk about myself if I may:
    Coren called me last night and offered me a full hour on the show to discuss my upcoming book on the Human Rights Commissions.
    More at my blog later, obviously.
    I really feel sorry for Jason. He’s clearly lead a very insular life: good little boy at home then college then good little job. Never doing or saying anything that violates Trudeaupian goodthink. If he’s ever gotten plastered or done anything really daring, it didn’t take.
    PS: In the green room, I asked Packwood to sign my handgun license application and he eagerly agreed. Packwood said Jason blanched a new shade of white at the whole thing!!

  2. Truffles….there has to be a story behind that one that is better than the nickname itself.
    I see he is back on to trying to slime Peter Kent again. Jason tries and tries to be Warren but can never quite get it right, Frodo can never be Gandalf or, said in Bored of The Rings parlance, Dildo can never be Goodgolf
    I wonder how long before Susan Kadis, a decent person, cuts Jason loose as a problem. Assuming she even knows his name.

  3. Kathy, next time try to educate people on the subject of web “hits”. More relevant is page views, because “hits” equals one page view plus everything else downloaded from that page. i.e., one page view can equal 100 “hits” if the webpage has 99 images on it.
    Also annoying is auto page refresh, where a webpage can claim far higher statistics simply because someone visits the site once in the AM, leaves the tab open all day and closes the browser later on.
    [META HTTP-EQUIV=”Refresh” CONTENT=”240″] (an example is Bourque) means that a webpage is reloaded 4 times per minute whether you’re paying attention to it or not. This can artificially inflate the site stats and is not a good indicator of actual user participation/attention (actually, I find it to be kind of sleazy).

  4. Quote: PS: In the green room, I asked Packwood to sign my handgun license application and he eagerly agreed. Packwood said Jason blanched a new shade of white at the whole thing!!
    That quote is why your site is so popular. It’s refreshing, funny and honest. You are real, you ooze common sense and you refuse to be subserviant to males who think they are smarter than you. In short a conservative female who doesn’t apologize for being conservative and that’s why the leftards who live sheltered lives hate you because you are real and they are allusions of pure PCness (horse shite).

  5. Suuuuuuuuuure Coren’s a tough guy. And the fact that he is an immigrant, an ethnic, has a TV show, a newspaper column, several published books, and is a member of both the CanLit crowd and the MSM has nothing to do with the fact he hasn’t been persecuted.
    The weak non-MSM non-CanLit non-ethnic non-immigrant white males who have been too timid to stand up to the HRCs over the past 3 decades that they have been exclusively attacking non-MSM non-CanLit non-ethnic non-immigrant white males were asking for it; didn’t you see what they were wearing?

  6. Thanks Piper Paul. You are correct. And rest assured I do not do Bourque-ish things to bump my stats. Wouldn’t know how.
    Legacy Moralist, I’m not sure what you mean by calling Coren “ethnic” unless that appellation now includes “Tottingham supporters” (after all, their chant is “Yid! Yid! Yid!”
    Like me, Coren is a Christian (well, I’m sorta one) who has a Jewish sounding surname (my NY rabbi client says mine is similar to the Yiddish word for the wigs worn by Orthodox women). My idea is that he, Mark Steyn and I start wearing little yellow question marks on our lapels. Funny, they haven’t signed on for that yet.
    By the way, I see over at Jason’s he is calling me a threat to the very fabric of our Dominion because I don’t support Holocaust denial laws. (And I don’t. As some of the show’s panelists were discussing off air — to Jason’s utter shock and disgust, you should have seen him — I/we are in favour of simply beating up Holocaust deniers with baseball bats…)
    Anyway: Jason writes on his blog that I am the proof and the reason that “they” have to get Holocaust denial laws passed as soon as possible.
    I’m flattered to be so powerfully influential!
    PS: Over the last 36 hours since Jason linked to me, I’ve received a grand total of 55 visits from his site.
    Kate’s link to me this morning in this post has sent around 600 readers over.
    Thanks all!
    Esp. Rose: that was a lovely comment. I’m copying to my “When I’m Having a Bad Day” file…

  7. Love how Shailde and MacMillan routinely wave around their ‘site stats’.
    As if that proves anything except that asexual right-wing racists ineffectuallly shaking their fists at a world that’s passing them by have nothing better to do that drift around the internet all day looking for fellow-minded armchair ‘warriors’.

  8. who is “Shailde” ?
    does she sport “heat” from time to time?
    cause that kinda makes me *hot* ya know…

  9. (not really) real said: “As if that proves anything except that asexual right-wing racists ineffectuallly shaking their fists at a world that’s passing them by have nothing better to do that drift around the internet all day looking for fellow-minded armchair ‘warriors’.
    Boy, are you looking at a doozy of a wake-up call one day, if you survive it.

  10. Well, real, you sure told them (and me). Actually, I’ve reconsidered my previously-held positions as a result of your post and now want government, hangers-on, activists and theory-only social engineers to run my life and tell me what to do, think and say all the time.
    Life’s easier that way, and I won’t have to bother with rubbing my remaining 2 brain cells together to make electricity!

  11. 600 for Kate
    55 for Jacon
    That is about the same score my daily aquaintances show on most topics – especially Political Correct topics. After, that is, a 5 minute conversation purges(easily) them of the The National propaganda from the night before.
    Week later – start over.
    But, like a natural progression, it’s getting easier and easier — because they are usually smarter than I and can see the light once the MSM blinkers are off.

  12. Love it how site stats are now some kind of hate crime. LOL! Leftards love to bash success ’cause it’s not narcissism for themselves.

  13. Kathy, you can’t beat up Holocaust deniers with baseball bats. I’m sorry, but its true.
    See, the average Holocaust denier’s friggin’ skull is like over an inch think, the wood splits after only a couple of good whacks. Crowbars are what you need to use. Possibly a nice length of iron pipe.
    People like Jason and Legacy Moralist (Warren? Lucy? QE?) just don’t get that there are times when “the system” is flatly and horribly wrong, and that this is one of those times. They think a little oil on the gears and fiddling with the dials will fix everything.
    I say scrap it, jail the POS wastes of human skin who run it, and buy a big, fracking, crowbar.

  14. “hey real, just what have you done to make the world a better place?”
    dj – surely you jest? Real doesn’t pass judgment on anybody or anything at least that’s what they think, thus making the world a “better” place for everyone (that thinks they are owed something).

  15. If there was any need for proof that Kathy Shaidle is insane…”You know, I’ve promised myself I’d start smoking again if I ever got cancer. What I wouldn’t give for a nice little Stage Two tumour right about now… ”
    Five Feet of F_cked in the Head

  16. Kathy most people file me in their “Annoying little poodle file”.
    LOL I can smell the jealousy, sniff it smells like my composter. LOL Kathy your detracters are sure cry babies, the best they can come up with is your blog stats. The leftards have a habit of ending their temper tantrums with you are “Fat” these days. Wait for it, I can hear one approaching.
    Why should holocaust deniers be jailed? I’m a firm believer in allowing other people to express their opinions, no matter how odious. If they are NOT calling for violence why can’t we debate them in civil (snicker) society? We know the holocaust happened, I suspect the numbers are worst than the current figures. If we refuse to debate history, won’t we repeat the same mistakes as our for-fathers?
    Let us not forget the Political/Radical Islamist hate Jews, as I type this a Muslim is teaching their child to hate the Jews and us infidels. In order to prevent the next holocaust we must allow people to desect and debate the first one, even in the negative.

  17. Just checked Cherniak’s place…looks like there’s another libel suit headed your ways.

  18. Umm real, you forgot the most important lefty talking point!
    “It is all George Bush’s fault”

  19. Did he really have a list in his pocket? Really?
    And if he did, what are the chances that he’d be completely oblivious to the irony of a liberal pulling the “I have here in my hand a list of…” stunt? I mean, really, talk about handing Kathy the straight line of the century.

  20. Iberia and Real:
    What do you want?
    What is your point?
    Why do you show up?
    Why not just admit that Dion is the worst buffoon ever given the job of leader of anything,and that maybe, just maybe, Obama is all-hat-and-no-cattle, and maybe the healing can begin?

  21. My favourite quote:
    “There are no rules in blogging and if there were I would break them anyway.”
    Always there is the spirit of fun. I just love the vast quantity and quality of sense of humour around here.

  22. To baby Jason:
    “You’re free to poke the dog with a stick. You’re free to cry “Unfair!” when the dog takes your arm off at the shoulder. You’re not free to have your protest taken seriously by anyone.”

  23. Actually, Coren’s ratings are higher than a number of mainstream news programs, but of course nobody knows that — because they get their information about the world from… mainstream news programs.

  24. And what are those Michael Coren ratings my dear? Considering that he had blogging Liberal Cherniak on the program, it says alot about how many folks watch the esteemed Mr. Coren.

  25. As if that proves anything except that asexual right-wing racists ineffectuallly shaking their fists at a world that’s passing them by have nothing better to do that drift around the internet all day looking for fellow-minded armchair ‘warriors’.
    First the left supports affirmative action, which is far more racist than anything Kate and Kathy do.
    Second if by causing MSM share values to fall and being informed of the un CBC side of the issues is the world passing us by what does it say about
    “Real” that they are here watching us watching the world? Talk about being passed by,…
    Real go hang with the Jason dude and whine that if manitoba gets as warm as minnesota we’ll all die because no one can live in places as tropical as Minneapolis so we need to send the kyoto tax to China!
