Reader Tips

Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to SDA Late Nite Radio. Tonight, for your delectation and pursuant to our Friday night old-time radio crime-detective show, here is The Case of the Persistent Beggars episode of Nick Carter, Master Detective (1947, 24:54), brought to you by Old Dutch Cleanser. (If you like this sort of stuff, this one is a classic welfare protection racket case, fronted by supposedly legitimate citizens. Sound familiar?)

Your Reader Tips are, as always, welcome in the comments.

30 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. For those not aware, we in BC are now paying a carbon tax at the pump.
    This unpopular tax was conceived for Premier Gordo to take full advantage of the green movement and it’s MMGW marketing program.Of course it was sold to us as a critical step in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
    Today I learned that Gordo flew to Beijing(and back)in a private freakin’ jet.
    I somehow doubt our local media will manage to find this hypocritical elephant even though it envelops the entire room with it’s stench.

  2. Canada finally gets its first medal!
    Carol Huyn in Ladies Rasslin’ !
    Guaranteed silver, going for gold.

  3. Canadian Observer: I’m no fan of Gordon Campbell and the only things I hate worse than the carbon tax are New Democrats but don’t you think it would have been fair to mention that the jet was owned by Jack Poole of the 2010 Olympic Committee who invited Campbell a free ride to Beijing? Perhaps you could have also mentioned that Campbell ran the trip offer from Poole past the Provincial Ethics Commissioner who gave it the green light.

  4. “Avi Lewis, a well-known broadcast journalist, is the son of Stephen Lewis, a diplomat and former leader of the Ontario NDP, and is married to writer Naomi Klein. His political leanings should be of no consequence to a government interested in promoting the full gamut of Canada’s thinking abroad.”
    Does the moonbat realize the government should not represent it’s thinking abroad by accepting associations with terrorist sympathizers? Like Al-Gee-Whiz, is that it?

  5. RE B.C. Carbon Tax. I had breakfast today with friends from B.C. They mentioned that the impact of the carbon tax is significant (like $1.50 or so on an ordinary tank of gas.) They are in Vancouver, so have the option not to drive. What disturbs me is that the burden for this tax falls overwhelmingly on rural people — many of whom live in rural areas because they can’t afford big city costs for housing. Their livlihoods are often marginal and in jeopardy. Why is this not talked about? The tax on a truck (which my son in law uses for his business/work) would be way more than $1.50 a tank.) As a logger he drives long distances to even get to work — so is he supposed to carry his equipment in a Smart car? Even getting groceries for people in rural areas entails driving 20+ miles. I think the BC carbon tax is unconscionable and Dion’s Greenshift is similarly bereft of consideration for people in the West on marginal incomes. Shame on Liberals! Even the NDP recognizes the problems with these simple-minded taxes on emissions. In short, they hurt the working poor.

  6. Aye, Sounder, thus my Sound Familiar? question above. The Socialist Mafia is just another classic welfare protection racket comprised of supposedly legitimate citizens who are actually fronting a bunch of persistent apparatchiki beggars who are fleecing the taxpayers all while the supposedly legitimate citizens who are actually running the show are each skimming off their take, to the point that actually legitimate benefactors of any social program get effectively bupkis.
    Look, the whole centrist grant system just doesn’t work. Never has, never will (well, outside the state’s legitimate night-watchman role, of course). The state should not be taking money from its citizens to support any exercise that the citizens could fully well support themselves (or at least that they could if the state didn’t take away the money they would support it with in the first place).
    There should be no more state subsidies for anything is isn’t legitimately government. If the citizens don’t want to support something with their own investment or sponsorship, why should the state support it? Who, exactly, do these State Mafiosi think they are?
    Of course, that’s not going to happen; pardon my rant 😉

  7. BC’er,
    Who owns the jet is irrelevant.
    If it is SO f*cking important to reduce one’s carbon footprint,as he claims, to fly on anything other than a commercial jet was completely irresponsible.
    As a matter of fact, if global warming is as dire as Gordo himself says(firestorms in our forests),then he should have stayed home.
    But then I’ve yet to see a Gore, Suzuki, Travolta, Campbell, Dion practice what they preach.

  8. In the name of “saving the world”, this tax was enacted by a bunch of beaurocrats. What did you expect? Nevermind that the world does not need saving outside of the fantasy land that the enviropoliticos inhabit (because it means more money for them).
    Who was the megaphone holder? Well, the MSM of course, a field that has gotten so diluted over the years that it is largely no longer relevant, an echo chamber.
    Look, once CNN was established and made a profit everyone else jumped into the game. 24 hour/day live TV news is a vacuum into which all sorts of unworthy crap, propaganda, press releases disguised as news and PR pieces get way too much attention.
    And it became “izzy money” as the advertisers jumped on the bandwagon, thinking that news should be entertainment.
    Thankfully, people like Kate are proving that thinking people can only put up with so much bullshit and fight back.

  9. DID YOU WATCH CBC NATIONAL Tonight?? In Ottawa, a sensitive Environment Canada document was found on Ottawa streets, soaked with rain. A passerby found it, was confused, so he or she dropped it off at CBC!! So like a good samaritan, I went over to CBC.CA and wrote my “Comments.” Guess what?? They didn’t print them!! At least not as of yet.
    Here is what I think happened, and what I wrote that wasn’t published. A Liberal civil servant very conveniently drops the “brown enveloppe” off on the street. The passerby, another Liberal, drops it off at CBC. Blah Blah Blah, more bad news for the Harper government. Mr and Mrs Citizen form a relationship with this story, and with the Julie Couillard incidence, and voila, instant votes for the Liberals. Check the story out at CBC.Ca.

  10. Kate, the following is for you personally. I susupect, however, that you may already be aware of this.
    Extent of inbreeding in pedigree dogs revealed in new study
    The extent of inbreeding in purebred dogs and how this reduces their genetic variation is revealed in a new study by Imperial College London researchers. Inbreeding puts dogs at risk of birth defects and genetically inherited health problems.

  11. The bottom is nigh.
    “US industrial output cools but bottom may be in sight
    WASHINGTON (AFP) – US industrial production rose a tepid 0.2 percent in July, the Federal Reserve said Friday, but the increase beat market expectations as the embattled sector exhibits signs of recovery.
    Industrial production capacity edged up to 79.9 percent, slightly better than analyst expectations of 79.8 percent. The Fed noted the July level was 1.1 percentage points below its average for 1972-2007.
    Manufacturing production, excluding mines and utilities, accelerated to a 0.4 percent rise in July, boosted by a 3.6 percent rise in the production of motor vehicles and parts. In June it had climbed 0.1 percent.
    Production in the mining sector advanced 0.9 percent in July, the same pace as the previous month. The energy sector’s output fell 1.9 percent after a gain of 2.3 percent in June.”

  12. Environment paper just HAPPENED to be found in street, soaked with rain and an ordinary Joe picked it up and thought the media, CBC in particular was the place to take it?
    More evidence of Liberals playing juvenile games as their desperation grows more malignant as they see where they’re headed.
    This is just too, too obvious. If they think we all fell off turnip wagons, they’re the turnip heads and they’ll find out in due course.

  13. Mrs. Murphy’s son, Rex, agrees: Mao Stlong’s Red Orympics is a rotting codfish.
    Even more: Mao’s Red Orympics was rotten before it ripened*.
    Rex Murphy: “Much honour must go to music director Chen Qigang, who told a Beijing radio station of the switch. Yang Peiyi, he added, “is a magnificent singer. She doesn’t deserve to be hidden.” The music director deserves a medal. He deserves several medals. It takes a very special courage to ruffle the triumphalism of China’s presentation of the Olympics, and attract the glare and enmity of the Politburo choreographers.”
    “Baby fat, bad teeth, Beijing fable
    The last-minute banishment of Yang Peiyi from the screens of global TV is the story that will most mark the Beijing Games
    The voice is Jacob’s voice, but the hands are the hands of Esau.
    –Genesis 27:22
    This line will be familiar to some as from the great biblical story of how Jacob (the “deceiver”) robbed Esau of his father’s blessing. It is a most artfully told fable of disguise, theft, discovery and dishonour.
    How Jacob “gamed” his father and impersonated his brother came very forcibly to mind this week. Biblical stories, like Shakespearean quotations, seem to find their way into the most unpredictable settings. It was when the story of the young Chinese singer at the opening of the Beijing Olympics entered the news. I’m sure most readers – most of the world, for that matter – know of the cruel trick that was practised on a seven-year-old girl, Yang Peiyi, who sang so exultantly the patriotic Ode to the Motherland during the Games’ opening spectacular.
    It turned out that the fair and pretty face the world saw performing the Ode did not belong to the actual singer of it. This girl, a nine-year-old, was lip-synching. The seven-year-old had won the right to the honour of singing at the ceremonies; her voice had most impressed the many stern judges who made the selection. But a member of the Politburo felt her face was not quite the face that China should present to the world.
    And so, with a ruthlessness that belongs on the darker pages of Dickens, he picked a “prettier” girl to go on camera, effectively stealing the voice of the real singer and giving it for a day, that day of all days, to someone else. (Needless to say, the Chinese Politburo is a gallery of stunners, every one a Brad Pitt.)” (g-m)
    (*H/T WS)

  14. “Shocker: Real reason Grit candidate Oledzki stepped down?
    The Law Society of Saskatchewan has reasonable grounds to believe that Garret Oledzki may be guilty of conduct unbecoming a lawyer in that he:”
    (national newswatch link- no credit for source)

  15. Environment paper just HAPPENED to be found in street, soaked with rain and an ordinary Joe picked it up and thought the media, CBC in particular was the place to take it?
    More evidence of Liberals playing juvenile games as their desperation grows more malignant as they see where they’re headed.
    This is just too, too obvious. If they think we all fell off turnip wagons, they’re the turnip heads and they’ll find out in due course.
    CBCpravda should be treated as though they were receiving stolen goods rather than thinking they are some uber lost and found.

  16. To do this switch “the kids singing” for the world to view “the china republic” is a low standard, to say the least.
    If you are putting yourself on world stage for people to see and hear, try not to screw up on the national anthem.
    But what the “****”, it is being taught in schools in Canada. “it’s called liberalism”.

  17. I suspect that we are going to see more of the Liberal strategy of ‘drop and smear’ the Conservatives this fall, as the Liberals both try to stave off an election and discredit the Conservatives.
    The latter, discrediting the Conservatives, has been a basic tactic of the Liberals. This is unethical politics but ethics is not a strong point with Adscam Liberals.
    So, Liberal civil servants will be ‘dropping documents on the sidewalk, and another Liberal civil servant will, astonishingly, come across this ‘drop’, pick it up and rather than returning it to its office, go right over to the waiting CBC Liberal propaganda machine.
    This fits into the Liberal two-year long strategy of attempting to smear Harper – by the ‘Cadman’ affair, by the Mulroney-Schreiber affair – all of them trumped up tactics, all failed, but all with only one agenda. Not the truth. But to discredit Harper.
    And their other strategy, which is to disrupt parliamentary committees by turning them into partisan witch-hunts.
    And there are their friends in other areas, such as Elections Canada.
    Policies? Work on behalf of Canadians? That’s not the Liberal agenda. Their only agenda is power, and getting back into power so that they can continue with their elite lifestyle of privilege.
    So, we’ll see more ‘drops-and-run-to CBC’ until the tactic becomes a bit too obvious. We’ll see more attempts to enrage ‘the multiculturals, those isolate blocs of immigrants set up by the Liberals as a basic support. We’ll see more attempts to denigrate Harper – hmmm- who will they try to link him with next? They’ve done the ‘Bush’, the ‘Mulroney’..who’s next? Hitler, Stalin?

  18. Canadian Observer:
    I agree with you. I hate the carbon tax which is BS (and, I believe, caused the retirement of Carol Taylor) and a betrayal of the conservative philosophy to which Campbell claimed to adhere. Now the dolt is talking about another tax to support Olympic athletes. He’s just another tax and spender.
    My whine was in relation to the manner in which you tried to tie the can to Campbell. What you wrote sounded like something straight from the CBC or Toronto Star. You gave only the sketchiest of details in an effort to make Campbell look bad …… and even though he may have deserved it, it’s flat out not fair.

  19. My whine is what choice do we have in B.C.,Campbell or Taylor?That’s like voting for Fry or Sven.

  20. BC’er,
    I see your point. I was intent on ranting more than informing.
    Plus, I personally didn’t have any problem with the political ethics apart from the staggering hypocritical act of flying in a carbon-wreaking small jet aircraft across the Pacific Ocean while he’s putting pressure on me to drive my economical car less in the daily conduct of my business.
    He has turned into a typical dishonest, self-interested, asshole politician.
    Sorry if I can’t supply a link quoting that assertion.

  21. The new tory flyer hitting mailboxes (we don’t want junkies near our playgrounds) is hitting a few nerves, libby & Dusajj don’t like them in Vancouver.
    National Newswatch

  22. Didn’t a liberal find sensitive DND documents last year and turned them over to CBC? I forget the details,but it was very similar….No mention yet on either ctv or cbc news about the liberal candidate doing his Lionel Hutz caper.

  23. National Newswatch has changed its headline from: “Shocker: Real reason Grit candidate Oledzki stepped down?” (at August 16, 2008 9:39 AM) to:
    “Shocker: It wasn’t ‘The Green Shift'”.
    Why the change in the message?
    Who/what owns/operates National Newswatch? Could it be the MSM? The Liberal Party? Cherniak-Barney et al?
    “Shocker: It wasn’t ‘The Green Shift’
    The Law Society of Saskatchewan has reasonable grounds to believe that Garret Oledzki may be guilty of conduct unbecoming a lawyer in that he: MORE…”

  24. Amazing discovery by sociologists!
    MSM is taken aback by this relevation.
    Next time tell us something we don’t know, already.
    “Students scoring high on measures of courage, honesty less likely to cheat: study
    By Lauren La Rose, THE CANADIAN PRESS”

  25. “China’s iron Olympic grip starts to slip
    Internet critics, made bold by their uncensored criticism of the Games’ opening ceremony, are seeking new targets
    Michael Sheridan, Beijing
    THE mystery of the half-filled stands at many events at the 2008 Olympic Games has been solved, according to Chinese internet users, who say it is the result of a policy to prevent the gathering of large and possibly uncontrollable crowds.
    They claim ticket sales to the public were secretly restricted. Blocks of tickets went to government departments, Communist party officials or state-owned companies, which have quietly obeyed orders not to hand them out. “People are so angry because they slept all night outside ticket booths and got nothing and now they see this,” said one blogger, Jian Yu.
    Official explanations eroded swiftly because internet insurgents have rapidly identified cracks in the perfect facade constructed for the Olympics.
    In the nine days since Chinese leaders presided over a grandiose – and, it turns out, partly faked – opening ceremony, one fact after another has eluded the censors and fuelled public indignation at the costs and the charade. Protected, they hope, by online anonymity, some of China’s 1.3 billion people are daring to wonder where it will all end.
    At some football matches in the northern city of Shenyang, only a third of the seats were taken. Even some gymnastics finals, usually one of the biggest attractions on the programme, were not sold out.”
    – The opening firework sequence was a digital fake.
    – A little girl mimed the voice of the real singer, who was not pretty enough.
    – Anyone who applied to demonstrate was detained.
    – “Ethnic minority” children at the opening were all from China’s dominant Han race.
    – Christian dissidents were arrested when they tried to join a service with President Bush.
    – Despite promises of free internet access, politically subversive sites remain blocked.
    – Tickets were said to be sold out; in fact the authorities restricted sales.” (timesUK)

  26. Arctic Ice Extent Discrepancy: NSIDC versus Cryosphere Today
    15 08 2008
    Foreword: I had originally planned to post a story on this, but Steven Goddard of the UK Register sends word that he has already done a comparison. It mirrors much of what I would have written. There is a clear discrepancy between the two data sources. What is unclear is the cause. Is it differing measurement and tabulation methods? Or, is it some post measurement adjustment being applied. With a 30 percent difference, it would seem that the public would have difficulty determining which dataset is the truly representative one. – Anthony
    “Arctic ice refuses to melt as ordered
    By Steven Goddard UK Register
    Published Friday 15th August 2008 10:02 GMT –
    Just a few weeks ago, predictions of Arctic ice collapse were buzzing all over the internet. Some scientists were predicting that the “North Pole may be ice-free for first time this summer”. Others predicted that the entire “polar ice cap would disappear this summer”.
    The Arctic melt season is nearly done for this year. The sun is now very low above the horizon and will set for the winter at the North Pole in five weeks. And none of these dire predictions have come to pass. Yet there is, however, something odd going on with the ice data.
    The National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) in Boulder, Colorado released an alarming graph on August 11, showing that Arctic ice was rapidly disappearing, back towards last year’s record minimum. Their data shows Arctic sea ice extent only 10 per cent greater than this date in 2007, and the second lowest on record. Here’s a smaller version of the graph: […]”
    “The problem is that this graph does not appear to be correct. Other data sources show Arctic ice having made a nice recovery this summer. NASA Marshall Space Flight Center data shows 2008 ice nearly identical to 2002, 2005 and 2006. Maps of Arctic ice extent are readily available from several sources, including the University of Illinois, which keeps a daily archive for the last 30 years. A comparison of these maps (derived from NSIDC data) below shows that Arctic ice extent was 30 per cent greater on August 11, 2008 than it was on the August 12, 2007. (2008 is a leap year, so the dates are offset by one.)” (wattsup)
    “‘Unprecedented’ melt sinks hope for Arctic ice recovery
    Rapid disintegration of ocean ice cover on track to set record
    Randy Boswell, The Ottawa Citizen”
